official god

Chapter 1474 The sudden next step

"Zhu Ruile, Chen Tianyu and Peng Yong's gratitude to Xiaxiang is beyond words.

As soon as he took office, the economic team followed, and he landed with a huge amount of money. It was a great political achievement. It was a strong driving force to stand firm and open up the situation in the early stage, which is equivalent to taking office with wings. If we mention the support of Fu Xianfeng in the provincial party committee and the strong support of Tan Guorui, although Zhu Ruile, Chen Tianyu and Peng Yong came from afar, the landing accelerated, which made many local officials who intended to make things difficult suddenly lose their minds and no longer have restless thoughts.

I can't afford to provoke him. It's Secretary Xia's direct line, and he has the care of Governor Fu, Secretary Tan's care, and even... Minister Liang also personally accompanied him to take office!

Liang Xianing has been very busy recently. First, he accompanied Zhu Ruile to take office in person, and then accompanied Chen Tianyu to office non-stop. If the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee personally accompanied the municipal party committee secretary of the two major cities to take office, although it is surprising, it is understandable, but then Liang Xianning put down When Vice Mayor Peng Yong took office, he couldn't help but be stunned by Xia Xiang's amazing influence in Hunan Province.

On the one hand, Minister Liang's face is big enough for Secretary Xia. At the same time, he is also secretly shocked by many members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. If Secretary Zheng wants to create tension artificially, I'm afraid it will prompt Xia to join hands with Fu Xianfeng. Coupled with the joining of Tan Guorui and Liang There is a chance of winning.

After experiencing the scene of open guns and hidden arrows at the Standing Committee, many of the prominent figures of the Provincial Party Committee are thinking, where will the situation in Hunan Province go?

However, Liang Xianing's behavior of raising Zhu Ruile and others also aroused the dissatisfaction of some provincial party committee leaders and municipal leaders. He believed that there was no need for several department-level cadres who came from afar to take office. It was very grand and obviously suspected of flattery. Therefore, some bad statements were so popular that pushed Xia Chang to On the cusp of the wind and waves.

Some people say that Xia wants to cultivate party members, support forces, and try to grow up in Hunan Province. What's more, Xiaxiang is compared to Ye Tiannan's second. It is only the first step to put people in the city below. In the second step, it will repeat Ye Tiannan's mistakes and form gangs in the provincial party committee, so as to achieve the unspeakable goal.

Rumors are not groundless. Xia thought it was very clear that someone behind him was in order to destroy his reputation. He also knew who did it but did not take any action. It was the lowest-level practice to spread rumors behind it, which proved that the opponent was guilty and hopeless.

On the contrary, Fu Xianfeng couldn't sit still. At a meeting of all cadres, he criticized some recent irresponsible rumors harshly, pointing out that some people with ulterior motives deliberately spread rumors and slandered the image of leading cadres. The nature was very bad and the method was very bad. It was an intolerable shame For leading cadres, they should be strictly self-disciplined, do not believe rumors, and do not lower their status to create rumors, and solemnly warn party members and cadres who like to chew their tongues when they have nothing to do. If they find a case, they will investigate and deal with it, and never tolerate it.

Fu Xianfeng's righteous words shocked some people, but did not fundamentally prevent the continued spread of rumors, but Xiaxiang, who had been silent for a long time, finally took action.

Xiaxiang took action and calmly defeated the enemy.

First of all, Zhu Ruile, who has only been in office for half a month, solemnly announced that Qi's Group had settled in Wuzhou and invested in the development of Yiyuan's real estate project. As the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, who has just been in office for two weeks, he has attracted a huge amount of money from B. As for the operation behind it, the outside world doesn't care. Anyway, for Wuzhou, which has a developed economy, it may not be an amazing amount of investment, but at least it proves Secretary Zhu's sincerity and ability.

Zhu Ruile cleverly put the 300 million investment project under the joint responsibility of the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and the executive deputy mayor, and tied the two to his chariot by economic means.

Zhu Ruile quickly opened up the situation in Wuzhou and won recognition. As a talented leader with the leadership of the provincial party committee and the help of the economic team, who can say anything? If you are not convinced, you can only suppress it in the bottom of your heart.

Chen Tianyu also signed an investment intention with Jiamei Group on behalf of the municipal party committee and municipal government in Yancheng. Jiamei Group decided to invest RMB B in Yancheng, build a university city project, and intend to bid for major projects such as municipal projects.

Compared with Zhu Ruile's calmness, Chen Tianyu has certain economic talent and pioneering spirit. Soon after he took office, he had an in-depth talk with the mayor. As a result, soon the people in the municipal party committee compound found that the mayor, who had always been strong, was very cooperative with the work of the new Secretary Chen. He not only The spirit of instructions always puts Chen Tianyu in the first place, fully maintains the authority of the municipal party committee, and does the work that the second-in-command should do at ease.

Is it possible that the mayor has changed his character?

It's not at all. Politics comes first, interests come first. The mayor is neither suppressed by Chen Tianyu nor subdued by him. However, under Chen Tianyu's two-handed strategy, he realized that cooperation is the only way out, and Secretary Chen is not a leader in bullying and arbitrariness. The benefits are never exclusive, so let He made up his mind to choose a win-win route.

More than a month after taking office, Peng Yong also signed a series of agreements with hourly business, Tian'an real estate, and Xiantianxia business, with an investment of nearly 0 billion yuan!

shocked Baling City in one fell swoop!

Not only was Baling City shocked, but also the provincial party committee also caused a lot of shock. The provincial leaders who had a bad opinion of Zhu Ruile had to change their inherent thinking before they knew that Zhu Ruile did not come to Hunan Province for gilding promotion as a springboard, but actually made suggestions for the economic development of Hunan Province, and sincerely contributed .

Soon, the saying that Zhu Ruile, Chen Tianyu and Peng Yong wanted to plant a wide range of power and tried to train party members in Hunan Province, there was no market and quietly disappeared.

If you think that Xia is only prepared, it is a big mistake to counterattack the other party with facts from the front. A week later, Chen Jihua, deputy secretary-general of the Wuzhou Municipal Party Committee, who was in a meeting, was taken away on the spot by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and was double-regulated for suspected duty crimes.

As we all know, Chen Jihua is the main force in spreading rumors in Wuzhou.

Zhu Ruile's investment attraction was a head-on counterattack, and Chen Jihua's being taken down was an indirect response to the provocation of some people, which was merciless!

After the news reached the provincial party committee, Zheng Haiqi's face was cold and he angrily went to Zheng Sheng's office to report the situation. Unexpectedly, Zheng Sheng was not as angry as he thought. Instead, he said a few words, so that he could focus mainly on his work in the future, and do less about other things that have nothing to

Zheng Haiqi was speechless. He soberly realized that Secretary Zheng compromised and could not be said to be a compromise, because from beginning to end, Secretary Zheng had not made any instructions on what he had done. It was okay to say that it was acquiesced. It was okay to say that he did not know anything If it's big, he will admit the responsibility alone.

Zheng Haiqi returned to the office with a gray face. After sitting down, he was still puzzled. He wondered whether his previous series of practices had entered Secretary Zheng's eyes and called Secretary Zheng's heart. What did Secretary Zheng think of Xia's continued to be bigger in Hunan Province, as well as Xia Xiang, Fu Xianfeng and Tan Guorui' ...

After Zheng Haiqi left, Zheng Sheng closed the door, walked in the room with his hands behind his back for a long time, and finally dialed the phone of the capital: "Qiu Shi, what is the general secretary's idea of the next step?"

After Gu Qiushi was promoted to a member of the Political Bureau, he was one rank higher than Zheng Sheng, but Zheng Sheng and Gu Qiushi are too familiar with each other and have always been called the position. Moreover, Gu Qiushi is a few years younger than Zheng Sheng.

Gu Qiushi's tone is still very flat, without a trace of condescending taste: "I already have a preliminary regret... What, do you have any suggestions?"

Zheng Sheng did not directly answer Gu Qiushi's questions, but asked about the movements of Ning Province and Shaanxi Province: "It's surprising to nominate Zhang Fanshan as the governor of Shaanxi Province. Did the General Secretary make a statement?"

Zhang Fanshan is currently the deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the deputy minister has been changed to the governor. The improvement is not small, and the future is broader, which can obviously draw the conclusion of key training.

At the same time, Zhang Fanshan is not the youngest deputy minister, Feng Sui, but if his nomination is approved by the Politburo, he will become one of the youngest provincial ministers in China.

What's more, Shaanxiqian is also a big province.

Thinking of Zhang Fanshan's background, he is the backbone of the anti-series, and his intention is ready to come out. In response to the rise of Xiaxiang, not only the civilian department is changing its strategy, but also the anti-series has begun to cultivate the reserve force.

Gu Qiushi pondered slightly: "The general secretary is still thinking about it."

Zheng Sheng speculated that Zhang Fanshan's nomination was very likely to pass, but his landing point was not on Zhang Fanshan. Zhang Fanshan's departure and stay had nothing to do with him, and he could not affect the upper strangle. When Zhang Fanshan was mentioned, it was just to lead to the next topic: "The governor of Ning Province Which, didn't the Prime Minister nominate a new candidate?

The governor of Ning Province was originally reserved for Ye Tiannan, and the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee also retreated to the second place, but it was useless. In the end, Ye Tiannan did not step on the air, but fell directly, but Ye Tiannan has gone, and the nomination of the deputy of the Ning Provincial Party Committee is still a

In a province, there is a position of deputy secretary with a laughing key, and the deputy secretary is in charge of the party group and organizational work, which is an excellent transitional position that can cultivate middle-level forces.

"I heard that someone intends to nominate Zhou Honglai..." Gu Qiushi has fully understood Zheng Sheng's thoughts so far, and his heart feels a little messy. He appreciates Xiaxiang very much, but he is deeply sorry that Zheng Sheng and Xiaxiang have never been able to get along. "There is no suitable candidate for the general secretary for the time being. ."

Gu Qiushi did not point out Zheng Sheng's real thoughts, so he waited for Zheng Sheng to say it himself.

"...Zheng Sheng hesitated for a moment. Maybe he hesitated and couldn't speak, but in the end, he couldn't help saying, "I think Comrade Xiaxiang is fully capable of the deputy secretary of the Ning Provincial Party Committee."

Xiaxiang's next step was put on the agenda several months earlier than expected, in a sudden way... Xiaxiang was caught off guard.