official god

Chapter 1433 A Long Road of Difficult and Variables

Chapter 1433 The Long Road of Difficult and Variables

The projects in the suburbs of Beijing have always been large-scale projects. Projects that can shock the General Secretary in person must be the national focus, and will also be the key point. Behind the scenes, there will be certain political significance.

Otherwise, the general secretary will definitely not come in person.

If it is normal, Xia will definitely care about the situation of the project and find some political significance other than the inspection from it, but today he has no intention to fall on the project, because the general secretary's conversation surprised him, and at the same time, it is also a difficult problem to decide.

The weather is good. The sunshine in early autumn is very bright. The transparent skylight that penetrates the roof falls to the ground, forming an oval shape, which is just between the General Secretary and Xiaxiang. Through the bright beam of light, under close observation, the General Secretary's face shows a tired state and the light on the TV. The color is very different.

Behind the glory, there are unknown fatigue and hard work, and in a high position, there are also ordinary people's hard work and joys and sorrows.

Think about it. After all, the General Secretary is almost 70 years old. Some people are surrounded, and some people run forward and behind. After all, many things have to be done by themselves. In addition, it's really hard to take care of everything every day.

"Xia Xiang, Qiu Shi suggested to me that you can exercise in a more important job for a few more years. Although you have not been in Hunan Province for a long time, you have done a fruitful work. I am very satisfied with your achievements in Hunan Province."

Xia Xiang is now the secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Another step forward, only the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee has a choice. He is very clear that with his current age, it is impossible to step into the main department. Just kidding, the ministerial level under the age of 35 will not only cause a great uproar in China, but also a Yes.

The General Secretary means that he really wants to be appointed as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee? The question is, will you stay in Hunan Province or go to other provinces?

"Qiu Shi means that it is more conducive to the continuation of your work if you continue to work in Hunan Province. My opinion is that a new environment may be more conducive to your growth, such as some remote provinces?"

I don't know when the wind started outside, because in the suburbs, the wind in the empty area is much louder than that in the urban area of high-rise buildings, roaring by, which seems to indicate that the weather is about to turn cold.

The remote provinces are very general, Ning Province and Gan Province. If there are more **, so are the two largest provinces. Which one does the General Secretary refer to?

It is reasonable that the General Secretary personally talked with a deputy ministerial official about the next position, which is the glory of many deputy ministerial cadres in China. Everyone can't ask for it. Xiaxiang was indeed a little flattered, but behind the general secretary's attention to him, he was more clear that the general secretary tightened to him.

If the last time from the Qin and Tang Dynasties to the party school, and then to the Central Committee of the League, behind a series of operations, there were traces of the struggle between the general secretary and the family forces, or from another perspective, at that time, the general secretary was both wooed and wary of him, and at the same time he Enough interviews with him in advance proves one point - the General Secretary has firmly established his view of him and has completely made up his mind to fully bring him into sight.

Or, from now on, until the change of office the year after next, until he reaches the ministerial level, every step of his life, every stage of growth, the general secretary will personally intervene and will play a leading role.

The reason why I also have time to meet him in my busy schedule, and the next step of interviewing him in person seems to be relatively far away is actually based on long-term considerations. It is also to give him enough time to think about it, give him the opportunity to choose, and also to set up a multiple-choice question for him to choose. Between Is it completely centered, or is it slightly inclined to which side?

The General Secretary's words are not much, and there won't be much time. Xia is not allowed to think about it for a long time. Xia Xiang met the General Secretary's expected eyes and only thought for more than ten seconds and said what he wanted to say: "General Secretary, I have only worked in Hunan Province for a year. If I stay for Step by step.

"I didn't say that I won't let you stay in Hunan Province for another year and a half." The general secretary lù smiled gently, "You still have at least half a year to think about it, but it's not that the longer you think about it, the more mature you are..."

"Yes, you must keep in mind the teachings of the General Secretary." Xia thought of course understood the general secretary's hint. For the first time, he rushed in front of the Wu family to show him the way for his next step. He must feel the general secretary's kindness.

What should he do next? Xia Xiang really doesn't have a concept in his mind for the time being, but basically the words of the general secretary have made him a bottom of his mind. He should not take over the position of deputy secretary of the provincial party committee in Hunan Province. In fact, he is really worried about serving as the deputy secretary of the Hunan provincial party After serving as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, it is possible to stay in Hunan Province for at least two years, because the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee is a key position, and the other is to intervene in the wrison between Zheng Sheng and Fu Xianfeng, which will put him in a dilemma.

It's good not to be in Hunan Province. Xia Xiang also knows that he has an age advantage and does not have to rush to serve as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, because the position of deputy secretary of the provincial party committee has no progress. Once he moves forward, he has no choice but to be promoted to governor in the next step. That is to You have to work for two more terms.

According to Gu Qiushi's resume, the 34-year-old deputy department, who entered the department at the age of 43, has been exercising at the deputy department level for nearly ten years. It can be seen that it is a difficult and variable long road from the vice department to the main department.

Xia wants to be young again, and with the appreciation of the General Secretary and the support of the Wu family, he also knows that it is impossible to enter the main department before the age of 40, unless... unless he returns to the Central Committee of the League and serves as the first secretary!

Obviously, the General Secretary's words just now have shown the General Secretary's long-term arrangements for him. He may no longer return to the Central Committee of the League. In the future, he can only hone in the vice-ministerial position step by step.

The Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection ranks very high in the party. Between the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Governor, there is only one position to choose, that is, the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

Xia thought more and understood the eagerness of the general secretary. On the road of the vice-ministerial level, he walked more solidly, walked longer, laid a good foundation, and then calmly walked to the position of the main department, which could be more recognized by the majority of people.

Xia thought that the conversation was over, because the secretary of the general secretary came to remind the general secretary that it was time, but the general secretary remembered something. He asked the secretary to go out first and wait for a while. He asked Xia with great interest, "Comrade Ye Tiannan recommended you to be the deputy secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, which is

It is described by a proposition, which also shows the humorous side of the General Secretary. Xia wants to smile modestly: "Secretary Ye looked up at me. It is his care and help to me. Thank him for his care for me."

"If you want to say, who in Hunan Province is more suitable to serve as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee?" The general secretary seems to be interested in taking the exam.

As an informal conversation, Xia wanted to tell the truth about what he thought in his heart, but he thought of the general secretary's arrangement and his own plan for his own future just now. On the sake of the successor of the deputy secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, he dared not say anything.

However, the General Secretary's question also proves that Ye Tiannan's departure from Hunan Province has become a fore conclusion. It is estimated that the central government has reached a consensus that Ye Tiannan is no longer suitable to continue working in Hunan Province.

"My time in Hunan Province is still short, and I don't know much about the leaders of the provincial party committee. Secretary Zheng can better grasp the situation in Hunan Province from the overall situation. If he recommends candidates, it will be more conducive to the future work of Hunan Province." Xia thought replied very conservatively.

The general secretary did not agree with Xia Xiang's answer, but said something that made Xia Xiang's heart beat faster: "Dongchen and I had my opinion. He proposed to go to Ye Tiannan to a difficult place. I heard that Ye Tiannan also offered to support the economic construction in remote areas. Comrade Tiannan has ideas, affection, and a god who has the courage to take responsibility. He is a good comrade for progress.

Whether the General Secretary's words are true or clichés, or intentional to test Xia's words, anyway, as soon as the words come out, Xia wants to feel inexplicable coldness. Of course, he is not cold to the General Secretary, but to Ye Tiannan.

Like the general secretary in charge of the world, it is naturally expected to see through Ye Tiannan's tricks, but Ye Tiannan's things are round and seamless. In addition, the central government has manpower protection, even the general secretary must positively evaluate Ye Tiannan, so that Xia can't think of Ye Tiannan's power lies in Yu can make full use of all the rules for him. His methods of maintaining his image and almost impeccable political methods are far from what Zhang Guowei of the Qin and Tang Dynasties could compare with him.

Xia Xiang can also guess a little of the General Secretary's thoughts. He wants to hear his comments on Ye Tiannan, but he can't say a sincere word, because after all, the General Secretary is different from Mr. Wu. He can't be frank, and sometimes he knows that one thing is ridiculous and distorted, but under political factors, he must We need to talk about the overall situation in politics.

"Secretary Ye is indeed a respectable and good leader. His departure from Hunan Province is a loss for Hunan Province." Xia wanted to say something in a regular way, and suddenly boldly added, "Secretary Ye is really suitable for party affairs."

"Your opinion is very realistic..." The general secretary finally smiled gently. Obviously, he heard the last hint that Xia wanted to boldly say. The secretary is the party affairs work, and so is the deputy secretary, but the governor is not. Of course, the general secretary will not say anything, but just nod slightly, "That's it, Xia Shen. ..."

After a meaningful conversation, Xia wanted to say goodbye to the general secretary. On the way back alone, he was still recalling the important meeting that seemed to be a little abrupt just now, but it was in line with the current situation. It seemed that he had nothing to talk about, but he talked about many key issues, which were related to his future prospects and

Back to Wu's house, what surprised Xia Xiang was that the person who tasted tea with Wu Caiyang in the living room was Fu Boju, who had a relationship with him but had never had a good impression...

Fu Boju proved that the last shot of Ye Tiannan's plan began to work. RA