official god

Chapter 1301 The Wind rises

has just laid the treasure of authority in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Xia wants to be happy! Before he left, he received the evil deplea of Yan's time, which made the anger in his chest particularly turbulent.

When Xia wanted to go out, Fu Xianfeng's secretary, Hai Feng, just pushed the door in. He said respectfully, "Xia [Shu], Governor Fu, please come over." After all, the governor is the No. 2 figure of the provincial party committee, and the secretary came to invite him in person, which is also very good for Xia Unexpectedly, Xia wanted to wave his hand casually and said casually, "Tell Governor Fu that I don't have time for the time being. I'll go to him when I finish dealing with the matter." As soon as he finished speaking, without waiting for Hai Feng to say another word, he turned around and left.

Haifeng stood on the spot and didn't react for a long time. What a summer [book]. He was too disrespectful to the governor. He simply didn't pay attention to the governor's authority. He simply waved his hand and left. He even owed a reason. It was really big.

Hai Feng was a little hairy in his heart. He returned to the governor's office and reported Xia Xiang to Fu Xianfeng.

Fu Xianfeng was not as angry as Hai Feng imagined, but calmed down for a moment, and suddenly laughed: "What a summer thought, I finally regained my previous strength." Suddenly, his face darkened again, and I scolded Hai Feng, "In the future, don't say Xia [book] in front of me. Hai Feng, only this time, I won't do it again."

Haifeng hurriedly agreed, because Fu Xianfeng's face was so gloomy that he knew that Governor Fu was really angry, not because of Xia's rudeness, but because of his talkativeness.

Let Hai Feng remember a little bit. In the future, in front of Governor Fu, he can no longer mention half of the bad words of Xia [book].

When Xia wanted to arrive at the hospital, Yan Shi had already been admitted to the intensive care unit.

On the way, Xia thought had learned what had happened before and after.

Things are still intertwined by Yan Shi's greed and Tang Jia Shao's lust, which eventually led to a great disaster!

The road bridge in Hunan Province has stepped up the attack. Yan Xiao also contacted Fu Xianfeng again through the relationship. At the same time, he also made small suggestions for Tang Jia Shao, and sat with the four young master of Hunan Province to discuss how to win the highway project more safely and safely. After several contacts, Yan Xiao thought that he had reached a temporary deal with The alliance was confused by Tang Jia Shao's rhetoric and Ye Dibei's promise of high returns, and was determined that the business relationship between her and them was a one-time cooperation.

He didn't know that Ye Dibei was insidious and cunning. He not only saw that Xia wanted to be very concerned about Yan Xiao, but also knew that Tang Jia Shao had been coveting Yan Xiao for a long time. In addition, he did not believe that Yan Xiao was only for money. He thought that Yan Xiao still wanted to take

The last secret shooting incident has not been calculated yet, and now you still dare to be a big-tailed wolf? Strict time, don't be too smart! Ye Dibei was enthusiastic about Yan Xiao on the surface, but secretly encouraged Major General Tang Jia, Yan Xiao, to take it down and make raw rice for cooked rice." Guan Baoyan followed him with all his heart.

Tang Jia has been fascinated for a long time, and with Ye Dibei's clever inspitation, he can't wait even more. Moreover, Yan Xiao wanted to refuse to welcome him was really seductive. He almost couldn't help looking for all opportunities to push Yan Xiao down!

The opportunity has finally come.

Yesterday happened to be Yan Xiao's birthday. Yan Xiao originally wanted to imply that Xia thought, "I didn't expect that Xia wanted to answer her phone. When he was depressed, Tang Jia Shao's phone called in in time, and he had already arrived downstairs to pick her up. When Yan was a child, he was angry with Xia. When he saw Tang Jia Shao pulling a car, he was angry and got into Tang Jia Shao's car.

Tang Jia Shao made an appointment with Ye Dibei and Yang Yaoer to celebrate their birthdays for Yan Xiao. The birthday party was very lively. The careful Tang Jia Shao also called several college classmates in Yan Xiao to be between classmates and old friends. Yan Xiao's wandering mood for many years finally got a rest. "She was happy and drank too much.

Then Tang Jia Shao sent her home and took a detour halfway to a villa. Seeing that Yan Xiao was really drunk, Tang Jia Shao began to do something. "I don't want Yan Xiao's sense of prevention is very strong, and he tries his best to resist.

Tang Jia Shao changed his strategy again. He said that he had been waiting for her for many years, willing to marry her as his wife, willing to take care of her, willing to abandon everything for her, and so on. Anyway, he said it sincerely. I don't know if he was moved by himself. He cried until his nose. Tears.

Yan Xiao was not moved at all, and he also advised Tang Jia to die. It was never possible between her and him!

The man's well respect was completely beaten by Yan Xiao. Tang Jia Shao was furious. He scolded Yan Xiao as a bitch who pretended to be chaste. He would rather let Xia want to sleep in vain, and would rather be Xia's lover than be his main room. It was really cheap. He rushed up like a wolf and tore

Although she was born exquisitely, she thought she was a weak beauty just by looking at her appearance. In fact, she is not. She is stubborn and stubborn. Since she has been a person for so many years, her personality is not ordinary strong. How can Tang Jia succeed? She bit, kicked and shouted, and took out the anti-kinry wolf spray that had never left her body and sprayed Tang Jia Shao's face.

Tang Jia Shao was completely furious and lost his mind. He kicked Yan Xiao, beat Yan Xiao to the most, and his whole body was injured and he couldn't wake up!

Tang Jia rarely almost lost his life, and he also woke up drunk. He was so scared that he immediately ignored the life and death of Yan's time, and drove away overnight!

When Yan was rescued to the hospital, his delicate face was swollen, and his body was still bleeding, which was terrible.

When Xia wanted to arrive, Yan Shi had already woken up. His face was wrapped in thick gauze, and his body was also wrapped very tightly, which was no longer as beautiful and charming as before.

With just one look, Xia thought only felt angry in his heart. Since he met Yan's childhood, he has never seen her so embarrassed, because she has always been an exquisite woman, like a perfect picture, which can only be seen from a distance and not close to her. Nowadays, the picture has been destroyed. Xia wanted to feel sad for Yan Xiao for the first time. She not only regretted her serious injury, but also felt sorry that she did not listen to the advice and insisted on being entangled with Tang Jia Shao and others. It was too late to regret.

When Yan Xiao saw Xiaxiang, he only flowed two lines of tears from **'s eyes, but he was speechless.

Xia wanted to get close to his body. There were no outsiders in the [room]. He didn't care much about it. He held Yan Xiao's hand and whispered, "Little, what do you want me to say hello..." Yan Xiao's lips moved gently. Xia wanted to know that she wanted to speak, so he came up. He only I won't give it to him if I die. I will only be for you all my life, and I will guard myself like jade!" In one sentence, Xia wanted to be angry with her, all the pain and regret, all disappeared, and only turned into a strong love and warmth in her heart! His nose was sore and his tears almost fell. When Yan was a child, he made mistakes again, and then he was greedy. In an instant, he completely forgave her for what she had done.

A woman's persistence for several years, and everything she has been waiting for him, any man will get justice for her. Even a powerless man will be furious and splash his blood five steps.

If Xia wants to be angry, what kind of thunderstorm will it set off in Hunan Province?

The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] remembered that he visited the hospital in person. The dean panicked and hurried to meet Xiaxiang. Unexpectedly, it was a step late. Xiaxiang had left immediately and did not stay in the hospital at all.

The dean knew that Yan Xiao was not small, and hurriedly organized the most capable force of the hospital to rescue. Fortunately, the injury was not serious when he was young. It was all traumatic injuries, and all he needed was time to recuperate.

Xia Xiang's special car did not return to the provincial party committee, but drove directly to the Xiangjiang Municipal Party Committee.

As soon as the car entered the courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee, someone greeted it. It was the Xiangjiang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection [book] to remember Ning Haishen. Ning Haishen didn't know in advance that Xia wanted to come to the municipal party committee, but after all, he had been in Xiangjiang for many years, and he also had something to do with the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. When Xia Xiang was still on his way, someone called him in advance.

The system of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has a certain degree of independence. The appointment of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection [book], the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection also has the right to make suggestions, and even the Provincial Party Committee will respect the opinions of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Moreover, Xiaxiang himself is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee

And just a scene that happened in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Ning Haishen also heard it at the first time, and knew that Xia [Book]'s prestige of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is now in full power. Therefore, it is very necessary to establish a good interactive relationship between subordinates and superiors with Secretary Xia.

Xia Xiang was not very polite to Ning Haishen, but simply shook hands: "Comrade Haishen, if you have something to do first, I'll come to Mayor Mei." If there were someone else, he would definitely go there knowingly, but Ning Haishen didn't. Xia wanted to stride in front of him. He "It's okay. I'm fine. I'm not busy. In case the summer [book] needs someone to do something, I can help.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling face. What's more, Ning Haishen is still a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Xia Can't drive him away rudely anymore, so he followed him all the way to Mei Xiaolin's office.

At the level of Xiaxiang, if he officially came to the Xiangjiang Municipal Party Committee as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Xiangjiang Municipal Party Committee [Book] Gu Jianxuan must also come forward to greet him. However, today Xia Xiang is in his personal capacity, so when he strode in the Who are the young people today? What a big style. Let Ning Haishen follow him like a follower. Is he the prince of a high-ranking official in the capital?

Many people don't know Xiaxiang.

Ji wanted to go straight to Mei Xiaolin's office.

When she knocked on the door and went in, Mei Xiaolin was talking to a deputy mayor about her job. She thought who it was. As soon as she looked up and saw that it was Xia, she couldn't help but be surprised. Before he opened his mouth, Xia Xiang said, "Mayor Mei, Yan Xiao suffered serious personal injury, and the murderer is still at large. I ask Xiangjiang City to try its best to catch the murderer!"

Just when Xia wanted to put pressure on Xiangjiang City in person, the secret phone call on Gu Jianxuan's table of Xiangjiang Municipal Party Committee [Book] also rang quickly. It was a call from the capital!

The moment Gu Jianxuan picked up the phone, he didn't know what happened!