official god

Chapter 1493 Deeper Industry Insider

The twilight is four-sided, and the sky is getting dark.

Spring is already very deep. On the shore of Daming Lake in the evening, although there is still no summer rain and lotus, there is a bright night scene.

Xia Xiang and Li Dingshan sat silently. After a few minutes, Xia Xiang sighed for a long time and stood up: "Gend Governor Li, you have now found out the truth about the allocation of salt in Yan Province. You know how much resistance you are facing. The scene at the Standing Committee just now also explained some problems. The local forces in Qi Province It's huge, Qiu [book] can't shake it..." "If you don't try, I'm not willing to." Li Dingshan clenched his fist and punched a tree next to him. His slightly white hair fluttered in the wind, which was quite tragic.

In a blink of an eye, I have known Li Dingshan for more than ten years. From the middle-aged man at the age of 40 to the middle-aged man in his 50s, Li Dingshan is indeed much older and has changed a lot. The only thing that remains unchanged is his belief and pursuit. Whether it is a book business spirit or asking for the It's just a sense of round-and-way and stubborn persistence. To be honest, Xia Xiang was also extremely indignant after learning the inside story of the salt industry, because salt is related to the health of countless people, and the pursuit of profits is understandable, but it is a heinous shameless act to make money and ignore the safety of the people's lives.

The domestic food safety problem has reached the point where it is impossible to eat out without vigorous rectification. However, who would have thought that there is not only gutter oil, Sudan red, Clenbuterol, additives and toxic rice, but also salt that endangers people's health!

Xia wants to know that he can't persuade Li Dingshan, even if he wants to intervene in this matter, but the conditions are not ripe at this time. Although he is the No. 3 figure of the Provincial Party Committee, he has an unstable foothold in Qi Province. He is just an outsider. There is no available around him, and he doesn't

What's more, the salt industry involves the interests of too many people, and there has been a high-level competition behind the reform of the salt industry, and in the end, it has come to an end.

Starting from Lu Chengliang is an entry point, but let's not talk about whether Lu Chengliang is reliable. Even if Lu Chengliang exposes the inside story of the industry out of justice and conscience, the problem is that what Lu Chengliang said, Li Dingshan believes, he also believes, and even Qiu Renli believes, but he can't let [m In the middle, maybe it will end up with nothing.

Be optimistic. In the end, Lu Chengliang became a victim, and things were hidden in the dust of history. A little pessimistic, Li Dingshan tried too hard, touched the interests of the senior management, annoyed someone, and was finally forced to resign. From then on, he was self-rejected from the officialdom.

If things get big again, it may be easy for Li Dingshan to lose his official, and there may be a disaster of imprisonment.

As early as two years ago, during the Two Sessions, the reform of the salt industry system was included in the government work report for the first time. After January, the State Council approved and forwarded the "Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Economic System in 2009", clearly requiring "the formulation and introduction of a plan for the reform of the salt industry management system".

A month later, the salt reform group, composed of the supervision of the State Council, the Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, was referred to as the salt reform group, to investigate eight provinces and cities across the country. In January, the Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly formulated a preliminary plan for the reform of the According to the opinions of relevant ministries and commissions such as the Production Office, it seems that a powerful salt industry reform is about to make a grand debut...

At the same time, the feedback from various ministries and commissions is to support the reform of the salt industry system, cancel the franchise, go to marketization, etc., which can be said to be a warm response, which has won the hearts of the people. Everything is ready to change the grass, and I only owe the last east wind.

This east wind is to wait for the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to jointly submit the salt reform plan to the State Council!

However, after waiting for more than a year, the east wind did not blow, and the National Development and Reform Commission was silent...

What happened behind it, and what force made the salt industry promoted by the State Council to miscarry?

Some public news blamed the resistance to the grass reformers. It is said that the China Salt Association has formed a strong key team to prevent the National Development and Reform Commission from reporting the reform plan. The result was really successful. The reformers influenced the process of the reform. In the country where power is concentrated, subordinates will not obey the orders of their superiors. Isn't the absurd thing a fantasy?

But it's really not a fantasy, but a living reality.

Does a small salt association have such huge energy? Who is the huge black hand behind the scenes?

One of the biggest and only reasons for the China Salt Association to oppose the change of grass is that only a salt franchise can ensure the elimination of iodine deficiency.

But this reason is ridiculous and untenable at all.

In fact, some experts have pointed out that salt to supplement iodine is a big lie today. Because of the high volatility of iodine, heating will evaporate quickly. Unless ordinary people eat cold pickles every day to truly ensure the intake of iodine. As long as the vegetables are stir-fried and heated, iodized salt is just a big soap bubble, just to maintain the The big lie that the company's franchise has been withdrawn.

The benefits of franchise are obvious. The annual profit of a salt company in Yan Province alone is nearly 1 billion yuan, not to mention other provinces with a large population.

As for salt with zinc and various additives, it is a test product that ignores the health of the people, especially zinc, which can easily cause heavy metal poisoning.

One more ten thousand steps back, iodized and zinc are not terrible. Iodized, eat too much iodine, up to the neck. If you add zinc, you can choose not to add zinc and salt. But the problem is that all salt has a mysterious additive. After more than ten years of secret addition by the salt company, it was exposed by people of insight for an OP year. Someone on the Internet published an article on "mysterious anti-junction agent in market salt", which attracted media attention and reported widely. After that, the salt companies were producing The additive anti-junctive agent that has existed for more than ten years is marked on the product.

Because salt will condense, which will seriously affect storage and transportation, anti-junction agents are necessary.

The reason why the anti-junction agent has not been marked is actually intentional, because the name of the anti-junction agent is ferrocyanide.

As for whether ferrocyanide is toxic or not, we will not discuss it first. It is only said that the insiders of the salt industry company only eat the salt produced directly from the salt field, and you can guess it without eating the salt that has been repackaged by their own company.

Food safety issues can be avoided. At least it's safer to cook and eat by yourself, but how to escape salt safely? I have to eat salt every day, and salt is a franchise. There is no other branch in this one!

Of course, there are still many inside stories about salt companies, which are large and broad. At the national policy level, such as how to change grass and how to ensure the food safety of the people, is a competition at the national level and a high-level political struggle. However, the tricks and behind-the-scenes transactions of salt companies between the two major salt-producing provinces of Qi Province and Yan Province, if they are operated properly, may play a role in fueling the reform of the salt industry, which is still at an impasse.

It's just... A giant hand behind the salt, directed and acted in a big play. If it is destroyed, how can it not be furious? He was also good to say that at least someone would protect him, but there was no one behind Li Dingshan. When Mr. Shi died, Li Dingshan reluctantly served as the deputy governor of the Standing Committee. With Mr. Shi's last wish, he hoped that Li Dingshan would be in peace from now on, and at least he would serve as the governor for at least

But if Li Dingshan really wants to intervene in the dark inside story of the salt industry between Qi Province and Yan Province, it will touch the interests of the high-level officials in the capital. Maybe he will be dismissed on the spot before the end of his term of his term.

is indeed a dilemma. Xia tried to open his mouth several times to persuade Li Dingshan, but he couldn't say it.

In the night, under the dim yellow light, Li Dingshan's expression was calm and indifferent, which was a decision without hesitation. Xia, who knew Li Dingshan's temper, wanted to know, and it was useless to persuade him. It was better not to say something. Because of Li Dingshan's character, he would rather lose his official than admit it. Just like the political struggle between Shuiheng City and the mayor, he almost resigned to the provincial party committee.

"It's better to think about things in the long run. Lu Chengliang knows some inside stories, but now is not the time to expose them. I mean, after a while, we will stand firm..." Xia wants to try to make his tone more euphemistic. His ranking is higher than Li Dingshan, but in private, he has always regarded Li Ding

"I understand your concern. Xia think, I can wait, but the people can't wait, and the people have waited for decades and been cheated for decades. How long will they wait? If you need a person to stand up, even if you exchange the price of your life for the safety of the people of the world with salt, then let me be such a fool!" Xia Xiang was speechless. After a long time, he picked up a stone and threw it at Daming Lake: "If the country lives and dies, how can we avoid it because of misfortune It's easier said than done. Some people just hang it on their mouths and wear it as hats. Some people never say it, but practice it with their lives. Governor Li, you are not fighting alone.

Xia thought about it a lot. Since he couldn't persuade Li Dingshan to stop his determination, he secretly fully cooperated with Li Dingshan's small plan, helped him resist part of the pressure from the high level from the front, and resolved the counterattack from the Qi Provincial Peninsula Gang from the side, and then waited for him to open the situation in Qi Province and Bidly take action...",......

Xia Xiang is much more mature than before, and he also pays attention to rules and regulations. He is ready to make full use of political wisdom within the rules to gradually solve difficult problems, but he ignores that compared with the simple and peaceful folk customs of Hunan Province and the heroic folk customs of Qi Province, there is a side that advocates violence, and the opponent's counter .

The means are also infuriating and shameless!

After leaving Daming Lake, Xia Xiang had dinner with Li Dingshan and was ready to take a bus back to the provincial party committee residence. When crossing the road, the two obeyed the traffic rules. When they waited for the green light, they passed through the crosswalk. Halfway, a car waiting for the red light suddenly started, wiping Xia Xiang and Li Dingshan's body and roaring past, less than 20 centimeters away from them!

And in the open window, he also coldly threw down a threatening sentence: "Foreigners, there is a yellow nest in Qi Province...",