official god

Chapter 1416 It's just a scheming

Chapter 1416 It's just a blem (please vote!)

Xia wants to walk all the way. To be honest, there are many people who have offended. Although most of the political hostility is right or wrong, it has to be said that there are also some political opponents who have become your life-death enemies.

From the earliest Bai Zhanmo and Fu Xianfeng, to the ancient Xiangguo of Lang City, to Chen Jiewen in Tianze, Zhang Guowei in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, Ye Tiannan in Hunan Province, etc., there is no possibility to turn enemies into friends, although there are also some opponents who finally shake hands and make peace, such as Oh Hong, but there are also some non-enemy and non-friend relationships, such as Yang Jian, such as Xu Xin, such as Yang Hengyi and Hu Ding.

What happened today, coupled with the words of Jiang Xuesong, a member of the Political Bureau and the Beijing Municipal Committee, reminded Xiaxiang that there was another potential enemy, that is, in the process of fighting with his political opponents, he would indirectly offend the people behind some political opponents.

For example, he offended the deputy mayor of the capital, Ma Yangtian, because of Tu Yun, and offended one of the top figures because of Zhang Guowei. What Jiang said is the ya of Zhang Guowei's behind-the-scenes figure, which is one of the veritable names.

Xiaxiang also heard more or less about the government, but he didn't know much about it, and he had never had any contact with him. More than a year has passed since Zhang Guowei's affairs, and it is normal for the government to miss him. After all, Zhang Guowei was treated miserably by him.

But then again, in fact, he was ruthless and did not be cruel to Zhang Guowei. In the end, the car accident that ruined Zhang Guowei's reputation was Fu Xianfeng's hand. It was not fair for the government to settle the accounts on him.

Of course, Xia thought just thought teasingly. He was not afraid of offending any government. In the storm of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in Qin and Tang City, he even offended the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Naturally, he would not be afraid of a government. He also knows that it is difficult to find the direction of the other party who wants to take him from the front.

If you are afraid, the other party will do it secretly.

It's just this ** moment. How could the government think of dealing with him? I'm afraid there is still a political purpose.

It's not terrible to take action in the government. After all, when it comes to the level of the government, you must abide by certain rules in your actions. You won't be too out of line or messed up. Only at the level of Guo Huarui, who is generally not high or low, is the most fearless person.

In those years, Guohuarui even dared to rob Jinyin Jasmine directly. Now it is understandable to find a few people to hit his car and pretend to be a big-tailed wolf in front of him. Who makes Guo Huarui's uncle Guo Hanqing also a member of the Political Bureau!

And Guo Huarui's father, Guo Hanyang, is the boss of Guo Yuhua!

Jiang Xuesong's words made Xia want to suddenly think of him in the capital. It turned out that there were still many opponents and... enemies.

Political opponents are not terrible. Different political ideas and different camps lead to differences and tit-for-tat in many things. It's nothing, as long as they act according to the rules. Whoever is reasonable and wise will win.

But the enemy is in trouble. You can hide in the dark, be pervasive, and be ready to make a blow at any time. Just like what happened today, the other party does not want to kill him, at least lose his face, make him upset, make him restless, make him make mistakes, and so on. The purpose has indeed achieved.

The key is that no one wants to have flies flying around them, which is buzzing and disgusting.

Don't think about it, whether it's Guo Huarui or Yanei, the forces behind them must be at the same level with him in terms of political standpoint. At the same time, Xia couldn't help thinking too much about it. Is today's incident that Guo Huarui only wanted to retaliate with him for his previous revenge because of gold and silver jasmine, or did he have ulterior motives?

The key point is how much the government has participated in this matter, and what is the unspeakable purpose?

"Thank you Jiang for your help." Xia wanted to stop Jiang Xuesong's help today, because Jiang Xuesong did not mention much. He thought that Jiang Xuesong would have any concerns. After all, Jiang Xuesong did not show up at that time, and then briefly explained the process of his bad relationship with Guo Huarui. As for the root cause of the conflict with the government, he just said At the time of Tang, he may be a little anxious to deal with Niu Linguang, hehe, which made some people unhappy.

Jiang Xuesong smiled and said, "No wonder, no wonder... Xia, someone asked me to bring a message to you."

Xia thought that his heart jumped. The person who could ask Jiang Xuesong to speak was not an ordinary person. He said respectfully, "Please instruct Jiang."

"It's not an instruction, it's a discussion." Jiang Xuesong's tone was relaxed again, "The government wants to develop a project in Yan City. I like a piece of land in the Xiama River Waterscape Park. I want to ask you to raise your hand..."

There is Qianjiang Real Estate Group under the name of the government, which has a wide influence in China. It has landed in major cities, and many locals are unable to take the territory. As soon as Qianjiang arrives, it will definitely be successfully won, which is invincible.

Xia Xiang also knows a little about Qianjiang's experience in Yan City. She has opened a stall and wants to take root in Yan City. Not to mention the confrontation between Qianjiang and the local Nanjia Group in Yan City, even Sun Xianwei's several projects also obviously felt the pressure of Qianjiang.

Fortunately, there is Yuanjing Group in Yan City.

Qianjiang took a fancy to the waterscape park invested by Vision on the banks of the Shimoma River. Presumably, the government also knows whose industry Vision is and does not dare to use the relationship. Then again, although the government is powerful in China, when he meets Lian Ruohan, he still has to give in three points. Whether it is political or economic strength, he is still far from Lian Ruohan.

It's better to change to other provinces and cities. In Yanshi, Yan Province, even if he covets the land of Shuijing Park, he can't seize it. From Governor Gao Jinzhou to the municipal party committee, they are all the forces of the Wu family.

However, what Ling Xia is puzzled and ironic is that since the government intended to ask him for help and walked around the bush, he must have hit a wall in Lian Ruohan's place, but how can he ask for help first?

Either the government office is too big, or he is too depressing in the place of Lian Ruohan, so he wants to shake his power in front of himself first, which is also a threat. He wants to take the opportunity to remind himself and let himself see the stakes clearly.

Xia wants to sneer secretly. The government has made a wrong calculation. He has never been a person who is afraid of being threatened. If he has to say that he has any shortcomings, it is to eat soft but not hard. There may be a little effect of salute first, and then salute will have the opposite effect in front of him.

However, Xia wants to give Jiang Xuesong some face. After all, Jiang Xuesong's willingness to send a message proves that he has a certain friendship with the government.

"Since Jiang has opened his mouth, it's nothing for me to send a message to Yuanjing Group, but I don't know what to say?"

Xia thought also has the intention of testing Jiang Xuesong. The meaning is that he gives Jiang face, not the face of the government, and his strength depends on how much favor Jiang Xuesong wants to bear.

Jiang Xuesong's voice sounded very casual and casual: "I can't erase my face. When I heard that I could talk to you in the government office, I begged at my door, an uncle... Looking at the friendship with his father for many years, I have to bring the words."

Xia wanted to understand. From beginning to end, Jiang Xuesong did not mention the real name of the government office, but only replaced it with the government office. First, although there are many government offices in the capital, if you don't mention the surname, you can only know the specific reference of the word "ya". It's just the only person. The Generally, because when it comes to the father in the government, it also passes by.

Sometimes the friendship is average, but the face must be done. Xia figured out Jiang Xuesong's difficulties. Thinking of Lian Ruohan's next financial battle, the industry in the government office was the first to be in the first wave of shock wave, and said, "I promise to bring the words, but my friendship with Vision Group is not very After all, he is no longer in Yanshi, and he is not in his position.

"Hehe, as long as you get there." Jiang Xuesong's tone was much easier, and he was also afraid that there would be too many feelings. In case Xia wanted to facilitate this matter, he would return the favor, but the problem was that the government might not still have a great favor for him.

Xia thought took the opportunity to add another sentence: "There is a sentence that may not be right to say. Just take it as a hole. Jiang will take it as if I didn't say it." After a pause, he felt that Jiang Xuesong was listening carefully. Then he said, "The stock price of Qianjiang Group may fluctuate, and now it's time to sell."

Jiang Xuesong seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to understand: "So that's it first? I have another meeting. I'll talk to you next time."

Jiang Xuesong's attitude is a little confusing, but Xia wants to believe that with his understanding of Jiang Xuesong, the kindness he sent is enough to repay Jiang Xuesong's friendship today.

Xia wanted to guess right. He did repay Jiang Xuesong's favor, because Jiang Xuesong was willing to send a limited message for the government. It is estimated that it was also because relatives and friends held shares of Qianjiang Group, but the number was not large enough, otherwise Jiang Xuesong would not call, but came forward to interview him in person.

Jiang Xuesong got Xiaxiang's hint and successfully made a lot of profits in the subsequent financial war. If it hadn't been for Xiaxiang's timely reminder, he would have suffered heavy losses.

also made Jiang Xuesong further optimistic about Xiaxiang's person. At the subsequent Politburo meeting, he cast a lot of support.

But at the same time, things often have two sides, with both advantages and disadvantages. The message sent by the government did not only fail to achieve the expected effect, but in the subsequent financial war, it suffered heavy losses - although the financial war has been officially started at this time, and the time when he entrusted the message was just a coincidence - he thought it was Xiaxiang If you deliberately slap him in the face, you will hate Xia to the bone. If Xia doesn't give face, it doesn't matter. He still rides on his neck and bullies people too much!

From then on, the government regarded Xia as the enemy of life and death.

The next day, news came from Xiangjiang that Fu Xianfeng and Ye Tiannan slapped the table.

Xia wants to laugh. Ye Tiannan still wants to untie the dead knot before the Politburo meeting? It's just a wasted effort. He has only dealt with Fu Xianfeng several times. How can he know Fu Xianfeng's two-sided tactics?

In the afternoon, the power of the financial war first appeared - what no one expected was that the war would intensify and eventually evolve into the first practical precedent of economic influence on politics in domestic politics. RO