official god

Chapter 1232 Just right, please go astray

It's okay to frame him, and even Cao Shujun's calculation is tolerable. I can't stand it!

To be honest, in recent years, there has been less contact between Xia Xi and Cao Shujun. First, he has a lot of things to do, and second, Cao Shujun has also grown up. After graduating from college, he stayed in the Provincial Department of Finance to work and also took his heart. Compared with the previous image of the wandy, it has

Although Cao Yongguo's officials are getting bigger and bigger, and he has also been promoted to the sub-level level, Cao Shujun is no longer as careless as before, but after seeing him, he is somewhat taciturn.

Or the rise of his status, which brought some pressure to Cao Shujun.

Now Cao Shujun is in the Provincial Department of Finance. He is not even a deputy department. No one has given him special care, nor has he greeted all aspects. Xia wants to think about when he has time to sit with the director of the Department of Finance and let him lean on Cao Shujun appropriately. It is reasonable to take care of him a little.

Unexpectedly, before he could take care of Cao Shujun, Cao Shujun suffered injustice.

Cui Xiang's statement is completely nonsense and can even be described as nonsense.

Cao Shujun, not to mention accepting bribes for him, he has almost never had contact with his friends, and he is not familiar with Sun Xianwei. He has only one relationship with Zhu Hu, and has never had a relationship with Vision Group!

It's just a basin of dirty water spilled on the head, which is extremely shameless.

Xia Xiang was about to shoot the case and scolded Cui Xiang angrily. Others trembled their legs at the sight of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. He was not afraid that he would suddenly change his mind in an instant. He could not be angry with Cui Xiang, and there was no need to argue with him. Since Cui Xiang directly splashed dirty water on .

In the face of Cui Xiang's fierce voice, Xia Xiang's angry expression slowly eased down and regained his calm. Instead, he looked at Cui Xiang with a smile and non-smiling expression: "Cui [Book] I don't know what you said, and I haven't heard of it, and I won't admit it. Before the evidence, I ignored it.

One sentence angered Cui Xiang. He slapped the table: "Comrade Xia Xiang, please correct your attitude!"

Xiaxiang is still calm: "Cui [Shu], my attitude has always been very correct. You said a lot, but there is no exact evidence to come out, which can't convince people."

Cui Xiang stopped talking, and obviously had hesitation and indecisiveness in his heart.

Cui Xiang is not without evidence in his hand, but the evidence is not very sufficient. If he takes it out now, it will not have a deterrent effect, which will make Xia want to be more presumptuous.

You can't let Xia want to know his cards in advance. The longer it drags on, the more beneficial it is to him, the more Xiaxiang will lose patience.

At this stage, what we need is to fight wits and courage.

However, Xia is also smart enough. He should have guessed that the Commission for Discipline Inspection did not have very conclusive evidence, otherwise he would not come in the name of investigation and evidence collection.

To be honest, before coming to the Qin and Tang Dynasties, Cui Xiang also had a little hesitation, because he was very risky and could not defeat Xia Xiang. "He can't end the game, and it's not an exaggeration to describe it with a desperate gamble.

But someone came forward to find him, talked to him about the stakes, and implied that the probability of success was great. Once Xia wants to be successfully taken, it will be the pinnacle of his political career.

Cui Xiang is moved. It's not that the promise of the behind-the-scenes characters is so touching." But there is an opportunity that can make Xia want to be defeated, and there is an opportunity that makes him step on Xia Xiang's body to the peak of life. How can he miss it?

Politicians have nothing more than two dreams in their lives. First, they reach the peak, but the chance of reaching the peak is minimal. Then the second dream becomes the easiest dream to achieve and tramples political opponents under their feet.

After trampling on Xia, he will achieve the highest glory of his life, and will also make the whole Yan Province in awe of him!

The fundamental reason why Cui Xiang finally decided to take the risk is the words of the people behind the scenes: "Cui Xiang, Mu Xiu Yu Lin, the wind will destroy it. Xia Xiang is the youngest deputy provincial cadre in China..."

Cui Xiang understood that among the senior officials, there are many people who want Xia to fall. It is not impossible for him to bring down Xia Xiang, make great contributions, and finally get a deputy national treatment to retreat.

Ran Kuangxia is one of the opponents he has always been most bitter about.

But the reality is more grim than he imagined. Xia Cang is really a hard bone to crack. Now he has reached the stage of stalemate. What should he do?

Cui Xiang hesitated for a moment, thought about it, let the two staff members go out, only left him and Xia in the room, and then said, "Xia Xiang, we did have a holiday before, but we have all walked over. At that time, we had different positions, so we had been unhappy for a period of time. Now that I come forward to investigate you, it's not that I personally have to quarrel with you. Don't take it to heart if it's right or not.

First, Cui Xiang moved a chair and sat opposite Xia Xiang. He tried to maintain an equal posture with Xia Xiang, aiming to make Xia Xiang relax his vigilance and no longer tighten his psychological defense line. He continued to speak vividly: "Now there are no outsiders, just me and you, as an old friend and an old leader and If you say a few words from the bottom of your heart, whether you can hear it or not, Xia Xiang, I just want to tell you the fact that the materials held by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection are very detailed. It is not wise for you to be lucky and stubbornly resist now. Listen to me and say it yourself. It's better than putting the evidence in front of you. At that time, the evidence will be like a mountain, and there will really be no way out.

Cui Xiang's voice was low and his expression was heavy, as if he really thought about Xia.

"Xia Think, you really need to think about it. That's all I can say. Which one is lighter and which one is heavier, you can think about it yourself. Since I came down in person, I must have the key things in my hand. Leaving a line now is also a chance for you to win a generous opportunity. Cui Xiang stood up, patted Xia Xiang on the shoulder with a serious expression, turned around and walked to the window, leaving Xia Xiang a meaningful back.

Xia wanted to sit still. Cui Xiang's performance could not impress him. He was not bluffed, but he happened to have a plan in his heart. Taking advantage of Cui Xiang's emotional performance, he also pretended to bow his head and meditate, with a painful expression.

Cui Xiang quietly looked back at Xia Xiang. Seeing Xia Xiang holding his head in his hands, the psychological defense line almost collapsed and smiled quietly. "Jiang" is still old and spicy. After all, Xia wants to be dozens of years away from him, more than a whole generation. He has cross more bridges than Xia wants to take. Xia wants to show off in front of him, but he is still a little tender.

Sure enough, it was almost the same as Cui Xiang expected. Xia wanted to hold his head for a while and finally said, "Cui [Book], give me a cigarette."

People who usually don't smoke much" Once they want to smoke, it proves to be shaken.

Cui Xiang handed a cigarette to Xia Xiang, and personally lit it for Xia Xiang. He said kindly, "If you want to say something, just say it."

Xia wanted to take a few puffs of cigarettes and coughed a few times before saying, "Actually... I have a good relationship with several developers."

Cui Xiang's eyes immediately lit up: "What else?"

"Dacai Group, Jiuyuan Real Estate, and I also have business dealings with Yuanjing Group. Relatively speaking, there is less contact with Jiangshan Real Estate and Tian'an Real Estate." Xiaxiang seemed to tell the truth sincerely.

"What are the specific business transactions?" Cui Xiang felt that he had touched the key clue and was almost happy. "Comrade Xia Xiang, if you really want me to help you, you must tell me the truth."

Xia Xiang seemed to really collapse the psychological defense line. He looked at Cui Xiang a little helplessly: "Secretary Cui, you are my old leader." You will definitely not hurt me, will you? I told the truth, you will definitely make the decision for me, right?

Cui Xiang nodded solemnly: "You have to believe me." I also sincerely think of you."

Xia wanted to nod, as if he had made a lot of determination: "I have helped Dacai Group and Vision Group design projects, and also helped Jiuyuan Real Estate do planning, and there is a good relationship with them..."

Just like Cui Xiangru found the New World, he took a brush to record it a few times, and specially asked Xia to see if the name he wrote was correct. "Xia wants to see Cui Xiang's words are well written, unrestrained, and quite like everyone's demeanor." The words are not true.

Out of the room" Looking up at the sky, I don't know when the sky is full of dark clouds, which is frighteningly gloomy.

The spring of the Qin and Tang Dynasties has always had little rain. It seems that the first spring rain of this year is coming.

Xia Xiang walked heavily in the courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee. He didn't even have to look back to guess that Cui Xiang was standing behind the window at this time, staring at his every move. He can't be too relaxed, otherwise he will make Cui Xiang doubt. It can't be too heavy, and it will also make Cui Xiang think that he is suspected of acting.

To deal with Cui Xiang, you must handle it properly.

Xia Xiang had reason to believe that Cui Xiang behind him was laughing happily.

Let Cui Xiang smile first. It won't be long before he will cry. Xia wanted to return to the office, simply dealt with the matter, and immediately met Lian Ruohan.

After telling Lian Ruohan like this, Lian Ruohan nodded repeatedly and left Qin and Tang Dynasties and returned to the capital without saying a word.

Then Xia wanted to say something to Cao Shuxun again. When Cao Shuxun heard this, he was first very angry. Later, when he heard Xia thought's solution, he smiled. Finally, he kissed Xia thought's face, and then left Qin and Tang Dynasties, took a detour to the capital, and went straight to Yan City.

Then, Xia Xiang met Gu Yu and Fu Xianxian again. After a conversation, Gu Yu and Fu Xian made several phone calls respectively, and then Xiao Wu quietly left Qin and Tang Dynasties, took the capital and went west.

That night, Xiaxiang discussed with Yang Wei, Sun Xianwei and Zhu Hu again, and formulated a series of countermeasures, which were unified. Path.

The next morning, Xia wanted to urgently convene the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and asked to carry out a self-discipline rectification [transformation] throughout the city. All party members and cadres who collect bribes may not be held responsible if they take the initiative to hand over the stolen money in the old days. At the same time, the municipal government is required to strictly control and rectify the mining order to avoid major mining disasters.

Xia's two heavy punches surprised everyone. What is Xia's intention?

PS: I had something to go out in the morning. I wanted to come back and update it again, but I always didn't want my brothers to wait for a long time, so I got up half an hour early and let it out first. If you come back early at noon, if time permits, I will give my brothers two more updates. Today, the time to see the real chapter is coming. I urgently ask for a monthly ticket and support. When the monthly ticket arrives, the update will be fast and good. The monthly ticket is fierce, and the fourth update will be given away!