official god

Chapter 1379 The Second Use of Ten Billions of Capital

Chapter 1379 The Second Use of Ten Billions of Capital

It's midsummer. The summer in the capital is dry and hot, and it is difficult to find a cool place.

Of course, the artificial air-conditioning environment does not count. Being in the air-conditioned room for a long time gives people the feeling that it is not enjoyment, but suffering.

The ancient autumn is also elegant, leading Xia to come to a rippling lake. The lake is vast, blue and surrounded by mountains. It is indeed a paradise.

Xia thought he was a little surprised: "Why haven't you heard of this place?"

"Some places... are never made public." Gu Qiushi led Xiaxiang to get on a cruise ship. The cruise ship was not big, but it was very comfortable. Xia wanted to be with Gu Qiushi.

After the cruise ship started, it slowly sailed to the center of the lake.

The lake is full of light and the mountains, the green water is green, and the sun is very good. The air reveals the meaning of coolness. I can't help but feel relaxed and happy, and I'm in a good mood.

Gu Qiushi is also interesting. Ask him to get on the boat. Is it on the same boat now?

Speaking of today's meeting, it is also the inevitable result for both sides to take what they need, but it is also the beginning of Gu Qiushi. He took the initiative to call and said that Xia wanted to come to the capital for a meeting, and he should fulfill the friendship of the landlord - Gu Qiushi was a university in the capital. He thought he was In the past.

Xia readily agreed. In fact, to tell the truth, he has been looking forward to meeting Gu Qiushi.

Recently, there has been a lot of time in the capital in ancient autumn. After all, it is a big deal to enter the Politburo, and it is impossible not to do it in person. However, judging from the color between Gu Qiushi's eyebrows, Xia thought clearly that things were mostly not going well.

The resistance... must be very big.

You don't have to think about it. When you always step up the layout, others will not sit and wait, and they will definitely strive for their best interests. This time, the Politburo unexpectedly vacated a place. Not only do you always want to promote yourself, but others also want to.

So far, I have only heard that Gu Qiushi is a candidate, which is definitely abnormal. It's not that others don't want to nominate, and they should not have considered the right candidate.

Once nominated, the conditions of all parties must be better than Gu Qiushi, so as to be better than Gu Qiushi.

Fortunately, according to Xiaxiang's speculation and specific understanding, the family forces did not nominate candidates and did not intend to nominate, which made Xiaxiang breathe a sigh of relief. Without the participation of the Wu family, Gu Qiushi's chances of winning have improved a lot.

There is still a little variable. Within the regimental system, Gu Qiushi is the most appreciated, but it may not be the most qualified one. There are also many people in front of him. After all, he is still a little younger. I'm afraid that within the regimental system, it may not be the same voice.

In addition, the military may also have voices of opposition, so if you want to bring Gu Qiushi into the political bureau, the difficulty coefficient is not extraordinary.

There is tea on the ship. Gu Qiushi made tea by himself and didn't let Xia want to interfere. Not to mention, the provincial party committee, Gu Qiushi, doesn't know where to have free time to study the tea ceremony. The level of making tea is first-class, and the method is very old-fashioned.

After drinking the tea made by Gu Qiushi himself, Xia wanted to laugh and said, "There are not many people in China who are lucky enough to drink the tea made by Gu himself. It's an honor."

Gu Qiushi also smiled: "A cup of tea makes you feel very honored, which means that if I ask you to do me a big favor, I can treat you to another cup of tea?"

Xia wanted to hear Gu Qiushi's implication, so he said, "Now that I'm on the ancient boat, what Gu said is what he said. If I don't let me dock, it would be miserable."

Gu Qiushi laughed and said, "I'm not going to stumble on you..." Then he looked at the mountains in the distance. "Xia thought, your tossing in Hunan Province is really not small. Even the military's idea has been hit. It's really yours."

What does Gu Qiu really test? Xia thought and said, "Gu is joking. I don't have any military position. How dare I think about the military? I'm afraid someone misrepresented something. Everyone who knows me knows that I'm a good person or an honest good person.

"..." Gu Qiushi smiled silently. Obviously, he did not agree with Xia's statement that he wanted to be a good person, but he did not object, but said, "Alway let me tell you a sentence - the direction is right, but don't take too big a step."

Xia wanted to be frightened. He knew that although the general's words seemed to be casual, they still implied a warning, which also made him understand in his heart that the power of someone who had been behind the scenes was really amazingly huge. He could not be touched, and there must be a strong rebound.

You must have always felt the movement of the military and the pressure of someone.

"Please also tell Mr. Gu that I know in my heart that the steps are very cautious, and there will be no unpredictable situation." Xia Xiang's young face was full of confidence, "Please don't worry, from Lingnan to the Xiangjiang River, and then to Zhongnanhai, the wind and water rise to the land of the white mountain and the black water, which is also a matter that I came here today and it is necessary to talk to Gu."

Gu Qiushi immediately heard the strong hint in Xia's words, and couldn't help but take up the teapot and pour tea for Xia: "What do you say?"

"Please allow me to keep it a secret once. I don't mean to make trouble. There are some things that only I know." Xia wanted to believe that Gu Qiushi could understand what he meant. If he didn't say the reason, Gu Qiushi didn't know. If it didn't work, he would be the only one to take responsibility, and Gu Qiushi could stay out of it.

Gu Qiushi was stunned and shook his head slightly: "Xia thought, you are the strangest, personality and most incomputable young man I have ever seen, but then again... You are also the young man I appreciate and recognize the most. I'll take care of your love first, but you have to tell me something about the periphery so that I can know it.

"I will definitely say something, but before that, I also want to ask Gu to tell me how many candidates for Politburo members there will be?"

Gu Qiushi did not hesitate at all and stretched out three fingers: "In addition to me, three. You also know one of the other two, one is Ma Wanzheng, and the other is Yu Houshi.

Needless to say, Ma Wanzheng is much more senior than Gu Qiushi, and Yu Houshi is also older than Gu Qiushi.

However, what makes Xia wonder is that Ma Wan is exactly what kind of person he is. He knows in his heart that he is definitely not a general department, but it is a little strange, because he once had the experience of the Central Committee of the regiment for nearly 10 years, but he has been dormant in the position of the deputy ministerial level for more than 10 He became the governor of the province and was promoted to the provincial party committee.

There are many things in his resume that people can't understand, and Xia is not surprised. Normally, he should also be in the regimental department. If he nominates him again, doesn't he collide with Gu Qiushi?

Gu Qiushi saw Xia's doubts and shook his head with a smile: "Many things are also very complicated. You should be able to understand a little. I don't need to say more." Just a little bit, not to make it clear, fell to Xia's question again, "Okay, it's your turn."

Xia wanted to take a sip of tea gently, put it down, and took another sip: "Just like drinking tea, the first sip did not taste, and the second sip knew that the tea had no aftertaste. In ancient times, when the wind in Lingnan blew to Hunan Province, it would rain in Hunan Province. When it rained to the Xiangjiang River, there was a Lin Xiaoyuan in the Xiangjiang River. Lin Xiaoyuan and Ye Dibei, Yang Yaoer and Hu were four people, known as the four young masters of Hunan Province. They have been making a lot of money in Lin Xiaoyuan alone found that there were more than 700 million ill-gotten gains.

Gu Qiushi was also moved. The son of a director of the provincial supervision department could search for more than 700 million yuan, which was really bold. After thinking deeply, he suddenly understood something: "The fourth young master of Hunan Province is headed by Ye Dibei?"

Xia wanted to laugh without saying anything, and raised his glass.

Gu Qiushi also picked up the teacup and thought for a moment: "Xia Think, give me the bottom. How much capital are you going to spend?"

Xia wanted to casually stretch out a finger: "10 billion...dollars!"

Gu Qiushi was really shocked: "I'm asking about your strength, not your investment. Besides, where do you get 10 billion dollars? As far as I know, you have always had excellent economic problems. If you make a joke again, even if you are corrupt, you don't have the ability to collect 10 billion... It's still US dollars!"

"10 billion US dollars will definitely be there, and we must also promise to Gu that one will not steal, the other will not rob, it will definitely be the right channel... I can only say so much, and I don't know if it is worth the love of making tea in person today?" Xiaxiang's expression was very relaxed and his tone was very teasing.

When Gu Qiushi first saw Xia, his sad eyebrows unfolded and turned into a pool of green water. He nod and smiled: "It's worth it, it's worth it. I found that being with you is always an endless surprise.

Xia thought shook his head and said, "Gu, let me tell you from the bottom of my heart. I'm in the same mood as this ship now, floating and trembling."

"Haha, Xiaxiang, your path is very correct and wide. As long as you are not out of line, how can you be trembling? I don't think you have ever flinched. Even I admire your courage and skill. Gu Qiushi knew that Xia Xiang wanted him to send a message to the president, so he naturally knew the meaning, "I don't have time to see you recently, so you don't have to worry about it. Manage the territory of Hunan Province well. Where you shouldn't worry about, someone will definitely worry about you."

There is a good sentence that someone is worried about him. Xia wants to know that today's meeting is really not in vain, and a great consensus has been reached!

Although he played a riddle similarly with Gu Qiushi, and it seemed that nothing was clear, he understood everything. Xia thought was very happy. How could he be a little trembling? The key point is that he is very sure that Gu Qiushi has fully accepted him.

So far, Xia wants to have reason to believe that in the first round of the three most critical battles, he can let go and operate carefully.

It is also a highlight to see Wu Caiyang at night. Xia Xiang knew that Mr. Wu did not really let go last time, but his attitude was slightly relaxed. Today's meeting with Wu Caiyang is bound to talk about the real core issues. It can be said that it is the key to the success or failure of his plan.

However, thinking of the means he was about to use to deal with Wu Caiyang, he couldn't help but have a slight fever on his face, and even his conscience found himself - is it too insidious?

: Urgent, urgent! Keep the ranking of your favorite official god, keep the glory of Xiaxiang, and keep Lao He's confidence and motivation to continue to explode. Brothers, at the critical moment, Lao He can only rely on you! Please!!" Today's guarantee is the fourth update, try to update five times! RO