official god

Chapter 1329 The appetite is not small, the steps are too big

Chapter 1329 The appetite is not small, and the steps are too big

The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection handles large and small cases almost every day. After all, there are more than a dozen prefectures and cities under the jurisdiction of a province, and hundreds of cadres above the deputy department. Coupled with many provincial enterprises, countless true or false report letters are busy enough, not to mention some cases reflected through abnormal channels.

There are also vicious cases that are forced to be exposed, etc. Basically, cases enter the review process every day, some cases are approved to take measures, and cases have been interrogated and are being closed.

There are more cases that have been delayed for a long time. It can be said that the more high-level officials' cases are, the longer they are delayed, some three months, some even half a year. Therefore, after Tang Jia Shao was double-regulated, all of them were confessed in less than a week. There is also a saying among the insiders of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, which is called daring to act. Of course, it is ironic.

Like Shen Heyang, he only admits some problems. For the backstage and behind-the-scenes characters, there are also many people who refuse to sell in any case. The old people of the Commission for Discipline Inspection know that either they are stubborn and have problems. Either there is an inside story, and there is a fantasy about treating it lightly.

There are also people like Bi Peng. After he came in, he put on a completely denial attitude, refused to cooperate, and his posture was still very high. The general staff went to interrogate. He kept saying, "Please ask Comrade Lin Huajian to come forward, others to come, and I refuse to answer any questions."

There are many cases of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and there are only three cases that are eye-catching, Tang Jia Shao, Shen Heyang and Bi Peng. Among the three cases, what attracts more attention is the Tang Jia Shao case.

Although Tang Jia Shao is the lowest among the three, his identity is the most special, and he is not the most thorough. After the double rule, he opened it before he was convicted, which let many people know that Tang Jia Shao is hopeless.

And Shen Heyang and Bi Peng still retain their party membership.

Xia wanted to sit in Zheng Sheng's office. After pouring the tea, Tong Fan deliberately said more: "Xia, please have some tea. It's Zheng's favorite Dahongpao, and he is usually reluctant to entertain others..."

Zheng Sheng laughed and scolded, "You talk too much!"

Legend has it that there was a high-ranking official in ancient times. Whoever went to his home as a guest, he invited him to drink the big red robe to indicate that he would be promoted. Zheng Sheng invited him to drink the big red robe, and hinted through Tong Fan's mouth, which was also a high-profile gesture to him.

It can be seen that the final conclusion of the Commission for Discipline Inspection on Tang Jia Shao is very critical for Zheng Sheng.

Xia wanted to take a sip of tea and praised: "It's really good tea. Thank you, Zheng Jiaoai."

Zheng Sheng waved his hand with a smile: "If you give good tea to your friends, you won't humiliate the good tea."

Xia Xiang nodded. He accepted Zheng Sheng's affection, but he no longer talked about the tea ceremony. Speaking of Tang Jia Shao: "The brokerage committee verified that during his tenure as the general manager of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, Tang Jia Shao abused his power, embezzled and accepted bribes. The amount of bribes was particularly huge. The circumstances were It is proposed to be transferred to the judiciary for further trial.

When Xia wanted to report, Zheng Sheng nodded frequently while drinking tea to show that he was listening carefully. However, when he heard the back, he nod no longer, but looked slightly stunned. When Xia wanted to finish speaking, his face became serious.

"Xiang Provincial Road Bridge is a construction unit. In the process of undertaking the project, it is inevitable that there will be some means of not seeing the light... Didn't the Commission for Discipline Inspection further check?"

Zheng Sheng's question exposed his real thoughts, and Xia wanted to smile secretly.

Zheng Sheng has served as the provincial party committee for less than a year, and has not significantly adjusted the personnel of the following cities. Each provincial party committee has a large or small personnel adjustment. Whether it is loud or silent, it is definitely necessary to hold the personnel power in his hands to establish authority.

Zheng Sheng has a certain foundation in Hunan Province, but because the opposition force is too strong, in fact, he is still unable to determine the prestige of the leader in Hunan Province without a large-scale personnel adjustment.

There are two major powers in hand, one is personnel and the other is financial power. If personnel and financial power are in hand, no matter how the governor and deputy toss around, it is a waste of time. But the problem now is that the financial power is in Zheng Sheng's hands. Although the personnel power has not been left behind, it has not reached the level of Zheng Sheng's satisfaction.

It is true that Zheng Sheng's hint is that Tang Jia Shao not only accepts bribes, but also definitely pays more bribes, because in the operation of the undertaking project, it is inevitable to give benefits to the supervisor. In fact, Tang Jia Shao also admitted that behind every major project, there are major bribery. Whether it is Huaiyang Bridge or Chendong Bridge, the amount of bribery is more than 10 million!

What's more, Tang Jia Shao also confessed the fact of filial piety to Beijing, and he also confessed it very well. The time, place, amount and even his secret recording at that time were all shaken out. His initiative and initiative made Li Congdong puzzled. He didn't understand why Tang Jia Shao was so stupid and didn Are you back?

Xia thought that he guessed Tang Jia Shao's thoughts. Tang Jia Shao knew his own weight and knew that after being arrested, he must be a victim. So he simply said everything, which can stimulate some people to be willing to save him. Even if he makes money, he can't be stimulated. Anyway, he has no loss. He is dead. What are he afraid of?

But Xia thought that except for the fact that Tang Jia took less bribes, he suppressed all his bribery problems.

Zheng Sheng's appetite is too big. Does Xia want to hand over the hilt of the sword completely to Zheng Sheng? He should take the initiative!

Tang Jia Shao is a double-edged sword. The fact of taking bribes can leverage the internal interests of the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge, because most of the people who bribe Tang Jia Shao are inside the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge - the vice presidents and branch managers can let Zheng Sheng make full use of this, net all the high-level officials of the Xiang Provincial Road !

And the fact that Tang Jia's bribery can trigger an official earthquake in several prefectures and cities in Hunan Province. Not to mention, Huaiyang City and Chendong City alone involve more than a dozen deputy officials from the municipal party committee to the deputy mayor and the director of the urban construction bureau. It is no exaggeration to say that with Tang Jia Shao' You can let Huaiyang and Chendong have a big earthquake in officialdom.

But Xia didn't want to give all the cards to Zheng Sheng, so in this way, he completely lost the initiative and became the power that Zheng Sheng could call at any time, instead of deciding when to detonate independently.

The hand of fate, it's better to wave it by yourself.

Zheng Sheng's mood is understandable. Xia thought that he doesn't want to punish corrupt officials, but not now. Moreover, Xia Xiang also believes that Zheng Sheng now wants to take down the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge in one fell swoop, but also wants to take the opportunity to take the two cities of Huaiyang and Chendong to change blood, which is a little too hasty.

The municipal committees of Huaiyang and Chendong are on the same line of Ye Tiannan. The mayor is Hu Ding, the executive vice governor. If the two cities can be taken down, it is equivalent to Zheng Sheng's beautiful sniper battle, which will definitely increase his prestige in the lower city.

Xia doesn't think so, because at this stage, even if he and Zheng Sheng are completely together, they may not be able to gain an overwhelming advantage, and each defeat is the best strategy. Of course, the most critical point is that he doesn't trust Zheng Sheng very much now, so he won't completely hand over Tang Jia Shao's sword hilt to others. What he is afraid of is that someone with a backhand sword at the critical moment will cut him!

"After investigation, there are indeed some bribery in the specific operation of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge undertaking project, but the evidence is not conclusive, and it cannot be easily concluded..." Xia Xiang did not say anything to death, leaving a gap. "At this stage, the internal problems of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge are more urgent."

Xia wanted to believe his hint, and Zheng Sheng could understand it.

Zheng Sheng heard it clearly, but did not change his mind: "Comrade Xia Xiang, the consistent position of the Provincial Party Committee is to turn the case of Hunan Daoqiao into a major case. No matter who is involved, we must investigate it to the end and never tolerate it. The Commission for Discipline Inspection should be consistent with the position of the Provincial Party Committee."

Xia figured out what Zheng Sheng meant, and still wanted to take the opportunity to take the two cities of Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, Huaiyang and Chendong in one fell swoop. His appetite was not small and his steps were too big. He didn't want to gamble with Zheng Shenghao, because he lost the bet. Zheng Sheng is the provincial party committee, Face as a shield.

"The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection will definitely be highly consistent with the Provincial Party Committee." Xiaxiang did not respond positively to Zheng Sheng, but said a polite sentence.

Two days later, Tang Jia Shao's case was officially transferred to the judiciary, and then Tang Jia Shao was formally prosecuted on two charges of abuse of power and embezzlement and bribery.

After the news came out, Fu Xianfeng pondered for a moment in the office and made a phone call to the capital with a blank face.

After hearing this, Ye Tiannan nodded first, then shook his head, with an elusive expression, and also called the capital.

The most intriguing is Yang Hengyi. After hearing the two charges of prosecuting Tang Jia Shao, he didn't believe it at first. He called in person to verify. After getting the exact reply, he said to himself, "What kind of medicine does Xia want to sell in the gourd?"

Xia Xiang's position seems to be more and more hidden and elusive. With Tang Jia Shao being prosecuted by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Xiangjiang Municipal Bureau also filed a public prosecution to the procuratorial organ on charges of attempted and intentional injury. Many people have seen the situation clearly. Tang Jia Shao is afraid that he will die.

Three days later, just as Zheng Sheng was preparing to hold another office meeting to discuss the final treatment of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, three major events occurred at the same time, which completely disrupted the situation in the whole Hunan Province, and also disrupted Zheng Sheng's deployment and Xia Xiang's plan.

First, the State Council pointed out at a national economic conference that while vigorously developing economic construction, all localities should also strengthen anti-corruption efforts, but attention should be paid to working methods. Anti-corruption should not affect the center of economic suggestions.

If the above is positive pressure, it is not surprising, and it does not shock Xia Xiang, because he also received a hint from the superior that he should let go of the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge properly, but two more things happened in Hunan Province, which really surprised him, and he was very dissatisfied with Zheng Sheng's secret interference in the internal affairs of the Commission for Discipline !

: Ask for ten more, there will definitely be three updates! Thank you, guys. RO