official god

Chapter 1590 The person who is scapegoat can't afford to hurt

Chapter 1590 The person who is scapegoat can't afford to be hurt

Li Dingshan... What's wrong? Xia wanted to look surprised, because he really didn't know what had happened!

Sun Ximin's face changed greatly, and the government also noticed the abnormal atmosphere, restrained his color, and cast a questioning look at Sun Ximin.

Sun Ximin's anger was unquenchable - he was really angry, because he misunderstood Xia, thinking that Xia wanted to invite him and the government office to dinner here. He had a sincere attitude to sit down and talk. Unexpectedly, the discussion here was lit elsewhere, which was equivalent to being played by Xia.

It's annoying, it's too annoying.

Xia's want to do this is simply an insult and provocation to him!

Xia Chang also saw that the anger on Sun Ximin's face was not a fake, but a real attack. A bad idea flashed in his heart and hurriedly asked, "Gend Governor Sun, what happened?"

"You really don't know?" Sun Ximin thought that Xia was still pretending, so he was a little angry in his words.

"Gour governor Sun, we have known each other for a long time. If I do something, I will admit it in person. If I dare to do it, I dare to admit it. But if it's not what I'm doing, don't fall on my head." Xia wants to know that no matter what Li Dingshan did, one thing that must be clarified now is to convince Sun Ximin that he did not deliberately join hands with Li Dingshan.

It's not that Xia wants to be afraid of taking responsibility, but it's about credibility, because no matter how Li Dingshan does anything behind his back, and finally wants to solve the problem, he has to sit down and talk about it. But if you want to sit down and talk, you must have confidence in the other party.

can make Sun Xi's people's anger change color in public, which shows that Li Dingshan is very strong behind his back.

Sun Ximin's face slowly calmed down, but he didn't explain anything. After sitting down again, he raised his glass: "Although it's Xia Zuodong today, I'll turn to the guest once. Let's have a glass of wine together!"

Xia wanted to know that Sun Ximin was going to end the banquet, so he raised his glass and drank with everyone.


The meeting between Li Dingshan and Yan Xiao also came to an end at the end of Xia Xiang's banquet.

At the beginning, there were only Li Dingshan and Yan Xiao. The launch of the meeting was Li Dingshan's intention.

As early as Yan Province, Li Dingshan met Yan Xiao. After several contacts, Li Dingshan greatly appreciated Yan Xiao's intelligence and talent. Of course, he also guessed the relationship between Yan Xiao and Xiaxiang, and was also very gratified that Yan Xiao followed Xia Shuang, because only Xiaxiang could subdue a talented and beautiful woman like Yan Xiao.

Although Li Dingshan himself does not have too many women, he also has an understanding attitude towards the embrace of many women who throw themselves into the same man like a fire. In fact, the evil old society is not evil, and there are also many benefits that men should miss. For example, polygamy has been practiced in the Republic of China. System.

It was just called Auntie at that time.

It was also Li Dingshan's invitation to come to Lu City.

On a painful and confused night, after a lot of deliberation, Li Dingshan decided to change the previous practice of doing things openly and openly, and to do it secretly to force Sun Ximin to make concessions in the incident of the Dacai Group. But he still needs someone to sort out and solve a small problem for him. After thinking about it, he thought of Yan Xiao.

The reason why Yan Xiao was invited to come forward was that Li Dingshan thought he didn't know much about women. He wanted to seize Gong Xiaojing's clues and keep checking to see if he could find anything. But it was inconvenient for him to come forward, and there was no trustworthy person around him, so he thought of Yan Xiao, who was smart and witty.

However, Yan Xiao asked Yan to come forward, and he was afraid that Xia would not agree with his approach, so he asked Yan Xiao if he would help him.

Yan Xiao knew the relationship between Li Dingshan and Xia Xiang, and also respected Li Dingshan's person. As soon as Li Dingshan opened her mouth, she did not hesitate to agree.

Li Dingshan was overjoyed. At the same time, in return for Yan Xiao's help, he handed over a government project of the provincial government to Yan Xiao. Although the project is not big, with a budget of less than 10 million yuan, it can also earn one or two million yuan if it is properly operated.

Yan Xiao also made it clear that helping Li Dingshan is equivalent to helping Xia Xiang. Thinking that she not only did not help Xia Xiang in Hunan Province, but also caused a lot of chaos, she was determined to secretly help Xia think once - it was also the fundamental starting point of her readily agreeing to Li Dingshan.

However, she always felt a little uneasy without thinking about Xia. Fortunately, Li Dingshan was not an outsider, so she happily went to the banquet.

Li Dingshan asked Yan Xiao to come forward, hoping that Yan Xiao could help him with three things.

First, the decoration project of the provincial party committee's guest house is handed over to strict hours - it is also the first part of Li Dingshan's plan - Qi provincial party committee and provincial government guest house is combined into one. Because of the long-term disrepair, it is necessary to re-fully re-renovate. The provincial party committee Li Dingshan is specifically responsible for this matter.

This matter also shows that Sun Ximin is on the positive side of people and does not use power for personal gain in the project.

Second, in the process of decorating the hostel, Li Dingshan will take the opportunity to propose that all the staff of the hostel be retrained. From the manager to the waiter, they will not let go of any of them. They must pass the training before they can return to their original positions. If you don't cooperate, you will either be transferred or laid off.

The intention of this move is to adjust the personnel of the hostel from top to bottom, so that Yan Xiao can have enough reasons to secretly find out the details of everyone, because Li Dingshan suspects that most of the people in the hostel, except Gong Xiaojing, are inextricably linked to He Jianghai.

Qiu Renli will not notice the problem of the hostel. Xia thought it was negligent, so it was up to him to buy it.

Third, in the process of decorating and reorganizing the hostel, let Yan Xiaoxiao pay special attention to Gong Xiaojing. If possible, try to get close to Gong Xiaojing quietly, because Gong Xiaojing is from Yan Province, and Yan Xiaoxiao is also from Yan Province, which has a natural approach. In addition, Yan Xiao has extraordinary communication skills. I believe that Gong Xiaojing must be unable to escape the palm of her hand.

It is said that there are three things, but in fact, there is only one thing, that is, Yan Xiaoshi wants to help Li Dingshan start with Gong Xiaojing and find out the master behind it - of course, Li Dingshan did not explicitly say what Gong Xiaojing did, but with Yan Xiaoxiao's cleverness, how can he not guess?

Yan Shi only hesitated for a moment and then agreed.

First of all, you can make a profit from it - although there is not much money, it is also a business - the most important thing is to take the opportunity to stay in Lu City and want to be with Xia. Second, helping Li Dingshan is also equivalent to indirectly helping Xia Xiang, which is conducive to opening up the situation from the side. Naturally, she readily agreed.

Li Dingshan was very happy. He sat down again with Yan Xiao and talked about his family. Seeing that it was getting late, he was ready to end the meal. Unexpectedly, the accident happened...

met Qin Kan and Wang Zhifu unexpectedly.

Qin Kan and Wang Zhifu also ate in the same restaurant. The two got together for the problem of how to implement the Dacai Group project. Unexpectedly, they happened to meet Li Dingshan, and the three of them sat down again and continued to talk.

It was inconvenient to be present when Yan was a child, so he left.

After the conversation, it was known that Qin Kan was encouraging the king's husband to continue to confront Sun Ximin head-on. If it had been in the past, Li Dingshan would have remained silent and neutral, but today, he was trying to secretly promote the situation. Hearing this, he was also in favor of it and pointed out the next step for the king

"My husband, the project of Dacai Group is of great significance to you, to me, and to Governor Qin. It's not a good thing to put it off now. I also want to promote the process, but when I first came to Qi Province, I was willing to do many things but not enough. Li Dingshan said slowly, "If you are not afraid to offend Governor Sun, Governor Sun has gone a little too far on the issue of Dacai Group."

"That's right." The king's husband was indignant.

"Yes." Qin Kan struck the iron while it was hot.

The three deputy governors have rarely maintained a high degree of consistency on the issues of Dacai Group.

Li Dingshan said again, "Actually, you can't try what my husband said last time."

Qin Kan was stunned: "I have discussed it with my husband, and it doesn't seem to work well. So far, I haven't come up with a good way to get the best of both worlds."

Li Dingshan smiled mysteriously: "In fact, there is a current plan in front of you, which will definitely have a good effect..."

"What is it?" Wang Zhifu and Qin Kan almost spoke in one voice.

"A ready-made example, the smoke has not dissipated yet." With a smile, Li Dingshan pointed to the direction of the provincial party committee with his hand, "Which wind was the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection blown away by?"

"Oh!" Wang Zhifu and Qin Kan suddenly realized.

... Wang Zhifu was impatient. He said he would do it. He immediately got up and went back to operate. Li Dingshan and Qin Kan were sent to the door, but they were secretly looked at.

In fact, as early as when Qin Kan and Wang Zhifu went to Li Dingshan's room, someone had already noticed the strangeness and secretly reported He Jianghai. At the instruction of He Jianghai, he continued to secretly pay attention to the development of the situation.

More than ten minutes later, on the online battlefield where the smoke has not completely dissipated, in a forum where the aftermath of the villa incident of the Salt Bureau was still there, someone once again broke the news and played the recording of the speech of Sun Ximin, the new governor of Qi Province.

"Akay, I'll give you a clear statement. As long as I'm still the governor for one day, the project of Dacai Group will not pass through my hands!"

It is reasonable that as the governor, it is nothing for Sun Ximin to say the above words, but for the majority of netizens, they only heard the governor's steady speech in the news media, and never really heard the governor of a province who lost his mind in anger - Sun Ximin's mood when he spoke at that time was indeed a little out of control , and the voice is very loud and powerful, which is the domineering style of bullying above.

The true face of a mysterious and high-level governor is displayed in front of countless netizens who like to pursue the truth. Suddenly, what is aroused by a stone is not only a thousand waves, but a huge wave!

No wonder Sun Ximin will be furious and discolored when he believes that it is Li Dingshan's first-hand operation after receiving the news, because he has seen the power of the Internet and learned the power of netizens. If it is another governor, he may not be furious because of this, but He is different. He still has political stains.

And... Dacai Group is a group in Yan Province. The stain on his body is the blame carried by Yan Province. The internal connection is bound to be made a big deal by netizens who are aware of it!

Sun Ximin guessed right. The second wave of shock wave in Qi Province came suddenly!

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