official god

Chapter 1454 The protagonist is not easy to be

In the evening, Xia Xiang met Leng Yue Cang and Li Feng under the introduction of Ye Shisheng.

Leng Yue Cang and Li Feng's impression of Xia Xiang is not very good. Leng Yuecang forcibly promoted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee because Xia wanted to kill him in those years, which is equivalent to occupying his original position. It's strange that he has a good impression on Xia Xiang.

Li Feng was prejudiced against Xia Xiang because of Xia Xiang's drastic wrists during the Qin and Tang Dynasties. He has a conservative personality and has always liked the stability of the same dust as the light, rather than the radicalism. He always thinks that Xia Xiang's behavior in the Qin and Tang Dynasties is too high-performing,

Although Li Che later learned some inside information and knew that Xia Xiang had no choice but to deal with it, his bad feelings for Xia Xiang still did not change much.

But no matter how Leng Yuecang and Li Feng do not like Xia Xiang, they must admit that Xia Xiang's excellence and infinitely bright prospects, and admire that Xia Xiang is indeed an admirable person. What Xia Xiang did in Hunan Province and punished corrupt officials. The two anti-corruption storms made Leng Yue Cang and Li Feng look at Xia Xiang with new eyes.

In addition, Ye Shisheng's desire to maintain Xia Xiang is the firmness that Leng Yue Cang and Li Feng have never seen before. The old leaders they know have always spoken gently and euphemistically, but in the confrontation between Xia Xiang and Fan Ruiheng, the old leaders firmly and spared no effort to support Xia Xiang's attitude, which Guess what Xia wanted to do to make the old leader treat him so well?

Not to mention that Leng Yuecang and Li Feng don't know why, Ma Jie is also confused. He can't figure out Ye Shisheng's support for Xia Xiang, which is completely beyond the general care of superiors and subordinates. In his impression, during Secretary Ye's tenure, it seems that the relationship with Xia Xiang is not close to Did you impress Secretary Ye?

I don't understand. As a mature deputy provincial senior official, I will only firmly implement the spirit of the old leader's instructions, and I won't ask why. Because the old leaders have the kindness to them, the favor they owe to the old leader must be repaid.

Not only that, the old leader is very kind to them and has never asked them for anything. Therefore, once the old leader opens his mouth, it must be very important.

Leng Yue Cang and Li Feng politely shook hands with the humble and young Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection in front of them. According to the comparison ranking, Xia wants to rank much higher in the party than Leng Yue Cang and Li Feng.

Ye Shisheng lives in the Fire Tree Building on the banks of the Shimoma River. He can sit with the sound of the waves of the Xiama River and have a bird's-eye view of the Xiama District, which comforts Ye Shisheng, especially when he sees the lush scenery of the Waterscape Park and the carefully designed garden scenery, he is looking forward

But before that, he must add a handful of firewood for Xia's plan and finally.

In Ye Shisheng's room, there are three members of the Standing Committee of the Yan Provincial Party Committee, Ma Jie, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Leng Yuecang, Executive Vice Governor, and Li Feng, Minister of Propaganda. If the three make the same voice at the Standing Committee, it is also a force that cannot be ignored.

Of course, although the three have a common old leader, they usually do not agree on many major events and do not form a force. It is also Ye Shisheng's brilliance. Therefore, no one thought that Ye Shisheng still has the amazing influence of the three members of the Standing Committee in Yan Province. Once he makes a sound because of the same thing, it must bring a very unexpected impact.

Because of Ye Shisheng's introduction, Xia figured out that Leng Yue Cang and Li Feng were selling Ye Shisheng's favor, so he didn't even have to say too much enthusiasm. He just shook hands politely, otherwise he would have the intention of crossing Ye Shisheng to attract the two, which was rude. Strategy.

Then I talked with Ye Shisheng about relaxing topics, such as the living conditions and human environment in the Shimoma area, such as whether the villa is satisfactory, etc.

Ye Shisheng no longer talks about any topics related to Fan Ruiheng. He is full of praise for the construction of the disemerging area. He hopes that next year's diseling area will be more beautiful and tidy. In short, it is some gossip that has nothing to do with the officialdom. The atmosphere is relaxed, just like old friends

Ma Jie, Leng Yuecang and Li Feng also agreed to say a few words, and the atmosphere of the whole meeting was very harmonious.

After chatting for an hour, Xia wanted to say goodbye. Ye Shisheng sent it to the door. Xia thought said apologetically, "Sorry, Secretary Ye, I can't smoke tomorrow, so I can't accompany you anymore. If you don't mind, I will arrange Jiang Tian, Zhu Ruile and Chen Tianyu to accompany you. "

Ye Shisheng waved his hand: "Don't bother them. They have to stay with their families during the holiday, don't they? But Li is very interested in something important to you. Xia thought, you need to have an explanation.

Ye Shisheng's smile was doubtful and implicit, and there was a trace of cunning. Xia wanted to have a clear understanding in his heart. When he guessed something, he said sincerely, "Tomoru, Minister Wu of the Central Organization Department will come to Yan City to meet friends. I want to accompany..."

After Xia wanted to leave for a long time, the shock in Ma Li, Leng Yue Cang and Li Feng echoed for a long time. I can't believe that Xia Xiang, a deputy provincial official, had such a deep friendship with Wu Caiyang.

Xia Xiang's relationship with the Wu family is a secret. Of course, many people do not know it, such as sub-provincial officials like Ma Jie, including some senior provincial and ministerial officials. It's not a secret. There are also many high-level people in the capital. But generally speaking, there is still little to know about it. Therefore, whether it is Ma Jie's shock, Leng Yuecang's disbelief, or Li Feng's shock, it is reasonable, because no one knows what the head of the Central Organization Department has to do in Yan City. When he comes to Yan City, he doesn't see Fan Rui

Ye Shisheng smiled knowingly at the shock of several people. He believed that after he intended Mingxia to have a good relationship with Wu Caiyang, Ma Jie, Leng Yue Cang and Li Feng, as long as they had a little political mind, they would know how much effort and how much effort they should be in the next.

Xia Xiang shook his head and smiled on the way home, thinking that Secretary Ye was also a wonderful person. He deliberately asked him to talk about his meeting with Wu Caiyang face to face, which was nothing more than stepping up his efforts to consolidate the determination of Ma Jie, Leng Yue Cang and Li Feng.

Anyway, I still want to thank Secretary Ye for his good intentions.

Xia wants to drive in the familiar Yan City. Although it is already cool in autumn, she still opens the window to let the autumn wind blow into the car and feel the strong autumn feeling. The river of the Xiama River clammed, just like a touching symphony. Perhaps it has now reached the most ** movement. Xia Xiang stepped on the accelerator, and the car suddenly rushed forward. He enjoyed the feeling of pushing back brought by the explosion of the turbine. He thought, for General Secretary Fan Ruiheng, today should be a sleepless night. Yes.

Xia thought it was right. Fan Ruiheng was indeed inadult to sleep. In fact, it was not inadult, but restlessness and difficult to fall asleep.

Just after Lu Ming turned around and betrayed his plan, he immediately called and wanted to scold Lu Ming. Unexpectedly, Lu Ming was also interesting and didn't answer his phone, and then when he called again, he turned off the phone directly.

He made Fan Ruiheng furious and asked Zhang Guowei to go directly to the room to find Lu Ming. As a result, Lu Ming had checked out and was nowhere to be found.

Well, he is missing. Is there really nothing he can do about him? Fan Ruiheng was so angry that he immediately came to the provincial party committee and held a small-scale secretary's office meeting.

Because of the holiday, some members of the Standing Committee are not in Yanshi, and the only participants are Hu Zengzhou, Wang Pengfei and Xiao Yuanxin.

Fan Ruiheng decided to do it first and threw out his personnel adjustment plan at the office meeting. Because of Lu Ming's betrayal, after urgent discussion with Wang Pengfei, he made appropriate adjustments, adjusted Lu Ming to the charter city to continue to serve as the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee, and nominated one of Wang Pengfei's cronies as the mayor

Xiao Yuanxin has limited support for the personnel adjustment plan. Wang Pengfei reached a consensus with Fan Ruiheng in advance. In this adjustment, it is profitable, and naturally he is completely in favor of it.

Hu Zengzhou insisted on his opposition, believing that the incident happened suddenly. He did not study the resumes of the relevant personnel in advance, and believed that the sudden adjustment at this time was not in line with the procedures. It is suggested that after returning to normal work after the holiday, he should wait for the governor of Gao to study it in detail.

Fan Ruiheng forced his mind, ignoring Hu Zengzhou's opposition, claiming that he would explain it to Gao Jinzhou in person.

Hu Zengzhou was unable to support himself at the office meeting, so he finally had to accept the reality that Fan Ruiheng forcibly passed, but he also knew that there was a bigger pass and the Standing Committee!

Hu Zengzhou hopes that the Standing Committee will veto Fan Ruiheng's adjustment plan, because he also received a phone call from Xia Xiang in advance and knew Fan Ruiheng's intention to make the last fight. As a teacher and friend of Xia Xiang for many years, although Hu Zengzhou has hardly had a quarrel with Fan Ruiheng since he became the Yi, for the first time, he completely stood on the opposite side of Fan Ruiheng.

Hu Zengzhou, who is about to take office as governor of the West Province, has been in Yan City for many years. Although his footsteps have been slow but stable, he also knows that behind every step he takes, there is more or less help from Xia Xiang, and he has helped this young man who has always been indifferent from beginning to end. This time, Yes.

In contrast to Hu Zengzhou's hope that the Standing Committee will veto Fan Ruiheng's adjustment plan. In contrast, Fan Ruiheng is determined that his plan can be passed in the Standing Committee, and because of Lu Ming's betrayal, he has made a major decision. Without waiting for the holiday, the Standing Committee will be held in advance tomorrow After the layout is completed, inform all the members of the Standing Committee to return to the provincial party committee immediately without giving Xia a chance to buffer.

At this time, Fan Ruiheng did not know that not only Ye Shisheng and the three members of the Standing Committee had traveled around the Mahe River for half a day, but Xiaxiang was also fully prepared. What he did not know was that what kind of drama would be waiting for him to play the protagonist tomorrow. What he did not know was that the missing Lu

But sometimes, the protagonist is not easy to be. Since he has the courage to go on stage, he has to make psychological preparations to step down at any time. But often most people are ready to win, but rarely think about what will happen after defeat...