official god

Chapter 1389 Xiaxiang Syndrome

Xia wanted to listen, and frowned. Although he also guessed that it was Mr. Fu's bad idea or Gu Yu's trick, he still felt inappropriate. The black was black and Hu Junyou, but for this reason, it was more than 40,000 yuan, isn't it a big compensation?

And it's not good to let Hu Jun earn all the embezzled unrighteous money from the casino. What he wants is not Hu Junyu's silver sales to prison. Even if Hu Junyu is shot, it is useless. What he wants is to let him spit out the people's fat and people's ointment.

Xia wanted to laugh at all. He really wanted to communicate with the women and let them live in peace. Now it's good. Fu Xian and Gu Yu fell in love with each other. Unexpectedly, he cheated Yang Yaoer. Hu Junyou was black. Do you really want the eight girls to make trouble with the Xiangjiang River?

Although this move was insidious for an episode, it was indeed evil enough to bind Hu Ding's father and son. Xia thought that he almost laughed. Fortunately, he couldn't help it.

Hu Junyu had an accident, and Hu Ding was implicated in the Huaiyang incident again. The two things were merged into one. If the incident happened at the same time, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection could not protect him. [Zhongzhong] Yang must be furious, and Hu Ding will definitely fall! However, Xiaxiang didn't want to bring down Hu Ding, but it was not that he was kind-hearted, but that there was no need for him to fight against a deputy provincial senior official before he had defeated Ye Tiannan. He can defeat Hu Ding, but he is bound to offend the forces behind Hu Ding and bury deep hidden dangers in his future.

There is another point. As a member of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, he intervenes in the economic problems of deputy provincial cadres. It is a erping and non-compliance, which will make some people in the Central Committee have a negative view of him.

The way to be an official must have the necessary light and dust, otherwise it is the road to self-destruction.

Gu Yu, Gu Yu, pushed Hu's father and son in front of him. Didn't he deliberately make people think too much and make Hu Ding doubt his relationship with her? Of course, Gu Yu is not afraid. With Lao Gu, who dares to touch her? And he is not afraid. With his level and Gu Yu's identity, Hu Ding can't even say something he shouldn't say.

They are all old people in officialdom." It is clear that there is a great price to pay for saying something wrong.

Gu Yu was still too playful. He gave him a big gift. In fact, he didn't explain it in advance. He didn't know until Hu and his son asked to come to the door. Of course, he also had the intention to ask for credit. In fact, he still played a big or a big joke.

Xia wants to laugh helplessly" women...

Only after thinking about it did Xia know that the troubles or solutions caused by the women who made people love and helpless were far more than he imagined now.

Hu Ding saw that Xia wanted to meditate for a long time. Without saying a word, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley. Is it true that there is really no way to retreat?

From the time when someone in the Commission for Discipline Inspection deliberately said that Cai Jiangwei confessed to him, Hu Ding knew that "the four people in Hunan Province had already shown signs of falling apart since the fall of Lin Huajian.

Ye Tiannan can leave calmly and even be promoted. He and Yang Hengyi will continue to stay in Hunan Province, continue to work under the leadership of Zheng Sheng, under the oppression of Fu Xianfeng, so in the long run, after the Xiang Province Road Bridge is taken over by Zheng Sheng, the four people in Hunan Province can no longer be imprisoned. A broken alliance?

Is it true that Xia's next goal is him, or to be more precise, Hu Junyu?

At the moment he knew that Hu Junyou had an accident, Hu Ding concluded that it was time to make a decision.

... Is it because he doesn't have enough sincerity? Xiaxiang won't agree. What else should he make? Hu Ding coughed and said, "Xia [Shu] Ji, Ye [Shu] and I have known each other for many years, and we know more about him..." "Gendant Hu..." Xia wanted to interrupt Hu Ding's words in time. "He didn't want to hear Hu Ding mention anything about Ye Tiannan, because the timing was wrong." " It can be 100% guaranteed."

"Thank you, thank you, Xia [book], I know it in my heart." Hu Ding also knew that no one in the officialdom would say anything to death. Xia wanted to have such an attitude, and he was already very satisfied.

"You're welcome, Governor Hu." Xia wanted to shake hands with Hu Ding and said earnestly, "You should pay more attention in the future. It is very important to educate your children well. In addition, making friends is also very important." The night is already very deep. Xia wants to go home by car. Tomorrow he will go to Huaiyang in person to launch Huaiyang anti-corruption. In the end, Zheng Sheng still listened to Ye Tiannan's suggestion and named Huaiyang anti-corruption. The strength has weakened a lot. It was originally a vigorous The meeting between Tian and Hu Ding made him sigh a lot.

In fact, if it is fair, Hu Ding's personality and ability are also reasonable. He is a competent executive vice governor, and Xia wants to have no prejudice against him. But because of an disappointing son, Hu Ding's character was greatly reduced, and his image was greatly lost.

Many domestic officials, and even some senior cadres, are reasonable in terms of ability and character, but on the issue of treating their wives and children, they lose the conscience and principles that an official should have. Among the corrupt officials, there are only a few who are greedy for their own enjoyment after all, and most of them come out for their descendants. Consideration of generation.

It is the nature of the Chinese people. For the sake of their children and grandchildren, they would rather give everything and accommodate everything. Even at the provincial and ministerial level or even the deputy national level, they will not be exempted.

Back home, the girl Xun was taking a shower. Xia wanted to take the opportunity to call Gu Yu to ask for a clear question, but she called, but turned off the phone.

Called Lian Ruohan again, but still turned off the phone.

Strange things, what's wrong with this?

Pay first, but it's still turned off!

Are they all playing tricks? Does Wei Xin always turn off the phone? Through the hazy glass of the bathroom, seeing that the girl was still toned and slim, she kept shaking. Knowing that the woman had been taking a shower for a long time, Xia Xiang decided to call Wei Xin quickly and ask secretly.

Sure enough, Wei Xin's mobile phone was not turned off.

"Hey, you're calling now, aren't you afraid that your wife will twist your ears?" Wei Xin's slightly hoarse voice is particularly comfortable in the quiet night.

"..." When he came up, he hit the majesty of his man. Xia thought that he was almost speechless. He wanted to defend it majestically. Thinking that he didn't have enough time, he hurriedly asked, "Have they been doing something bad things secretly recently? I always feel that there is something wrong. Wei Xin, don't you

"It's not a trouble. Obviously, it's to help you..." Wei Xin said half of his words, remembered Lian Ruohan's instructions, and hurriedly braked the car. "Don't talk about it, you'll know later. You are the happiest man in the world. You can sleep with your wife in your arms, while there is a group of women giving you advice to calm the country. I'm afraid you will wake up with a smile in your dreams." I don't know if Xia wants to wake up from a dream. Now before he can hang up the phone, the girl pushed out of Come on, on the hair, the water drops are like beads, and on the body, it is as crystal as jade, which makes him almost scream.

More than ten years flashed by, and the girl in front of him still made him excited.

But he didn't scream, but girl Xun was shocked: "Ah..." She jumped aside, covered her chest, and still gasped. "You scared me to death. You didn't answer when you came back. I thought there was no one at home." Xia wanted to quietly hung up the phone and rushed up: "No one at home just ran around naked Question mark Why don't you come out to seduce me when someone is there?" "Turing you?" The girl blushed shyly, "You don't have to seduce you like this. If you want to seduce again, you still have to go crazy?"... Xia wants to be crazy. Anyway, only a quartz clock on the wall of the bedroom knows.

The next day, Xia thought that she didn't have time to call Lian Ruohan again to ask, so she led the team straight to Huai.

Since Xia wanted to serve as the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book], everyone in the officialdom of Hunan Province knew that the style of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection had changed greatly. The double-regulated officials were all working hours. After the comrades of the Commission for Discipline Inspection arrived, they politely explained their intention and politely invited them to get on the

But in the summer [book], the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection under the auspices of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has adopted a variety of methods, so that people can't find the rules and can't figure out the direction, which makes many corrupt officials not only afraid when they go to work, but also afraid when they get off work. When they go home,

Over time, many corrupt officials got Xiaxiang syndrome and were almost afraid of bad. Some people don't eat well, some people don't feel happy to go to bed, some people are stunned at work, and some people are numb after work.

After the outbreak of the Chendong problem, the Huaiyang Municipal Party Committee has long been worried that sooner or later the personnel of the Commission for Discipline Inspection will fall from the sky, bring them out from **, from home, from the car and even from the toilet, and then bring them back to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection for questioning.

Many people have imagined all kinds of possibilities, and even some people solemnly explain to their families every time they go out. At least it is a bleak scene of the country when Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty killed corrupt officials during the Hongwu period.

But then again, if you are not a corrupt official, you don't have to be afraid, don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

This time, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection did not take action in the middle of the night, but arrived at the Huaiyang Municipal Party Committee at dawn.

Unlike the last Battle of Chendong, this time it was Xia who wanted to lead the team in person. It can be seen that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has indeed made a full effort.

Huaiyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] Liu Weihong was preparing to hold a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Suddenly, he heard someone knocking on the door, and he did not look up: "Who is it? I'm busy with the meeting. Let's talk about it later.

He waved his hand impatiently and still buried himself in sorting out the documents.

But he didn't hear anyone speak. He was a little impatient. As soon as he looked up, he saw a young smiling face that was both familiar and strange. His smile was a little gentle and indifferent, and a little inexplicable, which made people feel cold.

It is a face that lingered in his heart countless times and dared not face it countless times.

Liu Weihong was stunned, and the documents in his hand were scattered all over the ground, with a look of astonishment and surprise, as well as fear from the bottom of his heart. I was stunned for more than ten seconds and didn't react. Xia thought, is it really honest and cute Xiaolang Junxia think?

After being stunned for a moment, Liu Weihong stammered and asked the most unlevel sentence he had ever said in his life: "Xia [Book], have I been double-regulated?"