official god

Chapter 1501 The fuse

The fuse of the matter, in fact, if you really want to investigate it seriously, it can really be counted on Ye Tiannan.

After Ye Tiannan came to Lu City, he lived in the provincial party committee's hostel, and he put on a long-term attitude. He didn't know what his plan was. As a three idle person with no official position and no legitimate occupation, he did not laugh bitterly at the idle person's consciousness at all. Instead, he seemed to be proud

It is spring in Lu City, and Ye Tiannan seems to borrow the spring breeze of Lu City to dispel his downs and loss.

First, I met Zhou Hongji.

However, in general, Ye Tiannan's trip in Lu City is relatively hidden, and he deliberately kept a low profile, which seems to be a taboo to make Xia want to know his arrival. But there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and his every move still falls into the eyes of people with intentions.

And this kind-hearted man, for some reason, was very careful and patient to inform Xiaxiang of all Ye Tiannan's whereabouts by anonymous phone.

Of course, people with intentions only know one and two. They only know Ye Tiannan's surface movements, and they don't know what Ye Tiannan said and what he did.

Through his eyes, he truthfully conveyed Ye Tiannan's activity arrangements to Xiaxiang's ears. In Xiaxiang's mind, he clearly outlined what Ye Tiannan did in Lu City, and watched his behavior and knew what Ye Tiannan wanted to achieve in Lu City. Xiaxiang had a plan in his heart.

Ye Tiannan really came to the military, not for sightseeing.

Ye Tiannan can also guess that Xia thought must know his arrival. Lu Shi said that big is big and small. At least he is a celebrity. It is impossible to hide everyone's eyes, so his intention to live in the provincial party committee hostel is also obvious, and what he wants is the effect of **.

To be honest, he is not worried about Xia who wants to know, because since he dares to come, he is not afraid to meet face to face... Of course, it's better not to see him.

When he came to Lu City, Ye Tiannan shouldered a major mission and was entrusted by others to come to the situation that might be caused, and refused to kill in the bud.

That's good, it's just a little bit of a windy salt industry incident.

If it's okay for others to say, but it is precisely because Xia wants to be in Qi Province, and he also has the intention to interfere in the salt industry, he immediately made the people behind the scenes very nervous and immediately instructed Ye Tiannan to come to Lu City to deal with it, and be sure to control the situation within a controllable range.

Ye Tiannan's meeting with Zhou Hongji and Sun Ximin is the first step. In the second step, he also has a more important mission.

Of course, the mission of the second step is to look at the effectiveness of the first step.

The meeting with Zhou Hongji was quite smooth. Ye Tiannan and Zhou Hongji have known each other for a long time. Although they are not like-tempered, they also have some friendship because of common interests.

Ye Tiannan cherishes Zhou Hongji, and Zhou Hongji has great admiration for Ye Tiannan.

Zhou Hongji is arrogant, but he is not arrogant. Some people are also great figures in his eyes, such as Xiaxiang and Ye Tiannan.

Zhou Hongji held a banquet at Hairun International and invited Ye Tiannan.

The show is not small, but there are not many people, only Zhou Hongji and Ye Tiannan. After all, today's meeting involves private content, and it is not appropriate to have outsiders present.

Ye Tiannan is used to Hunan cuisine. He is not used to Shandong cuisine that likes to put green onions and garlic. He stopped his chopsticks after only a few bites. Anyway, the point is not to eat, but to talk.

"Hongji, what's your first impression of Xiaxiang?" Ye Tiannan still doesn't call Zhou Hongji his position in private to show kindness. In fact, he feels a little lost in his heart.

Zhou Hongji smiled and said, "Young, it's good to be young." He wiped his hands and put down his chopsticks. "The taste of Shandong cuisine is a little heavy. Personally, I feel that it is still not as delicious as Beijing cuisine."

"One side of water and soil nourishes one side of people, Shandong cuisine has more salt, green onions and more garlic, why do people in Qi Province have a bad temper? I dare to eat too much garlic. In fact, Ye Tiannan did not comment on the people of Qi Province, but took advantage of the topic.

"I don't think the people in Qi Province have a bad temper, but I think they are too straightforward. It is estimated that due to the climate, the temperate continental monsoon climate is very different from that of the capital. Zhou Hongji knew Ye Tiannan's intention. He and Ye Tiannan were the same person, but to be fair, although they were on the same road, they were not completely the same mind.

After all, it is not a faction.

"General Li is very concerned about the situation in Qi Province and your growth." Ye Tiannan knew that there was no need to make a detour. Zhou Hongji was a smart man. "I don't want Xia to toss the wind and waves in Qi Province again. Some time ago, in the capital, Mr. Li deliberately wanted to meet Xia and put forward his ardent hope for him. Unfortunately, Xia thought that he was young after all and did not remember Mr. Li's words in his heart.

The meeting that Ye Tiannan referred to was an unexpected encounter with Xiaxiang in the ancient house. Of course, that meeting did not leave a deep impression on Xia.

"Thank you for your concern for me." The necessary respectful attitude must be revealed. Zhou Hongji smiled and said, "Xia thought that he had only come to Qi Province for two days, and Brother Tiannan came in a hurry. Isn't it a bit of a fus?"

Ye Tiannan shook his head and said, "You want to work with Xia for a short time, and you don't understand the plotting side of Xia. Don't be confused by his seemingly youth. Xiaxiang is a veteran official. Zhou Hongji didn't say anything and picked up his chopsticks again. While eating vegetables, he looked slightly in favor of it, and he didn't seem to say anything about it.

Ye Tiannan smiled implicitly. He saw Zhou Hongji's impatience, but after laughing, he still felt a little regretful. Zhou Hongji was a few years older than Xiaxiang. In fact, in terms of scheming and the city government, he was still not as good as Xiaxiang. How could he compete with Xiaxiang? It still needs to be more mature.

Maturity requires not only experience and wisdom, but also patience.

What Zhou Hongji lacks is patience.

"Hongji, I'll put it bluntly. I'm always concerned about the salt industry." Ye Tiannan simply made it clear that he didn't want to point it out, but it seemed that Zhou Hongji couldn't fully understand his intentions without saying anything, which made him very depressed. Why is it so hard to talk to his own people? "Lu Chengliang's affairs are really a lot of trouble."

"A little Lu Chengliang can't make waves, brother Tiannan!" Zhou Hongji looked indifferent and waved his hand, "Don't worry, there is me in Qi Province and Governor Sun. Even Xia Xiang can't afford to toss around, and it's useless to add another Li Dingshan."

"Qi Province, and Qiu Renli." Ye Tiannan reminded me.

"Qi Province, there is also He Jianghai." Zhou Hongji immediately responded, "The Peninsula Gang led by every river and sea can completely contain Qiu Renli's energy."

Ye Tiannan didn't think so, but he still nodded frequently to express his approval for Zhou Hongji, but he still said what should be said: "The local forces in Qi Province are more than one Peninsula Gang, even the Peninsula Gang is not an iron plate. You have to be careful of Xia Li."

"You should not only be careful of Xia Li, but also beware of Li Rongsheng." Zhou Hongji smiled confidently, "Brother Younan is not simple. He is not in the province. He has clearly figured out the division of power in Qi Province.

It is a boast of Ye Tiannan, but in fact it is also a boast. The other voice is his understanding of the province, which is also very deep, not a blackening of his eyes.

Ye Tiannan knew that his fiasco in Hunan Province still had a fatal negative impact on his image. Zhou Hongji was polite to him on the surface, but in fact, he still despised him in his words. He did not pay attention to his repeated reminders, and showed his self-confidence in his mastery everywhere.

If you underestimate the enemy so much, you will suffer a big loss in Xiaxiang's hands sooner or later.

If it hadn't been for the problem of the salt industry, Ye Tiannan would not have the patience to deal with Zhou Hongji, but the general entrustment made him shoulder heavy responsibilities and had to do his best.

Anyway, he has done everything he should do, so he will stay in Lu City for another week.

The meeting with Zhou Hongji can't be said to have achieved nothing, but has little effect. Zhou Hongji is self-indulgent in wisdom, and it is understandable that his eyes are too high. Ye Tiannan will not have the same knowledge as him. The officials who have been growing up in the capital ministries and commissions have some shortcomings in this regard It's Longtan Tiger Cave.

However, the meeting with Sun Ximin also received the expected results.

Sun Ximin did not invite Ye Tiannan to dinner, but came to Ye Tiannan's room in person and had an in-depth conversation with him.

Sun Ximin is more stable than Zhou Hongji. He also knows that Ye Tiannan's visit to Lu City is of great significance. He also knows who Ye Tiannan represents. He has made three commitments to Ye Tiannan. First, the annual output value of the salt industry in Qi Province is tens of billion yuan, which is a very important industry in Qi Province. The image of a large province. Second, resolutely implement the guiding spirit of the general chastika, and earnestly do a good job in the management of the salt industry. Third, if an individual poses a potential threat to the salt industry in the province, he will be dismissed for investigation, and if he is transferred to the judicial organ for handling, which will never be tolerated.

Sun Ximin is much more old-fashioned than Zhou Hongji. At least his words are very high-sounding and watertight. As for whether Sun Ximin can firmly implement the above three points, or whether he can say anything in Qi Province, it is another matter.

Despite Sun Ximin's solemn promise, and although Zhou Hongji's good attitude and good promise, Ye Tiannan was still not at ease, so he settled down and decided to wait for another week.

He really waited for the opportunity - Zhou Hongji only stared at Li Dingshan, and Sun Ximin only focused on Xia Xiang, but Ye Tiannan, who was familiar with the wrist of rethinking, always only focused on Lu Chengliang.

Three days later, he found the abnormality. Lu Chengliang quietly left Lu City and went straight to Wuyue City, which is a salt-producing city in Qi Province!

It's okay if Sun Ximin didn't notice Lu Chengliang's departure. Zhou Hongji also knew nothing, which disappointed Ye Tiannan. If it hadn't been for him in Lu City, Lu Chengxi's trip to Wuyue City would have been hidden from the world and succeeded in one fell swoop.

I wanted to secretly tell Sun Ximin or Zhou Hongji, but later I thought that Ye Tiannan changed his strategy. If he didn't have the means to do the opposite, he would not Ye Tiannan.

Ye Tiannan revealed the news to He Jianghai through a secret channel.

He Jianghai did it as soon as he received the news...