official god

Chapter 1253 Carefully arranged, shocking accident

Chapter 1253 Careful arrangement, shocking accident

It should be said that from the arrangement of the news media, to the layout of the site, as well as the invited guests and security work, all aspects of the arrangements are very appropriate. Liang Qiurui and Xie Chuansheng, the two housekeepers, were busy for a day after running, and came to check two hours in advance before dawn, which was basically safe

Xiaxiang's security personnel also arrived half an hour in advance and checked it carefully, but found no problem.

At 10 o'clock, Xia wanted to show up.

The ceremony was held in front of the office building of Fantaqi Clothing Factory. A temporary square platform was built with huge banners, a guest stage and a podium, and a red carpet was laid.

The atmosphere at the scene was very warm. People from all walks of life attended in costumes. Fu Xianxian wore a long red dress. He was more beautiful than flowers, charming and beautiful.

Gu Yu is also dressed in gorgeous clothes, with light moth eyebrows. Although the makeup is light, the person is gorgeous. It is not inferior to Fu Xian, and stands side by side with Fu Xianxian, which has almost become the focus of the whole audience.

The only regret is that the weather is not beautiful, it is cloudy, and the clouds are very low, as if it is going to rain.

When Xia wanted to appear, the scene was **. Many people have not seen the youngest deputy provincial high-ranking official in China, the first person of the Qin and Tang Dynasties, so as soon as he appeared, he grabbed the eyes of Fu Xianxian and Gu Yu.

Xia wants to wear suit and leather shoes - there is nothing we can do, we have to dress more solemnly on formal occasions - standing in front of the stage, handsome and reasonable, heroic, which makes many people below talk about it. Although I have seen Xia on TV, the expressions on the TV have been processed, and there are traces of performances. There is no real person in front of me that is real and intuitive.

Many women commented on Xia Xiang's appearance, gathered together, whispered, snickered from time to time, and made some harmless jokes.

Fu Xianxian and Gu Yu also met and spoke ill of Xia.

"Look at his serious appearance, standing on the stage, he really looks like a person."

"What's the matter? He is a person in the first place."

"I mean he pretends to be quite like, not like when he is with us at all."

"That's right. I remember when you say it. When he sleeps, he doesn't have an official appearance at all. Like a child, he likes to grab my hand."

"Ah..." Fu Xian blushed inexplicably, "Gu Yu, what are you talking about?"

Gu Yu also blushed. He hurriedly covered his mouth and wanted to cover it: "I was wrong. I happened to see it when he was sleeping."

The more he explained, the more chaotic it became. Fu Xian smiled again: "Okay, okay, the ceremony has begun."

Gu Yu threw himself on the stage. Xia Xiang on the stage smiled and stood tall, which was very different from the ordinary image of an official with a big belly or a fat brain. He was really handsome and enviable.

The guest stage is divided into two parts. The back row is the guest seat. Xiaxiang's seat is in the middle, Zhou Minghong on the left, Liang Qiurui on the right, and then the seats of other escorts.

According to the procedure, Xia wanted to take a seat in front of the guest stage, presided over the ceremony by Zhou Minghong, and delivered a welcome speech with Fu Xianxian, and welcomed Xia.

Then Xia wanted to come to the podium in front of the stage to speak. The speech was about ten minutes - Xia didn't like the long talk, so she changed to another leader, I'm afraid she would have to speak for half an hour - after the speech, the ribbon was cut. After the ribbon was cut, the whole ceremony was over.

Some people can stay to attend the banquet, and Xiaxiang will also stay for another half an hour, which is enough to pay face first before leaving. You can't stay for too long, otherwise the outside world will speculate too much about the relationship between him and the Fantaqi clothing factory, and then it is possible for insiders to speculate on the relationship between him and the Fu family.

Politicians' every move must consider the long-term and external influence.

There is another point, Xiaxiang is really busy. Yesterday, Chen and Niu Linguang had a bloody battle. Although Chen's side suffered heavy losses, Niu Linguang was basically completely destroyed. Now it is a good time to start arranging the next game, and it is necessary to capture Niu Linguang in one fell swoop while the hot iron.

Although there are threatening calls from the capital and great pressure from the provincial party committee, Xiaxiang has made up his mind not to take half a step back.

Otherwise, he will not only be sorry for the countless mentally retarded souls who died wrongly under the well, but also for the police who died tragically in a car accident because of escorting Shura!

There is only one more question, which is that the conclusion of the car accident has not yet been reached. It is incredible how the car accident happened. In addition, the accidental disappearance of Zhuge Badao and He Zizhi is also unpredictable. Was it killed after being discovered by Niu Linguang, or was he locked up?

It must also be admitted that the cattle forest, which has been operating in the Qin and Tang Dynasties for many years, has a wide range of roots. Even if all the canopy trunks are cut down, the roots buried below are difficult to clean up for a while.

If it hadn't been for Fantaqi Clothing Factory, Fu Xianxian's painstaking efforts and the Fu family's industry, Xiaxiang would not have moved the public to support her. When he went to inspect the work elsewhere, he just walked around and left symbolically. It's not like sitting upright today, talking and cutting the ribbon.

Moreover, Zhang Guowei's recent performance also makes people confused about the direction. He is lower-key and more pragmatic than before. It seems that he is not competitive at all. He just buried himself in his work and works hard. It seems that he has turned into a diligent old scalper from a tall horse who used to like to look up to the sky.

The traitor seems to be loyal, and the ancient teachings should not be taken lightly.

Of course, Xia didn't relax his precautions against Zhang Guowei. The more low-key and restrained Zhang Guowei was, the more likely it was that something serious would happen, but he really didn't find the way out what it was.

After all, if Zhang Guowei and Niu Linguang join hands, the dark side and streets of the Qin and Tang Dynasties are under their control.

Fortunately, in the municipal government team, Zhou Minghong has been separated from Zhang Guowei, and Lu Ming and Zhang Guowei are not close. There is only one in the whole municipal party committee, Ren Haifeng, who is still closely related to Zhang Guowei, but the minister of organization seems to have a lot of power. In fact, in his daily work, his Deputy Mayor.

What else can Zhang Guowei do?

Xia wanted to sit on the guest stage and listened to Zhou Minghong preside over the ceremony. He was jointly presenting a welcome speech with Fu Xianxian. Seeing Fu Xianxian smiling and dignified, smiling and charming, he sighed in his heart that the little witch was getting more and more mature, just like a fragrant ripe fruit, bright and dripping.

In the middle of Zhou Minghong's speech, it suddenly rained.

The guest desk originally built was located in an open place to make it easier for the journalists below to take photos and make the leaders look taller, but now that it's raining, it doesn't matter whether the image is tall or not. The important thing is not to let the leaders get caught in the rain.

It happened that half of the guest platform stretched out under the rooftop. At that time, the rain was already considered, so the guest platform retreated 3 meters away, which perfectly solved the problem of getting wet in the rain.

However, Zhou Minghong and Fu, who delivered the speech at the front desk, were able to continue with umbrellas first. Fortunately, Xia thought of a joke: "It's a good thing to rain when the clothing factory is completed, which proves that the clothes will sell well in the future."

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere reached **.

Then it came to the stage when Xia wanted to cut the ribbon.

Xia Shang and Fu Xian stood side by side on the stage, with two etiquette ladies standing on both sides, and the camera below kept shooting.

Xia wanted to hear someone whisper below, saying that the Fantaqi Clothing Factory was really awesome, and the lady of etiquette invited was as beautiful as a star. At first, he didn't care. Later, the more he listened to it, the more he felt it was wrong, because he didn't look at Miss Ritual carefully. As soon as he heard what someone said, he looked at it quietly and almost laughed out loud...

It turned out to be Gu Yu standing on his right solemnly, holding a plate and pretending to be a lady of etiquette!

She is really good at it. Xia thought about laughing but couldn't laugh, so she had to keep a gentle smile on her face.

Gu Yu showed a standard smile, and like a lady of etiquette, she showed 8 teeth and smiled dignifiedly.

It is also a coincidence. Fu Xian and Gu Yu were separated from left to right. Xia Xiang was photographed by countless flash lights. The photo of the evidence photo taken in Cui Xiang's hand at the time of investigation was almost exactly the same, but the location was different and the clothes were different.

But at that time, it was regarded as evidence of life style, but now it has to appear in major media. As a major news that cuts the ribbon and supports enterprises, it is widely publicized everywhere, and it is also positive.

If some people of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection see it, or some people behind some people see it, will they also be angry?

Xia wanted to suddenly find that sometimes he also had a bad taste and couldn't help laughing secretly. There is nothing we can do. If people don't become a little worse in officialdom, they will drown sooner or later. Because someone has to press you into the water and step on your shoulder before he can stand out.

There is no choice but to let others drown and live by yourself. Xia Xiang couldn't help thinking that he didn't know who his photo was, which made Cui Xiangxin think it was true and die for it. It can be seen that don't underestimate a photo. Sometimes if you use the wrong place, you will die.

... The ribbon-cutting ceremony was finally over. Gu Yu behaved well and didn't reveal the truth, which was really difficult for her.

Xia wanted to sit back in the back seat. At this time, the rain was getting worse and worse. There were still a few activities behind, so it could only be simplified.

As soon as Zhou Minghong and Liang Qiurui met, they got Xiaxiang's consent and decided to end the ceremony.

After Zhou Minghong finished his speech and returned to his seat, Fu Xianxian made a final speech. Fu Xianxian first thanked the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for their strong support for the Fantaqi Clothing Factory, and then announced the successful completion of the inauguration ceremony, and then the following applause was thunderous.

As soon as the applause sounded, something happened. First, a piece of glass on the rooftop suddenly fell down. A loud "boom" fell in the middle of a group of leaders waiting for Fu Xian and Xia Xiang. Fortunately, he did not hit anyone, otherwise it must be smashed into a meat pie.

The crowd exclaimed!

After that, I heard a crack again, and a huge billboard on the rooftop suddenly lost its support and suddenly smashed it down.

The billboard weighs hundreds of catties. It fell from the rooftop of more than ten meters and fell to the bottom. As long as you meet anyone, you will die on the spot! RO