official god

Chapter 1229 Gathering in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, the drama debuts

In fact, from the beginning, Xia Xiang did not think that Cui Xiang would come to Qin and Tang with only a few photos. Even if the photos in Cui Xiang's hand were more real and revealing, he would not come forward in person.

It is impossible for the deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to surrender his identity and investigate the pornographic photos of a deputy provincial cadre.

He also faintly heard the news and may have to investigate his economic problems. To be fair, his economic problems are really as innocent as paper, and there is nothing to investigate. Even the relationship with several real estate companies is also a gentleman's friendship. Even the Jiangshan real estate he created by himself completely escaped a few years ago, and he has no money to do with him.

Shares are also secretly divided. No matter how you investigate, you can't find any trace of his intervention.

Now with Lian Ruohan's financial plan, coupled with Xia Xiang, who has been more open-minded about money, he and Cao Shuyu have long had no company under his name, that is to say, he is innocent and far away from the mall.

Xia didn't want to answer Cui Xiang's words. Instead, he picked up the photo, looked at it a few times, and asked, "Secretary Cui, do you know the person in the photo?"

Cui Xiang was stunned. He wanted to suppress Xia's thoughts. He scared Xia's thoughts and shocked Xia's thoughts. Unexpectedly, Xia wanted to avoid the heavy and asked about the photo again. He didn't want to answer, but he endured it and replied, "What's the problem? I want to investigate you, not them. The work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection is very serious. Don't play the piano randomly.

Xia wanted to laugh secretly.

Cui Xiang had been close to the Fu family for a period of time. Later, after the defeat of Fu Xianfeng, Cui Xiang's position in Yan Province fell, and he lost its use value for the Fu family, so he was estranged from the Fu family.

Xia thought that Cui Xiang would know Fu Xianxian, but he didn't. Although Cui Xiang answered vaguely, it was obvious that he did not know Fu Xian and Gu Yu. It's justifiable that you don't know Gu Yu. Among the senior officials, there are not many people who have seen Gu Yu, but they don't know Fu Xianxian. It can only be said that Cui Xiang's memory is too poor. Xia wants to estimate that Cui Xiang has also met Fu Xianxian before.

But just think about it. I haven't seen him for a few years. Fu Xianxian is also a changeable witch's personality. In the past, his clothes were different and trendy, but now his style has changed so much that he really can't be recognized from the photos alone.

Then again, Cui Xiang was really used as a gun.

Whether it is photos or economic problems, Cui Xiangda has a tendency to hold on. Although Cui Xiang's personal indignation is not ruled out, it also explains that there is a giant hand behind the scenes of the whole incident. Some are pawns and cannon fodder, such as Fu Yiyi, and some are drummers, such as Cui Xiang

Xia Xiang is not afraid of Cui Xiang, nor is he afraid of Zhang Guowei and Niu Linguang. He is really a little afraid of the person who hides the deepest. Whether it is Zhang Guowei, who is sophisticated, or Niu Linguang, who is arrogant and arrogant Cui Xiang, are all chess pieces on the chessboard. What really sits firmly The huge black hand.

The struggle has been complicated, arduous and expanded.

But we should also admire the other party's energy and sufficient preparation. It is not easy to touch Vision Group, Jiangshan Real Estate, Tian'an Real Estate and Yang Wei. Xia Xiang's aggressive Cui Xiangxiao nod, and he could still laugh: "It's all normal friendships. There's really nothing to say."

Xia thought that Cui Xiang would continue to ask harshly. Unexpectedly, Cui Xiang raised it high, put it down gently, and his face was gentle again: "That's all for today. Thank you, Secretary Xia for your cooperation with my work."

Cui Xiang's income was comfortable, which made Xia Xiang look at him again.

The first question, if it is a fight, according to Xia's evaluation, there is no winner or loser. Because Cui Xiang didn't ask anything, he didn't know what evidence Cui Xiang didn't take action.

Back to the Municipal Party Committee, Xia Xiang found that there were not as many people who greeted him as before. Even if someone greeted him, he hurriedly said a word, and then quickly walked away, as if he was afraid of his bad luck.

Xia didn't care about it. The human relationship is cold and warm, and the coldness of the world is particularly obvious in officialdom. If he doesn't have a certain psychological endurance, he will definitely get depression. Fortunately, Xia was calm when he wanted to gain power, and indifferent when he lost power. Moreover, he was very open to the cold eyes of some snobbish people, and also calmly dealt with those who were attached to the trend.

As soon as he returned to the office and sat down, Chen Weidong came again.

Xia wanted to be a little disgusted with Chen Weidong, and he was too cold, so he had to let him go to Xu Ziqi. However, it is somewhat gratifying that Chen Weidong did not transfer to Zhang Guowei at least during his investigation.

Xia thought that he really didn't have time to receive Chen Weidong, and he also knew the trivial things reported by Chen Weidong, which was useless. He still had important things to do.

I was about to make a phone call with the capital, but the phone rang first, and it turned out to be Song Yifan.

"Brother Xia, I'm going to Qin Tang to find you. Now is your most difficult time. I want to accompany you and give you courage and confidence!"

Xia wanted to laugh dumbly. Now Cui Xiangzheng is investigating his private life and adding another Song Yifan. Isn't it chaotic? He persuaded Song Yifan to let her feel at ease in the capital. He didn't need Qin and Tang to deal with it by himself.

At least, he finally persuaded Song Yifan to quit, but the phone rang again. It was Lian Ruohan.

Lian Ruohan's voice sounded very relaxed, and it seemed to be a teasing tone: "Is it caught in bed? In fact, according to me, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection should hold an internal meeting. All party members and cadres who support their mistresses are limited to 2 people at the department level, 5 people at the department level, 7 people at the deputy province, 10 people at the provincial level, and more than the provincial level. As long as the body permits, it doesn't matter if

Xia wanted to smile: "Is your old vinegar in the Western Province simmered or blended? Why does it taste wrong?"

The people of the Qin and Tang Dynasties said that smelled the smell as the smell. For example, they would take a bottle of sesame oil and put it under your nose to let you hear whether it smelled or not. Xia wanted to learn it after coming to the Qin and Tang Dynasties, so he used it to tease Lian Ruohan.

Lian Ruohan was annoyed: "You still have the intention to joke. I'm angry!"

She was angry, not because of him, but because of others. Then she said, "Why are you so unsuspecting? The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection came to investigate you again. Will the United Nations come to investigate you next time?"

Xia thought that even if Lian Ruohan is the daughter of a member of the Politburo, he really lacks understanding of politics, and the United Nations has no right to investigate him. In his view, the United Nations is more like a quarrelsome body than a power agency.

Xia thought also comforted Lian Ruohan a few words. Unexpectedly, the more Lian Ruohan said, the more angry he became. He insisted on coming to Qin and Tang Dynasties with Cao Shuyu to see him. If he wanted to give him energy and stand with him firmly, he had to let some people with ulterior motives to see.

He could only persuade again and again, but he still failed to persuade Lian Ruohan to think about the news.

"I've heard about it, and it seems that Vision Group is also mentioned? Who is too in a blind eye and bullied me? I'll send you 10 billion dollars back to scare them to death. Even Ruohan is really angry, because he has just received a message from Yuanjing Group that the relevant parties of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection are secretly checking the accounts.

Originally, the audit would not let Vision Group know that it would be carried out in the dark, but Vision Group is not an ordinary group. As soon as the wind blows, someone will inform.

Even Ruohan became popular.

At first, she heard that someone wanted to investigate Xia, but she was not very angry. Hearing that someone wanted to investigate Xia's lifestyle, she even laughed. Even if the General Secretary and the Prime Minister know about the matter between her and Xiaxiang, they will turn a blind eye, let alone the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection? Who is full to check Xiaxiang's style of life? In her opinion, Xiaxiang's style of life is strong enough. He casually pulls out a few old men who are not as big as Xia's thinking but bolder than Xiaxiang, and they don't have Xiaxiang's style of life.

Everyone, let's not talk about the second brother. At worst, he will break up and tear his face. Who is afraid of whom? Lian Ruohan knows a bunch of messy things about high-level cadres.

But when he inquired later, he said that Xia wanted to play Shuangfei with two women and was photographed by someone. He also said that Xia wants to have economic problems, involving several large real estate developers, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has grasped conclusive evidence and is ready to file a case against Xia. The next step may be double-regulation.

Lian Ruohan is really angry.

It's okay if others want to beat Xia. In the officialdom, you calculate me and I calculate your fame and fortune. Xia wants to be in the officialdom, and it is inevitable that he will offend people. But someone actually wanted to kill Xia, which made her furious.

Xia wants to play with women. Even if he plays Sanfei, will he be photographed by someone? Impossible! Xia wants to be short of money, embezzlement and bribery, let alone! Even Ruohan believes in Xiaxiang's person more than Cao Shuyu. He knows that Xiaxiang also likes beautiful women, but he doesn't casually *** men with women. I know that Xia doesn't want to be greedy for money, and she is very indifferent in money.

With Xia's intelligence, if he wants to make money, he doesn't need to be embezzled. If he does business, he will have billions of dollars now.

I will care about the small favors of some developers. I underestimate Xia.

Judging from the current situation, it is not that others underestimate Xiaxiang, but that Xiaxiang is too high. The deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection came forward directly. Xiaxiang is really facing the biggest test since he started politics.

Lian Ruohan decided to stay with him in the most difficult period of Xiaxiang, share honor and disgrace, and never give up!

That night, Lian Ruohan and Cao Shuyu rushed to the Qin and Tang Dynasties together and stayed in the Feitian Hotel. Before Xia thought had time to meet them, he received a phone call from Song Yifan, and Song Yifan also came.

Song Yifan is not as good as Lian Ruohan and Cao Shuyu. After all, she has not really entered the society. Xia wanted to pick her up in person and arranged for her to stay at the Yuntian Hotel.

Just settling down Song Yifan, without pretending to criticize her for being wayward, he received another phone call. Yang Wei, Sun Xianwei, Shanlian, the current president of Yuanjing Group, and Zhu Hu, the current general manager of Jiangshan Real Estate, all came to Qin and Tang in a hurry.

All the developers named by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection learned the news at the first time and immediately came to Qin and Tang Dynasties to support Xiaxiang and discuss countermeasures.

What a feast, a grand party.

Qin and Tang Dynasties, a big play, hot debut.