official god

Chapter 1519 Make money and lose money, Xia wants to pay the bill

Chapter 1519 Make money and lose money, Xia wants to pay the bill

There is an unspeakable secret between Chen Qiudong and He Jianghai. Although Xia wanted to come to Qi Province, he can also guess that it is inseparable. Political affairs, everyone is half-hearted. Who doesn't know who?

But if you know it, no one will break it. People in the officialdom need a little bit of the emperor's new clothes.

Chen Qiudong's fall is only the first step. In the future, Chen Qiudong will be very useful. It does not mean that the sooner the case is closed, the better. Now that the case is closed, even if Chen Qiudong is sentenced to death, it will not cause effective harm to He Jianghai.

The longer Chen Qiudong's case drags on, the more pressure it will bring to He Jianghai to become a time bomb that can be detonated at any time.

It is also a bomb. If it is placed in the right place and detonated at the right time, the power will increase geometrically.

But what Xia didn't expect was that Chen Qiudong was so sloppy that he not only recruited everything, but also bit people randomly by mad dogs, even He Jianghai? I really think it's a long life.

Chen Qiudong is really a bastard. He doesn't understand that his only life-saving magic weapon is He Jianghai. Once he provokes He Jianghai and uses He Jianghai's wrist, I'm afraid he will face a hundred possibilities of death in prison...

Chen Qiudong can't die. Although he deserves to die, he has coaxed and cheated several female middle school students over the past few years, and he also likes to go whoring. He is definitely a useless scum. But now it's too cheap for him to be shot, and he still wants to promote him as a scumbag.

It's also good to use him as a nightmare that can always make some people's back... Of course, it's not difficult, but I'm afraid that someone will take risks and don't want Chen Qiudong to talk more.

Xia thought slightly: "Jichen, how to judge the case and how to settle the case is a matter of the municipal bureau. It is not convenient for me to ask, and it is even more inconvenient to express my opinions. If you still have something to do, you can discuss it directly with Tianxiao..."

The phone was cut off, and Dai Jichen's excited mood froze. He didn't realize for a moment. Why did Xia treat him as cold as frost in a blink of an eye? Did he do something wrong?

puzzled, Dai Jichen thought about Xia's words again and found the highlights again. Xia was inconvenient to express his opinions directly, which would make others think that he stretched out his hand for too long. So did he. How could he report directly to Xia? He should meet Wu Tianxiao first.

Dai Jichen breathed out again, thinking that he should be more careful when dealing with Xia, and don't do bad things with good intentions. It's not easy to find a good superior who has a good temper and appetite, but he can't make a bad impression.


Liao Deyi thought about it for a long time in the office, and finally decided to submit a written review to the provincial party committee. He turned passive into an initiative, actively admitted his mistakes, asked the provincial party committee to criticize and deal with it, and put on a high profile to solve the current dilemma.

Although he also knows that the arrival of the Prime Minister may bring a turnaround to his current situation and future, on balance, he still believes that as the Minister of Organization, he has no certain independence than He Jianghai's Political and Legal Committee. He is completely dependent on the provincial party committee... and the deputy of the provincial party committee.

Therefore, it is necessary to bow your head temporarily.

Moreover, if he bows his head and admits his mistake, it can also be why Jiang Hai buys time, which can confuse Qiu Renli and Xiaxiang and let them relax their vigilance.

Liao Deyi secretly cheered for his decision, immediately turned on the computer and began to hit the self-criticism book. There is no need for the secretary to do it for him. It seems that he is serious and sincerely realizes his mistake.

While typing, he also thought that on top of Chen Qiudong's matter, He Jianghai owed him a favor, and there was more reason to believe that after understanding the beginning and end of the matter, the Prime Minister must be a praise attitude to his ability to bend and adapt to changes.

It's just... Liao Deyi is still worried in his heart. How big can Chen Qiudong's matter be? How to end? And Lu Chengliang's question, and finally a conclusion?

Now is a stalemate. Does it have to wait for the Prime Minister to arrive before it can be solved?

...Of course not. The matter has been basically clear, but Liao Deyi did not know it, because at this time, around the incident of Lu Chengliang and Chen Qiudong, all forces in the provincial party committee not only surfaced one after another, but also their original positions have also made subtle changes, because of Qiu Renli's fire, It quickly spread to every corner of the provincial party committee.

Qiu, who has always left a gentle and honest impression on everyone, has soared recently. He punched He Jianghai and kicked Liao Deyi. After three punches and two feet, he re-established the image of an iron fist in Qi Province, which is different from the previous gentle image.

Everyone knows what the reason is. Of course, it should be attributed to the driving force of Xiaxiangxia.

If Qiu Renli suddenly changed from the previous gentleness and became an iron fist, it was not enough to be shocking, then the subtle position of Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji immediately changed the minds of many neutral forces.

It's okay if it's not the locals in Qi Province. Anyway, they are just the swinging middle force, and whoever is powerful will fall to which side. With the joint contact of the head and deputy, coupled with a governor, He Jianghai has occupied the convenient conditions of the right time and place, which may be difficult to resist.

However, many local forces in Qi Province, even if they are dissatisfied with He Jianghai's non-Peninsula Gang, can't help but worry. Now the situation seems to be that the Beijing officials have joined hands to disperse and destroy the local forces in Qi Province. Obviously, it is the central government's distrust of the people of Qi Province. As Question mark

There are really many people in Qi Province who have such an idea.

The Qi Provincial Party Committee is brewing a latent stream of re-positioning and re-dividing the sphere of influence.

Then again, many people do not know that the Prime Minister is about to visit, and what kind of impact will the Prime Minister's visit have on the already turbulent situation in Qi Province?

The impact faced by Qi Province is much faster and more violent than many people think!


Gu Yu's face has not changed. He wears a long floral skirt and stands gracefully, just like a full and pure sunflower, with his hands behind his back, holding his feet, against the light, just like a beautiful picture of light and shadow conceived with his heart. At the moment when Xia wanted to push open the door, it suddenly appeared in front of him

As if time goes back, Gu Yu's pure and playful smile is like a clear spring rippling Xia's heart.

For Gu Yu, Xia wants to love her more than blame, and it is not even an exaggeration to say that he has always been accommodating and indulging Gu Yu's sometimes wayward and sometimes lonely character, and tolerated everything to her with incomparable patience.

If you change someone else, such as Xiao Jia or Yan Xiao, maybe Xiaxiang is not careful enough.

In fact, Gu Yu had heard Xiaxiang's footsteps for a long time. The moment Xia wanted to come in, her eyes lit up, and then she tried to hide the surprise in her eyes, turned her head aside, pretending not to see Xiaxiang.

"The room doesn't need to be cleaned." She deliberately wanted to be a waiter.

"Miss, do you want to wash your clothes?" Xiaxiang couldn't understand Gu Yu's little thoughts and cooperated with her to act.

"But I only brought a full dress. After changing it, I didn't have to wear it." Gu Yu couldn't help laughing.

"It doesn't matter. I can be responsible for the one-stop service of washing and drying, and you will be satisfied."

"The service is really good, but how much do I need to tip?"

"Free, and there is also an extra full-body massage service." Xia wanted to see Gu Yu's shoulders trembling from her back, knowing that she couldn't help laughing.

"Massage your head, you pervert." Gu Yu turned around and rushed over. With unprecedented strength and wildness, she threw Xiaxiang down **. She tore off Xiaxiang's clothes. "You must be itchy. Let me loosen your bones for you."

Xia thought that he forgot to resist. In his impression, Gu Yu has never been as wild as before, but he felt the warmth and ** of Gu Yu's body through a thin layer of clothes, and he was also ignited with flames.

Between men and women, love-hate entanglement, demand and giving, attack and defense, entanglement and lingering are the eternal theme.

Xiaxiang and Gu Yu, a long time of greed and joy, the past complaints and dissatisfaction, all disappeared with an impact.

... Gu Yu snuggled up in Xiaxiang's arms and put his hands around Xiaxiang's neck. He was still a little puzzled about Xiaxiang's proposal: "What you say is what you say, but I still don't understand. Obviously, the profit of salt is high and there is no risk. Why don't you dry salt and

Xiaxiang's big hand fell on the jade back of the ancient jade and said with a smile, "A gentleman loves money and takes it in a way. In addition, the reform of the salt industry is imperative. As an industry that relies heavily on policy protection, when the policy is good, it may make a lot of money every day. As soon as the policy changes, it may be ruined. You only see the economy itself, not the politics behind it.

"I don't work in politics. Why do I know politics?" Gu Yu played tricks.

If you don't know politics, you can engage in industries closely related to politics. Gu Yu is really simple. Her nature is really easy to be used, but why didn't Lao Gu persuade her to take it lightly?

Xia thought and asked, "Grandpa didn't comment on your salt?"

"Of course there is." Gu Yu thought for a moment, "Grandpa said that he didn't say anything. He said that he didn't know the economy. Whether it's salt or people, he doesn't bother to worry about it. Anyway, you have to pay for making money and losing money."

Xia wanted to smile helplessly. Lao Gu saw it very thoroughly, but he was also slippery. He didn't say anything, but let himself be a bad guy. Maybe Gu Yu came to Lu City, which was also the result of his secret promotion.

Between him and the Prime Minister, Lao Gu is always difficult to do, and he can understand, so he will not complain about Lao Gu, but he just doesn't want Gu Yu to know the heavy truth.

The phone rang. It was Shen Lichun.

"Xia, I have talked to Governor Li. Governor Li was very impatient and proposed to go to Wuyue for a field trip now. I have left for Wuyue now. I guess I won't come back tonight."

Xia Xiang slightly pondered: "Well, it's a good thing that Governor Li is deppted to his work. Lichun, you have to support his work."

Shen Lichun came to Qi Province to invest on behalf of Dacai Group, which was a heavy punch in Xiaxiang's layout. Although it was half a year ahead of the original plan, it was not a hasty response, because long before coming to Qi Province, Xia wanted to reach an investment deal with Cheng Dacai!

Basically, all aspects of work are in place, waiting for the Prime Minister's inspection. As long as everything goes well, Xia wants to be sure to minimize the impact of the Prime Minister's inspection.

But a phone call from Zhou Hongji disrupted Xiaxiang's deployment again! RO