official god

Chapter 1435 What else are you ready to use

Chapter 1435 What other wrists are ready to use

Fu Boju did not stay for dinner. After the conversation was over, he left.

The night fell completely. On the night in the capital at the end of September, there was a little autumn coolness, blowing the uā grass trees in the yard, and there was a rustling sound of autumn.

At dinner, the old man hugged Lian Xia and wanted to kiss her enough. He didn't let go. He was afraid that Lian Xia would run away as soon as he let go. Wu Caiyang shook his head and smiled, but Lian Ruohan's eyes were much more vivid. From time to time, he looked at Xia, as if there was a lot

Xia wanted to know that Lian Ruohan decided to let Lian Xia stay with the old man, and no one wanted to deprive an old man of his family happiness.

During the meal, the old man did not mention that Fu Boju came to the Wu family, and he had the intention of letting go. After dinner, Wu Caiyang asked Xia to take a walk with him, and Lian Ruohan and Lian Xia laughed with the old man.

Since Xia wanted to come to Wu's house, the relationship with Wu Caiyang was so harmonious for the first time. However, Mr. Wu became the shopkeeper at the right time, which also made Xia Xiang have to admire the wisdom and calm side of the old man.

In fact, the old man is in his mind. Sometimes he is really smart and confused about fashion. The affairs of the Wu family are under his control. Even the little changes in the relationship between Wu Caiyang and himself are well-it-handed. Therefore, when Wu Caiyang and he can sit down and really work together to operate a thing, the old man is very willing to stand idly by.

Wu Caiyang still has something to say, and Xia Xiang also looks forward to another in-depth conversation with Wu Caiyang.

When Fu Boju left, he had confirmed the general secretary's hidden tendency from Xia Xiang. He was more firm in his mind to the next step. Whether it was obeying the immediate interests or focusing on long-term interests, the Fu family must closely follow the Wu family at this time. In the upcoming battle of resistance, close cooperation can win. Yes.

It is not only the ownership of a governor's position, but also the winner or defeat of a deep-seated political struggle. Although the Fu family is good at speculation, he will still stand firm and distinguish the priorities on issues of whether it is a matter of right and wrong.

When Xia thought just gently mentioned the dialogue between him and the General Secretary, he had a very interesting answer. At that time, he said, "Secretary Ye is really suitable for party affairs work", and the General Secretary seemed to just casually answer, "Your opinion is very realistic..." In fact, he has implicitly and clearly expressed his attitude.

As for other conversations between Xia Xiang and the General Secretary, Fu Boju no longer cares about it. He only needs to know the General Secretary's position. From then on, the Fu family will work with the Wu family to cut through the thorns and open up a road that is difficult but will definitely succeed.

Fu Boju was excited to jump over the Qiu family and the Mei family and shake hands closely with the Wu family, and was full of confidence that the Fu family would eventually become the second family after the Wu family.

Fu Boju's momentum and confidence, Xiaxiang also saw it, and he had more confidence in the future in his heart. Compared with the Qiu family and the Mei family, the Fu family's methods are more scheming. Xia Xi has always evilly believed that it must be a colorful drama to deal with the hypocrite Ye Tiannan with the vanguard of a real villain.

The autumn night is really cool.

Wu Caiyang rarely smokes ōu. In Xiaxiang's impression, the higher the level of officials, the fewer ōu cigarettes they will smoke. I'm afraid they will quit smoking at a certain level. Under the consideration of body and image.

Wu Caiyang took out a cigarette, put it under his nose and smelled it. He wanted to ōu, and finally put it back. He smiled at Chongxia: "What I admire most about you most is your self-control. The smoke is almost ōu, you drink very little, and never get drunk. At your age, it's really not easy to restrain everything.

First, after praising Xia Xiang, Wu Caiyang looked up at the sky again and seemed to say with infinite emotion, "I remember that when I was a child, the stars were dotted, which always made people reverie. Later, in the northwest provinces, the sky was not much polluted, and stars could be seen at night. After returning to the capital, it seems that I have not seen the stars in the night sky once. The development of society will always be accompanied by the loss of many beautiful things.

It is rare to see the poetic side of Wu Caiyang, but it is understandable that Wu Caiyang, who was in great mood in those years, was alone in the northwest, and it is estimated that there were many moments when he looked up at the starry sky.

Xia Xiang didn't answer, and he also knew that what Wu Caiyang wanted was not his answer, but his listening.

Wu Caiyang then talked about his experience in the northwest, which seemed to be a purposeless chat. In fact, it is still a continuation of today's meeting with Fu Boju, because he only talked about his several dangerous promotions, which also hinted at Xia Xiang that sometimes the difficulties and obstacles are not terrible. The important thing is to maintain confidence. At that time, you should also face it calmly and don't make a mistake.

"Today's matter, you still need to send a message to the general secretary, otherwise you can't stand the pressure of the two factions with only the power of the family." Wu Caiyang turned around and stopped and patted Xia Xiang on the shoulder. "I won't say anything else. You should also know it. It's a big deal. You can't be careless."

Xia wants to nod.

Wu Caiyang's expression was a little distorted under the mottled light. He obviously hesitated for a moment and hesitated for half a minute before he said as if he had made a great determination: "There is something I didn't want to tell you. I'm afraid that you will be distracted and you will be under too much pressure, but I More pressure, sometimes, pressure can promote you to make better progress.

Xia is speechless. It's a good thing to spur, but he can't overestimate his endurance. He is not an unbearable Xiaoqiang. However, since Wu Caiyang decided to tell him another secret, he was willing to listen and accept it.

Nodding silently, speechless and firm, Xia wanted to be calm and calm, which made Wu Caiyang very satisfied. When ordinary people heard the very solemn warning of the head of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, they would be more or less panicked.

Although Xia Xiang has the prerequisites that he is familiar with Wu Caiyang, he must admit that the road of promotion he has experienced is a hardship that many people can't imagine. At the same time, it also tempered his mind and perseverance.

"Ye Tiannan is the reserve force proposed by the Prime Minister. In fact, there is also a person in another faction who chooses to cultivate vigorously. Although he is not as high as Ye Tiannan, he may not be as mature as Ye Tiannan's political wisdom, but he has an age advantage. He is at the same deputy ministerial level as you

Although the 40-year-old deputy ministerial level is not very amazing, it is also a rocket speed. The reason why the reputation is not obvious is that it should be dormant in the capital ministries and commissions. Without Wu Caiyang's reminder, Xia Xiang made it clear that either two years later, when he left the capital, he would become famous all over the world and serve as the governor of a province. He would either leave Beijing at any time, or serve as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee or the deputy governor of the Standing Committee.

In terms of age and level alone, it is indeed his strong opponent. Xia thought and asked what he thought: "Will you go to Beijing in two years, or take the opportunity and go to Beijing recently?"

"According to my estimate, before the Ye Tiannan incident, Zhou Hongji will be dormant for another two years. When he leaves Beijing the year after next, he will jump to the main part in one fell swoop. But Ye Tiannan's incident has created an opportunity, and it is possible to take advantage of the situation, and may be dispatched within half a year. Wu Caiyang shook his head and smiled, "From you and Ye Tiannan, it is estimated that the group of people who have lived in the capital for a long time will come to the same conclusion that there are still talents from the local government."

Zhou Hongji... Xia wants to remember this name silently. By the way, he has never heard of Zhou Hongji's name before - but it is understandable. Maybe his name has been heard by many people in the circle, but in other circles, he is not famous. In addition, if the other party deliberately let Zhou Hongji act low-key, it is not difficult to understand Zhou Hongji's birth.

There was Ye Tiannan in the front, and Zhou Hongji in the back. Xia wanted to bow his head and said nothing. Although he had been psychologically prepared for a long time, even if his way forward was promoted by the general secretary and the Wu family, it would not be sunny and smooth. Unexpectedly, there were ups and downs everywhere. There were obstacles

It's just... What can I do? In the face of countless heavy pressures and threats, why did he flinch? Even in the face of personal threats, why did he take a step back? To benefit the country's life and death, how can we avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings? In Ye Tiannan's mouth, it may be just a political slogan, but for him, it is a real oath and belief that needs to be proved with life and effort.

"Tomorrow... You and Gu Qiushi will meet. If time permits, you will return to Xiangjiang in the afternoon." After saying his last words, Wu Caiyang turned back to the room and stayed in Xia Xiang alone in the courtyard, meditating in the slight autumn wind.

The next day, Xia wanted to meet Gu Qiushi as he wished. Gu Qiushi had not left Beijing, but also wanted to have a deep talk with Xia.

If Xiaxiang is the bond of family power, then Gu Qiushi is the bridge of the general secretary. The meeting between Xiaxiang and Gu Qiushi is equivalent to the indirect contact between the general secretary and the family power.

Xia wanted to meet with Gu Qiushi. The time was not long or short. It was just right, and even the afternoon flight could catch up. In the afternoon of the same day, Xia wanted to fly back to the Xiangjiang River. At the same time, Gu Qiushi flew back to Hei Liao.

The capital is not calm because of the departure of Xiaxiang and Gu Qiushi, because Xiaxiang and Gu Qiushi are like the ripples rising from the two boulders thrown into the pool of the capital. After the two left, they are rippled in circles. On the surface, the water is not rising, but in fact, under the

What Xia didn't expect was that as soon as he landed, Ye Tiannan came to pick him up!

Usually, if he is on a business trip and returns to Xiangjiang, he will be picked up by the deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. In terms of things, Xia doesn't care much about some false gifts, and won't even ask the Commission for Discipline Inspection to pick him up at the airport.

But no matter what Yu Gong, Ye Tiannan should not be disturbed to pick up the airport. Although Ye Tiannan is about to leave office, he is still the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, and his position in the party is higher than Xia's!

But it also echoes the old saying that if you are polite to others, you must have something to ask for. What else is Ye Tiannan ready to use? So far, Ye Tiannan is still thinking about how to perform in front of him?

shook hands and expressed gratitude. Coupled with appropriate respect, Xia wanted to politely get on Ye Tiannan's car.

As soon as the car started, Ye Tiannan's smile turned into a serious face. The first sentence said, "Secretary Xia, to be honest, I'm here to negotiate with you."

: Ask for a monthly ticket, do you have it? Ask for another recommendation ticket, do you have it? Brothers...RA