official god

Chapter 1605 Summer Dream

Xu Guanhua has been proud of the spring breeze recently.

Spring breeze is not promotion or wealth, but love.

Love is naturally Cong Fenger, who makes Xu Guanhua extremely addicted.

On the one hand, Cong Fenger is beautiful. On the other hand, she has experienced complex experiences, is very open to the world, and understands the worldly wisdom. In her eyes, although Xu Guanhua is a general, in fact, in terms of feelings, she is no different from a big boy who is in love.

On the battlefield of emotions, Cong Fenger is a general, and Xu Guanhua is just a hairy soldier.

Even if Lao Gu was fascinated by Cong Fenger because of Xu Guanhua, he couldn't laugh or cry. Fortunately, it was the woman Xia wanted to introduce, otherwise Lao Gu would wake up Xu Guanhua no matter what he said, so that he would not be destroyed in the hands of the woman.

However, after Lao Gu saw Cong Feng'er, in addition to sighing about Xia's good means, he was also gratified by Xu Guanhua. Xu Guanhua had Cong Feng'er, which was also his blessing.

Although Cong Fenger is very shrewd - the strong side of Yixia flashed again, which made Lao Gu calmly accept Cong Fenger's human feelings and practice - but she is still virtuous, and her words and manners are very decent. The most satisfying thing for Lao Gu is that she not only protects Xu Guanhua everywhere. I'm really good to Xu Guanhua, and I'm also good at financial management.

Xu Guanhua has an internal help in the business world, which is the best combination. With the consent of the chief, Xu Guanhua felt even happier. He almost couldn't wait to propose to Cong Fenger and put the wedding date on the agenda. Cong Fenger also wanted to agree, but when he nodded, something happened.

Xiao Jia's business has encountered the biggest crisis in more than a decade!

At this critical moment, where is Cong Feng'er still in the mood to get married? She is now closer to Xiao Jia than her own sister for several years. The friendship between her and Xiao Jia is generally incomprehensible to outsiders, but she is clear in her heart that she will not allow anyone to hurt Xiao Jia in her life.

Because Xiao Jia is not only kind, but also like her sisters. In her most difficult period, she gave her meticulous care. She can have wealth and s decentness today, thanks to Xiao Jia.

While rejecting Xu Guanhua, Cong Fenger also told him the reason, because she knew very well that it was time for Xu Guanhua to take action.

Xu Guanhua only knew that Xiao Jia was the most respected sister of Cong Feng'er, and he also knew that everything that Cong Fenger was given by Xiao Jia. Although he had never seen Xiao Jia, he had an extremely good impression of Xiao Jia.

Xiao Jia's business is that Cong Feng'er's business moves Xiao Jia, which is equivalent to moving Cong Feng'er. And moving Cong Fenger is equivalent to touching his heart!

Therefore, when Xia's telegrams came in time, there was no need for Xia to do pre-war mobilization, and there was no need to explain more. The blood of the same hatred for the enemy had already boiled in Xu Guanhua's heart.

"Xia Shuji, I'll do whatever you want!" Xu Guanhua made a solemn promise.

Xiaxiang was not polite to Xu Guanhua, but his tone was still relaxed. Even if the war was about to begin, he didn't have to look bitterly. Xia thought's philosophy was to be well prepared. He was not afraid of difficulties with a smiling face. He bravely went forward and only said a word to Xu Guanhua: "Guanhua He and Mr. Chen will go to Jingcheng. You can come forward to receive him. The specific matters will be handled by them.

Xu Guanhua's identity is special, and he is not allowed to show his face. All he needs is to sit in town to prevent anyone from thinking that he can secretly use some disgraceful means. There is a young general in the army who is behind the scenes. Those who want to do something will think about the serious consequences of breaking their hands and feet in advance.

Playing arrogantly, Xu Guanhua is not as good as Yang Wei. In terms of yin and tricks, Xu Guanhua is not as good as Chen. Yang Wei and Chen came forward and secretly responded, and then Xiao Jia and Cong Fenger faced the enemy head-on. I believe that as long as the government does not mess up, it is not easy to annex Xiao Jia's industry within the rules.

At the same time, Xiaxiang also prepared a bigger backhand, Yuan Mingliang.

When it comes to Yuan Mingliang, we have to mention the progress of Yuan Mingliang's chemical factory in Jiaoliao City.

Everything went smoothly, and Yuan Mingming's accident came out smoothly, which made Yuan Mingliang extremely admire the charm and thoughtfulness of Xiaxiang Xia Dashu. It was also because Oh, Chen and he accompanied him to Jiaoliao. Under the care of Chen, all kinds of troubles and difficulties of Jiaoliao local forces were solved invisibly.

On business tricks and calculations, perhaps Chen is not as good as Yuan Mingliang. But in terms of both black and white, Yuan Mingliang is far from Chen.

Yuan Mingliang was a little contemptive at the beginning. Chen felt that compared with him, Chen was far from his financial resources and business talents. However, the experience of Jiaoliao made him understand that if he only does the operation of financial capital, as long as he is an entity, he must deal with the local government and the evil forces. At this time, oh, Chen's appearance must be invincible.

From now on, Yuan Mingliang will make friends with Chen, and get along with Chen very happily.

After the bright chemical factory was put into operation, before the official start of construction, it made a major event that shocked Qi Province. First, it signed a supply contract for industrial salt with Yan Province!

You should know that Qi Province is a major salt-producing province, but Yuan Mingliang is willing to seek the near future. Moreover, the industrial salt price in Yan Province is not lower than that in Qi Province, and the political significance contained in it is intriguing.

is indeed full of political significance. It is precisely because of Yuanliang's counting and Wu Ruotian's intervention that the salt factories along the coast of Yan Province and countless small and medium-sized salt factories on the verge of bankruptcy have regained their vitality.

Coupled with the anti-corruption storm of the salt system linked by Yan and Qi provinces, the Yan Provincial Salt Bureau no longer allocates "private salt" from other provinces. Instead, it was transferred from the province, and as a result, thousands of workers benefited from it. The salt-making workers who once struggled below the poverty line with only part of their living expenses, finally had the hope of having enough to eat after the corruption of the salt system.

The face full of vicissitudes of wind, frost and salt showed a long-lost smile.

The lowest-level workers, their wishes are the most simple and original. As long as they have work to do and food to eat, they will be satisfied. Unfortunately, the leaders sitting in the building under the cow's buttocks for a meal, their eyes are not up and down, and they will never see their suffering.

The salt workers who restarted the work were gratified and happy, but what they didn't know was that they should thank a person they had never met or even knew his name - Xiaxiang!

If it hadn't been for Xia Xiang's strong push behind the scenes, they might have been looking at the sea and sighing.

But for Xia Xiang, saving the lives of thousands of workers is not his ultimate goal. He wants more, because from the beginning, he wants to seek due benefits or justice for more Baiyi's surnames within his ability!

... At the behest of Xia Xiang, Wu Ruotian's salt factory began to produce a large amount of salt without iodine and no additives, advocating ecological salt, natural salt, and natural salt. The slogan of Xuan's biography is to eat health, starting with every salt grain.

The salt system of Yan Province has been from the director of the bureau to the middle level. There are countless corrupt officials. In addition, Wu Ruotian's own back is strong, and there is a strict and careful operation. There is even no need for Gao Jinzhou to come forward to say hello. Wu Ruotian's ecologically healthy salt passed the approval After the order, it became a specialty salt sold to the market.

Let the concept of health be implemented from Yan Province first. In the future, we will slowly cooperate with the publicity of the media, and then spend money to hire some specialized professors to write articles in newspapers and magazines to publicize the benefits of salt without any additives. I believe that it will have a long-term and gratifying impact on the health without hundreds of surnames.

If that's the case, Xiaxiang should also laugh with relief that his painstaking efforts were not in vain, and he did not offend the high officials in vain.

Perhaps his pursuit is a higher economic growth rate than his pursuit. Compared with the construction of civil engineering for political achievements, compared with being greedy to ensure the happiness of three generations of his descendants, and flying to a happy country at any time..., and so on, the officials are not grand enough and not dazzling enough, but what he has to do is to really serve The concept is put to reality.

It doesn't matter whether Bai's surname knows his efforts, and it doesn't matter whether Gao's officials like him or not. The important thing is that he doesn't talk empty-heartedly or falsely. He never gives up just for a belief.

Dreams may be far away, and beliefs may be difficult, but all the way to this day, although he is branded with the family power, what will never be extinguished is the feelings of the common people - the real feelings for the people.

Xiaxiang's longest and greatest dream is that the people are rich and the country is strong.

In a country, only when the surname Baiyi is really rich can it stand righteously in the forest of the people of the world.

Although Yuan Mingliang can't be said to have been subdued by him, if he needs it, he will borrow Yuan Mingliang's tricks and calculations on business. I believe that Yuan Mingliang will not refuse and will go there happily.

Xia wants to fully believe that if Xu Guanhua is behind, Xiao Jia is frontal, Yang Wei and Chen can't resist the attack in the government. If Yuan Mingliang comes forward again, he will definitely win.

I hope it won't wait for the moment when Yuan Mingliang will take action.

Carefully set a trap for the government's capital city, and Xia wanted to take his mind back to Qi Province.

Because compared with the confrontation of Jingcheng, Qi Province is the real main battlefield. Not only is the final battle with He Jiang and Hai, but also the government will come to Qi Province again. Whether the government is pretending to invest or really want to continue the big plan of industrial real estate, there is reason to believe that Qi Province will be the final liquidation between him The land.

Whether the new hatred and the old hatred are written off or double repayment, please let it go. He is ready.

The next day, as soon as he went to work, Xia wanted to participate in the Shu Shiji office meeting to discuss the second revision of the group's weaving department on personnel adjustment.

After fully understanding the intention of the guide, Liao Deyi's second revised draft basically reflects the fundamental intention of Qiu Renli and Xiaxiang. In addition to some of Sun Ximin's nominations, He Jiangyi and Hai's interests basically did not take much care of.

One of the key points is the next step of the executive deputy book of the Provincial Discipline Commission...

Before the discussion began, Qiu Renli received a telegram from the Ministry of the Zhongshi Group. Regarding Wang Zhifu's handling opinions, Zhongshiyang officially replied, and the result... was unexpected to everyone.

The exit of the final handling of Wang Zhifu's opinion also indirectly shows that there is a difference in Zhongyang's treatment of Qi Province.