official god

Chapter 1280 The Initial Game

Wherever a leader can't go, he will be supported or cheered by his subordinates, but as a leader, he should beware of the bad intentions of his subordinates and be careful of being used by them or put down.

The subordinates are in awe of the leader, but they will also find ways to let the leader be deceived. Xia Shang is now in the high position of the secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and he should beware of becoming a lever for all forces to use him as a fulcrum to leverage the interests of others.

Therefore, although he first felt clear that the examples listed in the report letter were basically true, he would not rush to investigate, because he did not know who put the letter on the desk, let alone who the report letter came from.

When he first came to Hunan Province, someone put the problem in front of him and had to face it carefully.

After thinking about it, I feel that the secretary can't be hasty. It's better to choose it yourself.

While thinking about it, Tao Hejiang knocked on the door and came in.

Tao Hejiang is 44 years old and slightly fat. He is in a hurry when walking, and he is always in a hot posture. Xia wants to know a little about Tao Hejiang's resume. According to his qualifications, he should have been the deputy secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection for a long time, but he has not been promoted, which may be related to his lack of stability.

However, Tao Hejiang did things very quickly. It only took more than an hour to look for a secretary for Xia Xiang. He was a deputy director of the second secretary of the Xiangjiang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.

With Xia's current level, the minimum secretary should also be the deputy department level, and the right place is also okay. The level is not a problem, and ability is the key.

"Comrade Zeng Zhuo graduated from a famous university. He is 30 years old. He is very smart and has a look. The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection strongly recommended it and gave it a high evaluation." Tao Hejiang tried his best to praise Zeng Zhuo. Seeing that Xia wanted to be calm, he said more, "Mayor Mei's evaluation of Zeng Zhuo is also very high."

Xia Xiang's heart jumped. One of his secretaries actually shocked Mei Xiaolin. It was really moving. Thinking about it again, the land of Hunan Province is actually the same as all provinces in the country. There are interest entanglements. Where is a clear place above the officialdom?

When he came to Xiang Province, he was also indirectly with Mei Xiaolin, which also made Xia want to be speechless. After all, he still couldn't avoid the strong habit (sex), and fate made him reunite with her again. &Latest chapter Baidu search: &&

What about the reunion? It's just a mistake that can't be ended without a start. However, it seems that I heard that Mei Xiaolin specially picked up Mei Ting. She had been putting Mei Ting in the capital before. Why did Mei Ting follow him when he came to Hunan Province?

I'm afraid that Mei Xiaolin did it on purpose and had another intention.

Let's not think about it. Xia wants to shake her head secretly and think about it again. Since Mei Xiaolin also value Zeng Zhuo, it's okay to have an interview first. After all, it is necessary to have a secretary. At the current level, it is difficult to carry out without secretarial work.

"Let Zeng Zhuo come over in the afternoon." Xia wanted to nod slightly and said, "I just saw a letter on the table. It seems that someone accidentally left it..."

What I want is to test Tao Hejiang's reaction.

Tao Hejiang didn't seem to wake up. He was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized and said, "Well, I was asked to tidy up the office yesterday. Maybe a few things left by Secretary Liu have not been put away..."

Xia wants to smile: "It's okay. You go ahead."

Tao Hejiang nodded and smiled quickly, quietly retreated, and gently closed the door.

As soon as he went out, he quietly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, thinking that Secretary Xia was young and not arrogant, but his official prestige was quite heavy. Just now, he just casually asked, which brought him great pressure, which was really surprising.

Tao Hejiang looked back at Xiaxiang's office again, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his heart. After thinking about it, he still did not look back and quickly went to arrange work.

At noon, Xia wanted to receive a phone call from Mei Xiaolin.

"I wanted to see you, but there was a Hong Kong businessman who came to invest, and I couldn't get rid of it." Although Mei Xiaolin's voice tried to remain indifferent, there seemed to be an uncontrollable excitement and expectation in the calm, "Do you have time in the evening? I'll treat you to dinner. ##You must go to read novels##"

Xia wanted to hesitate for a moment and shied: "I just came here. I have a lot of things to do. I have to work overtime at night."

He thought that Mei Xiaolin would think he was perfunctory, but Mei Xiaolin misunderstood him and said, "I know that I will definitely have dinner with Fu Xianfeng in the evening. Yes, Fu Xianfeng is the governor, which is much more important than me, a deputy mayor."

Xia thought had to laugh: "Xiaolin, you think too much. I'm not a person who favors one over the other."

"..." Mei Xiaolin was silent for a moment and suddenly said, "In some ways, you are." Then I hung up the phone.

What are some aspects? It is self-evident that Xia wanted to shake her head. Mei Xiaolin's enthusiasm for him seemed to suddenly become much more enthusiastic as he came to Hunan Province.

It's not a good omen... In the afternoon, Zeng Zhuo wanted to meet Xia under the arrangement of Tao Hejiang.

Indeed, as Tao Hejiang said, Zeng Zhuo's conditions are not bad in all aspects. He is very energetic, and his words and things are more satisfactory to Xiaxiang. Xiaxiang is also a person who doesn't show off, so he decided on Zeng Zhuo on the spot.

Perhaps to be fair, in the depths of Xiaxiang's heart, he is still willing to believe that there are more Tao Hejiang, and he is unwilling to let Zheng Haiqi recommend candidates.

After setting up the secretary, Zeng Zhuo will go back to handle the handover and transfer procedures first. Although he is from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, he also belongs to the Discipline Inspection Commission system. The transfer procedures are also very easy. It can be completed in half a day, and it is estimated that he will officially go to work tomorrow.

Before leaving work, many people directly or euphemistically asked Xia to invite Xia to dinner on the grounds of reporting their work, but they were rejected by Xia. Resolute is a resolute, but the words are very polite, which makes people feel not embarrassed and embarrassed.

To leave room for subordinates, you can't make your subordinates feel that you are superior, and you can't make them think that you are easy to bully and play with. In the way of using people, Xia wants to have his own experience. He is more and more skilled in the ways to win people's hearts and subdue different people's Above all, we should not only advance and retreat moderately, but also be relaxed and measured.

When talking to Mei Xiaolin, Mei Xiaolin thought that Xia wanted to refuse because of Fu Xianfeng. In fact, Xia Xiang knew in her heart that Fu Xianfeng would not ask him to dinner. He had just come to Hunan Province and his status was very special, so Fu Xianfeng would not be too hasty. Don't be in a hurry to meet for a while. The future is long, and Fu Xianfeng has just come to Hunan Province. There must be a lot of things to do.

Sure enough, when he got off work, Fu Xianfeng took the initiative to call. First, he said that he was too busy recently, otherwise he must sit with him. The topic changed and said, "Secretary Xia, when I met Secretary Zheng today, Secretary Zheng placed high hopes on you, saying that it was hope. I hope your arrival can make the atmosphere of Hunan Province a new one.

Fu Xianfeng's words have a tentative meaning. Xia thought clearly. Although he is now in the position of the family power, he has the label of the regimental system on his head. In fact, the regimental system has been fighting for it, and the family forces have maintained the trust and trust in him, but Fu Xianfeng will definitely not trust him 100%

Similarly, he has never trusted the vanguard.

"If there is a chance, I still need to sit with Governor Fu and talk about the current situation and prospects of Hunan Province." Xia Xiang said, "I also believe that under the leadership of Secretary Zheng and Governor Fu, Hunan Province can stride forward and reach a new level."

"Haha..." Fu Xianfeng laughed and thought that there was nothing he could do with Xia. "Okay, Secretary Xia, I have another meeting to have. Let's talk later."

Back to the residence - a very exquisite building of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, with a large house of 150 square meters, has everything, and the conditions are very good. Originally, Tao Hejiang had to arrange a nanny, but Xia wanted to refuse, so he could just arrange a clean and sanitary part-time worker.

The house is very big, and it's really a little lonely to live alone. Fortunately, Xiaxiang is used to a person's life and doesn't feel anything. However, I'm afraid he will stay in Xiang Province for a few years, so he has plans to pick up Cao Shuyu.

A simple meal - the standing committee building of the Provincial Party Committee of Hunan Province not only has sanitation and cleaning personnel, but also can deliver meals to the door at any time. The service is comparable to that of a five-star hotel, and the details are very good - after dinner, Xia Xiang talked to Cao Shuyu and Lian Ruohan one after another.

When Xia wanted to ask her to come to Hunan Province, Cao Shuyu docilely agreed, but worriedly said that it was his son Xia Dong who refused to leave the capital. Xia Dong became more and more independent. He went to school in the capital and didn't meet his parents often. At first, he missed them. Later, he got used to it alone, which was surprising at a young age.

It is said that the friendship between him and the granddaughter of the General Secretary is getting deeper and deeper.

Xia Dong doesn't have to worry about it. Someone takes care of him. If he doesn't come, he won't come. Xia thinks it's not that he doesn't want his son, but that he knows that there will always be a day when his son will fly far away. It's the best thing for him to be strong and independent

Even Ruohan also said that he had the opportunity to visit Xia Xiang in Hunan Province, and told Xia Xiang that Wei Xin had been moved by her and now he is in Tianze.

Xia was speechless. He didn't even know that Wei Xin went to Tianze! It can be seen that Lian Ruohan is really strong, which can make Wei Xin hide it from him. After thinking about it again, he has to shake his head with a smile. Forget it, Lian Ruohan is clearly for Wei Xin's good. Who knows if she wants to look at Wei Xin on her and defend Xin to be with him?

Cunning Lian Ruohan.

In contrast, Cao Shuqi is also a smart woman. He may not be able to see Wei Xin's thoughts, but he never knocks him on women's problems. It's not that he doesn't want to, but to give him a space to stop himself.

Surrounded by two smart women, I don't know whether it's happiness or misfortune?

Just put down the phone, Xia wanted to take a shower and go to bed. She was mainly too busy. After all, she was tired. Unexpectedly, she just took off her clothes and the phone rang again, but it was a strict hour.

I called at night. Xia thought that Yan Xiao was just concerned about it. He recognized Yan Xiao and asked, "Are you familiar with Xiang Provincial Road and Bridge Company?"

Xia wanted to be stunned and asked, "What's going on?"

Yan Xiao smiled again: "Listen to your tone, why are you so serious? It's nothing important, it just happens that I have a business and can cooperate with Xiangsheng Road Bridge!"


an entry point opportunity, or a man-made trap? Xia Xiang thought about it carefully and felt that he seemed to have caught something. In the way, Yan Xiao was from Xiang Province!