official god

Chapter 1575 Xiaxiang doesn't believe it

Chapter 1575 Xia I don't believe it

It can be said that for a whole day, the whole Qi Provincial Party Committee was absent-minded and had no intention to work, waiting for the confirmation of a final message.

The Pan Baohua incident touched the hearts of all members of the provincial party committee, including Qiu Renli.

It's not okay not to pay attention to it. After all, Pan Baohua is the vice governor, and he is not sure. He doesn't know how much he will be involved, and he doesn't know how much he will have affected. He doesn't know whether Pan Baohua has escaped or not. As a senior cadre of the party Outside.

To be honest, many people in the Qi Provincial Party Committee are looking forward to Pan Baohua's successful escape, because as soon as Vice Governor Pan left, the bright moon in his hometown has nothing to do with Qi Province. No matter whether there is collusion with Pan Baohua or not, whether there is any involvement, they can rest assured and sleep peacefully.

In case Pan Baohua is arrested, no one dares to guarantee that Pan Baohua will not bite people indiscriminately. Even if he comes out in the background, he will have to spend money again, right? No one wants to give away the hard-earned money. Even if it is sent to the backstage, they are reluctant to give up and want to keep it for retirement.

I have never felt that the day has been so long. Today, although the weather is very good, few people go out to work. No matter how big it is, it will be delayed. I just want to wait in the office to hear the news that Pan Baohua may have escaped or got caught in the office.

... What made many people hopeless was that in the afternoon, the phone on Qiu Renli's desk rang quickly. As soon as Qiu Renli saw that it was a special phone, he guessed a little in his heart. He picked up the phone and answered respectfully.

After a moment of silence, Qiu Renli just said calmly, "Yes, the Qi Provincial Party Committee will not be affected by the Pan Baohua incident. Please rest assured."

Putting down the phone, Qiu Renli urgently convened the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and announced the decision of the Central Committee - confirmed by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection that Comrade Pan Baohua is now under investigation on suspicion of serious disciplinary violations.

The news of Qiu Renli was announced in public that many people here changed slightly. Although it was expected, several local officials in Qi Province, including He Jianghai, thought that Pan Baohua had fled calmly and did not want to fail at the last moment. It was really speechless and unlucky.

He Jianghai was even more puzzled. Why did Pan Baohua get caught again? For almost a whole day, he thought that the news was the good news that Pan Baohua had landed in a country and sought political asylum. Unexpectedly, he was arrested - although the news announced by Qiu Renli was unclear and did not mention the specific process, he did not say at all whether Pan Baohua was arrested on the way to escape or intercepted at the airport. .

He Jianghai's eyes jumped and he was depressed. Recently, things have been blocked and everything is annoying. What's going on? Is it possible that the advantage of his huge local power has disappeared under the joint hands of Xiaxiang and Zhou Hongji? No, he wants to fight back!

What makes He Jianghai more irritable is that Zhao Mudan was captured first. The charge was economic fraud - don't even think about it, it must be Xia's hands and feet behind the scenes - which fully proves that Xia Xiang already knows that someone wants to use Zhao Mudan to pull Li Dingshan into the water behind the scenes.

But... Don't think that if the municipal bureau controls Zhao Mudan, everything will be worry-free. Lu Huacheng is not afraid of Xia Xiang. Among the large number of middle-level cadres in the municipal bureau, he has so many people that he can continue to operate Zhao Mudan secretly and let Zhao Mudan bite Li Dingshan

He Jianghai's eyes turned a few times, and several names flashed in his mind. Zhao Mudan, Wu Tianxiao, Wang Zeren, Dai Jichen... One idea in his mind gradually formed.

And he also preliminarily found out that behind the Zhu Zhenbo incident, there was indeed the shadow of Wang Zeren!

Wu Tianxiao acted cautiously and left no clues for the time being, but Wang Zeren still showed his horse's feet very obviously. It was time to harvest his recent series of layouts. Next, he attacked Wang Zeren and continued to hit Li Dingshan.

Xia thought that controlling Zhao Mudan completely eliminated the possibility of pulling Li Dingshan into the water, but not to mention Xia Xiang, I'm afraid that Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji both underestimated him, because in order to calm down Li Dingshan and cause a heavy blow to Xia Xiang from the side, he had already figured out a comprehensive strategy and made a series

Li Dingshan dodged Zhao Peony, but could not avoid Li Peony King Peony. Qi Province is a cluster of flowers. Sooner or later, Li Dingshan will be stained with the fragrance of flowers.

He Jianghai squinted at Xiaxiang, who was sitting in the left hand. Seeing that Xiaxiang was in good spirits, he was a lot of joy and thought that he should not be happy too early. Xia Da, wait, you have time to cry.

Xia wanted to have no consciousness to cry. After the meeting, he dealt with some other affairs. When he was ready to get off work, Wen Zixuan came to report again.

Compared with some time ago, Wen Zixuan's work reports are significantly more.

It is also understandable that things have been frequent recently. Wen Zixuan is the corresponding deputy secretary-general of Xiaxiang, and it is nothing to come to Xiaxiang's office every day. What also makes Xia want to be gratified is that he has been in Qi Province for a period of time, and there are few rumors about the relationship between men and women in the provincial party committee. It is estimated that after someone blew up the mistress, the officials of Qi Province were greatly shocked, at least on the surface, they were much more honest.

"Xia, Zhao Mudan's information summary, Rose has sorted out some more. My idea is not to take it out for the time being..." As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Zixuan looked directly at Xiaxiang's eyes and waited for Xiaxiang's further instructions.

Xia wants to admit Wen Zixuan's cleverness, because she really sees the problem thoroughly. With the current situation, it is indeed steadily advancing. Although Zhao Mudan is now in the hands of the municipal bureau, it is foreseeable that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is bound to come forward to interrogate Zhao Mudan.

After Zhao Peony was arrested, he spoke very harshly and refused to say anything. He put on to the fearless spirit of carrying it to the end. Of course, she is not fearless, but believes that as soon as she is caught, many people will panic, and many people will take the initiative to find ways to get her out, so she doesn't have to be afraid. She is afraid of the large and small officials in Qi Province led by Pan Baohua.

Zhao Mudan is also waiting. It's really a moment of tranquility before the rainstorm comes!

Xia wanted to nod: "You can just deal with this matter." The meaning is to believe in Wen Zixuan's judgment.

Wen Zixuan showed a little joy and said, "Xia, I have a worry. Maybe I think too much, but be careful not to make a big mistake. Is it necessary for Tianxiao to remind Wang Zeren to be careful of other people's backhand. If Wang Zeren shows his hands and feet, and finally gets involved with Tianxiao, things will be troublesome.

Xia thought for a moment and thought it was true that he could start from the bottom, and others could completely start from the bottom. He still knew something about Wu Tianxiao's personality and how to deal with things, but he was not sure how Wang Ze was.

Usually, he pays more attention to the middle and high levels, and the following things are still occasionally omitted. It seems that it is still necessary to let Wen Zixuan bear more burdens.

"Zixuan, you can make your own decision on some less important things in the future. If there are any details, you can discuss them with Tianxiao. I'm too busy."

Xia's words made Wen Zixuan very happy, because the leader delegated power.

Decentralization is a concrete manifestation of the leader's great trust in his subordinates.

"Thank you for your trust. I will definitely live up to the high expectations of the leader." The conventional saying must be said that although there is no nutrition, Wen Zixuan still speaks with a good voice.

Xia wanted to smile, suddenly remembered something, and said, "Also pay more attention to the people and things around Governor Li. Sometimes, Governor Li is more generous..."

Dadu is obviously a euphemistic statement. In fact, the original intention is that Li Dingshan not only does not have the intention to harm others, but also has little intention to prevent himself. He is an an anecdote in officialdom. Today, he can only be described as luck and miracles.

But in Qi Province, Xia wants to know that Li Dingshan has been involved in the vortex, and he will be crushed to pieces if he is not careful.

And there is one more thing. He can't remind Li Dingshan in person. To put it lightly, Li Dingshan didn't care. To put it seriously, Li Dingshan may have bad ideas, and it may also undermine Li Dingshan's initiative.

So Xia Xiang can only protect Li Dingshan's interests from the periphery.

Now Zhao Mudan has not spit on Li Dingshan, but there is no guarantee that she will not talk nonsense after the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is put forward... Fortunately, Xia Xiang also secretly pushed forward the process in an orderly manner.

"I have counted it, please don't worry, leader." Wen Zixuan was in a turbulent mood. Xia wanted to trust in her day by day, and let her secretly follow Li Dingshan's instructions. It was a sign of Xia's absolute trust in her. She must not let Xia down.

As soon as Wen Zixuan left, Song Chaodu called in. Xia wanted to take the initiative to call at night to ask. He didn't want Song Chaodu to be in front of him again. Could it be that things have changed?

Song Chaodu's voice is still unchanged: "The situation is still within controllable for the time being, but there is a place where you need to come forward..."

Xia thought just said "um" gently, waiting for further instructions from Song Chaodu.

"If you want Dingshan to be fine, I'm afraid you have to always say..."

Xia wants to be shocked. Is it really such a big deal? Song Chaodu's phone was cut off for a long time. He kept holding the phone in his hand, and his heart was turbulent.

It's really cruel!

Xia wanted to be extremely resentful. Originally, when he came to Qi Province, he just wanted to spend the deputy of the provincial party committee smoothly, and he didn't want to touch anyone's cake, but some problems did get into his eyes, which made him unable to accept it calmly. Some problems can be slowly drawn, but some problems are related to the personal safety of the people. Every time he eats, as long as Xia thinks that the salt eaten by countless people every day has toxic substances, he feels that the food in his mouth tastes like chewing wax.

The people are their own people, the descendants of Yanhuang under the same blue sky, the same yellow skin and black eyes, and the same blood on their bodies. They are not non-my people, not irrelevant people, etc. They can't be indifferent to it, and they can't wait for it.

Even if Li Dingshan is not the first to find the inside story, he will take the initiative to find it first. But now, because Li Dingshan touches the interests of interest groups, he is going to be kicked directly, which is too cruel.

Xia Xiang didn't believe it. He didn't believe that he and Song Chaodu joined hands, and he couldn't protect Li Dingshan. In the past, he only wanted to defend the city in Qi Province, but now he suddenly changed his mind and decided to turn over one person at the same time as protecting Li Dingshan - Xia Xiang was going to show his fangs again!

: Brothers... The official god at this moment is looking forward to every one with unprecedented desire! RO