official god

Chapter 1393 It's Night

Chapter 1393 It's Night

General Secretary Chong Xia thought that there were not many people in the outside world. Although Xia wanted to have had half a year's experience in the Central Committee of the League, people in the officialdom still regard him as a member of his family.

Just now, Zheng Sheng clearly reminded the General Secretary that he was convening the Standing Committee, but the General Secretary did not hide his intention to maintain Xia, and even did not hesitate to criticize Zheng Sheng in public - there is nothing to criticize Zheng Sheng. Zheng Sheng is the direct line of the General Secretary, and he scolds heavily is love - Xiaxiang's thoughts are the flow of summer thoughts, that is, to deliberately say it to everyone present.

Fu Xianfeng was very moved.

Ye Tiannan was shocked and looked pale!

Almost everyone looked stunned, and the whole standing committee was silent. It was an unprecedented silence... The terrible silence, even the sound of the quartz clock beating on the wall was clearly audible.

The General Secretary's phone has been cut off. Zheng Sheng put away the phone and swept his eyes majestically across everyone's faces. He deliberately or unintentionally stayed on Ye Tiannan's face for a few seconds, and his eyes were particularly meaningful.

Although Ye Tiannan has been in a cold sweat, he is still calm. He has maintained his demeanor, and the more critical the moment is, the more he can't have stage fright.

After Zheng Sheng glanced around, he said directly to Tong Fan, "Arrange to go to Beijing immediately."

Then he simply waved his hand: "Let's break up!"

A standing committee that ended before it started is the most failed standing committee in the history of Hunan Province.

Everyone knows what happened, and everyone guesses who the black hand is, but no one will say it, and no one will look at Ye Tiannan a few times. Even Yang Hengyi and Hu Ding didn't say a word to Ye Tiannan. They turned around and left with a gloomy face.

Only Fu Xianfeng came to Ye Tiannan and sighed: "It's better to grasp the matter, or it will break the rules..."

Ye Tiannan still smiled indifferently: "Who did the cruel hand? It's really too much."

Fu Xianfeng looked at Ye Tiannan with a surprised face, because he heard that Ye Tiannan seemed to imply that he did not participate in this matter. Isn't it Ye Tiannan?

But who can he be?

Not only did Fu Xianfeng think it was Ye Tiannan's work, but Zheng Sheng, Hu Ding and Yang Hengyi all thought it was Ye Tiannan's handwriting. In fact, they all wronged Ye Tiannan. It was really not Ye Tiannan's work.

Before returning to the office, Ye Tiannan's phone also rang, and a familiar voice came from it: "Tiannan, come to the capital immediately."

Don't say the reason, don't say anything, just an order, and then the phone is cut off.

Ye Tiannan felt that the cold sweat on his back was blown by the wind, and the clothes were stuck to his body, which was very uncomfortable, but at this time he was not in the mood to pay attention to the clothes, because things were indeed out of control.

And what Xia thought was really not done by him!

As for who it is, he knows it. Although he also complained about his recklessness in an instant, I heard that Xiaxiang is still unconscious. When he is seriously injured, it is false to say that he is not lucky in his heart. If Xia wants to die, the world will be clean and everything will be fine.

In politics, swords and shadows are common, and killings are also common. Not to mention that Xia wants to be a deputy provincial-level cadre, even at the level of national leaders, assassinations have happened. Some things can't be mentioned. It's a red line.

At the level of Ye Tiannan, many inside information is also clear. Even if you don't know the specific process, you know that among the senior officials who died of illness, many of them are not real diseases, but human diseases.

The highest level of eliminating a political opponent is physical elimination. Of course, the price will be very high, and the risks and consequences may be unaffordable.

But there will still be people who take extreme measures to eliminate their opponents in anger.

Ye Tiannan won't. Even if he would find someone to beat Xia, he would even frame Xia, but he would not instigate others to murder Xia. It's not that he doesn't have the guts, but he disdains to do so, and his principles and ideas also keep him a bottom line and principle.

Killing Xiaxiang can be happy for a while, but the force behind Xiaxiang will definitely make him suffer for a lifetime. However, the current scene made him very comfortable. Xia came up with a big thing, but it had nothing to do with him. He could see an opponent fall with his own eyes without taking any responsibility. What a happy thing in the world.

In fact, if Ye Tiannan has to summarize, he is more willing to change the above sentence to - the highest level of eliminating a political opponent is to kill people with a knife, and he does not leave his own fingerprints on the handle of the knife!


Xiaxiang's car did not drive into the city. As soon as he got off the highway, he disappeared.

Xia Xiang was not admitted to the hospital in Xiangjiang, because the hospital may also be unsafe. Since the other party dares to track and crash on the highway brazenly, there must be a backhand.

Because the other party's action this time is like crazy. If he learns that he is safe, he may also be deployed in Xiangjiang, and a big net is waiting for him to enter the net.

...Yes, that's right. Xia wanted to wake up a long time ago. The reason why he didn't wake up the news that he was seriously injured was that he realized the unprecedented danger.

It is intuition that tells him that unlike the previous underworld personal threats, this time, the action was rigorous, calm and well planned. The thunderous blow on the highway made mistakes, because if he hadn't got out of the car to save people, I'm afraid he would have been killed now.

The other party's three new cars want to take his life without fail. Obviously, there is an organized and premeditated action.

At first, Xia thought it was Ye Tiannan's handwriting, but later he calmed down and thought that it was unlikely that Ye Tiannan had not been so crazy, and there was no need to dial the knife between him and him. What's more, Ye Tiannan's person will not be the same.

Then the guard's inspection of the driver confirmed Xia Xiang's speculation that the other party was a soldier.

Xiaxiang immediately calmly analyzed the situation and made a decision. On the one hand, he notified the provincial party committee, and on the other hand, he immediately notified Zhang Xiao.

When he got off the highway, he quietly got out of the car and hid with his secretary waiting for Zhang Xiao's arrival.

As Xia expected, some people thought that he was still in the car, and someone followed him all the way as soon as the car entered the city. Although it was very hidden, it still made the guards notice that someone was following him.

Since the other party has been cruel, I'm afraid he will never die. Xia wants to sit in a very inconspicuous teahouse by the roadside and drink tea while saying to Zeng Zhuo, "The hospital is a place to save lives and help the wounded, but the hospital is also the most unsafe place. Many people who have died..."

Zeng Zhuo is still in shock. Seeing that Secretary Xia has been calm for a long time, he really admired it and secretly said that he was lucky. Fortunately, Secretary Xia reacted quickly, or something big would happen today.

However, thinking that Xia was tired, he was gently taken by the car, and he was still slightly injured. After more than ten minutes of fainting, he was still very uncomfortable. The leader had something to do and his subordinates dereliction of duty. He hated the murderer very much.

"There are so many dead people in the hospital. No one wants to die, but who deserves to die and who doesn't deserve to die? How can you tell them?" Zeng Zhuo didn't understand how Secretary Xia chatted about the hospital after something big.

"Yes, it's because it's hard to explain that I can't be hospitalized in Xiangjiang." Xiaxiang only clicked a little. Many secrets Zeng Zhuo did not know enough. Domestic hospitals are also an important battlefield for political competition.

Zeng Zhuo suddenly remembered something: "Oh, by the way, he suddenly died of illness some time ago..."

"There are too many words." Xia wanted to stop Zeng Zhuo's gaffe in time. "From now on, you will cut off contact with the outside world. Don't answer anyone's phone until the matter is resolved."

Is it really so serious? Isn't it over? As soon as Zeng Zhuo's idea came up, Xia Xiang's phone rang.

Xia wanted to answer the phone casually. After only a few words, he frowned: "I know."

After putting down the phone, he said to Zeng Zhuo, "When our car was in a traffic jam just now, someone found that I was not in it..."

Zeng Zhuo was so scared that he couldn't even speak. He was too bold to stop the car of the Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection in the city? However, when I think of what Secretary Xia said just now, and think of the special identity of the other party, there is only fear.

After a while, Zhang Xiao finally arrived. At the moment of seeing Zhang Xiao, Xia thought finally breathed a sigh of relief. The danger was finally relieved for the time being. The feeling of escape from death was really good.

But... Someone wants to kill him. If he doesn't hit him backhand, he is not honest and reliable, let alone yù face killer Xiaxiang.

When Zhang Xiao saw that Xia wanted to be safe, his tight face finally loosened: "Go, go to the capital, go now, the sooner the better."

Zeng Zhuo was nervous and gaffes for a moment, and said, "Is it really so serious?"

"Some people think the backstage is hard, and no one pays attention to it. In those years, there were still people who dared to rush the General Secretary..." Zhang Xiao was also angry for a moment and almost spilled his mouth. He stared at Zeng Zhuo angrily, "It's okay if you want to stay. There is no place

Zeng Zhuo was so scared that he no longer dared to speak.

It was night. Under the escort of dozens of soldiers, Xia wanted to go north and went straight to the capital.

It was night. In the capital, Lao Gu was awakened by the phone. He grabbed the phone and scolded angrily, but after hearing the other party's report, he first suddenly slapped the table, and then asked all the major generals and lieutenant generals in Beijing to come to see him immediately.

Then, Lao Gu pondered for a moment, and dialed Mr. Wu's phone in the middle of the night for the first time in decades.

After answering the phone, Mr. Wu was speechless for a long time, but then he looked in a certain direction in the capital and said, "Get off. Don't take it out on the junior. Even if you are angry, you have to see who it is... The Wu family is in the army, and there is no one!"

At night, Zheng Sheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Hunan Province, and Ye Tiannan, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, entered Beijing on a red-eye flight.

At night, some of the major hospitals in Xiangjiang called to inquire about Secretary Xia's condition, but they all got nothing.

It was night. Fu Xianfeng was sleepless all night. He called back to Beijing and said half an hour.

At night, Mei Xiaolin was sleepless all night. She called Mei Shengping and said enough time.

It was night. When the general secretary was urgently discussing things with Gu Qiushi, Gu Qiushi received a phone call from Xiaxiang... RA