official god

Chapter 1377 The Wind in Beijing

After the morning east battle spread to [China] Central and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, all parties were shocked!

It is true that the fate of department-level cadres is completely in the hands of the provincial party committee, but it is also a major event that shocked the whole country to win the city's municipal party committee [book] and the mayor at the same time.

[Zhong] The central government and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection called the Hunan Provincial Party Committee one after another.

It is said that a strong provincial party committee has been stabbed, which is a blessing for officials in the whole province. Zheng Sheng may not be tough enough in Hunan Province, but he has enough confidence to deal with it calmly. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection responded calmly to the question.

If a member of a province dares to take all the responsibilities. There is nothing we can do about it many times. Zheng Sheng's confidence naturally comes from the trust in him. Therefore, in the face of the accusation that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was very dissatisfied with the Hunan Provincial Party's failure to inform the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in time, his tone was polite but not a little respectful: "The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is also considering the overall situation and is ready to report after the Commission for Discipline Inspection..." The meaning is that after the matter is over, just go to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection for the record, during the handling of the case. It is better for the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to intervene.

, "In addition, the specific situation, the county [book] is in the capital, and he will also ask the Central Commission for instructions to report to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection." Put down the phone of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Zheng Sheng sneered, "The hand is too long, be careful not to take it back... However, on second thought, strange things have happened. Why hasn't Xia Xiang reported to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection? What's his calculation?

Before Xia Xiang came to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, he also said to face Zheng Sheng that there were two major cases to be reported to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. But after coming here, he changed his mind, because as soon as he arrived in the capital, he heard the news that Ye Tiannan and the chairman met with Longjiacheng.

The strength is really not small. At the same time, Xia wants to be secretly surprised. At the same time, he has another calculation in his heart. Sometimes the higher the praise, the more the fall is the truth, but in the process of climbing up, all people only think of the peak of infinite scenery. But I never want to step on the air.

At the same time, he also smelled a trace of unusual information, "because at the level of [general] is the level of Longjiacheng and the chairman, the above meeting can be completely confidential, but he still knew the inside story at the first time. It was not that he had a wide network in the capital, but that someone deliberately released the news.

Xia wants to be keenly aware that some people really want to help Ye Tiannan come to power, some people are showing off, some people take the opportunity to seek political benefits, and so on. People's hearts are very complicated, the situation is very complicated, and the direction of things will also be very complicated.

He temporarily suppressed his thoughts and did not report the focus and prospects of the anti-corruption work in Hunan Province to Longjiacheng face to face.

Because Xia wanted to know, two things about the Lingnan smuggling ship and the Chendong battle spread to the capital at the same time. Passing on to the ears of all forces will produce a series of fermentation effects, and many things will have a new starting point.

What you promised before may change your intention or even go back on your word, so some people should not be happy too early.

... As Xia expected, Longjiacheng asked him for an interview as soon as possible.

, "Comrade Xiaxiang, how do you explain the matter of Chen Dong? The tone of Longjiacheng is very light. It's so faint that people can't notice his joy and anger. It seems to be a casual question. He seems to be very dissatisfied with the geological question.

Others may be timid and guilty in front of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. You will feel inexplicable pressure, but Xia can't, not only can't, but also feel relaxed.

Speaking of which, I would also like to thank those who experienced the storm in the Qin and Tang Dynasties. Only those who have really experienced the wind and rain will, after overcoming the storm, how can they see the joy of the rainbow without experiencing the storm and gain more at the same time. They have no awe at all the promoters behind the storm.

Because he is a winner, it is no exaggeration to say that it is described from the other side. Secretary Long in front of him once lost in a move with him, and he also lost in a mess.

What else can he be afraid of? The other party has already played cards in front of him, and there are almost no cards to play, except to give the other party enough superficial respect. The authority of Longjia City and the power of the superiors. Thinking about Xia can't be enough deterrent.

, "The problem of Chendong has a long history. The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has long wanted to completely solve the mess in Chendong, but the time has not been ripe. Now is the right time." Xia wanted to answer lightly. "Originally, when I came to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, I wanted to report to Long [Book] once, but Long [Book] seemed to have no time, so I waited until now." Long Jiacheng was angry. Xia Xiang hinted that the meaning was too obvious, which meant that he had time to meet Ye Tiannan but did not It's deliberately mocking, isn't it? Although he is angry, he can't show it, because what Xia wants to say is also the truth, and in order to show his self-restraint, how can he easily lose his temper in front of his subordinates?

And to be precise, Xiaxiang is not his direct subordinate.

Although Longjiacheng still doesn't know the real intention of Xia to launch the Battle of Chendong with Zheng Sheng. Of course, the right to be seized is on the one hand, but then again, if one party wants to receive the right, there must be one party to give up the right. In the process of one to take over, it has reached the sub-provincial level. It's not a life-and-death contest, but it's also a contest about the future.

Whose rights are you entitled to? Of course, it's Ye Tiannan's.

Longjiacheng felt very uncomfortable. He had just supported Ye Tiannan, and Xia Xiang came to draw his salary. Fortunately, he had not made a public statement. In case he officially expressed his support for Ye Tiannan, Hunan Province verified that Chendong's problem had something to do with Ye Tiannan. Where will he be? Didn't he make his statement become a slap in the mouth?

Xiaxiang, it really makes people worry. Long Jiacheng's eyes swept through Xiaxiang's face casually. I also know that Xia's attitude towards him is very ordinary, and he can't ask why. Moreover, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection does not want to interfere in the affairs of the local Commission for Discipline Inspection. There is Zheng Sheng in Hunan Province. As long as Zheng Sheng takes the lead for Xia, he must abide by the rules of the game.

, "The current anti-corruption work is an important work of the Central Committee. Well, the Battle of Chendong is well carried out. It is to launch a huge anti-corruption storm. Give a warning to all corrupt officials." Longjiacheng officially affirmed the significance of the Battle of Chendong. Then he changed the topic and said again. Xia thought, think about it carefully. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection needs a vigorous and dynamic leading cadre like you who dares to fight against corruption. When you think about it, please tell me directly. I sincerely welcome you to work in the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Walking out of the office of Longjiacheng, Xia wanted to shake his head secretly, and Longjiacheng transferred him to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. If we increase our efforts, there is no hope of success. If he really comes to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, all his dreams of moving forward will come to an abrupt end.

Just thinking about the next step, he looked up and couldn't help laughing. An acquaintance, Yiye Tiannan, came in front of him.

I have been in the capital for two days, and I haven't given up seeing Ye Tiannan. It's also a pity. Of course, I'm afraid Ye Tiannan doesn't want to see him.

After Ye Tiannan heard about the battle of Chendong, he was not too flustered, because the battle of Chendong was under drawing up, and it would start sooner or later. It was just a matter of time.

What is only slightly shocking is that Xia Xiang did not sit in Xiangjiang in person. He dared to launch in the capital. He has courage and courage.

Then after hearing that Zheng Sheng and Fu Xianfeng had completely controlled the Standing Committee and set the Chendong Municipal Party Committee [Book] and the candidate for mayor, Ye Tiannan finally had a trace of panic. What he was most worried about was not Zheng Sheng's strength. It's the two sides of the vanguard.

It's okay. Fortunately, when he heard that the candidates for the municipal party committee [book] and the mayor were decided, and the other candidates were not nominated, Ye Tiannan finally breathed a sigh of relief and decided that it was Fu Xianfeng who was not relieved. Zheng Shengcai did not take the opportunity to swallow Chendong, and the facts also seemed to prove Ye Tiannan's conjecture. Just now, Fu Xianfeng called in time and implicitly said the next situation of Chendong, which would be discussed after he went back.

The meaning is that the agreement reached between him and Fu Xianfeng is still valid.

Fu Xianfeng is a smart man. In contrast, he can give Fu Xianfeng more benefits than Zheng Sheng and Xia thought. Therefore, Fu Xianfeng is still willing to stand on his side, and speculation is Fu Xianfeng's nature, which makes him feel extravagant.

But just after receiving the call from Fu Xianfeng, another phone call came in, and the sound of Lingnan came to Ye Tiannan's ears!

After learning about the Lingnan Incident, Ye Tiannan's newly rising ** was watered with a basin of foot washing water from the sky, because in an instant he guessed the huge smell of conspiracy behind the incident, yes, an absolute conspiracy.

A ship of oil is not worth much, but it is not a problem of a ship of oil. It is a problem of great changes in the wind direction from the Yangcheng Military Region to the Xiang Provincial Military Region. It has been safe for many years, and was suddenly intercepted. If Ye Tiannan didn't think more about it sooner or later, he would immediately let him smell the unusual atmosphere on the eve of the Chendong meeting.

The two things seem to have nothing to do with each other, but they are actually very related!

As for whether there is a shadow of Xiaxiang behind the Lingnan Incident. Ye Tiannan is not sure for the time being. But he was keenly aware that if the Lingnan Incident could not be handled well, it would trigger a series of chain reactions. It may even affect his critical step as governor of Yan Province.

I have come to the provincial and ministerial level. "Don't stand firm without the support of the military!

Ye Tiannan decided to report the Battle of Chendong to Longjiacheng immediately. First, he took a gesture to show his goodwill and approach to Longjiacheng. The second is to take the opportunity to test the style of Longjia City, because the one behind Longjia City has a strong influence in the army so far!

But that one no longer shows up. Several spokespersons have declared the existence of authority on the stage for all matters. Longjia City is one of them. The Lingnan Incident may have a crucial negative impact on Ye Tiannan's next step. No wonder he is not in a hurry.

I didn't want to meet Xiaxiang unexpectedly. Ye Tiannan still showed a calm side and took the initiative to shake hands with Xia. He asked with concern, "When will you go back?" Let's see if we can take the same flight?"

... Xia wants to stay in the capital for at least two more days, because he has made an appointment with Gu Qiushi and Wu Caiyang. The face of Gu Qiushi is to send a big gift to Gu Qiushi, and when you see Wu Caiyang, you need to give it to Ye Tiannan.