official god

Chapter 1510 Xia wants to kill with a knife

Including Zhou Hongji, several people's eyes were focused on Xiaxiang.

Xia wanted to be under the focus, but he didn't realize it and looked calm.

In fact, when He Jianghai suddenly raised Lu Chengliang's economic problems, he was keenly aware that the problem came, but... just like there are often rainbows after the wind and rain, there will always be opportunities to accompany the problem.

The situation in Qi Province, in a broad sense, is divided into three factions.

He and Qiu Renli are members of the same faction and are representatives of the family power, but unlike Qiu Renli, who was completely born in the family power, he also has the label of regiment on his forehead.

In other terms, Li Rongsheng, who came from the regimental department, can also be regarded as his own faction.

Zhou Hongji and Sun Ximin are a faction, which is to oppose the representatives of the first series. It can be said that they are the people who have the most contradictions with him, and they have a natural hostile and absolutely hostile position with him.

He Jianghai and Yuan Xuqiang are the representatives of the general theory department and the most deeply rooted local force in Qi Province. To be honest, the Peninsula Gang led by He Jianghai is the strongest and broadest of influence among the three forces in Qi Province.

The three forces are three-legged. If he and Qiu Renli are closely close, Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji are also a joint force. After all, they are in the same family.

Emotionally speaking, Zhou Hongji, as Sun Ximin's leading army, and the competition between him and He Jianghai is also reasonable. He is happy to compete with each other, but there is still a basis for cooperation. Among the three factions, the most unlikely one to join hands with him is Zhou Hongji, who is an opposition force.

But from the reality, when the situation is stronger than people, and the profit is greater than the differences, the previous unhappiness may also be covered up, and there may be a possibility of temporarily shaking hands and making peace.

Then again, the more united the two sides are, the more likely they are to have a potential major conflict. How can they get a divorce if they don't get married?

At present, it is the best time to bury conflicts and hidden dangers between Zhou Hongji and He Jianghai, who are getting closer and closer.

Xiaxiang also saw that in the Lu Chengliang incident, Zhou Hongji deliberately maintained a certain distance from He Jianghai, and did not follow the same trend, which also proved that the cooperation between the two sides had not reached an agreed consensus.

Since Sun Ximin kicked the ball under his feet, he must kick the ball and kick a beautiful rhes-turn ball.

"Since Comrade Jiang Hai has mastered the evidence of Lu Chengliang's corruption and bribery, it is necessary to find out. However, it is also an indisputable fact that Comrade Lu Chengliang was framed and prostituted in the Wuyue. The relevant personnel should be held accountable and continue to investigate. Xiaxiang's eyes flashed on Zhou Hongji's face and said very firmly, "My opinion is that Comrade Hongji of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection will take the lead in investigating the facts of Lu Chengliang's corruption and bribery proposed by Comrade Jiang Hai. The provincial party committee should finally clarify Comrade Lu Chengliang's problem according to the conclusions of the Provincial Commission

A good way to kill people with a knife!

Although He Jianghai is in a high position, his biggest shortcoming is that he is happy and angry, and he can't control his emotions well. As soon as Xia wants to speak, his face immediately changes.

Xia wanted to make it clear that Zhou Hongji and he killed each other, which was to put Zhou Hong in a dilemma!

He Jianghai had to take a high look at Xiaxiang. Originally, he had always despised Fuxiang, thinking that it was a big failure for Xiaxiang to help Lu Chengliang take office as soon as he came to Qi Province.

Now when I think about it carefully, I understand something. It's Li Dingshan's own decision, not Xia Xiang's temporary confusion.

Xia wanted to see He Jianghai very moved. Zhou Hongji's face also changed, and he was more firm in his heart. He continued to say, "The frame-up of Comrade Lu Chengliang by Wuyue is an artificial frame-up. The nature is very bad, and the consequences are very serious. No matter whether Comrade Lu Chengliang is embezz The facts of the harm are conclusive. I suggest that the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection form a joint investigation team to take responsibility to others, seriously investigate and deal with the relevant responsible personnel, and will never tolerate it.

"In terms of the Provincial Party Committee, I suggest that Secretary-General Wen take the lead, and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection can be led by Comrade Ling Chuanzhi, and we must thoroughly investigate the frame-up of Comrade Lu Chengliang." Xiaxiang raised a series of questions in one breath, which is equivalent to sealing all the back roads of He Jianghai. At the same time, it not only buried the hidden danger of the conflict between He Jianghai and Zhou Hongji, but also ignited the fuse of the contradiction between Zhou Hongji and Ling Chuanzhi.

The power struggle is always the same melody. Zhou Hongji has an unstable foothold within the Commission for Discipline Inspection. He must have the will to take the opportunity to rectify the power structure within the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Anyway, he has paved the way. It depends on whether Zhou Hongji can take over and seize the opportunity.

He Jianghai has a backhand, and he is not without the power to fight back. The most important thing is that Xiaxiang keenly found an opportunity to take advantage of - He Jianghai was almost single-goed in the Lu Chengliang incident and did not get the full support of Zhou Hongji's ark.

Sun Ximin just passed the ball to Xiaxiang casually. It was just a tentative move. Unexpectedly, Xiaxiang took over and set the tone of the provincial party committee. He really took the chicken feather as an arrow. He was unhappy and was about to say a few words, but Qiu Renli made a statement in advance.

"Comrade Xiaxiang's proposal is very good and in line with reality. I agree." In a word, Qiu Renli didn't wait for Sun Ximin to say anything more, but he directly patted the board, "That's it. Who has different opinions? Let's discuss it later. In addition, I think that Comrade Yuancheng, the director of the Bureau of Industry and Security of Wuyue City, should be suspended from office for reflection and be investigated.

Qiu Renli's words were completely positive, leaving no room for discussion or soliciting Sun Ximin's opinions. After he finished speaking, he asked another question: "What else does Comrade Ximin have?"

Sun Ximin first came to Qi Province, and he did not have any cronies, let alone foundation. If he wanted to open up the situation, he could only use the power of others, either the power of Qiu Renli or the power of He Jianghai. It depends on how he chose.

Now the situation is very clear. The battle between Qiu Renli and He Jianghai has been put on the surface. If he is in the middle, he can pursue the maximization of benefits, so the most appropriate attitude now is to wait and see for a period of time.

Sun Ximin nodded and said, "I have no problem"

Qiu Renli is indeed not simple. He directly agreed with the proposal. After pretending to seek Sun Ximin's opinion, he directly ignored the existence of Zhou Hongji and He Jianghai and waved his hand and said, "Let's do it first. Let's break up the meeting. Xiaxiang and Ximin, let's study the next step of personnel adjustment. Let's study it again.

is very strong and domineering. The meaning is that the top three figures of the provincial party committee have set things, the bottom-ranked Zhou Hongji and He Jianghai, can only listen.

He Jianghai and Zhou Hongji looked at each other and had to get up and leave.

After going out, He Jianghai said with emotion: "The secretary's office meeting is about to become the secretary's speech..." His original intention was to let Zhou Hongji answer, then find a common topic, praise and degrade Qiu Renli, and then take the opportunity to get closer to Zhou Hongji.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Hongji didn't answer his words and asked directly, "Secretary He and Ling Chuanzhi have a good relationship. I knew it for a long time..."

He Jianghai was stunned. What does Zhou Hongji mean? Are you hostile to him? Just about to explain a few words, Zhou Hongji said sternally, "Secretary He, in terms of the Provincial Department of Industry and Security, I suggest that Comrade Tang Zhengjie and the Commission for Discipline Inspection form a joint investigation team to investigate the problems of the ** Bureau of Wuyue City together."

Tang Zhengjie is the executive deputy director of the Provincial Department of Industry and Security, and has the most tense relationship with He Jianghai.

After saying that, Zhou Hongji nod slightly and left with a smile on his face.

He Jianghai was stunned and thought to himself what Zhou Hongji meant. How dare you challenge him? Don't think that the reserve force is great. When it comes to Qi Province, even a dragon has to be suppressed by a local snake!

He Jianghai sneered, Zhou Hongji, wait and see. When you take the initiative to ask for a door, you haven't really known the power of the people of Qi Province.

He Jianghai shook his head arrogantly at Zhou Hongji's back...

Sun Ximin did not know a trick between Zhou Hongji and He Jianghai, and even if he knew it, he would not be relieved, because he has now found a great opportunity.

Personnel adjustment!

As a governor, there must be a great say in the province-wide personnel adjustment. In other words, there must be benefits. Placement of one's own manpower in an important position is always the way for everyone in a high position to prepare at all times.

Only by constantly arranging our own people in power can we ensure that our authority and will can be continued, and can our governing philosophy be passed on.

Sun Ximin is once again grateful for his neutral position in the Lu Chengliang incident, otherwise he will not be able to get too many benefits in the upcoming wave of personnel adjustment.

After all, the power of personnel is in the hands of the secretary, and even in some respects, the deputy secretary has a greater say in personnel than the governor. After all, the deputy secretary is in charge of personnel.

When there were only three people left, Qiu Renli regained his thick and gentle smile, and even talked a few gossips. After clearing the sad atmosphere brought about by the death of Lu Chengliang, he changed his relaxed tone and said, "This personnel adjustment is large-scale and wide-ranging, involving many cadres in Qi Province in recent years. Come on the most. My preliminary plan is to adjust 10 leaders in all prefectures and cities in the province, and more than a dozen deputy department cadres have arrived at the point. I will definitely download..."

Sun Ximin's heart jumped, and his strength was really strong. At least dozens of deputy halls to move. He knew that the real political struggle was coming. Compared with the personnel adjustment in the whole province, Lu Chengliang's death was just a drizzle.

But... Only then did Sun Ximin fully understand the scene at the meeting just now. The joint investigation proposed by Xia Xiang is the premise. If he wants to get greater benefits in this personnel adjustment, then Zhou Hongji must raise a big knife and take the lead in He Jianghai.

What should I do? Before Sun Ximin made up his mind, Xia thought that he had made up his mind.