official god

Chapter 1350 Complex Simple Things

Chapter 1350 Complexities of Simple Things

Coincidentally, Xia wanted to return to Beijing on the same plane with Lian Ruohan, but he didn't expect to find out after boarding the plane that Lin Huajian was also on the same flight.

Before Lin Xiaoyuan's affairs were over, Lin Huajian had to return to Beijing, and he was also helpless. Although Xiaxiang did not ask him in person that he must go back to Beijing to continue training, there is no place for him within the Commission for Discipline Inspection for the time being. When many people saw him, they all greeted him. They were secretly curious about why he came back and let Lin Huajian do it.

In addition, Ye Tiannan thought that it was better for Lin Huajian to return to Beijing. It was useless to stay in Xiangjiang, which hindered Xia Xiang's eyes. Lin Xiaoyuan did not commit a crime. The municipal bureau detained him for 24 hours at most and he would release him.

Under the balance of Lin Huajian, he returned to Beijing in time, so as not to be honest in the summer. However, when he thought that his son was arrested, he could not stay around, which also frustrated him. As the deputy director of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the director of the Provincial Supervision Department, it's too shameful that he can't even keep his son in Xiangjiang.

But the things in the officialdom are like this in the first place. Although Xia wants to be abominable, everything is reasonable and makes him suffer.

If it is normal, it is a great opportunity to take the same flight with his superiors. However, for Lin Huajian, he felt that he was like a year and sitting on a needle. After only saying hello to Xia, he turned his head aside and closed his eyes to recuperate. He sat with Xia wanted to sit with Lian Ruohan, talking and laughing, which made him feel uncomfortable. He secretly scolded Xia wanted to be sanctimonious and pretended to be righteous.

Xia thought that he would not pay attention to Lin Huajian's slander. He did things with a clear conscience, so he didn't care about other people's shortcomings. I was worried that the thunderstorm would cause the flight to be delayed, but I didn't expect to take off on time.

This trip to Beijing was not to deliberately leave Xiangjiang to show that he had nothing to do with the next thing, but a few things forced him to go to Beijing immediately, have an interview with Mr. Wu, and meet Wu Caiyang.

On the one hand, whether Song Chaodu and Chen Feng can be appointed as members of the Political Bureau is the most important aspect. Whether the father-in-law can take advantage of Fan Ruiheng's retreating east wind to take another step forward and become a real feudal official is the most important aspect.

Of course, there are other miscellaneous things that must also go to Beijing, and it is said that it is expected to meet the general manager this time, so it is also the emperor?

After all, the capital is the center that officials in the world have to pay attention to all the time. As soon as the wind blows, it is related to their own future. Who is careless? Therefore, Xia wants to go to Beijing this time. Not surprisingly, he can not only meet Song Chaodu and Chen Feng, but also have a deep conversation with Gu Qiushi.

The general trend of the world is like the white clouds in the sky, which is changeable, but the white clouds are leisurely and always go with the wind. Therefore, knowing the direction of the wind in advance is the key to being invincible for everyone in the officialdom.

Unlike Xiaxiang's worries, Lian Ruohan laughed and was very happy. In her impression, she had not yet taken the same plane with Xia Xiang. The days when she came to Xiangjiang were her happiest time in recent years. Of course, it's not that I was unhappy before, but that it's not as comfortable as it is now.

Wei Xinfei returned to Yanshi, saying that there was a sudden emergency at home, so he didn't go back to Beijing with Lian Ruohan - Lian Ruohan believed it, but Xia wanted to know that Wei Xin deliberately left space for him and Lian Ruohan.

Wei Xin's mind is too delicate. Even if he thinks about others, he will be in the dark. She thinks that Xia doesn't know, but she doesn't know that Xia wants to know.

Xia thought didn't say much. Wei Xin had her own world. Even if it was his words, she might not be able to listen much.

Looking at the clouds like the sea and mountains in the air, Xia's thoughts are ups and downs. It is still unknown whether the sky in the capital is clear, and the Xiangjiang River should have thundered and rained. I don't know whose clothes forgot to collect them. They must have been wet.

Xia wanted to turn off his mobile phone as soon as he boarded the plane. Naturally, he didn't know what happened in Xiangjiang, but no matter how big the thunderstorm was and how fierce the storm was, he was always a person sitting in the clouds with a faint smile.

The thunderstorm in the Xiangjiang River is really not small.

The family of the deceased A Xin gathered a team of more than 30 people from the suburbs and counties, pulled up banners, blocked the gate of the municipal party committee, and also blocked Xiangjiang Street in front of the municipal party committee, causing a wide range of traffic jams.

Gu Jianxuan, the municipal party committee, was very annoyed and ordered the municipal bureau to guide traffic, solve troubles and deal with problems. When he was about to put pressure on the municipal bureau, he received a mysterious and timely phone call. After answering the phone, Gu Jianxuan was properly silent and made a very wise decision - stay out of the matter, and then he quietly left the municipal party committee on the pretext that he had something to do, and his whereabouts were unknown.

Mei Xiaolin personally came forward to appease the family of the deceased and promised that the case would be handled in accordance with the law. No matter who was involved, she would definitely investigate it to the end.

The mother of the deceased A Xin, with white hair and almost fainted, took Mei Xiaolin's hand and sobbed: "Mayor Mei, you must make the decision for me. My daughter is handsome and strong. It's good to learn from an early age. Originally, I expected her to stay in the city after graduating from college, find a good job and marry a good family, but I didn't expect that it would be ruined. Oh, my God..."

A Xin's father knelt down in front of Mei Xiaolin: "Mayor Mei, I heard that there is a director of Huaiyang City. I am a farmer and I don't know anything. I just ask you, you are the mayor of Xiangjiang. Can you control the director of Huaiyang?"

Mei Xiaolin grew up in a family and rarely came into contact with the joys and sorrows of the people at the bottom. When she was in Anxian County, she did not work too hard, and she did not have a deep understanding of the hardships of the people. Although she came to the Xiangjiang River for a long time, it was the first time she

As a woman, she also felt the pain of empathy for A Xin's death. With tears in her eyes, she reached out and pulled up the two old people and said solemnly, "Old man, no matter where he is the director, as long as he violates the law in Xiangjiang, he can't leave Xiangjiang before he is severely punished by the law

In the crowd, the applause was thunderous.

In the applause of the people and the tide of public opinion on the Internet, the Xiangjiang Municipal Bureau began the first wave of systematic and fully prepared interrogation.

Of course, what is not known is that before the interrogation, all the work to be done has been done to be hidden and seamless.

The interrogation work is carried out in separate batches. In fact, among the key people, Cai Jiangwei, Lin Xiaoyuan, Huang Yi and Jia Linger are locked in different places and treated differently.

Cai Jiangwei has the highest salary. He sits in the director's office, has tea, cigarettes, and is accompanied by someone. He can make a phone call at will and watch TV at any time. There is only a little, and he is not free.

Cai Jiangwei was very arrogant at the beginning and kept making phone calls. First, he called the Huaiyang Municipal Party Committee. After he couldn't even find a few leaders, his arrogance and arrogance turned into worry and cold sweat, and he probably guessed something.

However, he was still unwilling, so he called the provincial party committee again. As a result, it was still a meeting, which was inconvenient to answer. In short, there were thousands of reasons. The result was the same. He couldn't find anyone he wanted to find!

They are all old people in officialdom. Cai Jiangwei no longer knows the serious consequences that his superiors and subordinates avoid at critical moments. He is a fool. Of course, he is not a fool. Although he is no different from a fool when he is timid, he has always thought that he has high political wisdom... Unfortunately, wisdom also fails.

Cai Jiangwei sat in a chair with his hands on his head. He couldn't figure it out. Why did Xia Xiang, who was new to Hunan Province, make so many people afraid? It was a little bit of a fart. Why didn't he reach out to pull him? Where is the alliance that was sworn at the wine table? Did he fucking feed the dog with hundreds of millions of gifts?

When Cai Jiangwei was depressed, annoyed and at a loss, Chen Ximing's secretary rushed in from the outside and said to the policeman who had been guarding him: "Lin Xiaoyuan admitted that the ecstasy was brought by Director Cai himself, and also said that there was white powder in Director Cai's car..."

In the middle of the words, it seemed that he realized that Cai Jiangwei was beside him. He quickly lowered his voice, pulled the police aside, and whispered a few words.

Cai Jiangwei is old. Although he realized in an instant that he might have deliberately lured him to take the trap, because he used to use this method to lure prisoners, but when it really involves his own interests, he is still inevitably angry. He scolded Lin Xiaoyuan for being a real bastard in his heart. Obviously, he had drugs in his car and The second generation of bastards is a bastard. Now it seems to be true.

Cai Jiangwei only scolded, but forgot that he was also an official generation, and he also had a second-generation official son in his family.

I heard a few more words with my ears. I didn't hear anything clearly. I only faintly heard "Office Director Lin and Xia flew to the capital together" "Ye Gang and Gu talked on the phone, and Gu asked to let people go immediately..."

Who to put? I didn't hear it clearly, but it's definitely not him. Cai Jiangwei's heart slowly sank. He knew that a simple thing had been complicated, a hundred times more complicated than he thought.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lin Xiaoyuan is Lin Huajian's son. Lin Huajian wants to protect, and Ye Tiannan also needs to protect. Huang Yi is Yang Hengyi's daughter's boyfriend - thinking of Yang Yaoer, Cai Jiangwei still doesn't forget ** a smile, recalling Yang Yaoer's graceful figure - Yang Hengyi must be sure to protect, so there is no one to protect him and Jalinger?

Jalinger will definitely not fail, because the person who died was an employee of Hunan Telecom, and he brought him a drink. But if several people insist that he is addicted to drugs, hide drugs and force people to die, not to mention keeping the position of director, I'm afraid he will be dislayered if he doesn't die.

When he wanted to hear a few more words, Chen Ximing's secretary turned around and left, leaving only a meaningful back for him.

If Cai Jiangwei's hope was dashed at first when he was on the phone, and now either intentional or unintentional. After hearing a few conversations, after analyzing the origin of several people and the background, it is indeed the whole thing. He has to bear the greatest responsibility, then now he is close to despair...

When Cai Jiangwei was worried about the decision, he suddenly heard the sound of messy footsteps in the corridor, and a panicked voice: "Oh, Lin Xiaoyuan blinded Huang Yi's eye!"

I, Cai Jiangwei stood up with a pat on his thigh and played a lot. It really couldn't end! RO