official god

Chapter 1356 A Thrilling Step of Magic Chess

Chapter 1356 A Thrilling Magic Chess

It's not that Song Chaodu and Chen Feng are not as far-sighted as Xia Xiang, not as Xia Xiang's long-term vision, but the two authorities are fascinated. Another point is that Xia Xiang's contact with the Prime Minister and Lao Gu, and after talking with Mr. Wu and Gu Qiushi, the vein in his heart becomes clearer

In other words, he basically figured out the general idea.

In addition, the Prime Minister faintly revealed a trace of news, saying that Cao Yongguo was asked to go to the northeast, a position of the provincial party committee of Yan Province, and a vacancy of a member of the Political Bureau, which successfully revitalized a chess game above the domestic political situation, which made countless people be moved by the news.

The whole layout is ready to come out.

Whether it is the general instruction or the Prime Minister has reached a private consensus, synthesizing a series of events, all the normal or abnormal events have been analyzed by Xiaxiang, and it is almost certain who the vacant candidate for the Politburo member is.

No matter who released the news, Song Chaodu and Chen Feng came to the capital for nothing.

In the traditional sense, the Song Dynasty was regarded as a member of the prime minister, while Chen Feng was the general. People from different camps were rumored to be nominated at the same time, which proved the complexity and variability of the political struggle.

Xia wanted to face the shock of Song Chaodu and Chen Feng. In front of the two old leaders who needed Gao Shan Yangzhi before, he felt that he was really mature for the first time. At least in the selection analysis of Politburo members, he was in front of Song Chaodu and Chen Feng.

"Chen, Song, I just came to a conclusion based on my speculation. In case something is wrong, don't criticize me." Xia thought that he was not playing tricks or leaving the way out, but to ease the atmosphere.

Sure enough, Chen Feng and Song Chaodu looked at each other and smiled, realizing that they were too nervous just now. Yes, even if they live in the position of the provincial party committee, in the face of major choices of concern about personal interests, it is inevitable that they will be confused.

Politburo member... huge power** is within reach. Who doesn't want to reach out and grab it?

Xia wanted to see that the atmosphere was greatly relaxed, so he calmly and calmly spit out a name in a relaxed tone: "Gu Qiushi!"

As soon as the voice fell, both Song Chaodu and Chen Feng's faces changed.

Yes, who is it, not Gu Qiushi? Although Gu Qiushi's seniority, age, and time in provincial and ministerial positions are not as good as those of the Song Dynasty and Chen Feng, the problem is that he is an intergenerational person and the most valued regimental general. With such a good opportunity to make up for the political bureau, he always does not support Gu Qiushi. Will he give hands?

Xia Sang really said a word, which immediately shattered the dreams of Song Chaodu and Chen Feng.

Chen Fengxin was unwilling: "It may not always be a verdict. Xia thought, are you sure that Gu Qiushi can pass the approval of the premier and the chairman's nod?"

Among the nine giants, the general natural voice is the largest. According to the ranking, the second is the chairman, and the third is the prime minister. Regardless of the attitude of the other giants, at least the top three people have to nod before they can enter the next round.

Needless to say, it must be strongly supporting Gu Qiushi. The chairman's attitude is that Xiaxiang dare not guessed, but the Prime Minister will definitely support Gu Qiushi, because the Prime Minister has other plans.

Among the three major forces, the two major forces, the regiment and the civilian, agreed, and the matter became half. Although he had not met Wu Caiyang and did not know the position of the family's forces, Mr. Wu had a good talk with Gu Qiushi yesterday, which made Xia Ming more firm in his thoughts.

In fact, from the moment he first came to the capital, Xia Xiang had a general idea, but the unexpected appearance of the Prime Minister and Cao Yongguo disrupted his thinking. When it came to the Wu family and saw Gu Qiushi, he straightened out his thinking and returned to his original idea.

It's not that Xia wants to be smarter than Song Chaodu and Chen Feng, but that he has contacted more forces than the two of them.

Because no one has the same unique convenience as Xiaxiang, he has always been the intersection of several forces.

Xia wants to fully understand Chen Feng's loss and unwillingness, but the reality is the reality, which cannot be avoided and must be faced. He also wants to be one of Chen Feng and Song Chaodu. The problem is that judging from the current situation, the two have been out.

Before Xia thought had time to answer Chen Feng, Song Chaodu had recovered from the shock. He smiled indifferently, and the peace on his face made Xia want to secretly admire him.

"Chen, I just thought about it and agreed with Xia's inference. Compared with Gu Qiushi, our halo is still a little less. He shook his head again, and Song Chaodu looked at Xiaxiang with admiration. "Xia thought is not simple. You can infer the result in front of me and Chen. You are much more mature than before, which also makes me really relieved."

Song Chaodu can afford to let go of his mind, which is still more open than Chen Feng. However, Xiaxiang did not despise Chen Feng because of this. It is the highest wish of every provincial party committee to enter the political bureau. People in the officialdom have to pay incomparable hardships every step, and it is inevitable to worry about gains and losses in the face of major turning point.

Chen Feng also eased down. He is not an unsistible person. Years of officialdom experience also made him understand that it is good to seize opportunities, but some opportunities may not belong to you even if they are in front of you, but he still has some doubts: "How can it be? How could the Prime Minister agree with Gu Qiushi? It is in line with the interests of the Prime Minister to let the DPRK enter the Politburo.

Song Chaodu's eyes fell on Xiaxiang's calm face, and he was not only shocked, but also shocked.

At a time when the replacement of a member of the Political Bureau shocked the world, and at a time when the Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province shocked all parties, Xia thought that it was just a provincial commission for discipline inspection and was far away from the capital of the political center. After returning to the capital, you can see the sun through the phenomenon. Through the phenomenon, the His surprise.

Even before he wanted to meet Xia, he thought that the vacancy might be between him and Chen Feng.

Now they are finally waking up like a dream. It can't be said that they have been confused by the old maze. It is also because they are too urgent and lack calm analysis and face.

There is another reason. After all, Xiaxiang is also the intersection of all forces and can better understand the tendencies of key figures, so Xiaxiang's conclusion cannot be said to be the final result, but it is not ten.

Song Chaodu was very gratified. Xia thought that one day he would step into the ranks of the provincial and ministerial levels with a more mature and more forging attitude.

But Song Chaodu also wants to know the answer to Chen Feng's question. Although he also thinks that Chen Feng's question is a little disrespectful to the Prime Minister, to be honest, why doesn't he have any complaints about the Prime Minister in his heart?

It's just buried deep enough.

"The Prime Minister wants Ye Tiannan to be the governor of Yan Province." Xia Xiang would not hide the key links from Chen Feng and Song Chaodu and told the truth. "According to my speculation, the Premier's idea is to let the Wu family support Ye Tiannan as the governor of Yan Province, and the Premier will support Gao Jin and Zhou Fuzheng. The general idea is that Gu Qiushi entered the Politburo and entered Beijing at the same time. After Gu Qiushi left, the position of Heliao Provincial Party Committee was taken over by Cao Yongguo, who was nominated by the Prime Minister. At the same time, the vacant position of governor in the Western Province may be the chairman or someone else's nomination.

If Chen Feng was still skeptical about Xia's request for Gu Qiushi just now, then when Xia wanted to say the above words, he immediately took a breath of cold air, and the shock in his heart could not be increased.

Xia Xiang's conclusion is not only in line with the best situation to maximize the interests of all parties, but also far deeper than his grasp of the situation, and more far-term than him. For the first time, Chen Feng looked at Xia Xiang no longer as an elder and leader, but a flat look and admiration.

Not bad, and there is a trace of unspeakable admiration.

If Xia's conclusion is correct, then the biggest winner in this personnel change is the general manager, because it is of great significance to win the position of a member of the Politburo, and even... It is even possible that when Guan Yuanqu takes office two years later, it will be the day when Gu Qiushi is a member of the Standing Committee of the

And the prime minister has also gained a lot, a throne of the governor of Yan Province and a throne of the Heliao Provincial Party Committee - although Cao Yongguo may not be the firm force of the prime minister, it is also because of Cao Yongguo's special status, which is not only the prime minister's family, but also Xiaxiang's father-

And the chairman or another person can also take the opportunity to stir up the situation in the Western Province, at least the throne of a governor.

I have to say that with the help of a member of the Politburo, the personnel of several provinces has been revitalized, which is indeed a thrilling step.

But the problem is that Xia wants to be not even at the ministerial level. How can he see it so accurately and in the long run?

After Chen Feng figured it out, his heart was gloomy. He knew that his dream of a member of the Politburo was completely shattered. But on second thought, it's better to know the result in advance from Xia's mouth than to try your best to get nothing in the end.

"That is to say, we have nothing to do now?" As soon as Chen Feng spread out his hands, he returned to his usual posture and smiled indifferently, "I'll pack it home tomorrow. I'm relieved."

"Don't worry, Chen, Xia wants to ask us for help." It was still Song Chaodu who understood Xia Xiang. When he saw that Xia wanted to explain the matter in great detail, he still looked like he was not satisfied. Thinking of Xia Xiang's situation in Hunan Province, he immediately realized something.

Chen Feng was stunned, and then thought of a little. He smiled and said, "Xia, have you figured it out?"

Xia thought firmly and nodded: "If you think about it, don't retreat or regret it. There is only one point. I don't know if the two old leaders are willing to help me?

Chen Feng looked at Song Chaodu: "I'm fine. I've known you for so many years. You know my temper, but I don't know if Song has any concerns?"

Song Chaodu laughed with a rare laugh: "Chen Feng, you are wrong with my army, and you don't have to provoke my general. Xia thought that I grew up. I helped him, which was no different from helping me."

Chen Feng also nodded and laughed: "Helping Xia is the same as helping myself."

Xiaxiang solemnly toasted the two of them: "Thank you for the trust of the two old leaders!"

The three of them clinked glasses and drank them all at once.

Song Chaodu asked, "Xia Think, have you figured out a way?"

Chen Feng also asked, "Have you decided?"

"It's decided, and I've figured out the way. Just wait for me to beat the gong in Hunan Province, and the two old leaders will cooperate and play the drums." Xia wanted to smile. Although the smile was sunny, it also revealed a faint smell of conspiracy.

: To be honest, I'm very depressed these days. I can't feel the support of my brothers for the official god. Lao He's heart is very desolate. He has been thinking that it's time to end the official god? In fact, the plot has progressed to now, and there are still many stories that can be written, but two years of persistence really need the encouragement and support of the brothers to continue. After all, it is difficult to continue to fight alone. When it comes to quality, Lao He thinks he has written very carefully in the latest chapters. In terms of updating, 9,000 words a day, as an old book of nearly 6 million words, it is really not easy. Any book has ** at the beginning and in the middle. At the end, it is intermittent. The official god has never interrupted the update, and still maintains a ** of 9,000 words. Brothers, Lao He is really 100% attentive. It's also the recent cold weather, colds, headaches and colds every day. I really want to break out, but my body doesn't allow it, not lazy. Brothers, can't you take care of one or two and be a little considerate? If Lao He is always allowed to walk alone, he really won't last long. If you really think that the official god should end, then after Hunan Province, it will enter the final stage... There is nothing else to say. Please subscribe. Only when there is a subscription can the official god complete the book smoothly and successfully. Thank you to every brother who helps. ( To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (.) Vote for recommendation, your support is my greatest motivation.) RO