official god

Chapter 1319 Pre-war Preview

The accidental collapse of the Huaiyang Bridge is equivalent to a life-threatening shackle, which directly makes the most perfect annotation for Tang Jia Shao's fall. It is equivalent to quibbling again in Tang Jia Shao and denying it again, and it can't hide the bloody fact that the bridge was destroyed.

Under normal circumstances, there is no need to notify the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [book] of major safety accidents such as the collapse of the bridge, and there is no need for the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [book] to deal with them. It is the responsibility of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. However, Zheng Haiqi informed Xiaxiang at the first time. It was a deep meaning. Xiaxiang could understand it by himself, which must be Zheng Sheng's hint.

At the same time, the deeper intention shows that "Huaiyang Bridge is a project of Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, and although the cause of the collapse has not been identified, it must be a major problem in the quality of the project, which is associated with the successive engineering accidents of Hunan Provincial Road Bridge.

Xia wanted to say goodbye to Yan Xiao and Fu Xianfeng urgently. The two women also knew that it was important and did not keep it. However, when Yan Xiao heard that Tang Jia was arrested, she finally showed a long-lost happy smile, just like the first sunny after the snow, which was indescribable.

When he arrived at the provincial party committee, he received a phone call from Mei Xiaolin and reported in detail the process of Tang Jia's fall.

Tang Jia Shao did not leave Xiangjiang City at all!

Chen Ximing deployed most of the police force to the main traffic hub, only a small part of the police force, dressed in plain clothes, and secretly inspected the traffic road to Guizhou. If it is investigated with great fanfare, it is bound to startle the snake, so he did not fully adopt Xiaxiang's orders, but made appropriate adjustments.

Chen Ximing's strategy worked. According to Tang Jia Shao's statement afterwards, when he saw that most of the police were deployed at airports and railway stations, he thought he had cheated everyone. After a day of observation, he thought he could escape calmly, so he took a car out of the provincial road. As a result, he didn't expect to

Xia wanted to listen to Mei Xiaolin's report and knew that he had made the error of arbitrary command that all the superior leaders were easy to make at that time, so he sincerely admitted the mistake and asked Mei Xiaolin to tell Chen Ximing on his behalf. In his personal name, he thanked Chen Ximing for his hard work.

Xia wanted to move Chen Ximing's sincere attitude. In the officialdom, "leaders have always been wise and martial arts, and everything is right" is the same as the high god" and never makes mistakes. The ancients could still know that mistakes could be improved greatly. In the modern era of political clarity and [the people], how could leaders become the incarnation of eternal correctness?

Xia wants to be a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [book]. It is Chen Ximing's mind and demeanor that Chen has never seen before!

Xia thought that he did not know his unintentional behavior, so he made Chen Ximing have always had respect for him. When he hurried to the provincial party committee, the office of the provincial party committee was brightly lit, and Zheng Sheng, Fu Xianfeng, Ye Tiannan and Zheng Haiqi were all there.

Fu Xianfeng and Ye Tiannan saw that Xia wanted to come in. They both looked puzzled. Obviously, they were thinking, what did Xia want to do? The bridge collapsed and the accident happened. It was the aftermath of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. What's the excitement of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection?

Xia wanted to draw a conclusion from the expressions of the two people. "Fu Xianfeng and Ye Tiannan did not know that Tang Jia Shao had been arrested. This also proves that Chen Ximing is still reliable and did not inform Yang Hengyi of the situation as soon as possible.

strengthened Xia's determination to win over Chen Ximing. With the help of the power of the provincial public security department, if the power of the municipal bureau can no longer be commanded, it will encounter many levels that cannot be bypassed.

The power of the people's dictatorship must also be in their own hands.

Zheng Sheng just wanted to nod his head to Xia, and did not explain to Fu Xianfeng and Ye Tiannan why Xia wanted to come, so he asked Zheng Haiqi to start to report the latest trends of the Huaiyang Bridge accident.

"The Huaiyang Bridge is a large 4-span stone arch bridge built by traditional technology built by Xiang Provincial Road Bridge, with a span of 65 meters and a height of 42 meters" across the Tuojiang River. The total investment of the bridge is 12 million yuan, and the total length is 320 meters..." Zheng Haiqi is to introduce the specific situation of the Huaiyang Bridge. In fact, the focus was on the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge at the beginning. The responsibility target has been clarified. At the time of the accident, it is the traffic peak. 10 people were killed and 15 people were injured It can't be counted. According to witnesses, "In less than 10 seconds, the whole bridge collapsed like tofu..."

Zheng Sheng patted the table with an angry face: "The project is more tofu dregs than tofu residue!" His eyes jumped from Fu Xianfeng's face to Ye Tiannan's face, and finally fell on Xia Xiang's face. "If I remember correctly," this is the third bridge that collapsed the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge, right?"

I didn't want to say anything, just nodded in silence.

Zheng Sheng said sadly, "Gend Governor Fu, I remember that Xia [Shu] said earlier that the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission should remove Tang Jia Shao's position, and Xia [Shu] also mentioned it to you personally. Why didn't the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission pay attention to it? I also just heard that Tang Jia was rude to his time, and he also beat him all over his body and was hospitalized. Who is this? What kind of scum is this!"

Zheng Sheng's voice suddenly raised eight degrees, and he said loudly with unprecedented excitement: "A party member and cadre" ** attempted to beat the victim. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission had no attitude, and also let Tang Jia Shao serve as the general manager of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge. This is a disgrace to the Communists and I would like to ask the people of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission in person, a scum, a scum that doesn't even have the most basic personality, and served as the general manager of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge. Why, comrades, now there is indeed another bridge collapse incident. "The people will scold our provincial party committee and the

"Comrade Haiqi reported that Tang Jia Shao absconded yesterday. Does it mean that he already knew that he had a problem? Did he know that the Huaiyang Bridge would collapse before he ran away? More than a day has passed, and a group of men of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission have not come up with an attitude so far. Will their news be blocked than my provincial party committee [book]?

Zheng Sheng's anger was high, and his momentum was so suppressed that both Fu Xianfeng and Ye Tiannan looked gloomy. He couldn't even raise his head, let alone dared to refute.

What else is there to say? Misfortunes don't come alone, things happen one after another, and everything points directly to the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge. In the face of the iron facts, any explanation is pale and weak.

Fu Xianfeng is fine. I don't know much about Zheng Sheng in the past. Ye Tiannan was secretly shocked. Zheng Sheng used to be known for his gentle and honest governance style, and never showed an exciting and radical side. Today's impassionedness made him inexplicably feel a pressure, which was not only the power halo brought by the position of the provincial party committee [book], but also the pressure burst out by Zheng Sheng's

Zheng Sheng was furious, not only the premise of the great prosperity caused by the Huaiyang Bridge, but also the inducement of Fu Xianfeng's repeated secret shame to investigate the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge. "All kinds of previous dissatisfaction accumulated together, and the power was not small.

Moreover, Zheng Sheng's anger not only pointed to the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, but also expressed his strong dissatisfaction with the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. The provincial party committee [book] was angry, and the position of the director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was probably not guaranteed.

Xia thought to himself, I'm afraid that Zheng Sheng has long been dissatisfied with the current director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. If he doesn't take the opportunity to take him now, when will he wait?

"It's someone who deliberately condoned, or even reported the news in advance, which made Tang Jia Shao escape calmly, comrades." I'm very sad. Our anti-corruption work has always lagged behind the whole country. It's not that the work of comrades of the Commission for Discipline Inspection is not carried out poorly, but that we have too many party members and cadres who shelter and condone crimes!" Zheng Sheng's sentence is very heavy, and the insinuation is obvious. "Ye Tiannan's unchanging Book] There are indeed a small number of party members and cadres who break the law and discipline, but most of the cadres are still good cadres and can't be killed with one stick.

Fu Xianfeng also agreed and said, "Zheng [Shu]'s starting point is good, and the urgent mood can also be understood." But the road should be taken step by step. The anti-corruption work in Hunan Province has a long way to go. I am here to express my position. In the future, I will fully support the anti-corruption work His attitude is to take it out." He is also smart.

Fu Xianfeng's attitude satisfied Zheng Shengda, and also made him understand that "political momentum" is very important, and righteousness is very important. After mastering the highest point, he took the key first step of full power.

Speaking of which... we should all thank Xiaxiang.

Zheng Sheng felt that the heat was almost over, so he softened his tone. He turned his head and asked Xia, "Comrade Xiaxiang, has the Commission for Discipline Inspection mastered the disciplinary behavior of Tang Jia Shao and Bi Peng?" As soon as he mentioned Bi Peng, Fu Xianfeng's face was a little unnatural.

"When the Commission for Discipline Inspection was preparing to take coercive measures against Tang Jia Shao and Bi Peng, the two fled at the same time." The work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has always been very passive. As early as when Tang Jia Shao was arrested for the murder and injury, the Commission for Discipline Inspection proposed to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission to remove Tang Jia Shao from office in order to further try the problem of Tang Jia Shao. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission did not respond. Therefore, because of Tang Jia Shao's status as a national cadre, the municipal bureau "it is difficult to conduct a fair interrogation, and in the end, he had to let him be released on bail." Xia thought clearly that Zheng Sheng would take the opportunity to talk about the SASAC, so he gave Zheng Sheng another reason.

Fu Xianfeng's face was even more gloomy. Today's meeting was so aggrieved that it was completely mastered by Zheng Sheng and Xiaxiang's singing and taking the initiative. He and Ye Tiannan were crushed to death.

But on the thought, what's the use of Zheng Sheng's aggressiveness? What's the use of Xia's want to stir up trouble? As long as Tang Jia Shao and Bi Peng are not arrested, all the clues will be interrupted. At that time, only a few small fish and shrimps can be dealt with, and the foundation of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge cannot be touched!

There is another point. Although the position of the director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission is not guaranteed, the leader is furious. "Zhao Lin's director has not been long." In fact, Fu Xianfeng is quite satisfied with Zhao Lin, because as the director of the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Zhao Lin is

I didn't expect to sacrifice Zhao Lin. Fu Xianfeng was still unhappy, and he was even more unhappy with Xia. However, he still has a glimmer of hope for Xiaxiang. "There is a chance to sit down and talk with Xia." Maybe there is still a chance to shake hands and make peace.

However, Xia Shang immediately said another sentence, which not only surprised Zheng Shengda, but also shocked Ye Tiannan's hope of Fu Xianfeng, and it was clear that there must be swords and shadows between him and Xia Shang.