official god

Chapter 1561 Behind the problem

Xia thought originally wanted Song Yifan to work in Wei Xin's company. For Song Yifan, work is not an end, but a necessary process in life. She wants to work not to earn money to support herself, but to increase social experience and life experience.

Song Yifan doesn't like to do business, and he is not suitable for politics. Let her learn. She doesn't seem to be very enthusiastic, so it's a good thing to let him run an e-commerce company with Wei Xin.

However, Xia thought that he was afraid that Song Yifan would not be happy. It would be troublesome to go to Lu City with him. He didn't want to have an accident with a tall man. After the incident, without his mouth, Song Yifan offered to help Wei Xin. It was a great accident, which made him very happy.

Wei Xin also begged for it. He agreed very happily and took Song Yifan's hand and kept talking.

It's also strange. Wei Xin's temperament is extremely weak. He has the best relationship with Lian Ruohan, but when he is not close to Lian Ruohan hand in hand, he quickly approached Song Yifan and established a sisterhood. The fate between people is really wonderful.

After the tall man left, Xia Xiang did not tell Wei Xin and Song Yifan that he had secretly been cruel, but Song Yifan was so angry that he sued Song Chaodu.

The girl was really angry. In Xia Xiang's impression, she rarely complained to Song Chaodu. This time, I didn't suffer any losses and had to make a phone call to complain. Obviously, I was really angry. I guess there is also the intention to complain that Xia doesn't want to stand up for her, but she doesn't think about it. Xia wants to protect her shortcomings a little more than Song Chaodu.

Xia wanted to ignore Wei Xin and Song Yifan's non-stop talk. He calmly analyzed the situation and waited for a phone call.

After waiting for a while, I remembered another thing, so I picked up the phone and called Xiao Jia.

"Whose industry is Huahao Building? Check it and buy the whole old floor to save some people from coming to make trouble. Although half of Xiao Jia's property is actually Xia Xiang's shares, Xia Xiang has neither registered a name nor mentioned it. He and Xiao Jia really don't have to separate from each other, and rarely make any requests to Xiao Jia in terms of money.

He will only help Xiao Jia make money and won't spend money.

"Huahao Building?" Xiao Jia thought for a moment. She never asked too much about Xia's requirements. As long as she could, she would never hesitate. "It's not a person with a background. I'll let Fenger handle it immediately. By the way, just buy the old floor, why don't you just buy the whole building?

Xiao Jia is not pretending to be amazing, but with her financial resources and 100% trust in Xiaxiang, she will always support all Xiaxiang's decisions.

"It's going to be one layer, one building, it's too eye-catching." Xia Shang then asked a few more questions about life. His daughter Xiao Xia was fine, and the progress of Cong Fenger and Xu Guanhua was going well. Wait, he hung up the phone.

As soon as the phone with Xiao Jia was cut off, Xu Guanhua called in.

"I found out, I can't imagine who it is..." Xu Guanhua's voice was a little excited. Xia wanted to have something to do in the capital, so he was the first to inform him to solve it. Not only did he not feel that it was troublesome, but he was also deeply honored.

Because between him and Xiaxiang now, he not only has a good friendship, but also has a good trend of family because of Cong Fenger. Cong Fenger is gentle, beautiful and virtuous, which makes him grateful to Xia Xiang.

Xia wanted to laugh back: "Guan Hua, you have also learned to sell tricks."

"Ha ha, I didn't find it easily." Xu Guanhua said, "The tall man is called Yue Qun, and he is a general in the hands of the government. If you abolish him, the government will definitely never end with you.

Xia wanted to say, "Guan Hua, it's your hand. If you want to return it back, you have to find you."

Xu Guanhua laughed and said, "You really don't want to eat at all, and you don't take a step back when you talk to me. I was worried about you, so I reminded you. No matter how domineering the government is in the capital, he dares not take the initiative to provoke the military unless his brain is short-circuited.

In the capital, the party who dares to play arrogantly in the army, not to mention that the government is not in the system, even if it reaches the provincial and ministerial level in the system, they dare not reach out too long.

Xu Guanhua's words are the truth. Xia wants to have a deep understanding of the current situation of the army's self-contained system.

He chatted a few more words with Xu Guanhua. Xia wanted to let go of the phone, and his heart was full of ups and downs. Unexpectedly, he had a narrow road with his enemies in the government. He met unexpectedly again, and had conflicts for the third time.

It's nothing more than three things. Xia wants to have also heard about the character of the government office. The reason why he couldn't bear to deal with him in the first two conflicts was probably that he did not find a breakthrough. The second conflict in front of him absolutely buried the foreshadowing of the government to take action against him.

If the government office directly acts on him, he will be fearless, and he is afraid that the government office will be bad to Wei Xin again. However, there is reason to believe that as one of the top senior government ya in the capital, if he knew that he came forward to protect Wei Xin, if he took action against Wei Xin again, it would break the rules.

Xia thought did not regret the abandonment of Yue Qun. What he wanted was to knock on the mountain and shake the tiger, that is, to let the people behind Yue Qun know his determination. Whether he is in the government or someone else, in the capital, whoever wants to touch the person he wants to protect must first think about it.

Now Xiaxiang, although he is only the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee of Qi Province, he is young and rising. Who doesn't give three points of face? Not to mention that he is now the former celebrity of the general book, and the power cultivated by the Wu family, the largest family force.

In addition, the government will definitely find out Song Yifan's identity. If his face and the prestige of the Song Dynasty are enough to shock the government, the government has been in vain for decades.

He also knows that his father is one of the top figures in China. He also knows that several major permanent committees, together with members of the Political Bureau, will retire almost all of them next year. After the alternation of the old and the new, how many of the retired national leaders have influence on the domestic situation? In addition to the general record, the weight of other people's speech will be quickly reduced to a decrease with agress.

While thinking about it, the phone rang again. Xia wanted to see the call and couldn't help jumping in her heart. It was Song Chaodu.

After Song Yifan complained, Song Chaodu quickly called, which proved that Song Chaodu, who was not easy to be angry, was also angry.

"Xiaxiang, who is it?" Sure enough, Song Chaodu came up with a question. Of course, he didn't question Xiaxiang.

"Inside the government." Xia Xiang did not hesitate at all. From the standpoint of caring for Song Yifan, he and Song Chaodu are not only highly consistent, but also completely in the same mind. "The leader is called Yue Qun, and it has been abolished."

Song Chaodu seemed to take a breath and was silent for a moment before saying, "Which hospital does Yue Qun live in?" Before Xia wanted to answer, he said, "Forget it, you don't have to check it. I'll check it myself."

"Other things, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Song Chaodu hung up the phone, very decisive and firm, as if Xia wanted to cooperate with him for the first time many years ago, and reappeared the courage when Gao Chengsong was pulled off the horse.

made a flame rise in Xiaxiang's heart. The scene when he and Song Chaodu joined hands in the layout of Yan Province reappeared in front of him again. In a blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed. Song Chaodu seemed to have worn out his fighting spirit, and there was no more moment of high spirits. Bingcai's words At the time of the big choice, the forbearing and firm Song Chaodu came back!

Xia didn't believe that Song Chaodu only wanted to vent his anger on Song Yifan and continued to play the Yue Qun incident. Instead, when the curtain of the situation opened, it was estimated that he also intended to use this matter to trigger the topic and create trouble.

In the early years of the Song Dynasty, it seemed to be a general line, but in recent years, as his political line gradually stabilized, his position gradually turned to the general book. Therefore, he wanted to enter the situation, not only to pass the general line, but also the opposition was expected to stop it. Song Chaodu was no longer passive to fight, but was ready to take the initiative to attack.

In the evening, Xia wanted to prepare to have dinner with Wei Xin and Song Yifan, but he received a call from Xu Guanhua to have dinner with him. If it's just Xu Guanhua alone, it's okay, but there is still Cong Feng'er. The situation is to thank Xiaxiang for this big matchmaker together.

Xia wanted to go to the banquet, but proposed to take Wei Xin and Song Yifan with him. Xu Guanhua also welcomed him.

I don't know whose proposal it was. The party was arranged in Quanjude. It is estimated that it was organized by Cong Fenger. It was not true that Xia wanted to love roast duck, but after the rumors of Fu Xian and Gu Yu, others may not pay attention to it, but the careful women kept it in their hearts.

Goodbye, Cong Feng'er. Xia wants to find that Cong Feng'er has lost weight.

But it's okay. She is in a good mental state and radiant. Perhaps it was because of love. In his eyebrows, a group of joy made Xia want to see him, and he was very relieved.

Cong Fenger is also lucky. Although Xu Guanhua is a little older, he is indeed a very reliable man in terms of affection, which is worth entrusting.

Cong Fenger and Xia want to shake hands. There are too many secrets between her and Xia, but everything can only be said without saying. Suddenly, "Thank you, Secretary Xia, for introducing Guan Hua to me. Guan Hua is a good person. He is very kind to me. I am very happy."

These words are not only for Xia, but also for Xu Guanhua. However, in the hearts of Xiaxiang and Xu Guanhua, they have different aftertaste and content.

Wei Xin and Cong Fenger know each other, but they don't know Xu Guanhua. It's easy to introduce between women. When Xia wanted to introduce Wei Xin to Xu Guanhua, he took a lot of time, and finally prevaricate with the words of the economic team.

It is much easier to introduce Song Yifan, which directly mentions the Song Dynasty.

Xu Guanhua was short-minded and had no doubt about him. He enthusiastically invited Wei Xin and Song Yifan to sit down, and also took the initiative to order drinks for them, showing a careful and patient side. It seems that love has also changed men a lot. In Xiaxiang's impression, Xu Guanhua did not seem to be so active and careful before.

A party was quite happy. During the dinner, Xia wanted to talk and laugh with Xu Guanhua, and did not mention serious topics.

... When he returned to Wu's house, it was past 9 p.m., and Mr. Wu's study was brightly lit, obviously waiting for him to return.

Knocking on the door, Xia wanted to be surprised, because Mr. Wu was not alone in the study, and several other people were smiling at him with a smile. It was a VIP that Xia Xiang couldn't imagine anyway.