official god

Chapter 1496 Beyond the Story

Have you got up yet? Early in the morning, Xia wanted to be woken up by the phone. He also knew that the person who called at this time was definitely not an outsider, and he answered the call without reading the call.

I didn't know until I heard that it was really not an outsider, but an insider.

Cao Shuhui's voice seemed particularly light in the early morning, like the morning light jumping on the window sill, crystal clear and clear, which made Xia Chang's mood stretch a lot.

"Of course I got up. I'm not a lazy person. "..." Xia wanted to lie in **, but deliberately cheated and turned over." He planned to stay in bed for a while.

"Don't stay in bed, lazy... Cao Shuhui seems to have a thousand-mile vision. Seeing through Xia's lies, she giggled, "I'm calling. There are two things to announce. First, a week later, I will go to Lu City to take care of and supervise your life.

Second, I'm in the capital now. I just met my father. He is very satisfied with your economic team's investment in Heliao Province. ..."

Under the influence of girl Hui's eyes, she spoke with a sense of official voice. Xia wanted to laugh and said, "Why doesn't Dad call me in person and let you tell me?

"He is so busy every day. How can he have time to pay attention to you? You just rest your mind. Don't expect the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee to look up to you. Cao Shuhui smiled and joked, "Well, there is one more thing, even my sister said. She may not return to China recently and will come back in a year. She said that if someone is talented, they will go abroad to visit her. ..."

It is difficult for someone to go abroad. Xia wants to know that Lian Ruohan deliberately teased him, because he is now the deputy of the Provincial Party Committee. "If you want to go abroad, you must report. Whether it is a business or a private matter, the approval procedures are cumbersome. And even if you go abroad on business, it is impossible to visit Lian Ruohan alone.

Even if you stay abroad, you can at least ensure that what you eat is safer during pregnancy. Well, the domestic environment and food safety issues are not unpatriotic. I really can't love it.

The phenomenon of naked officials in China is serious now. More than 80% of the children of senior officials above the deputy province have to go abroad, even exaggerated. Almost half of the children of high-ranking officials have joined foreign nationality. Why? Obviously, they are a privileged class in China and don't want to stay in China. In fact, it has nothing to do with love or patriotism. They really lose confidence in too many things.

Food safety, salt safety, engineering quality safety. Even when the same products are exported abroad and sold domestically, two sets of different quality standards are adopted. If many facts are exposed, it is a chilling helplessness.

Perhaps, even Ruohan is a good choice to let Lianxia go abroad. Fortunately, with the privilege of Mr. Wu, the vegetables and food used for food are not supplied by the market, but by special supplies.

Whether it's a boy or a girl, I guess Lian Ruohan is determined to stay abroad. Just keep it. Xia thought that he would not stop Lian Ruohan again. Because of the salt problem, it really made him feel cold for a while.

As a country with the most land disputes with its own people, as a magical place that is afraid of poisoning when eating and crossing the bridge and afraid of falling to death. Many people can't change the reality, so they have to go far away and escape.

But what about the people who don't even have the ability to fly far away?

Xia wants to know that it is impossible and unrealistic to change the status quo of the whole country on his own. But as long as he meets and is within his ability, he will spare no effort to change everything unjust!

As soon as he went to work, Xia Li pushed the door in with a smile on his face and submitted a work report to Xia Xiang. The first draft of the ideological education activities carried out by the provincial party committee recently.

Summary of reports, reporting materials and ideological trends of the Provincial Party Committee. Wait, all retreats, party and masses, and personnel work must be done by Xiaxiang. In other words, the position of Xiaxiang's current deputy [book] of the Provincial Party Committee is indeed much greater than the authority of the original Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

It's much easier to get stuck in the necks of some people.

The work of Xia Li's report is not very important. "After Xia thought about it, he signed it and passed.

Xia Li did not leave immediately, but asked with a smile, "Xia [book], do you have time at noon? I'd like to invite you to a casual meal...

Xia Xiang has a good impression of Xia Li. In addition to the fact that he has the same surname, he is the only person in the local forces who is close to Qiu Renli, which also makes him more good.

He murmured slightly and asked with a smile, "What's the reason?"

There is a reason for everything. Xia wants to ask this question, which is also the intention of testing Xia Li. Of course, the tone is very relaxed.

Xia Li smiled and said, "Just think of it as a gathering of my family, and so on. Wuyue Municipal Party Committee [Book] Zhou Yuyuan happened to come to the provincial party committee to report on his work, and he really wanted to get to know Xia [book]. ..., Wuyue Municipal Party Committee [Book]? Xia wanted to look directly at Xia Li with a smile on his face, but he had a lot of doubts in his heart. If he changed to another municipal party committee [book], maybe he would not think too much, but Wuyue City is a famous salt-producing city in Qi Province!

At the moment when Li Dingshan just intervened in the salt industry, did Xia Li deliberately arrange for Zhou Yuyuan to know him, or did Zhou Yuyuan intend to know him, and did he have no intention?

Under the gaze of Xia Shen's meaningful eyes, Xia Li was indifferent and calm, and his expression was very natural.

After about three or five seconds, Xiaxiang nodded and said, "Okay, it means to resolutely obey the arrangement of the housekeeper...

In a word, Xia Li laughed and said, "Xia [book] joked, then it's settled, and I'll arrange it."

As soon as Xia Li left, Wu Tian, who had not appeared in the morning, came back.

The leaders are all at work. The secretary hasn't arrived yet. I guess it's a strange thing in the eyes of others. Xia wants to naturally know what Wu Tianxiao has done." He just nod to Wu Tianxiao. Without waiting for him to report on his work, he directly asked, "Tianxiao, Zhou Yuyuan's person... What do you think? ..."

Wu Tian rushed back with a smile and was about to report the evidence he had. Unexpectedly, Xia [Shu] said about Zhou Yuyuan. As soon as he turned his eyes, he immediately thought of something: "Is it introduced by Secretary-General Xia? ..."

Ole, Wu Tianxiao is really a Pepsi. In a word, he came to the point. Xia wanted to nod and said, "It's really Xia Li's introduction...

Wu Tian smiled and smiled, which was a little mysterious. It's a little more insidious: "Secretary-General Xia and Zhou [Shu] are classmates. Zhou [Book] is a person, and I don't have much contact with him. I won't say much. But Secretary-General Xia's person, I really have something to say. However, please ask the leader for approval before opening your mouth. ....

Wu Tianxiao is getting more and more interesting. He is really an interesting person. Xia Xiang laughed and scolded: "Since I asked you. Why do you still talk so much nonsense...?"

Wu Tian smiled and rubbed his hands. While pouring water, he said, "I'll tell a story to the leader... When Secretary Qiu first came to Qi Province, there was a lot of resistance at the beginning of his work. At that time, Secretary-General Xia and He [Shu] and Yuan [Shu] were still very close. The leaders of the Peninsula Gang must have heard of it, so I won't say more about it. He [Shu] made an alliance plan. I just didn't want Qiu [Shu] to control the overall situation. As a result, the plan was leaked later, and it first reached the ears of Governor Xing, and then the evil governor and Qiu [Shu] made a counterattack plan and defeated the conspiracy of the Peninsula Gang in one fell swoop.

"After the incident, the Peninsula Gang suspected that Secretary-General Xia had leaked the secret. However, at that time, Secretary-General Xia and Governor Xing were not close. The relationship with Qiu [Book] is also extremely ordinary, and there is no real evidence. So there was nothing he could do about the Secretary-General, but soon after, He Jianghai quarreled with Xia Li about one thing at a meeting and patted the table. Since then, Secretary-General Xia has become close to Qiu [Shu]..."

Take a big detour, did Wu Tianxiao want to hint? Is Xia Li the one behind the planning of the whole event?

If it's true, Xia Li is too scheming. But then again. There are too many people who have scheming in the officialdom, not to mention the housekeeper of the provincial party committee who must have the ability to go left and right? It's just that if this is the case, why does Xia Li have to give up the near and seek the distance, and have to make a big detour to get close to Qiu Renli?

Xia Xiang did not complain that Wu Tianxiao was talking in a roundabout way, but remembered something and clicked, "Tianxiao, you are also from Qi Province..."

Wu Tianxiao immediately said with a serious face, "I'm from Qi Province. But I'm not from the peninsula. There is only one thing that the leader may not know. The people of Lu City have a lot of opinions about the Peninsular's governance of Lu City.

Lu Municipal Party Committee [Book] It is remembered that Yuan Xuqiang is from the peninsula.

The situation in Qi Province is very interesting. It seems that Ye Shi is also a native of Qi Province, and he is in different because of different regions. Xia wants to narrow his eyes, which is a good entry point.

"Li Tong, the mayor of Lu City, and I are fellow villagers. He also wants to get to know Xia [book]." Wu Tianxiao handed over the message in time.

Someone sends tea when he is thirsty, and someone holds an umbrella when it rains. Wu Tianxiao is really a very discerning secretary. The only drawback is that he is too smart.

It's too smart to make the leader not happy.

But Xia doesn't think so. Xia Shang is not a calculating leader, nor is he an unconfident superior. He nodded with a smile and did not answer Wu Tianxiao's proposal directly. He changed the topic: "Do your job well, and think about other things after making achievements." In fact, the meaning of the words is to warn Wu Tianxiao that you must first recognize his ability before you can trust the person he introduced.

Wu Tianxiao no longer continued the topic just now, but said, "Xia [Book], I have finished the matter. Chen Qiudong's problem can be detonated at any time. ..."

Xia Xiang couldn't help looking at Wu Tianxiao a few more times, and he was still slightly surprised. Although there were many secretaries who had been with him, there were really no smart and capable people like Wu Tianxiao.

Wu Tianxiao saw Xia Xiang's doubts and explained, "In fact, as early as Xia [Book] came to Lu City, when Governor Li intervened in Lu Chengliang's nomination, I had already targeted Chen Qiudong. ..."

He is really a calculating figure. Xia wanted to know Wu Tianxiao more and smiled knowingly: "At noon, Xia Li invited me to dinner, and Zhou Yuyuan was also present. You can also go with me... Wu Tianxiao also smiled with a smile: "I understand...

As for what he understood, Xia didn't ask, and he didn't say anything, but everything was without saying.

Just when Xia was thinking about the hand layout and making steady progress. Naturally, the opponent is not idle. At noon, Zhou Hongji happily went to the banquet at the invitation of He Jianghai...

The topic discussed between Zhou Hongji and He Jianghai, in addition to Xia Xiang, there is also Li Dingshan...