official god

Chapter 1507 Out of Control

Originally, Xia wanted to hear Qiu Renli say that Lu Chengliang had been confirmed to be innocent, which surprised and admired him, because he had just received a phone call, and Xia Li had not clearly confirmed Lu Chengliang's innocence, which explained that Qiu Renli had a dark line in the Five Mountains.

Think about it. After all, it is the provincial party committee [book]. No matter how low-key it is, no matter how much it is, there are many people who take the initiative to get closer.

With Qiu Renli's style and shou wan, in the past two years in Qi Province, even if you don't do it deliberately, you can secretly cultivate a lot of forces. Don't forget that Qiu Renli was the former Minister of National Security!

Xiaxiang has always believed in Qiu Renli's ability to control in the dark, and also knew that he was taking a nap on the surface of Qi Province. In fact, he did not relax at all in the dark.

I didn't want to, when I saw that Gu Qingshui came out, Lu Chengliang died unexpectedly!

How come? Will the other party be so crazy that he will kill Lu Chengliang when the matter is exposed?

Xia thought that without waiting for Qiu Renli's order, he called Xia Li directly.

"Comrade Xia Li, what's going on?" "What's going on, Xia [Book]? I was about to leave for Lu City. According to the latest evidence collected by Comrade Wen Ziji, Comrade Lu Chengliang was indeed innocent..." Xia Li's voice was very calm. Obviously, he did not know that something had happened to Lu Chengliang.

It made Xia want to admire Qiu Renli's channel. Unexpectedly, Xia Li in the Five Mountains knew the result first.

Xia thought that there was anger burning in his heart. Although he did not doubt that Xia Li had played a driving role in Lu Chengliang's death, as the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, he went to supervise the case on behalf of the Provincial Party Committee, but he did not know that Lu Chengliang's death was a great dereliction of duty The situation is not enough to take the initiative.

"Comrade Xia Li" Lu Chengliang is dead, and you are still in the dark. How can you supervise on behalf of the provincial party committee? This is dereliction of duty!" Xia wants to speak in a very heavy tone. He is not afraid of losing the face of Xia Li in front of him, but he just wants to wake up Xia Li.

"Ah?" Xia Li screamed. Before he could speak, there was a noise from the phone. The voice was so loud that Xia wanted to hear it clearly.

"It's not good, Lu Chengliang committed suicide!"

"Lu Chengliang absconded for fear of crime" was killed on the spot!"

"Lu Chengliang committed suicide... Ah, no, he was killed on the spot when he ran away." "..."

Xia wanted to feel how chaotic the scene was just by phone. He frowned and said dissatisfiedly, "Comrade Xia Li, you have disappointed the provincial party committee!" In the courtyard of the Wuyue Municipal Party Committee, Xia Li held the phone and stood on the spot, unable to say a word for a long time.

Xia [Book]'s words are very heavy. It is not only the criticism of the superiors to the subordinates, but also the representative of the provincial party committee. It is a condescending accusation. Xia Li stayed for half a minute before waking up, and his back was wet.

If the matter really needs to be studied carefully, he can't absolve himself from the blame. After all, he came to supervise on behalf of the provincial party committee, but Lu Chengliang died under his nose. He was indeed a great dereliction of duty, and listening to the noisy voice, it seemed that he died inexplicably. Some people said

Fear of crime and absconded!

Xia Li was angry. He had proved that Lu Chengliang, who was innocent, was not guilty. What kind of crime was he afraid of? Obviously, some people want to confuse the public.

When, it's not enough to frame people, and you have to let go after people's death. "and try to shirk the responsibility. Since Xia Li was promoted to the sub-provincial level, he has never restrained his anger." Today, he can't help but be furious.

"Zhou Yuyuan" On behalf of the Provincial Party Committee, I asked Wuyue City to convene a standing committee immediately!" Xia Li roared almost hoarsely.

The m dagger of the Wuyue Municipal Party Committee Courtyard, in the abnormal anger of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, fell into a dead silence!

Xia Li ignored the stunned eyes of everyone and picked up his mobile phone and made another phone call.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected, and He Jianghai's slow voice came from it: "Hello, who are you?" "He Jianghai..." Xia Li called his name directly, "I'll just tell you one thing." He Jianghai didn't know the news of Lu Chengliang's accidental death. He was talking to Qin However, he was stunned and his face turned red: "Comrade Xia Li, please speak politely." He Jianghai is good-looking and thin-skinned, and he doesn't like others to talk rudely.

"From now on, you go south, I go north, and the well water does not violate the river." Xia Li was not polite at all. He said very strongly, "It's too much. It's too late to send you a word!" The phone was cut off. He Jianghai was stunned on the spot with the phone in his hand, at a

After a long time, he suddenly threw the phone in anger: "Xia Li... really has guts!" Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Qin Kan waved his hand and turned away without saying a word. Although Qin Kan is big and rough, his heart is not rough at all.

Fortunately, Qin Kan left in time, otherwise he would feel more uncomfortable when he saw the next scene.

He Jianghai just dropped the phone and was still angry. He picked up the water glass and took a sip. The phone suddenly rang again, which made his face red. He coughed for a long time before he picked up the phone and shouted aggressively, "What's the matter?" A rapid and panicked voice came from the phone: "It' Cheng Liang is dead!" "Dead?" He Jianghai finally swallowed a mouthful of water, widened his eyes, and didn't react, "Who, who died?" "Lu Chengliang! It was initially determined that it was suicide!"

"What?" He Jianghai was distracted for a moment, his hand shook, the teacup fell on the table, water flowed across the table, and wet all the mobile phone and files, "Why did you die?"

Yes, why did Lu Chengliang die? No one thought that Lu Chengliang would die. Not to mention He Jianghai and Xia Li, even Xia Xiang, Qiu Renli and Li Dingshan did not expect that Lu Chengliang would die, and they really committed suicide.

For a while, from the Wuyue Municipal Party Committee to the Qi Provincial Party Committee, the phone rang into a mass, countless people panicked, countless people were at a loss, and countless people were furious.

No one can imagine what kind of storm the death of the deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission will set off in Qi Province.

The meeting of the Wuyue Municipal Party Committee was held urgently. Xia Li, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over the meeting. Before that, the public security officers in charge of Lu Chengliang and all the municipal party committee personnel who had direct contact with Lu Chengliang were ordered not to leave the municipal party

The top and bottom of the Wuyue Municipal Party Committee, as if facing the enemy.

Surprisingly, Wen Ziji, the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, who was not at a high level and had no reputation before, also attended the Standing Committee. Although he sat in the back corner, his appearance was still very eye-catching. Thinking of the hetrophic disaster caused by the public security system, he couldn't help but think about

After preliminary investigation, Lu Chengliang did commit suicide.

At the scene of suicide, there was also a suicide note.

The content of the suicide note made Xia Li ashamed. After reading it, it was extremely sad.

"I'm innocent, but I was framed by bad people and ruined my reputation. I can only be innocent in my life! Please ask the provincial party committee and the provincial government to take proper care of my family after my death. This is the first time in my life that I have asked my superiors, and it is also the last time!" Maybe there are traces of performance, and maybe it is indeed a mixture of grief and indignation. Xia Li not only spoke with emotion at the meeting, but also affirmed and promoted Lu Chengliang's life with tears in his eyes. At the same time, he Xia [Book] made important instructions to find out the truth and ask for justice for Comrade Lu Weiliang.

"If you want to be responsible to others, as soon as you investigate to the end, the dismissal that should be dismissed, and the investigation that should be investigated and dealt with, will never be soft!" Xia Li finally said firmly, looking around every member of the Standing Committee of the Wuyue Municipal Party Committee here, "I'm not afraid to tell everyone an internal information Xia [Book] Remember that there is a scale in my heart.

He repeatedly mentioned Xiaxiang and Qiu Renli, but did not mention the governor cutting Ximin. The members of the Standing Committee here understood what was going on.

Many people's eyes dodged, many people thought about something, some people's eyes panicked and jumped home... Some people's eyes fell angrily on the mayor of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Yuan Cheng.

It's all because of ten thousand yuan. If you have to toss things out, Wuyue is originally a poor city. It's difficult to take a step forward in Wuyue. Now it's good to make a fusss of ten thousand yuan. Wuyue has become the center of the storm in the province, and everyone will be involved.

It's really a piece of mouse shit that spoils a pot of soup!

Some people even gritted their teeth secretly and thought, if my future is implicated because of you, don't blame me for turning against others!

Under the vicious eyes of many people, Yuan Cheng was ashamed and did not dare to look up. He had been bowing his head and saying nothing at the meeting, and finally showed helplessness and panic in his eyes.

After work at noon, Xia wanted to go to the provincial party committee hostel. As soon as she walked into the door of the provincial party committee hostel, an extremely familiar figure appeared in her eyes, not someone else, but Ye Tiannan.

Ye Tiannan seems to have just come back from a walk. He is walking as a car. While walking, he appreciates the grass on the roadside. He is really elegant and elegant.

Xiaxiang is not a stingy person, but today, somehow, as soon as he saw Ye Tiannan, he was angry. He could guess that Ye Tiannan must have played a disgraceful role in the Lu Chengliang incident.

Now that Lu Chengliang is dead, Ye Tiannan is still leisurely relying on Lu City. It's really naughty. Xia thought that he suddenly had the idea of a prank. Taking advantage of Ye Tiannan's unpreparedness, he suddenly shouted, "Oh, who do I am? It turned out to be Ye [book]. It

My concubine was full of anger, shouted and roared around.

Ye Tiannan was happy on the surface. In fact, he was very anxious. Someone shouted behind him. At once, he heard the voice of Xiaxiang, who made him hate and afraid. He couldn't help but panic. He hurriedly turned around and saw that Xia wanted to stand less than one meter behind him with a harmless smile.

Ye Tiannan was shocked. He tripped over his feet and fell firmly on his back!

What I want is to make you unlucky. Xia thought that he did not respect the old and loved the young at all and quickly helped Ye Tiannan's consciousness. Instead, he said a word to Ye Tiannan with great interest...