official god

Chapter 1480 The next step that is becoming more and more complicated

Chapter 1480 The next step that is becoming more and more complicated

Although Li Dingshan is the leader of Xia Xiang's official career, since Ba County, Xia Xiang and Li Dingshan have gone to two different paths, and even the political concept has gradually become quite different.

Xia Xiang's road is radical and bumpy, but after experiencing the wind and rain, he quickly matures and has a high flying posture. And Li Dingshan took a flat road, with no surprise and no danger, and smooth sailing, but it was precisely because of this that he lacked stamina and did not have the help of Gao Fei.

Over the years, Xia Xiang has been paying attention to Li Dingshan's official career. Although he has experienced a lot, Li Dingshan's career has not changed much, just like an idealist who runs around. He stubbornly and firmly adheres to his ideas and is not polluted by the turbidity of secular and officialdom. He would rather Flowing pollution.

In fact, with Xia's will, he really doesn't want Li Dingshan to go to politics in the local government, because Li Dingshan is too idealistic and has insufficient understanding of the intrigues in the officialdom. After encountering injustice, he is either easy to be used by others or may be used as a gun.

Compared with ministries and commissions, there are more open guns and hidden arrows in the local area, and the entanglement of interests is more complicated.

However, Mr. Shi never wanted Li Dingshan to stop at the vice-ministerial level and put him on his deathbed. He not only treated him cautiously, but also involved him.

also shows that Mr. Shi was very thorough about Li Dingshan's shortcomings, so he entrusted Li Dingshan's future, and he was afraid that Li Dingshan would be blocked locally. He even took into account him and Li Dingshan's colleagues and Li Dingshan's arrangement. He was really an old man who made people sigh and had nothing to say.

It is also because of this that in order to put him and Li Dingshan together, he had to disrupt the established deployment and arrange it in advance.

You can't blame Shi Lao for this. Shi Lao, who has no children in his life, regards Li Dingshan as a descendant, and it is also human.

I'm afraid that he has also studied Li Dingshan's resume and knows Li Dingshan's personality and personality, so he is also worried about arranging Li Dingshan to work with him, and is worried that it will affect Li Dingshan's normal process because he takes care of him too much.

From now on, if he wants to achieve a lofty goal, he can't deviate from every step, especially before the main part, he is not allowed to fall. After all, it is not known whether Gu Qiushi can sit for generations, and he is behind Gu Qiushi, and countless people want to replace him.

Whether it is Mr. General or Mr. Wu, there is a tacit consensus that if one day his progress is hindered by the existence of Li Dingshan, Xia doesn't have to think about it and know that Li Dingshan will definitely be sacrificed.

That's why I always ask this question. I don't want him to be too embarrassed.

Xia wanted to understand Mr. Shi's eagerness and understand the general difficulties. He thought about it and said firmly, "Minister Li was the leader when I first entered the officialdom. Without Minister Li and me today, my greatest advantage is also a disadvantage, that is, affectionate... Please rest assured, I will deal with all aspects. Yes."

He specially emphasized the importance of affection. In fact, it was Xia Xiang who implicitly confessed to the general manager. He always smiled happily and patted Xia Xiang on the shoulder: "It's really difficult for you, Xia Xiang, the burden on your shoulder is too heavy."

Xia thought that he would always hint more or less about the next direction. After all, it was related to the future of him and Li Dingshan. Unexpectedly, the topic changed and asked other aspects.

"What is Zheng Haiqi's personality and ability? Let's talk about it. Tell the truth and don't be careless." I always deliberately emphasized that, obviously, now he no longer regards Xia as an outsider.

Why did you ask Zheng Haiqi again? Xia thought too much, did the conflict between Zheng Haiqi and him some time ago also spread to the general public? Or, when he leaves Hunan Province, Zheng Haiqi's position will also move?

Although the general words are euphemistic and kind, Xiaxiang still dares not say more or nonsense. His impression of Zheng Haiqi is average. He feels that Zheng Haiqi is exaggerated, sometimes frivolous, sometimes grandstanding, likes to speculative, but he lacks the vision of judging the situation.

But the problem is... Zheng Haiqi is Zheng Sheng's cronies. Maybe he was transferred from Hunan Province. If he wants to mention that Zheng Haiqi's position is Zheng Sheng's intention. With the relationship between Zheng Sheng and the general, what else can he say?

Xia Can't only be sloppy: "There are not many intersections in my work with Comrade Haiqi. I don't know him well enough, so it's not easy to express my opinion. He is the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, and Zheng's opinion is the most representative.

always smiled meaninglessly: "It's like I didn't say it."

At the end of the meeting, Xia always thought of the door and didn't say a word, leaving Xia to think of a meaningful and open ending.

was going to leave Hunan Province early, but it was not clear when and where to go. Originally, he wanted to implicitly mention the Prime Minister's meeting with him, but he had never found a chance to speak.

When I arrived at the gate of Zhongnanhai, it was cold and gloomy. It was really going to snow.

Xia wanted to leave when he was about to leave. Suddenly, a car drove out of it and stopped in front of him. In a sane, a person came down from the car. It was Gu Qiushi.

"Rin the car, it's warm in the car." Gu Qiushi got out of the car to greet him in person, which can be said to be dozens of gifts. In fact, at the level of Gu Qiushi, he only needs to open the window and wave his hand.

Xiaxiang was not polite. He directly got on the car and sat next to Gu Qiushi. He said that he hadn't seen Gu Qiushi for a while. Xiaxiang really had something to say to Gu Qiushi.

Now the relationship between him and Gu Qiushi has made great progress than before. Although the level is very different, in front of Gu Qiushi, Xia Xiang has no pressure at all and feels as kind as his friends.

The wind in the car is very warm and very warm. Xia wanted to breathe: "It's hard to remember the warmth in ancient cold."

Gu Qiushi smiled and said, "How can I listen to your tone? It seems that I'm not satisfied with something."

"Where is it?" Xia Xiang waved his hand helplessly, "It's just that I'm leaving Hunan Province. I'm a little reluctant. It seems that every time I leave in a hurry... And I have no idea where to go.

Gu Qiushi heard Xia's meaning, but smiled more happily: "Let's have lunch together." But he smiled mysteriously, "Don't set me up. I don't know where you're going next."

Xia wanted to believe that Gu Qiushi was telling the truth. Today, he only talked about his next step, and he might be with Li Dingshan, but he did not specify his position and where to go. I guess he didn't mean to hide it, but it hasn't been finalized.

As a general identity, he will not disclose half of it until the matter is finalized.

But Gu Qiushi is different. A little bit can reveal a little bit. Unexpectedly, Gu Qiushi also avoided answering, which also made Xia want to guess something. Although the next step is advanced, it is obviously very difficult, the whereabouts are unknown, and the position is to be determined.

Forget it, I'm too lazy to guess again. Maybe although it's in advance, it may take two months to really implement it.

I had lunch with Gu Qiushi and talked about some relaxed and casual topics. I didn't talk about the next step with Li Dingshan, but Gu Qiushi implicitly said a few words of Zheng Haiqi, and the implication still vaguely revealed that Zheng Haiqi might be mentioned.

Xia doesn't want to say anything about it. Zheng Haiqi's good or bad, promotion and depreciation have nothing to do with him. He doesn't need to say something bad behind his back because he has had a small quarrel with Zheng Haiqi. Instead, he will seem to be stingy.

After dinner, Gu Qiushi revealed something: "My original intention, of course, I hope you will be the deputy in the next step, but maybe it will continue to be on the appointment of discipline. You should be psychologically prepared and start to arrange the remaining problems in Hunan Province in advance, so as to save time to get it. By the way, now there seems to be someone who intends to compare you with Zhou Hongji. No matter where you go next or what position you hold, for a long time, I'm afraid someone will always compare what you have done with Zhou Hongji..."

Is it a strong opponent? Xia wanted to shake his head and smiled meaninglessly.

"I have something else to go first. I have to meet with the Prime Minister in the afternoon." Gu Qiushi and Xia wanted to shake hands and waved goodbye. "The Prime Minister is also very interested in you, and he has always said that he would like to meet you if he has a chance."

After Gu Qiushi left, Xia thought that he drank another cup of tea. It was not until the snowflakes fell outside that he seemed to wake up.

Vice Premier Fusheng is the executive vice premier of the State Council and one of the members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau. He is now the candidate for the next prime minister. Next year's change of office, he will be in charge of the overall situation in China.

As one of the most powerful generals in the regimental system, it is also a pity that Xiaxiang really has no contact with Daifusheng. But I believe there will always be a chance, but it's hard to determine what Dai Fusheng's attitude towards him is.

There is no doubt that from next year, Dai Fusheng will become one of the key figures in determining his future prospects. As Gu Qiushi said, the understanding of Dai Fusheng is also imminent.

When we arrived at the Wu family, a thin layer of snow had fallen.

Xia wanted to see Lian Ruohan, prepared to have a good talk with her, and then took out her husband's dignity to criticize her. Who asked her to have a big deal and not to discuss with him, and deliberately concealed it. Unexpectedly, even Ruohan did not know whether he intended to avoid him or unfortunately, he went abroad.

He didn't tell him in advance when he went abroad. Is he really not her man?

Obviously, Mr. Wu also knew about Lian Ruohan's pregnancy. As soon as he saw Xia Xiang, he smiled happily. He took Xia Xiang's hand and said, "Xiao Xia, your next step, I will use my strength to strive for a double happiness. When it's time to push you, it's a push. Otherwise, when I close my eyes, I can't help you.

Perhaps Mr. Wu also realized from the incident of Shi Lao's death that after people are old, death will come at any time, and no one can escape. He stared at Xia Xiang and said with emotion, "You are an affectionate and righteous young man. I like this very much."

Then, Mr. Wu said with great momentum, "Every time you move forward, someone wants to get into a stumbling. This time, I'm going to risk everything, and I have to do it according to my will. Xia Xiang, you wait and see!"

: Ask for the support of one recommendation ticket per person. If it's cold, borrow some warmth from your brothers. You are all kind-hearted people. RO