official god

Chapter 1444 It's time to let go

The dormitory of the Construction Committee, located on Aquaculture West Street, is definitely not a high-end community in today's Yanshi, and even the mid-range community is not as good as it. Although the construction quality and area were second to none in the city, with the rapid development of the real estate industry, the residences of the construction committee's dormitory have lagged behind the times.

Originally, there were many senior officials in the dormitory of the Construction Committee, but now there are few people. Of course, the highest-ranking person in that year was Cao Yongguo. Since Cao Yongguo was promoted to deputy mayor of Yan City, he was promoted all the way until he left Yan Province, but he did not move out of the dormitory of the Construction Committee.

But later, the house was still there, but people couldn't live. Cao Yongtong was out of town for a long time, and Xia thought was not in Yan City. Cao Shujun lived in the dormitory of the Department of Finance. The house that once carried Xia wanted to dream was empty. Except for someone to clean it regularly, it was empty and had no vitality

Although Cao Yongguo does not live in the dormitory of the Construction Committee, his legend is still circulating in the dormitory compound.

From the director of a provincial bureau in those years, Pingbu Qingyun, until today's governor of the Western Province, every time the people of the compound mention it, they feel that there is light on their faces. It seems that the bigger Cao Yongguo's officials are, the more glorious they are.

Although the dormitory of the Construction Committee is now emerging in high-end communities in Yan City, and it has almost become a forgotten corner, there are always many people who come to the dormitory of the Construction Committee to inquire about the news that Cao Yongguo and Xia want to come back. Some people want to buy Cao Yongguo's old house at a high price in order to Some people want to have a relationship and make friends with Cao Yongguo and Xiaxiang.

The dormitory of the Construction Committee spreads the legend of Cao Yongguo, but it is more the story of Xiaxiang. Because when it comes to the history of Cao Yongguo's promotion and a key turning point in his fate, it is necessary to mention the appearance of an important person.

Some good people even straightened out the matter after careful calculation, and came to an amazing conclusion on the eve of Cao Yongguo's imminent idleness. "Xia wanted to unexpectedly appear in the Cao family and fell in love with Cao Shuxun. Soon after that, Cao Yongguo's fate was amazingly reversed." Not only was he not placed. Instead, he was assigned to Yanshi as the deputy mayor and entered the Standing Committee. Since then, Cao Yongguo's road to promotion has been vast and infinite.

Therefore, although the legend circulating in the dormitory of the Construction Committee is mainly Cao Yongguo, everyone is talking about Cao Yongguo, and they have to add one more sentence: because Director Cao has a son-in-law who rides the dragon.

At the beginning, people talked about more Director Cao and fewer Director Xia. Later, the number of talks about Governor Cao and Mayor Xia was equal. Later, Governor Cao's topic was gradually overshadowed by the topic of Xia [Shu]. Today, in the dormitory courtyard of the Construction Committee, as long as there is someone in the Luhong unit, someone will point to the blade upstairs, the room." He said ostentatiously, "Xia [Shu] lived there before. He is a senior

Although in the eyes of the four neighbors of the dormitory courtyard of the Construction Committee, Governor Cao is still higher than Xia [Shu], everyone clearly remembers that when Governor Cao was still Director Cao, Xia [Shu] was still a student who had just graduated from college. Compared with Director Cao at the department level, he was 10, which was 10 thousand miles away Neither.

Today, Governor Cao is the main department. Xia [Book] is already the deputy department. In the past, Secretary Xia almost caught up with Governor Cao, who has been an official for a lifetime. The speed of promotion can really be described by rockets, and the Xia [book] circulating in various cities of Yan Province. The deeds of the record are amazing, and the stone becomes gold" can be described as a magic pen.

"It's really amazing. Xia [Book] In a few years, I will be able to surpass Governor Cao. "The son-in-law is super father-in-law." Governor Cao will definitely not be unhappy, and he will be so happy that he can't close his mouth.

"Then there is no need to say, "Don't bully the old, don't bully the young. You don't have to guess. It won't take long for Xia [book] to correct."

"Xia [Book] Ji will be 35 years old next year, and he will be the deputy department. How old do you think he will be in the future? It's amazing, it's amazing."

"Last time, a fortune teller passed by the dormitory of the Construction Committee and almost fell down. Guess what? He said that this place is a feng shui treasure, with clouds and fog rising, and there will be great people in the future. He also said that he had a sense of air..."

"If you want me to say, let's not talk about the big man first. Anyway, it's sure to have a look. Why don't you have a god?"

"What god?"

"The official god Xia wants to."

Just as usual, when everyone was having nothing to do and get together to talk about it, they suddenly noticed that the usual calm construction committee dormitory was suddenly noisy and boiling a lot. One luxury cars drove into the compound one after another, with a large number of people, more than a dozen, and they were all the most luxurious cars in Yanshi.

The momentum is so great that it is unique in the past ten years.

There are no big shots in the dormitory of the Construction Committee now. There is only a group of old employees and cadres who worked in the Construction Committee, and the highest level is the department level. Therefore, there are signs of decline in the dormitory of the Construction Committee. A group of old people gather together to talk about the glory of that year and live.

is also a topic that has not been talked about for a long time. It is also boring to repeatedly post old things. Of course, if they know that Cao Yongguo is about to be promoted to the secretary of the Heliao Provincial Party Committee next step, and Xiaxiang will make a comprehensive layout in Yan Province, their [xing] spirit of hard work and gossip will It's a pity that for those who have been around outside the officialdom all their lives, they can only spread some gossip and can't touch the real truth of officialdom.

But even so, the scene that happened today, for a long time in the future, has once again become a topic of relish and never tired of discussion in the dormitory compound of the Construction Committee. Countless luxury cars have lined up the originally small dormitory compound of the Construction Committee. One person got out of the car, in the late autumn sunshine. Under the light, he narrowed his eyes slightly, his face was calm, his expression was gentle, and he had a faint smile. His eyes fell on every corner of the courtyard. It seemed that the wanderer who had returned far away had returned to his hometown, with nostalgia and joy in his face, and a faint [xing].

Although they haven't seen him for a while, many people still recognized him at a glance that he was a legendary figure rumored by the dormitory compound of the Construction Committee.

Xia thought about the car, and the doors of more than a dozen luxury cars were opened in turn. From it, there are countless people who can only be seen on TV and news media. They are either high-ranking officials and dignitaries, or business elites, etc. Everyone's name is a flag, a legend, not the power. It is wealth. But the people who have looked up to the people who have just seen are now surrounded by concubines, with a respectful and humble attitude, just like the stars holding the moon, holding Xia Xiang in the middle, and everyone's eyes are not in awe, but love and admiration.

Because Peng Yunfeng, the secretary-general of the provincial government, who respects the head of the provincial government, the whole provincial government system, and even some deputy governors are polite, or the head of the city, or Sun Xianwei, the boss of one of the largest groups in Yan City today. With Xiao Wu, everyone has one thing in common, that is, they admire and appreciate the summer thoughts in front of them from the bottom of their hearts.

It is not because of Xiaxiang's high position, but because Xiaxiang is a person, and more because if there is no Xiaxiang, there will be no Peng Yunfeng and Chen Tianyu today, and there is no huge industry of Sun Xianwei and Xiao Wu.

Xiaxiang is the guiding light for everyone present.

And everyone knows more clearly that this unprecedented large-scale gathering will lay the development direction for a long time in the future. It is a big military parade and review of everyone's strength and status in the Xiaxiang system, which will lay the foundation for whether everyone is qualified to enter the Xiaxiang core system.

Among them, officials like Peng Yunfeng and Chen Tianyu, it is clearer that this gathering may determine their next important where to go. It is related to whether they are advancing or retreating in the officialdom in Yan Province, and no one dares to take it lightly.

There are countless people who want to squeeze into the system of Xiaxiang, even on the periphery, and those who have entered the periphery want to enter the core circle. But everyone knows that the position of the core circle is limited after all, and it is impossible for Xia [Shu] to have no distance between the people included in the system.

The National Day event will be an epoch-making event, which will determine the ranking of everyone present in the summer thinking system!

... Xiaxiang didn't think so much. After getting out of the car, he looked back at the familiar places and faces, and sighed with emotion in his heart. Hometown water, hometown people, he always has an indescribable feeling for the dormitory of the Construction Committee, because although he first relied on the power of the Song Dynasty, in fact, his father-in-law is also an indispensable help on his starting road.

My father-in-law will arrive tomorrow. It's time to make a request to my father-in-law and fully start the network in Yan Province. In order to protect the strength within the system, it's time to let go!

His eyes fell on the people around him. Xia wanted to smile. There were too many people. No matter how big his father-in-law's house was, it could not accommodate dozens of people, so he ordered Xiao Wu and said, "Let Yun Feng and Tianyu stay, and the others will go to the Qi Building first..."

Although everyone is a person who responds to each other in their respective industries or sites, although Xia's tone is light and there is no command, no one has the idea of resisting. Everyone turned around and walked away in a blink of an eye.

As soon as everyone left, the neighbors of the dormitory compound of the Construction Committee dared to gather around and wanted to say hello to Xia one after another. Xia wanted to come and didn't refuse. He didn't have any airs at all. He shook hands with everyone gently and calmly, and shook hands for more than half an hour before he went upstairs.

Everything at home is the same, but it's a little cold because I haven't lived in it for a long time. Although most of the people have gone to the Qi's Building in advance, the house is still full of people, which suddenly disperses the coldness and looks very lively.

Cao Shuxun was busy boiling water to treat guests, and everyone took action one after another. They even said that they did not dare to work for their sister-in-law. Although Xun's girl was actually smaller than most people, everyone respected her a little in front of her.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

Lian Tianyu was the closest to the door. He hurried to open the door and was stunned: "Ma Shu said..."

The person who came was Ma Jie, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Political and Legal Affairs Commission [Book] and Director of the Public Security Department. Ma Jie was originally in the relationship between the Song Dynasty. He came to meet Xia wanted at the first time, which heralded the beginning of an unprecedented joint force in Yan Province.