official god

Chapter 1568 The Change of Coincidence

Chapter 1568 Change by Coincidence

At noon, Xia wanted to go home and ate the canteen of the provincial party committee again. Coincidentally, she happened to meet Zhou Hongji again.

At the level of Xiaxiang and Zhou Hongji, the canteen of the provincial party committee they went to must be a small canteen dedicated to the sub-provincial level. It is not a large canteen shared by the outer organ compound. Therefore, there are not many people in the canteen, because most of the leaders of the provincial party committee will not eat

Zhou Hongji was slightly surprised by the unexpected encounter with Xia Xiang in the canteen, and then took the initiative to sit next to Xia Xiang. The two sat in a secluded place, just whispering and would not be noticed.

In fact, even if someone pays attention, no one will be curious or concerned about it. Those who come and go are all high-level cadres. They all know the rules of officialdom and will not make a gaffe.

First, he casually said a few words about the food in the canteen, commented on the difference between the food in Beijing and Qi Province, and then Zhou Hongji took the initiative to provoke the topic and talked about the investment of Qianjiang Group: "Xia should have heard of Qianjiang Group, which is the same as the investment of Dacai Group... Governor Sun His attitude is completely different. Looking at his popularity, I guess he wants to take charge of this project in person.

Xia wants to know that Zhou Hongji and Sun Ximin are in the same family. To be more precise, he and Qianjiang Group are also in the same camp, so in terms of fundamental interests, he will definitely stand on the side of Qianjiang Group.

"I haven't paid attention to government affairs for a long time. In recent years, I have been engaged in party affairs, and now I lack a general view of economic affairs." Xia Xiang would not show his real thoughts in front of Zhou Hongji. He stretched out his waist and smiled, "It's not good to think about it. Whether you are engaged in retreat or pragmatic work, you have to care about economic construction."

Zhou Hongji's eyes closed slightly: "Why, Xia has the intention to ask about the investment of Qianjiang Group?"

Although the deputy of the provincial party committee is in charge of the party group and personnel, it is not impossible to interfere in economic affairs at all. For example, if Qiu Renli proposes that the investment of Qianjiang Group is of great importance, and the provincial party committee and the provincial government set up a joint responsibility group, then the provincial party committee can assign Xia to meet, The deputy governor is responsible for the level of Xiaxiang, and at least Qin Kan should respond if there is no accident.

And if you really want to set up a joint group, it will be dominated by Xiaxiang, because Xiaxiang ranks high.

Under the guidance of the general policy of the Party's leadership, the deputy of the provincial party committee has a way to intervene in economic affairs. The only premise is the support of the head of the provincial party committee.

For other deputy provincial party committees, it is difficult to get full support, but for Xiaxiang, there is no problem. Therefore, if Xia wants to get involved in the affairs of Qianjiang Group, it is not a question of whether it can be or not, but whether he wants to.

"It's not a question. I want to learn and recharge. I can't let myself be washed to the shore in the economic tide." Xia wanted to laugh and didn't want to talk deeply with Zhou Hongji about the topic of Qianjiang Group, because there was nothing to talk about. There is no need to doubt that Zhou Hongji must be inclined to the position of the government office, so he changed the topic in time. "Zhou, the problem of the Provincial Salt Bureau is not short."

In fact, it's not a long time. Xia wants to deliberately say this, which is also to test whether Zhou Hongji's position has been loosened.

"There is insufficient evidence, and it is not easy for the Commission for Discipline Inspection to hastily deny a department-level cadre." Zhou Hongji remained calm and suddenly said meaningfully, "Personally, I still hope that Xia Duo cares about the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and makes more valuable opinions."

Xia wanted to have an idea in his heart: "I don't have any opinion, but I just heard a message. I hope it will be helpful to Zhou."

Zhou Hongji was very interested: "Let's talk about it."

"There is something wrong with the system of the Salt Bureau of Yan Province. Yan Province is investigating. It is conservatively estimated that there will be a lot of movement." Xia wants to disclose the news to Zhou Hongji in advance, which is also based on two considerations. First, since the salt system of Yan Province is involved in the salt system of Qi Province, after the real incident, the cooperation of Qi Province is bound to be needed. Second, the problem of the Salt Bureau of Qi Province is that is temporarily deadlocked because of the pressure from the When the idea of breaking the situation comes out, it depends on whether Zhou Hongji will accept it or not.

It proves that no matter what Zhou Hongji's position is on the issue of Qianjiang Group, at least if he has a firm position on the issue of the Salt Bureau, it is enough. Xiaxiang does not force Zhou Hongji to shake hands with him closely after his arrival in the government office, only hoping that Zhou Hongji can start and end well.

If you don't answer, it means that Zhou Hongji's position has changed greatly, retreating or turning. Xiaxiang will look for a breakthrough from other channels, which will also expand things.

However, Xia wants to have reason to believe that Zhou Hongji will take over, because the adventurous spirit in a person's bones is not so easy to change, and there is a dazzling political achievement close at hand. If you don't reach out and take it, then Zhou Hongji's previous behavior will be completely meaningless, and he will also leave a Reliable impression.

Zhou Hongji is eager for political achievements and cherishes his reputation at the same time. He will definitely seize the only opportunity to break the situation at present!

... Xia wanted to bet right. After a full minute of silence, Zhou Hongji took a sip of the drink in the toast and said, "Xia is familiar with Yan Province. If there is a need for Qi Province to cooperate, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection will definitely cooperate fully."

Xia wanted to smile: "Maybe there is really a troublesome place."


The sunshine in the afternoon was very good. It was not until four or five o'clock that the heat weakened a little, making the sun look less dazzling. When he was about to get off work, Wen Zixuan knocked on the door and came in.

In the afternoon, Xia wanted to deal with a lot of things, and took time to meet Qiu Renli. He briefly talked about the harvest of his trip to the capital. After all, he met Mr. Qiu and was in close contact with Qiu Xufeng. It was necessary for him to explain some things to Qiu Renli in person to show respect.

I wanted to meet Li Dingshan, but unfortunately, Li Dingshan went down to investigate again - after becoming the vice governor, Li Dingshan was indeed very diligent. He had never rested for a day and devoted himself to his work - he had to give up.

In fact, Xia wants to have another plan, which is to sit down with Qin Kan. She has told Wu Tianxiao to find a reason to arrange it. As soon as Wu Tianxiao went out, Wen Zixuan came.

Is it possible to explain what Wen Zixuan is going to do? Xia was shocked. Isn't the speed too fast?

Who knew that Wen Zixuan's words later surprised Xia Xi even more...

"Xia, an acquaintance asked me to send a message that he wanted to see you..." Wen Zixuan is the deputy secretary-general of the provincial party committee. Naturally, he knows that the leaders are most tired of introducing subordinates.

Xia thought it very well that Wen Zixuan would not be bored to introduce no one to others, but he still didn't think much about it and asked casually, "Who is it?"

"Wang Qiangwei!" As soon as Wen Zixuan said, he smiled.

Otherwise, women are too beautiful and smart, which is not a good thing, because it is obvious that Wen Zixuan's smile is meaningful. As Xia Da, who knows women very well, you can see the ambiguous meaning of Wen Zixuan's smile at a glance. Obviously, she regards Wang Qiangwei as one of his women.

Xia thought that he would not explain anything. He was clear and believed that with Wen Zixuan's cleverness, he would soon know the relationship between him and Wang Qiangwei. He was just surprised why Wen Zixuan knew Wang Qiangwei?

Unexpectedly, Wen Zixuan's next words surprised Xia Xi: "I have known Rose for several years, and I didn't know until today that she and Xia also knew each other. In addition, the relationship between Rose and Zhao Peony is also very good. I have some information about Zhao Peony, but I don't think Rose knows in detail.

It's really hard to find a place to break the iron shoes. It doesn't take any effort. Xia wants to say that it's not surprising. Although he is already the vice president of the provincial party committee, he can't help slapping the table: "Tent me to tell Wang Qiangwei that I'll invite her to dinner

Wen Zixuan's eyes lit up and his face looked happy: "Please rest assured, leader, be sure to bring your words." She put down a piece of material in her hand and was about to turn around and leave, because the leader and Wang Qiangwei ate alone. There must be nothing to do with her. Unexpectedly, she was stopped by Xia.

"Come on, Zixuan, come with us in the evening."

In a word, Wen Zixuan just answered in a stupid, and then he hesitated to walk out of the door of the office, but his heart was uncertain. I don't know what Xia specially asked her to accompany her. What was the intention and what the hint?

After all, women are women, and sometimes they think too much. In fact, Xia thinks that there is no hint. She just feels that with Wen Zixuan as a companion, it will not make the dinner of lonely men and women too ambiguous.

After work, there was no secretary to accompany him, only the driver Si Chuanliang sent Xia to the banquet. On the way, Si Chuanliang said carefully, "Xia, I don't know if what I said last time is useful?"

This sentence was very timid. Xia Xiang smiled instead. Compared with Wu Tianxiao's maturity and smoothness, Si Chuanliang was essentially much more honest and said, "It's useful and useful."

Si Chuanliang was overjoyed, as if he had won a great reward: "Xia, I still have something to report..."

Xia wanted to be stunned: "What's the situation? Just say it."

If it were someone else, he would not believe the words of a driver, because Pan Baohua's problem must be solved by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. The level difference between Si Chuanliang and Pan Baohua is so far away that he can't know the real inside story. Xia Xiang didn't. He would not hit the yearning of any subordinates who were close to him, so he listened carefully to what Si Chuanliang said.

It was mainly an anecdote revealed by Si Chuanliang last time, which brightened his eyes.

The first sentence of Si Chuanliang surprised Xia: "The driver of Governor Pan, Qu Zheng, told me at lunch that Governor Pan was very impetuous recently and frequently talked to foreign countries on the phone. He also said that Governor Pan knew that someone was secretly investigating him and had prepared a few fake passports..."

Not good, Xia wanted to be frightened. Pan Baohua should have received insider news and was ready to run away. What measures must be taken to keep Pan Baohua behind, otherwise Pan Baohua will not only let a big moth fly away, but also make some people's plot to kill Li Dingshan succeed!

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