official god

Chapter 1344 Domineering

You... I'm afraid that Cai Jiangwei has never seen such an arrogant woman at his age, and she is also a beautiful woman, who is arrogant, arrogant and looked up to.

However, under the urgency of the attack, Cai Jiangwei said that he was a member of the Standing Committee of the Huaiyang Municipal Party Committee, the Political and Legal Committee and the director of the Public Security Bureau. At least he was also a figure. At least, he was also a deputy department-level cadre. He was slapped by a woman "Fuck you, I dare to hit me again!" As soon as my feet were raised, I felt black in front of me, and I was slapped heavily on my left face, which was much stronger than the slap just now. My mouth was salty, and I was afraid that I had lost one of my teeth.

It's not over yet.

Cai Jiangwei was almost beaten to the spot. After turning half of his body, he kicked another foot on his waist. This kick was so fierce that he directly put him on the ground. Unlucky, he fell to the wall and immediately hit his head and bled.

Cai Jiangwei fell to the ground. Before he got up, a woman with a shawl hair ran out of the room and cried as he ran, "Help! Help me!" There are three people chasing behind, two young people and a middle-aged man.

As soon as the woman went out, she found something strange outside. She was stunned. When she was stunned, she was caught up by the three people behind her and dragged back to the room.

If Xia doesn't want to mind his own business, he must stand up, or he may die. He immediately took out the phone and called Chen Ximing directly: "Xi Ming, bring someone to Xiangjiang Hotel immediately."

Chen Ximing didn't say a word: "Yes, "Xia [Book]" arrived in ten minutes."

Xia wanted to quietly press a button on his mobile phone to inform his guard, and then he asked Wei Xin to go back to the room first." He and Lian Ruohan pushed open the other party's door and completely ignored Cai Jiangwei, who fell to the ground.

Lian Ruohan's bodyguard stood outside the door and stared at Cai Jiangwei, who fell to the ground. Xia thought that he and Lian Ruohan were the members of the Standing Committee of the Huaiyang Municipal Party Committee and the director of the Public Security Bureau. However, Cai Jiangwei was lucky to be beaten by Xiaxiang and Lian Ruohan Cai Jiangwei couldn't move like he was scattered all over. He couldn't wait to shoot Xiaxiang. But he can't move at all now, and he can't afford to be beaten.

And who would have thought that the majestic director of the public security bureau would be stared at by several private bodyguards. It's really humiliating.

Cai Jiangwei's shameful Xia thought he would not pay attention to it. He pushed the door in and found an outrageous scene.

Two young people are desperately pouring water into her mouth according to the woman who just ran outside. It must not be water, but what kind of medicine, another middle-aged official-like man, kept talking on the phone, sweating and looking flustered.

On the sofa next to him, there was still a young man sitting on the phone with a panicked face.

As soon as Xia wanted to come in, two young people who were pouring water were shocked and one of them jumped up. He picked up a wine bottle and shouted, "What do you do? Where did you come from? "You have no way to live if you are not careful!"

The young man was very young, and he looked like he was not afraid of anything. Xia thought that he didn't know who he was. He glanced and found that there were two acquaintances in the room.

It was Huang Yi who was sitting on the sofa and talking on the phone.

It was Lin Xiaoyuan who was pouring water into the woman's mouth with a water glass in one hand.

What a party. Xia wanted to smile coldly, ignored the arrogance of the young man in front of him, and said to Lin Xiaoyuan, "Lin Xiaoyuan, do you know what you are doing?"

Of course, Lin Xiaoyuan knew Xia, who wanted to tremble with fear. The wine glass in his hand fell to the ground and stammered, "Xia" Xia [book]... What's wrong with you?"

Lin Xiaoyuan's words were a little late. "The young man holding the wine bottle saw that Xia wanted to despise him. When he was already popular, he smashed the wine bottle on Xia's head. As soon as he raised his arm, he saw a man coming in outside the door, and then he felt that a strong force came from his chest The son was smashed to pieces.

The young man fainted as soon as he turned his eyes. With his small body, I'm afraid he will be hospitalized for half a month.

Xiaxiang's guard took action!

Huang Yi was also stunned. He held his mobile phone in his hand and his eyes widened: "Xia..., Xia [book]?"

The middle-aged official who called on the side was also stunned: "Xia [book]? Which Xia [book]?" He understood something in an instant, "Is it Xia [book] of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection?" Xia didn't answer, and saw that the window was open. "There was also a torn dress hanging on it, which seemed to be a speechless complaint. His heart sank and came to the window to look down. Sure enough, A girl in a white dress, red and blood in a white dress, shocking.

What happened in the room? Although Xia thought he didn't know the details and the reason, he could probably guess some of the beasts of a group of people. It was a matter of life-threatening event under his eyes. He couldn't ignore it.

The ambulance came, and several medical staff were busy saving people below. Xia wanted to suppress her anger and calmly turned around and sat down: "Lin Xiaoyuan, Huang Yi, in the end, what happened!" Huang Yi glanced at Lin Xiaoyuan, and there was an unpredictable look in his eyes. He shook his head and said, "Xia [Book], I was invited by Lin Xiaoyuan and Director Cai to talk about a business. I am an outsider, and it has nothing to do with me."

When Lin Xiaoyuan saw Huang Yi coming up, he pushed it cleanly, and his face was very unhappy, but he still forced to calm down: "I will make it clear to my father and Director Yang that I won't talk nonsense until they arrive."

"Your father is in Xiangqin" Xia Xiang immediately recognized the loophole in Lin Xiaoyuan's words.

Lin Xiaoyuan just woke up and said that he leaked, and hurriedly covered: "No, I just called him. He will be back tomorrow."

Xia wanted to see Lin Xiaoyuan's playful face, and Huang Yi was also out of the way. Everyone was dead." As if nothing had happened, the anger in his chest could not be suppressed: "Okay, I'd like to see how Lin Huajian and Yang Hengyi can handle it impartially! There seems to be another Director Cai? Whether it is a party member or a director, the Commission for Discipline Inspection has the right to intervene.

Xia wanted to sit at the moment. The spirit of the superior was revealed, and he immediately shocked the scene.

"It is Cai Jiangwei, member of the Standing Committee of the Huaiyang Municipal Committee, Political and Legal Committee and director of the Public Security Bureau." The middle-aged man who called was timid and took the initiative to tell the truth. "Xia [Book]" I'm Jia Linde, deputy general manager of Hunan Telecom...,..."

Lian Ruohan stood at the door with an angry face. After entering the door, he only said two words: "Beast!" Then he didn't say a word and was arrogant. Huang Yi just wanted to take the opportunity to slip away, but when he saw Lian Ruohan's coldness and awe-inspiring, he couldn't help withdrawing his footsteps.

According to Jalinger, several people were originally talking about business and contact. He called two telecom employees, A Xin and A Tong, to accompany him. Unexpectedly, Director Cai fell in love with A Xin and hinted to correct the law on the spot. It happened that Huang Yi brought the aphrodisiac with him and put it in the wine.

A Tong was careful and found that there was something wrong with the wine, so he reminded A Xin. Huang Yi took advantage of his unpreparedness to pour the wine into A Xin. A Xin knew that he could not escape the humiliation, so he jumped off the building desperately. A Tong wanted to run, and several people were afraid that she would talk nonsense. "So he wanted to pour medicine first to make her fall asleep, and then when he was in a mess, Xia thought unexpectedly appeared...

Xia thought that he had heard of some officials with special hobbies before, such as cherishing women's underwear, or collecting women's Mao'an as a specimen, etc. He didn't expect to see the director of the Public Security Bureau with his own eyes today who fell in love with women and was going to take drugs!

It's really insightful" is an eye-opener! I'm afraid that in Director Cai's cognition, law and justice are his mouth. After a woman is won by him, she can only suffer a dumb loss. Even if he dares to make trouble and shout, he has enough skills to deal with it. Even in Xiangjiang, he, the director of Huaiyang Public Security Bureau, is not a woman who can't

From this, it may be inferred that Director Cai Da used the same method to let how many women break their teeth and swallow into their stomachs, and let how many women drink hatred for life and dare not say anything.

Xiaxiang's original intention was to take Chendong City to start an operation in the next series of layouts. He wanted to punish a group of corrupt officials. Zheng Sheng wanted to take the opportunity to collect power and adjust personnel. It can be said that he had the same way. Therefore, he had a tacit understanding and cooperation, but he did not expect that

The four young men in Hunan Province transferred industries and intervened in the oil industry, and Cai Jiangwei's ugly face happened to be bumped into by him. Later, because of Cai Jiangwei's problems, coupled with Lin Xiaoyuan's involvement, the conflict between him and Lin Huajian broke out in advance, which triggered a large official earthquake... It was all It made Xia think of an unexpected chain reaction.

But at present, he hates Fan Jiangwei, who can't control his lower body and several people in the room. There are many things that are far away, or I don't think so. I have seen more ugly faces and shameless behaviors of corrupt officials in the media, which seems to be numb to everything, but when it really happened in front of me, Xia thought to know that the blood is still cold, and ** is still there.

There was a messy pace outside." Cai Jiangwei's voice like killing a pig sounded: "Cap Yang, a few gangsters hit me just now, and quickly helped me relieve the siege. Ah, Director Chen is also here. Hurry up and arrest these people..."

Yang Hengyi didn't know that Xia wanted to, and responded majestically: "Who dares to hit the director of the public security bureau" was the opposite! Let me have a look..."

"Don't look, Lao Yang, it's my hand!" Xia thought that "Lao Yang" shouted out, and his condescending meaning was revealed, that he wanted to press Yang Hengyi's head clearly, "I'm afraid it's a light fight. If he had just known that he was the director of Huaiyang Public Security Bureau, he would have been almost disabled now.

The voice was not loud and the tone was light, but the pressure was domineering. Xia wanted to put the authority of the fourth figure of the provincial party committee in front of people for the first time!

Yang Hengyi's face suddenly darkened and he stared at Cai Jiangwei fiercely, meaning that it was not good to provoke anyone. If you provoke Xia, you can ask for more blessings. As soon as he came in, Xia wanted to give him another horse power: "Lao Yang, did you detain Cai Jiangwei, or let Chen Bureau take him down in accordance with the law? If it is not convenient, it can be dealt with by the Commission for Discipline Inspection in accordance with the management regulations of party members and cadres!"