official god

Chapter 1560 Mafengwo

The contradiction between Guo Huarui and Xiaxiang can be said to have accumulated grievances for a long time, but in fact, Xia Yu and Guo Huarui have not had a fundamental conflict of interest, or in other words, Guo Huarui has not really had a direct confrontation with Xia Shang.

It's just the last time that after the incident of Jin Yin Mo was very unhappy, although Guo Huarui was resentful, although he had a national oil father and an uncle of a member of the Politburo, after being bullied by Xia, he had been trying to find the scene, but he had not been able to get what he wanted.

Nothing else, not only because Xia wants to act watertight, so that he can't find any loopholes, but also because his national oily father and uncle who entered the order of national leaders have repeatedly warned him not to take the initiative to provoke Xiaxiang. "Xia wants to be a hornet's nest and can't poke it

Although Guo Huarui thought that he was also one of the best two ancestors in the capital, he also heard that Xia thought about a lot of things, such as the fight with Oh Chen, such as the battle with Chen Jie, and the shocking flood of the Qin and Tang Dynasties, which made him know that Xia was really not easy to mess with. It's not his three-legged cat's kung fu that can be his enemy.

It's better to be honest, so as not to provoke Xiaxiang. He can't take care of himself by him, and there is no place to reason. But on the surface, being honest, it still can't hide the inner resentment. Xiaxiang has always been ranked first on the blacklist of the characters that Guohuarui wants to clean up most.

Not long ago, Guo Huarui's father, Guo Hanyang, stepped down as the boss of Guoyouhua, and directly served as the Ning Provincial Party Committee in one step, completing the gorgeous turn from the boss of state-owned enterprises to the feudal officials. Although the price is that Guohuarui's uncle Guo Hanqing will retire next year, at least Not only is he much more powerful, but his political prospects are also broader. Guo Huarui has also become the son of the Provincial Party Committee.

The identity has also risen a lot.

But becoming the provincial party committee [book] did not bring more happiness to Guohuarui because soon after, Xiaxiang was promoted to the deputy [book] of the provincial party committee of Qi Province, and took the most firm step towards the main part, which made Guohuarui extremely depressed!

What made him more depressed was that before his father left, he solemnly told him not to provoke Xia. He even stressed that even if something was bullied by Xia, he could bear it. "If you can't stand it, you have to bear it because the momentum of Xia wants to rise is unstoppable." He is one of the backup forces.

Guo Huarui agreed verbally, but he was very depressed, because he had always been used to the wind. "The only person who bullied him and did not ask for justice was Xia Xiang. Seeing that Xia Xiang wanted to fly higher and higher, he not only could not return his hand, but also had to hide everywhere. How can he not be aggrieved

Xiaxiang has become the eternal pain in Guo Huarui's heart.

Unexpectedly, today's friends had a very happy party, but Xia thought jumped out in a hauntary way... After hurting the people in the government, Guo Huarui was happy in his heart. He didn't dare to think about Xia, but the government dared. What's more, the government and Xia thought already had previous dislikes.

Since he encountered such a good thing without adding fuel and vinegar, he was not Guo Huarui and Guo Huarui who fanned the flames and said about Xiaxiang's "brilliance" and achievements in time.

After hearing that the tall man was directly abolished by Xia Shang, he was suddenly furious. After being stunned, he calmed down his anger while listening to Guo Huarui's spare no effort to think about the real intention of Xia.

The government wants to have a grudge against Xia. He hates Xia more than Guo Huarui, but he is much more mature than Guo Huarui, and he thinks twice about things.

Last time in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, Xia wanted to be extremely fierce and had touched his bottom line. He finally put up with it again and again, and never appeared to be the enemy of Xia.

To this day, although he and Xiaxiang have secretly met many times, in fact, they have never seen each other in front of them.

The thoughts in the government office are much more complicated than Guo Huarui's. After half a minute, he immediately calmly analyzed the problem." Because he knew very well that Xia Shang's personality. Xia Shang is not a person who is easy to be ruthless. Whether it is Xia Shang's advantages or shortcomings, anyway, in his opinion, Xia Shang is very kind Ribs.

But today, Xia wanted to be ruthless all of a sudden, and there must be a deep meaning in it.

Is it because Wei Xin is her woman who touched his weakness? Or does he want to warn himself in disguise through this matter and let himself restrain himself? But I haven't had any conflicts with him recently, and I haven't had any conflicts with him on any major events?

Besides, "Xiaxiang may not know that Yue Qun is his person...

Guo Huarui was still commenting on Xiaxiang. Yanai waved his hand to Guo Huarui. Guo Huarui immediately understood what Yanai meant and shut up wisely.

The affairs in the government were also round. He didn't forget that Chong Guo Huarui nod slightly to show his affection, and then asked, "Did Yue Qun want to tell Xia who he is?"

"No." Those who come to inform the news must be respectful in front of the government, and dare not be disrespectful. Because Although the government is very good at treating people, he has never been fierce. In fact, his secret means make people frightened.

"Who else does Xia want to be with...",...except Wei Xin?"

"There is also a girl, who is young, like a student..."

"Immediately find out who she is," the government has thought again, "Have you hit Yue Qun's car and found out?"

"The car doesn't have a license plate, but someone saw a military pass in front of the car. It should be a military car."

"Military car?" The government seemed to think, "It's interesting. Xia wants to take action a little harder than before, but he is still very cautious."

After a while, someone will have the latest news.

"The girl who wants to be with Xia is called Song Yifan, the only daughter of the Jijiang Provincial Party Committee [Book] of the Song Dynasty!"

"A deputy [book] of the provincial party committee, the daughter of a provincial party committee [book], coupled with the military's activation, the stage is really not small, Xia [book], you have really become a character now." The government seems to be talking to himself, and it seems to be talking to the people present.

However, everyone is listening, but no one dares to answer, because no one knows whether the government, which has damaged a general, will be furious and look for Xia to find the field.

Because the government has never been a master who is willing to suffer losses, he has suffered a loss of marriage in the Qin and Tang Dynasties before. I don't want to think that today, the old hatred of the Qin and Tang Dynasties has not been reversed, and the new hatred has been added between Xiaxiang.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, he waved his hand: "Don't disturb Wei Xin in the future. No one is allowed to mention today's situation in front of me."

Guohuarui was stunned and puzzled. A witty and resourceful person in the government, coupled with a deep background, is almost accessible in China. How can he be afraid of summer?

Yanai did not explain his decision. He waved his hand to let his men quit, and then continued to drink and talk with everyone, as if nothing had happened, which made everyone here secretly surprised. Can Yanai really swallow this evil breath?

Does Xiaxiang really have the prestige to make the government's government hold back its anger?

I don't understand, including Guo Huarui, no one will mention this matter again, lest it provoke the unhappiness of the government.

The party lasted for more than an hour. The mood in the government was very high. It seemed that they really forgot the unhappy things, so several people here secretly praised the self-restraint in the government.

After the party, everyone dispersed, and only Guo Huarui accompanied the flat building. When he got downstairs, the government official who was about to get on the bus suddenly waved to Guo Huarui.

Guo Huarui met and immediately got into the car in the government. Yanai opened his mouth and said a word, which immediately made Guo Huarui [Xing] excited.

"The real estate market in Qi Province is in the ascendant. Even Dacai Group has invested heavily in Wuyue, Huarui. Are you interested in going to Lu City with me and have a look?"

The smile in the government office is very indifferent, and the words are light, just like talking about a trivial thing, but it has set off a huge wave in Guo Huarui's heart, because he knows that there is no consciousness of swallowing anger in the affairs of Yue Qun in the government office, but like Xia, he wants to make things dark.

He is going to Qi Province to disturb the situation!

There is Qianjiang Real Estate Group under the name of the government office, which has strong strength. When Xiaxiang was still in Hunan Province, he had successfully entered the real estate market in Yan City and won several golden locations in the downtown business circle. Originally, the development in Yanshi was very smooth, but later, I was hot-headed and took a fancy to Yuanjing Group's Shuijing Park in Xiama River. I wanted to discuss and take a piece of land from Shuijing Park.

As a result, it hit a small wall.

It made Ya Nei very depressed for a period of time, and also made him clear the fact that in the face of the powerful Wu family and the booming Xia Xiang, although he has the advantages of political, economic and social resources that ordinary people can't compare with, if he is a head-on enemy with Xia Xiang, he still has little chance of winning.

The current situation in Qi Province is very chaotic. The project of Dacai Group is stuck in the provincial government. Why don't he take the opportunity to take action and pry the corner of Xiaxiang? The person who hit him can't be beaten for nothing. He can't compete with Xia for a woman named Wei Xin, but he can use economic means to attack Xia's political plan head-on!

And... Guo Huarui is also a pawn who can be used well.

Seeing Guo Huarui's almost distorted expression because of [Xing], Ya Nei sighed slightly and thought helplessly, why could he play Guo Huarui in the palm of his hand? It's not a good thing for a person to be too smart. Looking around, the feeling that the world is invincible is also the desolation of being cold in high places.

Although Xiaxiang is an opponent, Xiaxiang's eyes are still too short-sighted. He really thinks that he is a reserve force, and he will definitely be able to take the position at that time? More than ten years later, who knows what kind of great changes will be made in domestic politics? At that time, it will develop into a historical period of economic impact on politics. Whether it is a real election or a pseudo-election, maybe he can make a change, so that he can step on the stage of history, making Xia want to step on the air and fall and

No matter how smart Xia wants to be, he will not see that the future domestic politics will be the world of powerful capitalism sooner or later. Well, since Xia wants to provoke him again, he can't do it again and again. It's no more than three times. The third time, he will fight back.

The government's hand reached out and patted Guo Huarui's shoulder: "Hua Rui, Qi Province is a good place..." The situation in Qi Province was very variable from the moment when the government decided to intervene in the government.