official god

Chapter 1322 Phase II

When Bi Peng returned to Hunan Province, he was directly controlled by Shangjiang and arranged to another secret place.

With the fall of Bi Peng, the tension in Hunan Province has increased a little.

The current situation is that Fu Xianfeng dealt with the Huai Rent Bridge accident in Huaiyang City. The State Council also sent an accident investigation team to Xiang Province and personally went to the scene of the accident for investigation. The preliminary investigation concluded that it was the cause of the quality of the project that led to the accidental collapse of the bridge.

Originally, the investigation team led by the provincial government also wanted to find a group of experts to demonstrate the objective reason for the collapse of the bridge, but the investigation team of the State Council pointed out mercilessly that the quality of the project of the bridge was too poor, and there were traces of glue bonding in many places, which was simply a crude garbage project.

The conclusion of the investigation team of the State Council was directly given to the investigation team of the provincial government. They also hurriedly echoed the opinions of the investigation team of the State Council. Finally, the conclusion of the investigation was officially reported to the provincial party committee after being reviewed by Fu Xianfeng. The conclusion of the investigation team undoubtedly made the situation of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge worse, because there are rumors outside that Tang Jia Shao has admitted that the internal management of the Hunan Provincial Highway Bridge is chaotic, bribed when undertaking the project, and cut corners during the construction process, which led to frequent accidents. There are also rumors that the reason why Bi Peng was arrested was also because of the collapse of the Chendong Bridge, and he was bitten by Tang Jia Shao.

So now that the Huaiyang Bridge falls, does it mean that there will be an earthquake in Huaiyang's officialdom?

In the two cities of Chendong and Huaiyang, people are now panicked and afraid that the personnel of the Commission for Discipline Inspection will suddenly fall from the sky... For a while, the Commission for Discipline Inspection has been constantly calling, and many people call through various relationships, or knocking on the side to inquire about the progress of Tang Jia Shao's case, or "Serious" or in response to Xia Xiang's hobbies and temper, the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has become a hot spot in the whole province.

Because the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has always given people the feeling of a soft-footed tiger, "I didn't expect that soon after Xia wanted to take office, it was very powerful, and there were signs of a change.

But whether it is the provincial leaders or the large and small officials of the cities below, the phone call to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has not gained much, because no one knows the progress of the case of Tang Jia Shao and Bi Peng. It is not even known where the two are, because Xia [Shu] remember to act cautiously and avoid people everywhere.

It makes many people feel that Xia's thinking is a little too much. Not only is he monopolized, but he also regards the Commission for Discipline Inspection as his own discipline committee. It is really a villain's behavior.

Xia wants to ignore the outside world's comments. If he does not take power from the Commission for Discipline Inspection, he can't carry out his work, because everything has been revealed, and the authority of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has disappeared. How can he shock the corrupt officials and how can he perform the duties of the Commission for Discipline Inspection?

Just when everyone thought that Xia Shang's means were too tough, Xia Shang answered some people's suspicions with practical actions. When Fu Xianfeng was still dealing with the aftermath of the accident in Huaiyang, "Xia Shang and Zheng Sheng" held a not grand send-off ceremony in the Provincial Party Committee compound, and gave Lin Huajian and You Fang After careful consideration, Youfang still decided to go to the training. Anyway, it is idle, and the training is also gilded, which is several times better than recuperating from illness. Although it seems that the provincial party committee and the provincial commission for discipline inspection attach great importance to it, and even the provincial party committee [book] also came forward in person, everyone has

Ye Tiannan did not participate in the see-off ceremony. "He stood in front of the window of the office" and looked at the drop-off team in the courtyard expressionlessly. There were Zheng Sheng, Xiaxiang, Zheng Haiqi, and several members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. There was uncontroll He bullied people too much. Taking advantage of Fu Xianfeng's absence from the provincial party committee, he and Zheng Sheng jointly sent Lin Huajian and Youfang away as a gift. The intention was obvious, which was to make the internal operation of the Commission for Discipline Inspection into an iron plate.

Xiaxiang's deeper consideration Ye Tiannan also knows that only with the internal efforts of the Commission for Discipline Inspection can he make a major breakthrough in the case of Tang Jia Shao and Bi Peng. Whether the case of Tang Jia Shao and Bi Peng is serious, and whether the amount of embezzlement is huge, is not the key to the problem. The key is that both of them pointed to the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge.

Xia Xiang made up his mind to go to the dark on the road, and he will not die with the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge!

Ye Tiannan hesitated for a moment and finally made up his mind. Since Xia wants to touch his bottom line, well, he is not a sick tiger, but also has sharp teeth and fangs. If he is in a hurry, he can also hurt people.

With the departure of Lin Huajian and Youfang, the weather of the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection suddenly became new, and Xia Xiang took the second step to consolidate his personal position. Next, he will gradually adjust the internal division of labor in a month and a half to establish the absolute position of the leader. Of course, it is not the key to establish personal authority. The point is to use a month and a half to completely break through the defense line of Tang Jia Shao, Bi Peng and Shen Heyang, and completely control the problem of Hunan Provincial Road Bridge.

Ye Tiannan guessed Xia's thoughts right. What Xia wanted was really not to destroy the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge, but to change the blood. So far, Xia Xiang has been using normal channels to decompose the power of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, rather than using media speculation to urge the destruction of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge.

Ye Tiannan is not simple. He also saw through Xia Xiang's thoughts. What Xia wants is to achieve a certain political purpose by investigating the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge. As for what Xia Xiang's deeper idea is, Ye Tiannan is still unknown.

On the issue surrounding the Hunan Provincial Road and Bridge, the two forces in Hunan Province have entered the second round of competition.

Just as everyone was waiting for the end of Tang Jia Shao and Bi Peng, unexpectedly, there was no follow-up. Instead, it was an almost forgotten case. The brokerage committee of Chen Gongfang's case was verified, and the charge of embezzlement and bribery was convicted. After the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection was completed, it was transferred to Order.

However, the charges and criminal facts announced by Chen Gong's plan do not involve the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, that is to say, the closing of his case "the value of Chen Gongfang's utilization has come to an end", which proves that the struggle around the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge has entered the second stage.

If the first stage is the testing stage, and Chen Gong's scheme is the fuse and the introduction, then Shen Heyang is the first bomb, Tang Jia Shao is the second bomb, and Bi Peng is the third bomb. Of course, outsiders don't know that "Bi Peng is not Xiaxiang's handwriting, but because Mei Xiaolin's promotion is a bomb thrown by Mei Shengping." Of course, it is also because Bi Peng does have something to do.

Chen Gongfang's case was closed, and the accident investigation team of Huaiyang Bridge ended the investigation. It happened almost at the same time. There seemed to be no connection between the two, but there were still smart people who saw something. Chen Gongfang's case entered the judicial process, as if to free up his hands to deal with the next battle, because In addition, Tang Jia was arrested, and how to deal with the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge has become the most urgent problem in front of him.

And the conclusion of the investigation team is obviously unfavorable to the Hunan Provincial Road and Bridge, and the accident is serious. According to the relevant regulations of the state, the relevant leaders should bear the corresponding leadership responsibilities for major accidents. The construction of a Yaqiao involves many people and things, from the engineering leaders in Huaiyang City to the leaders and technicians of the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge, etc. Even the building materials suppliers need to be checked one by one.

However, until Fu Xianfeng and the State Council investigation team returned to the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection had not made any statement that it had not intervened in the collapse of the Huaiyang Bridge, which also puzzled many people. The Chendong Bridge, which had collapsed for half a year, set off a deputy mayor, Chen Gongfang, an The timing of collapse is just right. Why didn't you take the opportunity to intervene? It's a good time to go up and down. Did you miss it?

Xia Xiang actually thought about intervening in the collapse of Huaiyang Bridge, but in his opinion, it is not a good time at the moment, because the public's attention is focused on the accident itself, and he is reproaching the Xiang Provincial Highway Bridge. He chose to investigate the relevant responsible persons of Huaiyang City at this time, which is It makes people in Huaiyang City panic.

From the perspective of the people, Xia wanted to decide to slow down. After the emergency work of the accident is over, after Huaiyang City has investigated the problem and dealt with the relevant responsible persons, it is not too late for the Commission for Discipline Inspection to review the situation and investigate the situation.

After Fu Xianfeng and his party returned from Huaiyang City, they immediately held a meeting.

Xia didn't think about anything for the time being. After work, he easily stepped out of the provincial party committee compound and went to visit Fu Xianxian, because Fu Xianxian was going back to Beijing.

Recently, Xia wants to like walking, because walking can not only exercise his body, but also help him think about problems. In addition, he can enjoy the beautiful scenery while walking. Why not?

On the way, I unexpectedly received a phone call from Cao Shuxun.

Cao Shuxun said earlier that he would come to Xiangjiang, but he has never made a trip. It is also because there have been a lot of things to do recently. Lian Ruohan and Wei Xin often fly to the United States. She and Li Qin have been able to take care of their family affairs and have been able to get away. In fact, to be fair, of course, she is willing to stay on Xiaxiang. Women like to stay by their beloved men, and they will feel happy even if they are silent.

Cao Shuxun called, but he still didn't give Xia the exact time to come to Xiangjiang. He just told Xia that Xia Dong was ill. "Although it's not serious, it's a small cold", but the child's mind was strange. Suddenly, he said that he missed his father and wanted to see his father.

Cao Shuxun was next to Xia Dong. Xia Dong talked to Xia and asked Xia when he wanted to see him. Xia wanted to know that he could not make a promise easily. If he didn't fulfill it, it would hurt the child's heart. He just said that he would go back to Beijing as soon as possible.

I chatted with Cao Shuxun again and talked about the current financial situation. There are also Lian Ruohan and Wei Xin. She also said, "I also want to go to accompany you as soon as possible and wait until Ruohan and she come back. You clean up the house first, don't let me find any mistakes, and "I don't want anyone to take care of you for me..."

When Cao Shuxun talked about Wei Xin, he didn't mention Wei Xin's name and always replaced it with "her", and his hostility was revealed. Xia wanted to laugh and hung up the phone.

As smart as a girl, she has been with him for more than ten years, and has never asked too many questions about men and women." Because she knows that men are nagging, but they are loved at home.

Suddenly, a harsh brake sounded in my ear, and an orange sports car stopped in front of me. Although the people in the car were dressed, Xia Xiang also recognized Yang Yaoer. What did she do?