official god

Chapter 1482 The Major Test of the Next Step

The phone is neither the Shen dialect of the Central Organization Department nor the phone of Gu Qiushi. It is not the Prime Minister's phone call. What Xia Xiang didn't expect was that the first call to confirm that he was about to be transferred from Hunan Province was actually a call from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

"Comrade Xiaxiang, on behalf of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, I am in recognition of your work. At the same time, if you have any questions, I would like to ask for your opinion." The voice of Longjiacheng is light and majestic, with a condescending smell, "Is it convenient for you now?"

The Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection called in person. Even if Xia wants to report to Zheng Sheng, he must take the call from Longjiacheng as the first priority.

"It's convenient, please ask Secretary Long for instructions." There must be a respectful attitude and a humble tone. Xia thought that he could not let Longjiacheng pick on his problems on superficial problems, which seemed that he was too bad at being a human being.

"Thanks to Secretary Long for his affirmation of my work." Xia thought added another sentence.

Longjiacheng hummed and continued, "The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection believes that Comrade Lai Lieying is suitable to serve as the secretary of the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. On behalf of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, I specially solicit your opinion... Liulongjiacheng did not clearly indicate that he was about to be transferred from Hunan Province, but from the The where to go and position should have been finalized!

According to the usual practice, when choosing a successor, you will give due consideration to referring to the opinions of the predecessor, but it is not necessarily necessary to ask for the views of the predecessor. Moreover, the nominated successor is not promoted from the current deputy secretary of the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Why do you need to ask him more?

He doesn't know who Lai Lieying is at all!

Therefore, Longjiacheng seems to be deliberately calling to ask for his opinion. In fact, it is a big or small trap. You don't need to think about it. Lai Lieying must be a person on the line of Longjiacheng, but it is estimated that at the time of nomination, the resistance is not small, and Longjiacheng will take his

Whether his opinion or opinion is good, it can't affect the overall situation, but if what he said or says it wrong, it is still possible to offend some middle Politburo members.

Originally, he just left Xiang Province quietly, but he didn't expect that Longjiacheng also tricked him and expelled him from Cao, which made Xia Xiang feel uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, Secretary Long, I don't know anything about Comrade Lai Lieying. I don't have the right to speak without investigation, so I won't express my opinion." Xiaxiang's attitude is still respectful, and his tone is still polite, but his meaning is very firm - shut up.

Longjiacheng seemed to be psychologically prepared for a long time. He smiled: "If you don't understand Comrade Lai Lieying, you won't speak. It's very good. There are principles and party spirit. Then there is another question to mention. Some people also proposed that Comrade Zheng Haiqi be the secretary of the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection In the spirit of being responsible to the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, let's talk about whether Comrade Zheng Haiqi is suitable for the position of Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Well, in the end, he still dug a hole to let him jump down. Xia thought that there was no way back now, so he had to answer directly.

"Comrade Zheng Haiqi is flexible and principled, and has made outstanding achievements in the position of Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee. I believe that he can make the same contribution in his new position. Xia wanted to think about the sentence and try to make his words watertight, so that people can't catch the loopholes.

Qi Liu was silent for a moment, but Longjiacheng said another inexplicable sentence, "Comrade Xiaxiang, if you have good intentions, you may not be accepted by others. You shouldn't know that your next step is because of the obstruction of a person you can't imagine, and you almost didn't go well..."

The phone was cut off, and an inexplicable call ended. Xia wanted to be stunned for a while, put down the phone, and thought a lot.

It can be concluded that Longjiacheng's words are the truth. There must be someone behind him who has stumbled and doesn't want him to ascend the throne smoothly, and this person is not against a faction, not a civilian faction, but a member of the regimental system or family forces.

Longjiacheng didn't say who it was. He certainly wouldn't call back to ask, let alone ask secretly. Some things may never have the truth, and he also knows that it's better not to know the truth than to know.

After the phone call from Longjiacheng, Xiaxiang's transfer was really on the agenda.

A week later, the Central Committee officially announced that Qiao Qingwen was appointed as a member, member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Ning Provincial Party Committee, Yang Suicheng was appointed as a member, Standing Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Ning Provincial Party Committee, and Zhang Fanshan was appointed as a member, Standing Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party If the appointment of Qiao Qingwen and Zhang Fanshan is still expected, Yang Suicheng's flat shot really surprised Xia.

For a moment, I really couldn't remember who Yang Suicheng was. After thinking about it carefully, I remembered that Yang Suicheng was originally the deputy secretary of the Qi Provincial Party Committee. He was transferred from Qi Province and vacated as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee... In this way, Xia wanted to know that his future was settled, which was Qi

How can it be Qi Province? Xia Xiang didn't believe the final result, because he had always thought that he could go north to Jijiang Province with the Song Dynasty, or go south to Lingnan under the leadership of Chen Haotian. He didn't think that neither went north nor south, but the big river flowed to the east and went straight to Qi Province.

The secretary of the provincial party committee of Qi Province is Qiu Renli, the provincial governor, and now the position of deputy secretary of the provincial party committee is vacated. It should be the concrete embodiment of the will of Mr. Wu and the General Secretary.

Again, Qi Province is not far from the capital, and its economy is much more developed than that of Yan Province and Hunan Province. At that time, it once ranked second in the country, but now it is temporarily ranked third by Jiang Province, but the gap is not big, and there is a possibility of overtaking it at any time.

As such a top-ranked economic province in China, it is not easy to serve as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. I have to say that both the general secretary and Mr. Wu have put a lot of strength and strength behind it. But on second thought, I'm afraid that there are still problems that have not been solved. Xing Duantai was originally the secretary of the Yan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and he also served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Yan Provincial Party Committee. Li Dingshan is also a member of Yan Province. It is impossible for the central government to arrange three high-level officials

In addition, there is no vacancy for Li Dingshan's position in the Qi Provincial Party Committee.

Xia thought clearly that if it hadn't been for Li Dingshan to be with him, things wouldn't have dragged on for so long.

Hasn't there been a consensus behind it?

Then, another announcement shocked many people, including Xiaxiang.

Comrade Xing Duantai no longer serves as the deputy secretary, standing committee and member of the provincial party committee of Qi Province, and resigned from the position of governor. The central government decided that Comrade Sun Ximin will be a member of the Qi provincial party committee, standing committee, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and acting governor!

The first reaction when he heard the news, Xia thought was stunned, and the second reaction was a wry smile. Well, what a good Sun Ximin. Previously, he cooperated with his acting, and his seniority was not enough to take office in Shaanxi Province. Now it's good. He awe-inspiringly turned into the Ming.

Qi Province is much more economically developed than Shaanxi Province, and Qi Province is also a large coastal province. No matter from which perspective, the weight of the governor of Qi Province is very heavy, and Qi Province has been a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau!

Qiu Renli has been a secretary in Qi Province for two years. Is it possible that Sun Ximin came here to become a regular citizen in Qi Province?

It's just a pity that Comrade Xing Duantai has been playing in the position of governor, but in the end, he still failed to serve as a secretary, which ended gloomy. However, not all governors have the opportunity to help the correction. Xing Duantai has been promoted from the position of secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to the governor of the province, and has served as the governors of the West Province and Qi Provinces. Qingyun has reached the peak of his life.

While regretting for Xing Duantai, Xia Xiang also shook his head secretly. He had not yet left Xiang Province. The high position of the deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Qi Province had been waiting for him to sit down. The heart of further joy had not yet burned, but he suddenly found that Qi Province had laid a big net and waited for him to throw

and Sun Ximin have become superiors and subordinates again, which is really a life opportunity that makes people laugh and cry. It also proves from another perspective that some people's suppression of him are still continuing.

In the personnel adjustment announced again later, Geng Xia wanted to be secretly shocked. Only from a series of arrangements on the surface, it can be concluded that the personnel problem of what kind of swords and shadows have happened behind the scenes is really the top priority. A series of transfers of senior officials at the provincial and ministerial levels are a war without smoke.

Zeng Shengyan, member of the Standing Committee of the Qi Provincial Party Committee and deputy governor of Qi Province, was transferred to the deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce, and Li Dingshan was appointed as a member and member of the Standing Committee of the Qi Provincial Party Committee, and nominated the deputy governor. Xu Liangjin, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection of Qi Province, served as Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Hunan Province, and Comrade Zhou Hongji served as a member of the Provincial Party Committee, member of the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection!

Comrade Xia Xiang no longer serves as the secretary of the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and serves as the deputy secretary of the Qi Provincial Party Committee!

...", an almost dazzling personnel adjustment, has completely lagged behind. There is no need to be in the capital, and there is no need to call to ask. Only a series of transfers and adjustments on the surface can completely draw a conclusion. Behind this personnel change, I'm afraid I have experienced more than one political war.

Yes, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as war at all, and what Xia wants to understand more is that the war has just begun, because what he never thought was that someone not only gave him a big gift from Sun Ximin as governor, but also seemed to be afraid that the formation was not grand enough, and also arranged Zhou Hongji in Qi Province It is still the position of the secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Does it mean that Zhou Hongji wants to follow his example and take the same upward route as him?

Qi Province... Some of them are really good-looking. Not to mention others, just the combination of him and Li Dingshan compared with the combination of Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji is completely at a disadvantage. What is the position of the rest of the heavyweight standing committees, and what is their origin and background? It is still unknown. Looking at the whole province, Only Qiu Renli can rely on one person!

It is foreseeable that the road to Qi Province is not only a long way to go, but also the other party has shown the sword of trump card. Zhou Hongji is on his key position on the road to the front. Going to Qi Province, it is not only a long road and bumpy, but also takes Li Dingshan The degree is so great that Xia wants to face a major test that does not allow a flash of failure for the first time in his life!