official god

Chapter 1617 Feixia wants not to cooperate

The government tried to open his small eyes and looked around the crowd. Seeing that there was no one he wanted to see in the crowd, he asked in a weak voice, "During my coma, did Xia want to visit me?" Xia thought Xia Da [book] was so innocent. If the first sentence after He Jianghai woke up, he asked him. No, I have something to say to him, and it's reasonable. So after waking up in the government office, the first sentence is to ask him if he has visited him, which really makes people laugh and cry.

The immortal government is not simple, and there are also humorous cells. No one asks. He just asked Xia if he came to visit him. The implication is actually to say that Xia thought still has the face to dare to see him!

Until this moment, the government thought that the whole incident was written by Xiaxiang!

Although Zhou Hongji had told him before his second car accident that the incident was not done by Xia, he did not fully believe it. At the moment of the slag car accident, the last thought before the government's coma was that Xia wanted to be crazy? He and Xia think that he has neither the hatred of killing his father nor the hatred of taking his wife. Why does Xia think he has to kill him? He is dead. What can Xia think be good? It seems that although there are several conflicts between him and Xia Xiang, there is no deep hatred.

So as soon as he woke up and opened his eyes, regardless of the pain all over his body, he still wanted to ask Xia Nu face to face. He didn't understand why Xia wanted to destroy him. He couldn't close his eyes.

The wish in the government is very good, but the possibility of realization is not high, because after he wakes up, he still has a lot of things to do. Obviously, he doesn't have time to meet Xia first.

Besides, even if he wants to, Xiaxiang will not appear in his ward first, which is neither in line with the nor the identity of both sides.

In the same way, Xiaxiang will not be the first to appear in He Jianghai's ward. Although He Jianghai has repeatedly requested that he has important things to entrust Xiaxiang, and he only said to Xiaxiang, but out of all aspects of consideration, "Xiaxiang will not and cannot be the first person to meet He Jianghai.

Because of different positions, Xia wants to avoid suspicion, and before the provincial party committee nod, any leader of the provincial party committee will meet with He Jianghai.

The first person to appear in the ward of the government is Zhou Hongji.

Sun Ximin should have come with him, but Sun Ximin flew to the capital that night. So as soon as the news of the awakening in the government came out, Zhou Hongji immediately threw his hand to work and rushed to the hospital.

On the way, he also figured it out with Xia Xiang. Zhou Hongji also knew that Xia Xiang has been in a very good state recently, because of the conflict between the government and He Jianghai, the biggest beneficiary is Xia Xiang. Now Xia Xiang, in addition to sitting and enjoying his success, is really relaxed. It's good not to show the posture of watching

But Zhou Hongji can't afford to hate Xiaxiang, and he only envy Xiaxiang and has a trace of gratitude, because even if Xia wants to completely withdraw now and ignore the affairs of the government and He Jianghai, no one is qualified to blame him. After all, Xia wants to save the life of the government in time.

"Xia [Book]" I'm going to meet the government now. Do you want me to tell you something?" Zhou Hongji always stubbornly called Zong Gao the government office. He did not call him Mr. Gao like others, and did not call his name directly. "Thank you, I won't say more." I will explain the cause and effect of the matter to the government office in detail." Xia thought that he was having dinner leisurely with Yan Xiao at this time. He reached out Let Yan Xiao talk more, and then laugh: "I'll send a huā basket tomorrow. I wish Mr. Gao a speedy recovery."

Zhou Hongji understood the meaning of Xiaxiang and did not want to make contributions. In his heart, he had a more understanding of Xiaxiang's person, so he sighed and said, "Xia [Book], you are a trustworthy friend." Let go of Hongji's phone next week." Xia wants to shake his head Saying that I am a trustworthy friend is indeed his true words. "If he knew that the capital is now in full swing against the industry in the government, and there is an economic war of sniping and encirclement, he will probably take back his words."

When she was a child, she smiled brightly and brilliance. It was also true that Xia thought that she had rarely had free time recently. She spent more time with her more than the past ten years. As a woman, what she wanted was nothing more than her beloved to accompany her, and she was naturally radiant.

"You can't say that. It's the best side of your conduct to save his life and walk out of morality. And sniping at his industry is just a normal business behavior, which has nothing to do with conduct. Besides, he took action first, and you are in self-defense." Yan Xiao didn't want to talk to Xia, and she was not Yan Xiao.

In a medium and high-end restaurant in Lufeng, Xiaxiang and Yan Xiao sat in a private room and enjoyed the rare tranquility. It is said that since Xiaxiang was promoted to the sub-provincial level, there is little free time to eat at ease, let alone the pleasant moments in front of him.

is also an important reason why Wei Xin has never had a chance to return to him since Langshi accompanied him for a period of time.

It's not that he really wants to neglect the woman around him. In fact, as a man, no matter how high the position is, he still wants to have dinner with his beloved woman or enjoy a warm moment. What's more, he is only a stone-year-old now. As the saying goes, thirty men are a huā, which is

Perhaps because he often spent two days with Yan Xiao, Xia always thought of Wei Xin and Fu Xiangui... and Gu Yu.

Wei Xin is fine. With Song Yifan in the capital, his career is on the rise. It is estimated that he misses him much less. On the one hand, he is accompanied by Song Yifan, and on the other hand, he is also devoted to his career.

Fu Xian was innate. He invested in a few businesses in Hunan Province. After getting on the right track, he returned to the capital. I heard that he went abroad for a few days ago and met Lian Ruohan abroad? Xia thought that he didn't ask much about the specific details.

I just know that Fu Xian has been in the capital recently, because Mr. Fu is sick again. It's an old problem, almost every year, but it seems to be more serious this year, and it is likely to be a big level.

Among the four old men, the most unfathomable is Mr. Wu's car, the most implicit is Mr. Mei, the most ordinary is Mr. Qiu, and the most powerful and aggressive is Mr. Fu. Among the four, Mr. Fu's health is the worst, which is also in line with their respective personalities. The so-called personality is .

The aggressive personality is easy to hurt the liver because the heart is too exposed and the energy is leaked. When people are old, they start with cold feet. The liver fire is not strong, the cold air enters the body **, and the body's resistance is getting worse and worse. Just like those who like to breathe with a big mouth when sleeping, it is also easy to vent the essence, easy to catch a cold at night and catch a cold, and at the same time, it may also affect your health.

The four old men are still the pillars of the four families to this day. Although the four families have amazing influence in the two major fields of politics and economy, because of the second generation of seniority and age, few people have entered the game. Among the four families, only Wu Caiyang of the Wu family and Fu Boju of the Fu family are members of the Political

Of course, with the strength of the four families, it still has enough influence to influence the current situation in the political bureau, but the influence is basically dependent on several old men. In case any old man withdraws from the family before helping them into the political bureau, which family Absolutely a fatal blow.

The Fu family likes speculation politically, often aggressively, and has made rapid progress all the way. It is also a miracle that they have always been invincible. Especially in recent years, the rising power has not decreased, and there is a tendency to go hand in hand with the Mei family, and it is almost the second family of the four families. It's But when the manpower is exhausted, you can calculate others, but you can't calculate the sky. If Mr. Fu can't stand the current barrier, the Fu family may pay for the vanguard and go down stubbornly.

In fact, on the surface, the Fu family is more powerful than the Qiu Mei family, but in fact, it is not. Compared with the Qiu Mei family, the Fu family is the least successor, because the Qiu family has the possibility of Qiu Renli to enter the game at any time, and Qiu Xufeng is the best of the three generations. The layout is very At the top of the peak.

And the Mei family is also Mei Shengping on the top and Mei Xiaolin on the bottom, showing a trend of continuity. But the Fu family is about to retire after the change of the term of the Fu family. Among the three generations, Fu Xianfeng is the only one. Although the governor of Fu Xianfeng is sitting now, the next step of the provincial party committee [book] seems to be only a matter of time. Coupled with Fu Xianfeng's age advantage, it seems that entering the game in the future is just a matter of course.

It's not the tip.

Thanks to Bai Xia, there were Fu Xian's decision-making mistakes in those years. A flood in the past directly washed away the official hat of Fu Xian's deputy provincial mayor, which not only allowed him to be idle at home for two years, but also left him with an indelible political stain in politics.

Unless Fu Xianfeng makes dazzling political achievements in the future of the provincial party committee, or makes another strange move, it will be difficult for him to enter the game. His political stain will certainly become the biggest stumbling block to his entry, and will also become the word of political opponents attacking him.

Then again, when Fu Xianfeng enters the game, it is a new period for Guan Yuan to be the general [book]. I'm afraid there will be another scene at that time. Therefore, maybe Fu Xianfeng has another chance to be known. In this way, it is really difficult for Fu Xian to be the girl. If she can take good care of Mr. Fu and let Mr. Fu get through the difficulties and live for a few more years, it will also be a great blessing for the Fu family.

Xia's thoughts fell on Gu Yu again.

Gu Yu had a lot of fun in Qi Province some time ago. After going back, I heard that he accompanied Lao Gu to Taoism again. In fact, the ancient understanding is not the way of heaven, but the way of humanity.

Xia's idea is that Lao Gu is in good health, and he will live for another 20 to 30 years. Gu Yu is happy and happy. If there is no one to worry about, everything will be happy. And the four old men of the four families had better live for a few more years. Fortunately, after Guan Yuanqu took office, it was mostly for the domestic situation and a period of time. In the evening, Xia wanted to accompany Yan for another hour. Cao Shuxun said that she wanted to live in the capital for a period of time. Xia Dong pestered her. She could only take care of the children first, regardless of the eldest child.

It also made Yan's little great convenience, and also made Xia want to accompany her as never before, which made her happy.

The next afternoon, the news came from the hospital, and He Jianghai proposed to see Xiaxiang again. It was very urgent! At the same time as He Jianghai's proposal, Yanai also asked Zhou Hongji to send a message, hoping to meet Xia immediately!