official god

Chapter 1458 Officially staged

Gao Jinzhou ignited the fire, and then Hu Zengzhou fired the cannon. In my impression, Governor Gao and Secretary Hu have never cooperated so closely as today. Many people's eyes flashed, thinking that the secretary and the minister of organization, the governor and the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, the two factions were evenly matched. For the first time, it was officially staged at the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province.

What everyone is looking forward to is the adjustment of the personnel plan jointly formulated by Gao Jinzhou and Hu Zengzhou... In fact, to be honest, many people do not care about the fate of Zhu Ruile, Chen Tianyu and others. They are all concerned about how Governor Gao will make corresponding changes after Secretary Fan's plan, because everyone The selected adjustment is equivalent to a frontal straight hook or side hook.

At this time, the atmosphere at the Standing Committee was very strange. Fan Ruiheng's face was calm, Gao Jin's face was high and clouds were deep on Monday, and Wang Pengfei's face was solemn. He seemed to be confused and puzzled about the beginning. Hu Zengzhou was calm and not in a hurry.

And other members of the Standing Committee are also different. Some people are confused, some people tap on the table, think about something, some people smile, and some people put their hands on their shoulders, which seems to be a gesture of watching the fire across the shore.

All kinds of emotions and actions at the Standing Committee are like a grand paving for the groundwork, which set the tone for Hu Zengzhou's speech.

The afternoon sunshine is still very powerful. The spotless green insulation glass from the south is thrown into the conference room, which sets off the inexplicable strange atmosphere of the conference room - it is obviously just a non-significant personnel adjustment of the Standing Committee, but it seems to be filled with a tragic and sad atmosphere. .

As the last standing committee before Fan Ruiheng left office, it may also be the last standing committee attended by Gao Jinzhou as governor. This collision is Fan Ruiheng's farewell drama. The victory or defeat determines his merits and prestige in Yan Province for several years, but it is also a rehearsal before Gao Jinzhou takes office. Success or failure is related to his The authority and weight of the provincial party secretary.

Since the two sides have turned against each other, and no one will give in, today's collision can only be the result of one win and one loss, and there is not even a possibility of a draw.

In the conference room, several tea cups were steaming hot, which used to be a very common scene, but it seemed to be the most perfect footnote for Hu Zengzhou's cadence speech, which made Hu Zengzhou's already elusive plan more unpredictable.

"According to the regulations on the flow of cadres in different places of the Central Organization Department, after direct communication with several comrades in the matter with me, under the specific question of Comrade Jin and Zhou, and after consultation with the relevant leaders of the Central Organization Department and Hunan Province..." The lengthy beginning was not only not only did not feel tedious, but also heard The inside story of Hu Zengzhou seems to be a few simple words, but in fact, it reveals a lot of amazing facts, that is, the nomination of the personnel plan is well prepared.

"...I decided to report the following comrades to the Organization Department of the Central Committee as the list of cadres from different places. After the specific positions after the flow are approved by the Organization Department of the Central Committee, they will be arranged by the local Organization Department - Comrade Zhu Ruile, Comrade Chen Tianyu and Comrade Peng Yong." Hu Zengzhou's voice is a usual tone, but today, in everyone's ears, there is a meaningful provocation. "The vacancy after the above comrades have been transferred, and the following comrades are to be nominated."

Fan Ruiheng's face was extremely cold. At this time, he knew that Xia thought not only had this incident, but also in just two or three days, he was fully prepared, and the road ahead and back had been paved. God knows if he had colluded in private except for Gao Jinzhou and Hu Zengzhou. Other members of the Standing Committee... Fan Ruiheng only felt an evil spirit hovering in his chest, and all the harmless smiling faces flashed in his mind were Xiaxiang. He couldn't help scolding: Xiaxiang, you are really hypocritical and shameless!

With Fan Ruiheng's malicious attack on Xia Xiang, Hu Zengzhou's voice continued to echo in the conference room: "Comrade Peng Yunfeng is to be the secretary of Shancheng City, Comrade Lu Ming is to be the mayor of Niucheng, Comrade Zhong Yiping is to be the deputy mayor of Shancheng, and Comrade Xu Ziqi is

As names jumped out of Hu Zengzhou's undulating voice and jumped into the ears of everyone present, the whole Standing Committee was like a happy pantomime. Fan Ruiheng's face was like water, Gao Jin Zhou Shen was calm, Wang Peng's face was changeable, and Zhang Qian, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, always looked flat. Steady, don't move.

Ma Jie, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, has the richest expression. He is surprised and smiles, and now he jumps his eyes with great interest from Fan Ruiheng, Gao Jinzhou, Hu Zengzhou and Wang Pengfei, as if he is comparing the fatter and stronger of the four people.

Leng Yue Cang, the executive vice governor, is the most calm. He has been playing with the pen in his hand, as if it is not a pen but a rare treasure. There has been no trace of surprise about the plan of Wang Pengfei and Hu Zengzhou.

Yu Fanran, Secretary of the Yanshi Municipal Party Committee, was the most calm, always with a relaxed smile on his face, as if he was not in a meeting, but still on vacation.

United Front Minister Zhang Canyang, Secretary-General Xiao Yuanxin, Minister of Propaganda Li Feng and Shi Fangmin, the political commissar of the provincial military region, all cooperated with Hu Zengzhou's speech. From time to time, they nodded in surprise or echoed, or shook their heads, which made people unable to figure out their positions and

Of course, it is very unwise to guess their true thoughts from the expression of the standing committee. It is tantamount to blind people touching elephants. They are all actors. The joys and sorrows will not be written on their faces. Even if they are written, it may not be true.

However, regardless of the shape and expression, the inner shock of many people is the same, because Hu Zengzhou's nomination is too targeted. It is completely the opposite of the Organization Department or Fan Ruiheng's nomination. That is to say, whoever Secretary Fan nominates is flat, Hu Zengzhou will nominate who will be in another place. Liu, whoever Secretary Fan suppresses, Hu Zengzhou will be promoted.

tit-for-tat, unyed, you respect me a foot, I will pay you back... After the end of Hu Zengzhou's speech, the Standing Committee fell into silence, terrible silence, solemn silence, suffocating silence!

The most critical point is that some of the candidates nominated by Hu Zengzhou may not know much about the commonalities between them, but some people know that they are all cronies and direct lines of Xia Xiang's in Yan Province, and all of them are all promoted, except for the unknown positions of several people in different places - but since they are transferred to If Xia wants to take care of him, he must also have a good position - it is equivalent to Xia Chang's direct military parade.

Originally, he was still speculating whether there was a member of the Standing Committee in which Xia wanted to intervene, but now there is no doubt. Xiaxiang's figure is like the autumn sunshine that penetrates the insulation glass. In the conference room of the Standing Committee, it is ubiquitous and ubiquitous.

It can be said that up to now, everyone knows that the current personnel adjustment does not seem to be significant, and the number of adjustments is not large, and it is not a large-scale transfer of municipal party secretaries and mayors, but it is a rare major collision in Yan Province in recent years. It is Fan Ruiheng and Gao For the first time and only time since the team, it has been a front-on front.

The current situation is that the arrow is on the string, and it has to be fired, and there is no turning back. Whether it is Fan Ruiheng or Gao Jinzhou, there is no way out, regardless of victory or defeat, never stop!

It is definitely a colorful and sparking collision.

After half a minute of silence, Fan Ruiheng tried to calm down the burning anger in his heart, suppressed the impulse to almost shoot the case, and barely maintained the calmness and self-confidence of a leader. Then he calmly said, "Is Comrade Zeng Zhou's plan too aggressive? Inter-provincial cadres need to go through the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Organization Department of the Central Committee, and also need to negotiate with the Organization Department of Hunan Province. They need to make a lot of preliminary preparations. The approval of the Organization Department of the Central Committee alone is very cumbersome..."

"Yes, the cadres in different places are very important in the early stage, and the Organization Department has not received a notice from the Organization Department of the Central Committee. I don't think Comrade Zeng Zhou's proposal is feasible." Wang Pengfei sneered in his heart and put forward a tactful objection in time. It is also a reminder to the Standing Committee present that Gao Jinzhou and Hu Zengzhou's plan is very difficult and needs to pass several levels. The unspoken meaning is naturally to influence the judgment and position of each standing committee.

"At the same time, the Organization Department also needs to study it carefully." Wang Pengfei continued to express his position on the plan, with a cautious and optimistic attitude of the Organization Department, which actually meant that the Organization Department did not agree.

"The program of the Organization Department, go through the formalities after a while." Gao Jin and Zhou said solemnly, "The Central Organization Department does not need Ruiheng and Comrade Pengfei to be careful. I just shared my opinion with Minister Wu. Minister Wu fully agrees with the flow of cadres in different places between Yan Province and Xiang Province. Hunan Province..."

Gao Jinzhou no longer said anything, but nod slightly to Hu Zengzhou.

Hu Zengzhou took the opportunity to answer, with a calm smile on his face: "There is no problem with Hunan Province. I also met with Comrade Tan Guorui, Deputy Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee. We also shared our views and reached a consensus with Comrade Liang Xianing, Minister of Organization of Hunan Province. At the same time, Comrade Xia Xiang, Secretary Governor Fu reported the problem of the flow in different places. Both Secretary Zheng and Governor Fu agreed, and warmly welcomed the outstanding cadres of Yan Province to play a role in more important positions in Hunan Province.

Unlike the tone of the cadence when he mentioned the plan just now, Hu Zengzhou's tone when he spoke was not slow, with a posture of a bamboo in his chest. His gentle and firm words were like a heavy hammer directly hitting Fan Ruiheng and Wang Pengfei's chest, which made their faces change greatly, and their chests were stuff Some blushed!

It's not good not to blush. Although Hu Zengzhou's calm tone does not seem to have any strength, it is like one slap after another, bowing left and right. If Gao Jinzhou used Wu Caiyang to hit Fan Ruiheng's face first, then he used Tan Guorui and Xia Xiang to hit Wang Pengfei's face !

Since Fan Ruiheng served as the secretary of the provincial party committee in Yan Province, although he was not strong, he could not be regarded as a weak secretary. For the first time, he was bullied at the Standing Committee and couldn't even raise his head. Suddenly, he was furious and stood up!

"How can it be!"