official god

Chapter 1601 The enemy's road is narrow

Xia [Book], I am Du Yingsong, from the Organization Department of the Yan Provincial Party Committee.

Du Yingsong has rarely reported himself in front of people now. At his level, he has a secretary and subordinates to take care of him when he goes out. How can he introduce himself respectfully to others?

But in the face of Xiaxiang, it is completely different. Xiaxiang is not only the deputy of the provincial party committee, but also higher than him and younger than him. The key is that Xiaxiang is the most admired person of Gu Qiushi.

Not to mention the general manager [book], I am also very appreciative of Xia.

"Minister Du" Hello. Xia naturally knew who Du Yingsong was, and he was a little surprised how Du Yingsong called in the middle of the night? After all, he is not familiar with him. At first, Xia thought that Du Yingsong was under the hint of Gao Jinzhou, so he called. "It was also Xia'an's business. Unexpectedly, Du Yingsong opened." It surprised him.

"Xia [Book], I'm sorry to bother you so late. However, there is one urgent thing that must be informed to you. Du Yingsong's attitude was very respectful. "It's also because I often talked about you after listening to Gu [books], so I don't think it's so presumptuous." Xia thought that it was not Xia's business, and hurriedly said, "Mr. Du, don't be polite. Please say anything."

The summer in Yan City is also very hot, not a little cooler than the capital. Fortunately, the advantage of the old house is that it is well ventilated. "Xia wanted to sit in the study without turning on the air conditioner" without turning on the light, and fell into deep thought.

If Du Yingsong also implicitly expressed his support for Xia'an in the end, he will definitely nominate Xia'an's statement and make Xia want to calm down, then Du Yingsong's other information will make him completely relaxed and happy after solving Xia'an's problem.

Because Du Yingsong revealed to him part of the inside story of the multinational group's siege and land in China.

It's just a part, which has already shocked him.

Fortunately, the power behind it is neither the family power nor the general [book] he admires most, or even the [general] reason, but the one who has had several conflicts with him... Yanei!

I thought that after the defeat of the government in Qi Province last time, there would be no more conflicts and contradictions with him for the time being. Unexpectedly, he pressed the gourd and got up. On the issue of Carrefour, he and the government met again on a narrow road.

Speaking of the last heavy rain in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, he only asked for part of justice. Is it possible that he will continue to fight with the swords and soldiers in the government office?

Xiaxiang is not afraid of the government, but the cooperation with Zhou Hongji is now at a critical juncture. In case the conflict with the government is caused by Zhou Hongji to leave him and turn to join hands with He Jianghai, then the good situation in Qi Province will be destroyed.

I have to say that "the next situation he is facing is very serious" and we must take the crucial next step.

There is also one point that there is no sign of reconciliation between him and the civilian series for the time being. If he fights against the first series in an all-round way, there will be almost no chance of winning in the two battles.

In fact, long before the action, "Xia thought almost guessed that most of the government is the biggest pusher behind it", but at that time, he also thought that it might not be the core figure against the series, and maybe the peripheral figure was the biggest pusher. If you don't want to, it's really the government.

So, "Is it really going to be a full martial arts practice between him and the government?

Xia thought that he had never been a person who flinched and worked recklessly in case of trouble. He sat alone until late at night. "Almost when the heat subsides and the cool breeze," his face showed a thoughtful smile... He had an idea. "He wanted to prepare a big surprise for the government, so that the government could taste the continuous Taste.

Since many things have been done, and since he is in line with the starting point of serving the country and the people, he will not regret offending senior officials and dignitaries because of the common people. "Xia Sang is Xia Sang" has his own unyielding spirit and idealistic belief. Of course, he is not reckless and stubborn. " On the calculating side.

The next day, Xia wanted to pick up Cao Shuxun, so he embarked on his return journey.

Xia wants to drive a private car with an ordinary license plate in Lu City, so as not to attract attention. It is easy to come and go, don't want to be too much trouble, and don't pay attention to the show of returning home. But sometimes they don't pay attention to showy, and there are really people who don't have eyes to bully others.

When he was about to get on the highway, Xia wanted to turn right. When driving normally, he suddenly rushed to a black car from the lane opposite the front. Because of the speed, he almost collided head-on with his car.

Xia thought that he was scared into a cold sweat. Who drove a domineering car? No matter how domineering you are, you can't rush directly to the opposite lane to reverse. It's too unruly.

After he braked sharply, before he got out of the car, the other party roared first.

"Let's get out of the way! Get the fuck out of the way, the good dog doesn't get in the way, get out of the way!" The driver poked his head out and cursed.

The quality is really poor. I don't know who I am in the last black card? Xia wanted to dial Yu Fanran's phone directly without being in the same way as the other party.

As soon as he put down the phone, the other party's driver had already got out of the car, full of alcohol. First, he raised his foot and kicked Xia's car, and then he was about to reach out to push Xia and think, "Let you get out of the way, do you hear me? Are you deaf or dumb?" The other party just got off the highway, turned left and drove into his side of the lane. He should have to go to the gas station across the road to refuel. But it is forbidden to turn left here, and the big forbidden sign is hung on it. It can only be said that the other party is either blind or knowingly committed it, thinking that no one dares to do anything to him.

Xia wants to be proud of himself now. He won't fight with others, but he won't let the other party fight. He flashed aside and asked, "What's your origin?" Report your name. If it's big enough, I will definitely make way.

As soon as the other party heard that Xia wanted to speak, it was reasonable," he said with a big tongue, "This is Ou [Shu]'s car. Go to the provincial party committee to do business, you quickly and go away. Be careful that Ou [Shu] Ji is angry, and a phone call will clean you up."

Ou [Book]? The surname Ou is relatively rare. Xia thought and asked one more, "Which Ou [book]? Maybe I've heard of it..."

Xiaxiang's sincere attitude confused the driver. The driver thought that Xia wanted to be afraid and laughed: "Wending City Zhu [Shu], have you heard of it? I'm about to be promoted to mayor.

Wending City is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Shancheng. So far, Xia Xiang has confirmed that there is no doubt that the person in the car is Ou Jiewen, who competes with Xia'an for the position of deputy mayor of Niuxing. He thought that he had just met on a narrow road with the government. He didn't

I wanted to continue to block the intersection, because his car was parked at the left-turn intersection. After thinking about it, there was no need to lower his identity and a county-level city's municipal party committee [book]. He smiled and waved his hand to get on the car and prepare to move the car.

Unexpectedly, Cao Shuxun, who has always been rarely angry, was angry, because she recognized who the other party was and said, "Why make way for him? No way!"

This is a little angry, because if you want to get on the highway, you must go on the road for the other party, unless you have a way to go, and deliberately block other people's roads. Xia Xiang's principle has always been that "I have a way to go" and generally does not block other people's way.

Cao Shuxun said, "He won't take it seriously. After starting the car, he was about to start, but he saw the other driver rushing over like crazy. He slapped the window hard on Cao Shuxun's side, staring at a pair of cow's eyes, and kept scolding uncleanly.

Xia wants to have a good temper because of self-restraint. It's okay for others to provoke him, but not Cao Shuxun. Cao Shuxun was so frightened that he immediately lost his color, his hands were in a ball, and his whole body trembled.

Xia wanted to be angry. In fact, he just wanted Xia An to take office smoothly. "Although O's Jewen provoked first," he once said wildly to Xia An, and he didn't think about ruining O's future. After all, he wanted to stay on the front line to meet.

Now, in an instant, he changed his mind. No matter who Ojewen is, not to mention Qu Lizhi's secretary, he is also his cronies in the government.

Drivers are so arrogant. As leaders, they sit still in the car and don't stop them. What? The sorghum is not right and the sorghum is crooked!

Xiaxiang got out of the car without saying a word and came to the front of Owen's car." He suddenly opened the back door and said to Owen with an indifferent face, "I'm Xiaxiang. Please tell Qu [Book], and I said that Owen is not suitable for any leadership position!"

Owen is really young. He seems to be in his 30s and should not be more than 35 years old. The 35-year-old is a top leader. For most people, he does have a proud capital, so it is inevitable that he will be a little younger. In addition, Qu Lizhi has a strong side in Yan Province. When facing a major promotion, Ojiewen met Xia'an on a narrow road. When he heard all the deeds about Xiaxiang, it seemed that Xia An, as Xiaxiang's younger brother, should have made great progress all the way in Yan Province, and he was quite unconvinced.

What if Xia wants to be the deputy of the Provincial Party Committee [book]? It's just the deputy [book] of Qi Province, and it can't control Yan Province. Besides, the county official is not as good as the current management. What's more, he has the deputy [book] of the provincial party committee of Yan Province. How can a Xia'an press him?

After hearing that Xia wanted to return to Yan City, "the future of Xia An is being operated, O'u Jiewen was anxious. He hurriedly set out to Yan City to finally determine the ownership of his throne of the deputy mayor of Niucheng. He couldn't step on it at the last moment," but he flashed.

I don't want to be unlucky. Why don't you stay with Xia's car?

Xia thought of a strong and domineering word to his face, which made Owen stand on the spot. He was so oppressed by Xia's momentum that it was difficult to breathe, and he couldn't say a word.!

A half a minute later, Owen recovered and was furious. Yes, his driver was a little arrogant, but why did Xia want to teach him a lesson? Xiaxiang can't take care of the affairs of Yan Province even if it is the Qi Provincial Party Committee. Why does he speak more bullish than Gao Jin Zhou? He wants to cut off his future in a word, and he really thinks that he is the general [book]?

Ou Jiewen jumped out of the car, and his breath surged up." Coupled with the energy of wine, he said a little: "Xia [Shu], it's true that you are the deputy of the Provincial Party Committee, but you can't take care of the affairs of Yan Province? You said you wouldn't let me do it. I'm sorry, you said... It's useless!"

"If you want [book], the words you remember represent my words. Do you think it's useless for me to say it?"

As soon as Ou Jiewen finished speaking, a voice that made him open his mouth suddenly sounded behind him!