official god

Chapter 1534 A very rare opportunity

After Sun Ximin came to Qi Province, he kept a low profile so that people ignored his existence, but when he came out of the airport today, there were signs of a sudden attack, which shocked many people.

After the etiquette, [General Manager] was about to get on the car and go to the provincial party committee. Everyone else was ready to wait for [General Manager] After getting on the car, they were also with him. Qiu Renli had even been sent to see [General Manager] on the car, and everything was ready. Suddenly, Sun Ximin came out more and

In the officialdom, the rules are too big. In order, Sun Ximin, as the governor, is the second-in-command. He definitely can't go offside to the front of Qiu Renli, or it is rude for Sun Ximin to speak first when talking with [General].

Qiu Renli obviously did not expect Sun Ximin to do anything abnormal. He was stunned for a moment and frowned slightly.

Even Xia thought that he didn't know which one Sun Ximin came from." He first glanced at Sun Ximin, and then where he could see, it was Zhou Hongji's slightly doubtful expression, and his heart jumped. Was it possible that Sun Ximin's behavior did not communicate with Zhou Hongji in advance?

Seeing He Jianghai's determination again, Xia thought more firmly. No matter what the purpose of Sun Ximin's move was to achieve, at least he did not seek Zhou Hongji's approval in advance, that is to say, Sun Ximin approached He Jianghai alone.

The situation is getting more and more interesting. If there is an unconcealed difference between Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji, it is really a very rare opportunity.

And the scene that followed further confirmed Xia's conjecture.

Everyone opened their eyes wide in surprise and looked at Sun Ximin, who was walking quickly to [General Manager] Li. They only saw Sun Ximin coming to [General Manager] Li and whispered something. [General Manager] Li was slightly stunned at first. Then after thinking for a moment, he nodded gently.

Then, [General Manager] The entourage around Li leaned down to listen to the guiding spirit of [General Manager], and then quickly came to Qiu Renli and said a few words.

Qiu Renli's face immediately changed slightly. He wanted to say something and hesitated for a moment. After all, he nodded. Then he turned to a member of the Standing Committee behind him and conveyed the new guiding spirit of [General]: "At the suggestion of Comrade Sun Ximin" [General] It was necessary to visit a 100-year-old [General] There are often unexpected things, and it's not surprising." Qi Province is known as a long-lived province. In Qi Province, there are several famous longevity villages in China. There are more than a dozen centenarians in the village, and the Chinese nation has always had the traditional virtue of respecting the old and loving the young. [General] It is a It's also a beautiful talk.

There are many long-lived old people in Lu City, and there is one in the compound of the Provincial Party Committee, and he has reached a 100-year-old age. [General], he did not visit, but went to the Salt Bureau to visit a 100-year-old man who is less than 100 years old, not to mention the distance, and

Who doesn't know that the conflict between Xiaxiang came to Qi Province and He Jianghai was first caused by Lu Chengliang, the former deputy director of the Salt Bureau. "Now that Lu Chengliang is dead, the aftermath is still there, and it is clear that at this stage and for a long time in the future, the political struggle will continue to expand around [General] The political significance of the salt bureau to visit the long-lived elderly is that the salt industry in Qi Province is still very young, and there is still a long way to go. It is not only to develop, but also to make great progress and live longer.

Interesting episode" Qin Kan narrowed his eyes and looked at Sun Ximin a few times, and then turned his eyes and fell on Xiaxiang.

Xia thinks that he doesn't speak. According to the level of his current deputy [book] of the provincial party committee, he also has the qualification to speak, and even further, the relationship between him and [general] has enough reasons to speak, but he is silent, because sometimes he wants to achieve the goal.

It's enough for someone to come forward.

Xia Shang's eyes jumped back and forth between Zhou Hongji and Sun Ximin several times. It happened that Zhou Hongji cast a complicated look at him. He smiled at Zhou Hongji, nodded, and then made a gesture imperceptibly.

It was his gesture that made Zhou Hongji no longer hesitate. He immediately made an amazing move. He stepped forward, crossed Qin Kan and Xia Xiang, crossed Qiu Renli, and went straight to [General] Li and Sun Ximin.

At this time, [General] was about to get on the car. Seeing Zhou Hongji accidentally coming over, he stopped getting on the car again, looked at Zhou Hongji with a smile, and waited for Zhou Hongji to speak quietly.

I have to say that [General Manager]'s attitude is very kind, and his posture is also very approachable. There is no high airs at all, but [General]'s high posture does not mean that Sun Ximin also has a high posture. His face changed unexpectedly blocked Zhou Hongji.

It seems that he expected Zhou Hongji to make unexpected actions that would affect the overall situation...

Zhou Hongji whispered a few words to Sun Ximin. Because he was far away, no one could really hear it. Obviously, it could be seen that Sun Ximin's face was very bad. Many people began to look at each other and didn't understand that Sun Ximin and Zhou Hong were basically allies. Now in front of [General] reason, what

Watching from a distance, [General] stood by the car. Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji stood a little farther away, and the three of them seemed to be performing a silent pantomime. After a while, "General Manager] seemed to say something to the people around him." Someone came forward to resolve the confrontation between Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji.

Zhou Hongji was led to [Mr.] Li, and he still said something respectfully. Although he couldn't hear the voice from afar, everyone witnessed the real scene. [Mr.] Li's face changed!

Although it was slight, everyone present was in the old officialdom, and their skills were first-class, so he immediately understood that Zhou Hongji's proposal made [General Manager] unhappy.

How come? Questions flashed in everyone's hearts. Who doesn't know how close the relationship between Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji is? What's wrong with Zhou Hongji? He sang a counter tune with Sun Ximin in front of [General Manager], and the political significance contained in it had to be thought twice.

Xia Xiang and Ye Renping looked at each other with a dagger, looked at each other and smiled, and everything was silent.

He Jianghai's eyes fell on Zhou Hongji. In addition to dissatisfaction, there was endless resentment.

After about a few seconds, [General Manager] Just nod his head at Zhou Hongji and turned to the car away without saying a word.

Sun Ximin also turned around and went again. He ignored Tong Hongji and left Hongji alone on the spot last week.

[General] As soon as the car starts, the car behind it will start, and it will be arranged in order, followed closely. Xiaxiang did not get on the car, but strode to Zhou Hongji, patted him on the shoulder, and whispered something. Zhou Hongji nodded gratefully at Xiaxiang like waking up from a dream.

Everyone can see something, but what no one knows is that no matter what just happened, the next work should be completed smoothly. 〖 He visited the birthday star, said a lot of good wishes, took the old man's hand and asked for warmth, and asked whether the pension was paid in time and whether the old age was happy.

What Shouxing said will not be broadcast on the news, but if you pay a little attention to it, you will find a very interesting picture in the news. Tang Shicheng, director of the Provincial Salt Affairs Bureau, smiled happily and closely followed [General] Li, introducing the situation of the elderly Shuxing for [General], while the Provincial Party Committee [Book] Qiu Although he is also laughing, it is like being out of the way.

Even Governor Sun Ximin was more enthusiastic than Qiu Renli, but some people saw the clue that it was not that Qiu Renli was not enthusiastic enough, but that Qiu [book] was deliberately alienated.

At the level of Tang Shicheng, it is usually impossible to see the national leaders at the level of [General Manager], and even the Provincial Party Committee [Book] is rare to see, but he takes advantage of the great opportunity to inspect the birthday star. He not only appeared on TV, but also has close contact with [General Manager], which can be said to

Of course, it's nothing just for him to be in the limelight." The Provincial Salt Bureau, which usually rarely appeared on the news, has also become a hot topic. There are too many old people in Lu City. [General] It is reasonable to visit the birthday star of the Provincial Salt Bureau, which makes the Salt Bureau feel great after experiencing the negative impact of the Lu Chengliang incident.

[General] Li inspected the first round of Qi Province. When he saw the power for the first time, the momentum of the Salt Bureau soared!

Then" [General] Li and his entourage went to the provincial party committee to hold a symposium to discuss the current political and economic situation in Qi Province.

[General] It is emphasized that the economic structure of Qi Province is very perfect. Although there is still room for improvement, it is still necessary to make progress while maintaining stability. There is no need to make great progress. The cost of aggressiveness is that for Qi Province, a strong economic province, in case of failure, the gains outweigh the losses.

The salt industry is a major industry in Qi Province. We must continue to maintain high-speed growth and create a salt market with the characteristics of Qi Province.

Finally, [General] stressed that the State Council has a consistent position on the policy of macroeconomic regulation and control. In the next step, we will continue to promote purchase restrictions, further regulate the real estate market, and make sure that housing prices be reduced to the extent that ordinary people can afford to buy houses.

[General] A series of speeches with a clear goal. With a big knife, the first knife affirmed Sun Ximin's conservative governance concept, and the second knife sounded a wake-up call to Xia Xiang, who wanted to start the salt industry. The third knife set a high threshold for Dacai Group's upcoming investment in Wuyue!

Xia wanted to have expected, so he didn't move. 〖 The three-board axe of the general manager is nothing new to him. In fact, the general manager's speech cannot influence the policy direction of Qi Province.

But it is symbolic!

Of course, the inspection of [General] will also have a big impact on the position of some intermediate forces, but things are often good and bad. It is also because of the visit of [General] that the contradiction between Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji is more prominent, and it is only one step away from rising to the point of irreconcilable.

It only needs a gentle pile, and the situation of the whole province will have unexpected changes. As Xia Xiang, who is very clear about the stakes, has stretched out a hand at this time. When the time is right, he will not hesitate to push forward!

In the afternoon, [General Manager] Li's party finished his inspection in Lu City and decided to go to Pindu, but Xia Si, who had just received a phone call from Lao Gu, made enough time to let Lao Gu lay out in Pindu in front of everyone.

Only one problem, let [General Manager] immediately decide to change the itinerary and stay in Lu City for the time being