official god

Chapter 1630 It's really like this

The car is driving smoothly on the highway. Except for the sound of tire friction and vibration transmitted to the car, the wind outside can hardly be heard, which shows that the sound insulation effect is good.

The more high-end the car, the better the sound insulation, but at the same time, for people with motion sickness, the more torture.

Generally, people who are carsick do not get dizzy with tractors" is because the tractor is bumpy enough and windy enough.

The atmosphere in the car is a little dull for a while.

In fact, Gu Qiushi did not have a serious expression, but a little indifferent. He was silent for a while, and then said, "There are no opinions on the issue of He Jianghai, but there are different opinions on who will take over the Lu Municipal Party Committee."

As soon as he said this, Xia wanted to take a deep breath in the dark. He was really worried that he also wanted to continue to hold He Jianghai accountable. It was not that he was really single-minded to protect He Jianghai, but that he knew a vulgar but real truth.

He Jianghai has been on tiptoe in Qi Province for many years, not without historical reasons. Now that Ran Jianghai retreated to the end, Yuan Xuqiang also retreated early. In addition, the current provincial party committee [Shu] and the governor are not from Qi Province. [Zhong] The central government's intention to Qi Province is clear at a glance, which is to break the strange phenomenon of Qi people governing Qi.

The reason why Xiaxiang decided to ensure that He Jianghai retreated safely is not that he really wants to cooperate with the common people." It is not that he is kind-hearted, but that he knows everything well and can't be done overnight. Otherwise, he may receive the opposite effect.

Because in Qi Province in the last world, the strange circle of Qi people have not been broken. Today's Qi Province and another Qi Province in time and space have made great progress. At this time, it is appropriate to slow down, rather than continue to make rapid progress.

Things must be reversed. After He Jianghai and Yuan Xuqiang, the two leading figures of Qi Province, retreated one after another, the Qi people's gang had no leader, and their strength would slowly be greatly reduced, and then the method of boiling frogs with warm water was slowly resolved, and finally they could achieve the desired goal.

And if it's not enough to let He Jianghai step down, it's still necessary to settle the accounts and liquidate after autumn. Xia is very worried that the huge middle-level local forces in Qi Province will resist beyond patience.

Don't think that there is no resistance under the new situation, it still happens! It's just that it's different. There won't be a negative strike or a violation. You just need to unite and create a few small group events, which will definitely make you unable to eat. You can't find out who is behind the scenes, because you will fall into the ocean of people's wars.

In Qi Province, where the concept of hometown is very strong, if you don't use the local cadres in Qi Province well, not to mention that the work is unsustainable, there will even all kinds of unexpected accidents, which will make you tied up and let you have nothing to do. "Let's not say that you have political achievements, it's really good

Xia thought that he did not disclose his deep-seated ideas to anyone. He also knew that the reason why he agreed with the He Jianghai incident was based on the same consideration.

But the general [book] does not agree with Li Dingshan to take over the Lu Municipal Party Committee [book], so I don't know what kind of consideration to consider. "But the starting point of the general [book] is not important." The important thing is that Li Dingshan's political literacy does not enter the eyes of the general [book].

Perhaps it was also because Li Dingshan was too radical or aggressive when he first entered Qi Province, which indirectly triggered a salt war. In the eyes of the high-level officials at the general [book] level, Li Dingshan was not mature and steady enough, and also lacked the city government that deputy provincial cadres should have.

Lu City is the provincial capital, and its location is very critical. The position of Lu Municipal Party Committee [Book] is much more important than Li Dingshan's current deputy governor in charge of several stalls. One is the leader who presides over the overall work. The other is the deputy who ranks at the bottom of the Standing Committee. The difference between the two is not only the top few, but also has a considerable difference.

In fact, when He Jianghai proposed Li Dingshan to serve as the Lu Municipal Party Committee [Book], Xia thought that he did not say anything on the surface, but he was afraid that it would be difficult for Li Dingshan's nomination to pass the appointment. Let's not mention the opinions of the Central Organization Department first, and not to mention whether Wu Cai .

Although Li Dingshan could come to Qi Province as the deputy governor, it was originally the instruction of the general [book].

It's really true that I didn't think so!

It should be said that others have not really entered Beijing. I remember that Li Dingshan's intention to become the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Lu City has been conveyed to my ears. It can be seen that I am dissatisfied with Li Dingshan's behavior.

Xia wanted to ponder for a moment: "I'm going to meet Minister Wu in the evening."

As the head of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he has a great say in the issue of the nomination of deputy provincial cadres. The minister of the Ministry of officials is not a false name. Although the provincial level should listen to the instruction of the superiors, the Central Organization Department may not be able to decide who will, but who will

That is to say, Wu Caiyang made a decision. "It is said that Li Dingshan does not meet the conditions for promotion to the Lu Municipal Party Committee [book]." Generally speaking, Li Dingshan's nomination will be directly excluded, and even the general [book] is not easy to refute Wu Caiyang's opinion.

Just kidding, a dignified head of the Central Organization Department doesn't even have the right to veto the nomination of a deputy provincial cadre?

Gu Qiushi nodded, because Xia didn't ask the reason and did not unconditionally protect Li Dingshan. He directly made it clear that he wanted to stop Li Dingshan's nomination from the root. He did have the excellent quality of being decisive, and initially * prepared the potential of a politician.

Gu Qiu took a picture of Xiaxiang's shoulder: "People can't represent politics. Many things should start from the overall situation. Comrade Dingshan is still suitable to serve as a deputy "..."

Gu Qiushi still didn't say who he wanted to nominate as the Lu Municipal Party Committee [Shu]. He didn't say it. Xia thought he didn't ask and asked. He was not only reckless, but also seemed rude and suspicious.

"That's right..." Gu Qiushi smiled again, which was equivalent to ending the previous heavy topic. "Zong [book] I appreciate the Song Dynasty very much."

The atmosphere just now was a little heavy. Xia thought not only did not feel depressed, but also very relaxed, because when Gu Qiushi proposed to reject Li Dingshan's nomination, he solemnly said to him with a solemn and cautious attitude, and the meaning behind it was "respect and attention to him. If he puts it forward easily and casually, he doesn't care about the performance of his emotions. It also shows that he doesn't want to have any pimples in his heart.

General [book] appreciation of the Song Dynasty shows two meanings. First, the general [book] supports the entry of the Song Dynasty, and second, in the work arrangement after the Song Dynasty enters the game, the general [book] will be appropriately tilted.

With the personality and ability of the Song Dynasty, after more contact, I have the meaning of appreciating him" is completely in the expectation of Xiaxiang. At the same time, it also shows that the general [book] remembers to know people by their ability, and it is also Xia Xiang's old friend. "Song Dynasty, Li Dingshan" is right, not people.

Gu Qiushi has been sending Xia to think of the Wu family's compound. He also knew that Xia Xiang came to the capital to visit Mr. Fu. He didn't say much about this matter, but after mentioning Li Dingshan's problem, he specially emphasized: "It's better to be more stable in Qi Province." The provincial party committee is about The Jianghai incident is a big deal. The team in Qi Province is now very perfect, and the center will not move.

A sentence suddenly reminded Xia of another possibility, that is, to oppose the deep meaning of the He Jianghai incident, not just to vent personal anger, but for greater plots, for example... If there is a fire in all parts of Qi Province, you can take the opportunity to propose to be transferred from Ye Renli, so as to fully control Qi Province!

Good plan!

Xia wanted to wave goodbye to Gu Qiushi, and clearly outlined the next step in her heart. She couldn't help sneering. She couldn't think of any strength, so she used other people's hands to achieve political purposes. "It's the most ideal way to kill people with a knife in every politician's mind, but unfortunately, it It's really wrong to calculate the wrong person.

Xia wants to come to Beijing one day in advance, because he has to do three things before visiting Mr. Fu.

One is to meet Mr. Fu and Wu Caiyang to talk about the situation in Qi Province and the next step of Li Dingshan. Basically, on the way that Gu Qiushi sent him here, Li Dingshan's fate was finalized.

That is to say, the first thing of Xiaxiang has been completed.

It's noon. The Wu family's courtyard is far away from the hustle and bustle. Although the sun is very strong, being in the quiet shade still makes people feel cool.

It's rare. It's really rare. Xia's mood suddenly regained peace. There is no longer a trace of resentment against the careful calculation of the first series. As the saying goes, "Don't be afraid of thieves, just be afraid of thieves. Now that he knows that someone is going to steal something from him, he just needs to keep an easy look at the corresponding pockets.

It's not the old man who came out to greet him, let alone Wu Caiyang, or even if Ruohan is abroad, it is impossible for him to come back, but a small person.

Lian Xia.

Lian Xia was as tall as Xia Dong at the beginning, but now she loses to Xia Dong in height. Xia Dong is now slightly fat and strong, while Lian Xia is thin and polite, and the two children show a diametrically opposite development trend.

Strangely, Xia Dong's mother, Cao Shuxun, is a little shorter than Lian Ruohan, but Lian Xia is not as long as Xia Dong. It can be seen that the genetic problem is indeed very complicated and cannot be generalized.

Lian Xia ran so fast that she threw herself into Xia's arms and shouted, "Dad!"

The difference between Xia Dong and Xia when he saw Xiaxiang is that perhaps because Lian Ruohan went abroad, Lian Xia's dependence on Xiaxiang has deepened. "Xiaxiang and Xiaxiang also have a deep father-son relationship, no less than the relationship between Xiaxiang and Xia Dong.

It is said that Nizi and his mother are close, but the experience in Xiaxiang is that both sons are very close to him" also comforted him. At the same time, it is inevitable to be complacent in front of Cao Shuxun and Lian Ruohan.

Lian Xia seemed to have grown taller again, but she seemed to have lost a little weight and hugged her son. Xia wanted to step in hand in hand with Lian Xia. As soon as she looked up, she saw Wu Caiyang standing on the steps with an indifferent smile.

Seeing the affection and kindness on Wu Caiyang's face, for a moment, Xia wanted to think of all kinds of things in the past and couldn't help sighing!

Seeing that Wu Changyang took a step forward, he went down the steps and let the head of the Central Organization Department to welcome him. Xia wanted to know that he really stepped into the core of the Wu family.