official god

Chapter 1288 Static braking

Chapter 1288 Brake with static (monthly ticket!)

Xia wanted to take out his mobile phone and hurriedly turned it on - out of respect for dealing with the vanguard, he turned off the phone - and then apologetically dealt with the vanguard with a smile: "There is something urgent at work that needs to call."

Fu Xianfeng waved his hand: "What's the matter with me?" It seemed that he thought of something and asked more, "It's not because of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, is it?"

Xia wanted to shake his head: "It's not true." Indeed, it can only be said that it is not true, because although Chen Gongfang has an indirect connection with the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge, what he has to deal with now is the problem of Lin Huajian.

As soon as it was turned on, he received a phone call from Zeng Zhuo: "Xia, Secretary-General Tao has something to report to you urgently."

" OK, let him wait for me in the office in half an hour." Xia wanted to know that the matter was urgent as soon as he heard Zeng Zhuo's tone. Thinking of what Fu Xianfeng had just said, he knew that it was not appropriate to sit and talk with Fu Xianfeng again.

There are many things about superiors being deceived by subordinates. Everyone in the officialdom knows that the county has always coaxed the city, the city coaxed the province, the province coaxed the central government, and some people vividly described it as telling lies from the township to the county, all the way to Zhongnanhai.

There are even subordinates to inspect the greening. The absurd incident of painting the barren mountains in order to forge the green area in the county. With the wisdom of the Chinese people, there are all kinds of absurd things, only what you can't think of, nothing can't do.

In fact, to be fair, Lin Huajian just took Chen Gongfang by his hand. Chen Gongfang must have something to do. Otherwise, no matter how bold Lin Huajian was, he would not dare to fabricate the facts and frame a deputy mayor.

But the problem is that Chen Gongfang once reported the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge with his real name. There must be a deep inside story. Xia Xiang has a kind of resentment of being used.

Fu Xianfeng also saw that Xia wanted to encounter a problem, so he said, "If you have something to do, go first..."

As the first deputy of the provincial party committee, the governor actually has the right to intervene in the case of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, but since Xiaxiang does not disclose it, Fu Xianfeng will not ask more questions. First, it seems that he has self-restraint, and second, he also respects Xiaxiang.

Xia also knew that if Fu Xianfeng finally knew the result through normal channels, he would definitely have a problem with him. He simply revealed a point: "Before leaving work, Lin Huajian found me and said that he had grasped the conclusive evidence and asked for double rules for Chen Gongfang. He also said that the Commission for Discipline Inspection had secretly investigated Chen Gongfang The Commission for Discipline Inspection has mastered the detailed materials and gave instructions.

Fu Xianfeng's face became solemn in an instant.

Xia Xiang said again, "It happens that I have received several letters reporting the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge recently, but I have never heard of Chen Gongfang reporting the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge with his real name!"

Fu Xianfeng leaned back hard and leaned heavily on the back of the chair: "For Hunan Province, you and I are both outsiders and are very unpopular. Xia, go back and deal with it quickly. It's always a good thing to suppress the matter of the double-standard Chen Gongfang as much as possible, and see the direction clearly before taking action.

Xia wanted to nod. When he walked to the door, Fu Xianfeng said again, "If you need me to come out, just let me know."

This sentence is quite heartfelt. Xia wanted to look back at Fu Xianfeng's calm expression, and he had a trace of expectation to deal with Xianfeng for the first time in his heart. Then he nod his head, and he resolutely turned around and left.

After Xia wanted to leave, Fu Xianfeng stayed alone in the stone house for a long time and didn't know what he was thinking.

Back to the provincial party committee, the office was brightly lit, and Xia wanted to push the door in. Tao Hejiang and Zeng Zhuo were not surprised. They didn't expect Liang Xianing to be there, which not only surprised him, but also made him sink in his heart and knew that things were more complicated than he thought.

As soon as Xia wanted to enter the door, led by Liang Xianing, several people got up to meet each other. He waved his hand to several people to sit down, and then sat on the chair. First, he nod his head slightly at Liang Xianing, and then his eyes fell on Tao Hejiang: "Try about the specific situation."

Tao Hejiang subconsciously glanced at Liang Xianing, and Liang Xianing nod slightly: "He Jiang, specifically, if there are any omissions, I will add them."

Tao Hejiang could only brace: "Xia, the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge built a cross-river bridge in Chendong City. When it was first completed, it was hit by a ship. As a result, the bridge collapsed and 7 people died. After the accident, the province sent an investigation team. After investigation, it was concluded that the cement label of the cement supplier in Chendong City was tampered with, which was not the reason for the construction of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge. After the conclusion came out, Chen Gongfang was not convinced..."

Xia wanted to understand the tricks. If he guessed correctly, the cement supplier is the relationship between Chen Gongfang, and the conclusion of the accident investigation team is obviously inclined to the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, that is to say, to blame others and cover the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge.

Sure enough, Tao Hejiang continued: "After further investigation, it was found that Wang Hu, a cement supplier, was Chen Gongfang's brother-in-law. In the end, Wang Hu was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and Chen Gongfang was warned and punished by the party!"

Whether Chen Gongfang has any tricks in it or not, Xiaxiang will not easily draw a conclusion, but he knows that simply blaming a major accident to the cement supplier's cement number does not meet the standard, which is definitely a way to fool a layman. Because of the cement supplied by the supplier, the construction party will inevitably have technicians to inspect it. If the label is not reached, it can not be used, just like buying something. If the quality is not up to standard, it can be used.

If it is not used for pouring if it does not meet the standard, the Hunan Provincial Road and Bridge is also responsible for lax control.

Of course, the methods commonly used in construction, such as cutting labor and materials, not up to standard, thin steel bars, etc., Xia thought very clearly that he did not intend to blame the common bad phenomena in domestic construction, but between the engineering accident of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge and the contradiction of Chen Gongfang, he found an entry point.

"Chen Gongfang did not agree with the conclusion of the provincial investigation team, saying that the fundamental reason was that the technical force of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge did not pass the customs, and the subcontracting layer by layer led to cutting corners. Moreover, when the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge was obviously purchased, as long as the low-grade cement was purchased, he finally He also said that he wanted to report the problem to the central government. The matter was very serious. Later, Minister Liang came forward to complete the work in person, and Chen Gongfang stopped. However, on the surface, he did not make trouble, and secretly kept sending report letters everywhere.

After saying that, Tao Hejiang secretly wiped the sweat on his head. The cause and effect of the matter were made clear, but in fact, the deep things behind the scenes were not disclosed at all. Behind the collapse of the bridge accident between Chen Gongfang and the road bridge in Hunan Province, it is actually a competition between the two forces in Hunan Province. Of course, the result was that the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge won, and Chen Gongfang lost and acted as a victim.

I thought it would end here, and the bridge collapse accident was also suppressed. It did not cause a sensation in the media, nor did it become a fuse for political events. Unexpectedly, it detonated again more than half a year later, and it was still the hand of Xia. Tao Hejiang knew that someone wanted to borrow it. The sharp sword of the Commission for Discipline Inspection completely solved the Chen Gongfang incident once and for all, making Chen Gongfang shut up forever.

To be fair, Tao Hejiang doesn't want Xia to ignite the incident with his own hands, because once the matter becomes big, the Commission for Discipline Inspection will be very passive, and no one of the Commission for Discipline Inspection is willing to interfere in Chen Gongfang's case.

Tao Hejiang secretly observed Xiaxiang. Seeing that Xiaxiang had slowly recovered from the anxiety just now, he thought that Xia was young, but his mind was quite heavy. When he thought about it, how could he serve as the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection when he was so young?

Liang Xianing's eyes jumped a few times and felt that it was necessary to explain a few more words. He said, "Xia, we are old friends, as well as well as Hejiang and Zeng Zhuo. The relationship is very good, so I will say a few more..." His eyes looked out of the window. It was dark and unfathom Some inside information about Chuxiang Province is also understandable. At that time, when discussing the decision to punish Chen Gongfang, I raised an objection, but finally passed the punishment of Chen Gongfang's party warning. To be honest, I think this punishment opinion fully affirmed the conclusion of the provincial government investigation team..."

Xia wanted to hear Liang Xianing's words. He only mentioned the provincial government and not the provincial party committee, which shows that some people in the government team want to rectify Chen Gongfang. At the same time, it also indirectly shows that the backstage of the Hunan Provincial Road and Bridge is the power of the provincial government.

Liang Xianing's words suddenly stopped, and he no longer expressed his views on the double regulation of Chen Gongfang by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. He is also the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee. Although he also has the right to comment on cadres, Chen Gongfang is involved in too many inside stories and things are too complicated. It's better to

But I have to say a few more words, also from the perspective of thinking for Xia. From the bottom of my heart, Liang Xianing still hopes that Xia wants to take the middle route like him, rather than radical or negative.

Xia wanted to be silent for a moment and asked Tao Hejiang, "Lin can't get in touch now?"

"It has been turned off, and I guess it has arrived in Chendong City now." Chendong City is not far from Xiangjiang City, and it is only two hours away.

"Then wait for Lin's news." Xiaxiang stood up as if nothing had happened, "I was very embarrassed to startle Minister Liang. He Jiang and Zeng Zhuo have also worked hard. Go to bed early.

Ah... Liang Xia wanted to look at each other with Tao Hejiang and Zeng Zhuo. If Xia didn't take any measures, did he acquiesce to the fact that he was manipulated by Lin Huajian? Or, what else does Xia have?

Seeing that Xia wants to be sure, Liang Xianing can't say anything more. He thinks that Xia wants to hold an emergency meeting of the Standing Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and will send someone to recover Lin Huajian, and then take a series of after-up measures. Unexpectedly, Xia has completely let go. Is it a negative response? Let Lin Hua Bureau?

A trace of disappointment flashed in Liang Xianing's heart. Could it be that he couldn't get Xia to think of his side?

After everyone left, Xia wanted to sit alone in the office, her face was uncertain, and there was a trace of coldness and indifference under the light.

The next morning, the news officially came from Chendong City that Chen Gongfang, the deputy mayor of Chendong City, was double-regulated by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection!

The news suddenly caused a lot of sensation in the provincial party committee. It is said that it is not a big deal for a deputy mayor to be double-regulated. Every year, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection investigates and punishs more than 10 senior officials above the deputy hall, but everyone knows the feud between Chen Gongfang and the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge.

The phone call from Xia Xiang's office rang quickly, and Zeng Zhuo came in to report solemnly: "Xia, Zheng, please come over there!"

: The fourth update, please! Lao He shouted, and with all his strength, the plot and update of the official god can maintain the strong impact! RO