official god

Chapter 1242 The province is subtle, and Qin and Tang Dynasties make a scene

Just as Xia wanted to straighten out a series of things that had happened recently, another rumor quietly spread in the courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee that Fan Jin had been put on file for investigation by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Fan Jin is suspected of accepting bribes and gambling in the process of promoting cadres and selecting and appointing. The amount involved is as high as more than 5 million yuan. First, he has promoted more than 30 cronies, including several district and county leaders!

Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is intended for Pei Gong!

Xia wanted to immediately keenly smell the unusual breath. From both sides, Zhang Guowei and Niu Linguang took action at the same time.

Sure enough, on the surface, the person referred to by the rumor is Fan Jin, but the report letter that flew to the provincial party committee clearly reported that Fan Jin was an masculine. In a personnel adjustment just passed by the Qin and Tang Dynasties, he promoted his cronies, undermined the party's discipline and state law, and acted bold Under the manipulation of the characters, Qin and Tang Dynasties are intended to turn Qin and Tang into one person.

Fan Jin's behind-the-scenes figure obviously alluded to Xiaxiang.

It turned out that Zhang Guowei was talking about the issue of promotion and appointment again. Which municipal party committee [book] remembered that he did not promote himself after taking office? If you don't promote your cronies, the municipal party committee [book] can get a decent reputation." But if you can't carry out the work, without achievements, what's the use of just a folk reputation? And if you only lose your reputation and don't have a good relationship with your superiors, you will make your superiors think that you are a person who fish for fame.

In fact, Xia wanted to achieve 100% justice on major issues such as promotion and appointment and personnel adjustment. There is no 100% justice in the world. At least he has a clear conscience. "He did not completely promote his cronies, and to be honest, he did not have the idea of assigning cronies in the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

Xuandu Guanli Taoqianshu, all Liu Lang went and planted ~ When he left, the next [book] will still adjust the personnel again. He realized that he may not be able to do a full term in the Qin and Tang Dynasties. Why do you need to do more?

Even so, Zhang Guowei attacked head-on, but he still talked about personnel issues, which made Xia want to get angry.

Yes, the personnel problem is Zhang Guowei's biggest weakness. He has been running in the Qin and Tang Dynasties for more than ten years before he has made a general situation. After Xia wants to take office, he has split his layout into pieces in half a year. It's strange that he can get along well.

But Xiaxiang doesn't think that Zhang Guowei's strategy can be effective. The provincial party committee appoints him to be the secretary of Qin and Tang Dynasties, which is to let him preside over the overall situation. [Book] Can't you remember the authority of the leader?

Unexpectedly, what Xia thought did not expect was that the provincial party committee actually held a special seminar on this matter. At the meeting, Fan Ruiheng proposed that the Organization Department of the Central Committee repeatedly stressed that on the issue of cadre promotion, it should be strictly selected and appointed to the Ministry in accordance with the Party's cadre line, principles and policies, The unhealthy trend and corruption such as buying and selling officials curb the occurrence of the problem of "sick promotion" of cadres.

The participants unanimously agreed with the opinions of Fan [Book], and Wang Pengfei, the Minister of Organization, proposed to convene a provincial organizational ministerial work meeting, repeatedly emphasizing the seriousness and fairness in the promotion of cadres.

Subsequently, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee issued a document and decided to hold a provincial meeting of organizational ministers, requiring the organizational ministers of local and municipal committees to attend in person.

The action of the provincial party committee surprised many people. They didn't understand whether it was aimed at Xiaxiang or Fan Jin.

For Fan Jin? Fan Jin doesn't seem to be qualified enough. Thinking about Xia? Does it mean that Xia Xiang has lost power in the provincial party committee?

Then Xiaxiang received a phone call from Wang Pengfei.

"Xia [Book] Record Organization Ministerial Meeting" Fan [Book] repeatedly emphasized the significance, and his attitude was very resolute. Wang Pengfeiming went to Xia to report the matter. "In fact, it still implies the meaning of explanation" is implying that Xia thought that the matter was promoted by Fan Ruiheng.

"I support the resolution of the Provincial Party Committee." Xiaxiang didn't say much that he actually guessed Fan Ruiheng's intention to promote the resolution. It's not that Fan Ruiheng no longer supports him as before." But under the comprehensive consideration of the pros and cons, as a provincial party committee [book], Fan Ruiheng must have a bowl of water.

At the same time, Xiaxiang also realized that his network in Yan Province is too deep and his connections are too wide. Whether it is Fan Ruiheng or [Zhong] Yang, he will not be allowed to continue to sit in Yan Province.

Therefore, "Fan Ruiheng took advantage of the topic, and Zhang Guowei created an opportunity. He will definitely seize it in time. The provincial organization ministerial meeting" and the storm of the report letter do not prove that Zhang Guowei has defected to Fan Ruiheng, but it proves that Fan Ruiheng's support position for himself has a certain degree of turn.

It can even be said to be a transformation.

Although it is impossible to change the wind direction at once, at least to explain that Fan Ruiheng does not want him to continue to be powerful in Yan Province. "He will not continue to support him as before, not only out of his worries about his continued sitting in Yan Province." And because Cui Xiang's death will also make Fan Ruiheng worry about it.

No one wants to be in the provincial party committee. There is a member of the Standing Committee of the provincial party committee who has always been remembered by the senior management of the central government, and it is not because of good things. After Cui Xiang's death, Fan Ruiheng naturally knows what's going on.

Xia wants to stay in Yan Province, which is not a good thing for the whole Yan Province.

Fan Ruiheng also used this to secretly pass on to Xia Xiang, and also told Xia that if there is an opportunity, it is the best choice to leave Yan Province and stay away from the capital.

Xia thought also understood that he would leave sooner or later, but he did not solve the last trouble of the Qin and Tang Dynasties. If he left, he would also leave a regret.

But it must also be admitted that no matter whether Fan Ruiheng is willing or not, "Regardless of whether Zhang Guowei is sincere or not, the current situation, Fan [Shu] and Mayor Zhang really have the possibility of approaching, which is not in a real sense, but at least in terms of the desire for him to leave Qin and Tang Dynasties

Xia thought about the link. After thanking Wang Pengfei, he put down the phone and pondered for a moment, and there was a tru in his heart.

Regardless of the situation in the province, it can't affect his plan...

When I got off work at noon, I received a call from Xiao Wu.

"Leader, Lv Zhenyang and Zhang Chenfang have met with Niu Linguang, and Niu Linguang has not moved for the time being."

Xia thought only said one sentence, "I know." I hung up the phone, thinking that Niu Lin San is really patient now, and I don't know what kind of big deal he is brewing.

If the death of the deep sea is the first shot, Lv Zhenyang and Zhang Chenfang are the second shot. The gun has been loaded. When will the gun be fired? Xia wanted to see what kind of skills Niu Linguang had to use.

What Xia wanted to know was that the provincial party committee held a meeting of provincial organizational ministers, but he didn't feel any embarrassment." Fan Jin was very annoyed and embarrassed, and angrily argued with Zhang Guowei.

Fan Jin rudely knocked on the door of Zhang Guowei's office. As soon as he entered the door, he said, "Comrade Guowei, I want to ask, what's going on with the messy report letter? If you want to promote your crony, who in the whole Qin and Tang Dynasties doesn't know who has stayed in the Qin and Tang Dynasties for more than ten years!"

Zhang Guowei is very low-key now, and he can't raise his head because of Xiaxiang's aura. Fan Jin naturally consciously raised his head in front of Zhang Guowei, so he spoke more aggressively. In addition, Zhang Guowei's thief shouted to catch the thief, which really made him angry and embarrassed. Zhang Guowei sat still "Comrade Fan Jin, you are so angry that it hurts your body. Don't blame others at any time." You should find the reason for yourself when things happen. I have stayed in Qin and Tang for more than ten years, but what can I do? Now the Qin and Tang Dynasties are still the Qin and Tang Dynasties of Xia [Book]! You don't have to suspect that I have concocted a report letter to tell you that it really has nothing to do with me.

Fan Jin didn't expect Zhang Guowei to be naughty enough." He denied it directly. He opened his mouth and couldn't think of a rebuttal for a moment, so he had to say fiercely, "Mayor Zhang, since you know what the situation is now, I advise you to do a good job of the mayor. It's better to do one Maybe we can win a chance.

What opportunity did Fan Jin say clearly that Zhang Guowei would not guess Fan Jin's thoughts. He saw Fan Jin leave, and the casual smile on his face gradually turned into a sneer. He thought, but after a few report letters, he was ashamed and angry. "Where did this go? There are still many things to do later! In May, the Qin and Tang Dynasties had a brand-new atmosphere, but in the sunny season, a series of disturbances occurred in the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

First of all, the public security work of the following districts and counties was not good, which was criticized by the municipal government, and several county party committee [book] and county magistrates were criticized by Mayor Zhang's incomparity.

It is normal for the mayor to criticize the county party committee [book] and the county magistrate, but if you observe carefully, it is very intriguing to find that the people criticized by Mayor Zhang are all part of the new promotion in the last personnel adjustment.

is equivalent to indirectly challenging the authority of Xia [Shu]. Many people have to ask, why did Mayor Zhang just keep a low profile for a few days and make trouble again. He is not afraid of being suppressed by Xia [Shu] again?

Facts" is far beyond everyone's imagination!

Fubei County is a large county rich in iron and coal mines in the Qin and Tang Dynasties. It is rich in mineral resources, accounting for more than 30% of the total resources of the Qin and Tang Dynasties, and 80% of the county's economic output value is created by minerals.

There are many illegal small and medium-sized coal mines in Fubei County, which is also a persistent disease that cannot be cured by the whole Qin and Tang Dynasties.

Since Xiaxiang took office, he has not put forward feasible suggestions for the management of small and medium-sized coal mines. Because the problem has a long history and involves too many interest entanglements in the following districts and counties, he has been unable to clean up for many years. Even if he has the intention, he must gradually advance.

Unexpectedly, something happened.

And it's a big deal. There was a water seepage accident in a private coal mine in Fubei County. A famous miner was trapped in it, and his life and death are unknown!

In fact, there are many small accidents in the Qin and Tang Dynasties every year, most of which are concealed, which is also a conventional rule. But this accident is particularly serious. If more than 30 people die, Xia may be held accountable.

What's more, the Fubei County Party Committee [Book] and the county magistrate are all the new two people who took office after the last personnel adjustment. They are all trusted by Xiaxiang!

Things... made a big deal.