official god

Chapter 1658 Accidental Game

Lu City has entered the end of summer. Junxia wanted to sit by a rippling lake, sit in a wooden pavilion, enjoy the rare cool wind, and chat with several people around her.

Lake" is an unnamed lake. People are old acquaintances.

In a trance, it seems to return to the past's magnificent years. The graceful Wang Qiangwei in front of her, calm and moderate Chen, and Yang Wei, who is more mature and thoughtful, always reminds Xia of the burning years in Lang City, and the news that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection officially intervened in He Jianghai's case Why did it remind him of a heavy rain in Qin and Tang dynasties? Not only because it was also the end of summer, but also because the deputy [book] was personally dispatched was still surnamed Cui. Although the former deputy Cui's deputy [book] was already ancient, this deputy Cui's [book] came to Lu City, and the people of Cui were much more cautious than Cui Xiangzhen. They just came in the name of investigating Pan Bao The case still made Xia want to feel the atmosphere of ups and downs. Are you finally going to fight again?

After taking office in Qi Province, Xia wanted to change his bold thinking in Hunan Province and use He Feng Siyu to promote his governance concept. Therefore, at the beginning, he would rather join hands with Zhou Hongji of the hostile camp, in order to force He Jianghai to retreat.

As a result, the goal was achieved in the confrontation with He Jianghai, but Zhou Hongji quickly got out of control before he rose, and he was going to provoke a storm again?

Today, we gathered Wang Qiangwei to sit together with Chen and Yang Wei to set the tone for the final after-care work of Zhao Mudan's problem. At the same time, it is also to welcome Liu Yilin to take office in Lu City. Yes, in the small pavilion, in addition to Chen, Yang Wei and Wang Qiangwei, there are also two eye-catching beautiful women sitting, Wen Zixuan and Liu Yilin.

That is to say, in today's meeting, three men and three women are also in line with the balanced way of yin and yang.

Of course, it's just an unintentional coincidence. It's not Xia's intentional arrangement.

Besides, don't say that he is nothing more than thinking about the three women here. Even Chen and Yang Wei will not have any ideas about Wang Qiangwei, Wen Zixuan and Liu Yilin.

It's not to say that the three people are not beautiful. Needless to say, the Langshi Yizhihuā in those years was full of Jinghua. Today, it is still charming, and the demeanor of mature women is extraordinary.

And Wen Zixuan is also a rare beauty in officialdom. Under the well-dressed and dignified, there is a charming taste that combines a touching official and femininity, which is a fatal gravity that cannot be compared with all uniforms.

However, after all, under the double pressure of Wen Zixuan's beauty and status, most people will be filthy and dare not imagine.

And Liu Yilin is not the most beautiful of the three, but she is the most elegant and dignified person. She wore a professional dress, her long hair, and her hands were flat. She sat at Xiaxiang's lower head with a smile on her face, and sat face to face with several people in an equal and eye-to-sighted posture.

In fact, Liu Yilin has not officially taken office yet. She came to Lu City in advance in order to stand in front of her. What she didn't expect was that Xia wanted to be enthusiastic, but she did not arrange a separate meeting. Unexpectedly, she asked her to have a discussion with Wen Zixuan, Wang Qiangwei and others, so that she was When it comes to Xia's thoughts, he is careful.

Needless to say, Wen Zixuan is the deputy secretary-general of the provincial party committee, and she is also a native of Qi Province for many years. There must be a flourishing relationship between the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee.

As an old acquaintance, Chen and Wang Qiangwei have not seen her for many years, but they are not strange at all. They also had sex with each other in those years. The wind and rain of previous years have faded, whether there are contradictions or conflicts." Now sitting together again, we are friends who can work together.

Wang Qiangwei and Oh, Chen abandoned their stereotypes and united around Xiaxiang. Naturally, they are looking for the economic plan of Lu City.

And Yang Wei, Liu Yilin is not very familiar with it, but he also knows that he must also be one of Xia's team. That is to say, the people in front of her, covering the political and economic fields, have also fully expressed Xia's enthusiasm and sincerity, which is to help her introduce both political and economic aspects. If she is willing and willing to talk about it well, the people in front of her can help her quickly open the first step in Lu City. If Liu Yilin knows that Xia Xiang has an extraordinary relationship with Li Tong now, she will definitely look at Xia Xiang with new eyes.

In fact, she has long wanted to look at Xia with new eyes and stopped Gao Shan.

To be fair, although there was a lot of contact between her and Xiaxiang in Lang City, in fact there was no real cooperation, because she had never liked Xiaxiang's too sharp personality, although at the beginning, she wanted to stand with Xiaxiang very much, and when she was in Langshi, she expected to become a solid ally with Xia.

Xia wants to be bold in Lang City. He fights hard in Lang City. Chen, fights hard for the ancient country, and she looks at it in her eyes. "It's just a cold look on the sidelines. Although she doesn't agree, she doesn't show her dissatisfaction too clearly. It's an attitude of respecting the distance or watching

However, he believes in his heart that Xiaxiang's road to officialdom will not go too far, because he is too radical and idealistic.

No, Liu Yilin, who has always regarded herself as knowledgeable, has taken a glance. After Lang City, Xia Xiang walked all the way, the sea and sky of Tianze, and then to the wind and rain of the Qin and Tang Dynasties, all the way. She not only continued to pass the customs, but also rose step by step, and even As a member of the Standing Committee, he stepped into the ranks of deputy provincial senior officials.

It surprised Liu Yilin, who thought she was well-informed. At the same time, she was puzzled.

But not long after, when she returned to Beijing, at a small-scale secret symposium, Liu Yilin heard a shocking and incredible news that is, Xiaxiang has entered the eye of the general [book] and is expected to become a reserve force jointly cultivated by the general [book] and the family forces. She was not only shocked, It also means that it is incomprehensible.

Xia wants to be promoted quickly, and he does have political skills, but he is too brave and radical. It's okay to be the leader of a certain aspect or a province. Is it biased to be cultivated as a reserve force? After all, the reserve force requires not only political wisdom, but also personality charm, as well as the courage and courage to control everything.

Xiaxiang has almost all the potential, only a little "not very good at uniting most people!

Core figures do not have to have excellent talents, do not have to introduce new political ideas, but must have the ability to unite the majority of people, otherwise no one will be convinced.

But not long after that, Liu Yilin realized that she was wrong, because her vision was not only not as good as the experienced Mr. Wu, but also as the general [book] with a torch-like vision. After all, her level was still low, her realm was not enough, and her cognition of Xia Xiang flowed to

And Xiaxiang is much better than her cognition!

On the basis of the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book], although Xia Xiang still promoted a vigorous anti-corruption storm, he always hid behind the scenes. He pushed the credit to Zheng Sheng, which was a superb and unmarked wrist.

If you think about it carefully, Xia wants to promote the anti-corruption storm. On the one hand, he has indeed done practical things for the people and eliminated the official atmosphere in Hunan Province. On the other hand, he has sent political achievements to Zheng Sheng and hit his political opponents. The most important point is that the anti-corruption storm has benefited both the general [ .

This is the most intelligent vertical and horizontal technique in politics.

It can not only realize its own political ideals, but also gain the reputation of the people and the appreciation of the high-level. It is the highest level that countless politicians have pursued in their lives throughout the ages.

So far, Liu Yilin has more or less touched the superbness of Xia Xiang's political wisdom, and slightly kept up with Xia Xiang's brilliance behind the road to the flying officialdom.

Sure enough, Xia wanted to take office as the deputy [book] of the Qi Provincial Party Committee, which made Liu Yilin get to know Xiaxiang further. Xia Xiang, recorded by the Provincial Party Committee [Book], and Xia Xiang, recorded by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book], said that it was a little exaggerated, but it was appropriate to say that the style was very different.

Liu Yilin couldn't help sighing. Xia Xiang is really a hidden tall man, stage, one style, one position and one means. It seems that there is no fixed shape. In fact, it's all to live up to the people. She is still far from him.

Although Xiaxiang and Xia are both deputy provincial in terms of level, in fact, she may retreat to the second line after becoming the mayor, and Xiaxiang's deputy [book] position of the provincial party committee is obviously the last blow before taking over the governor.

Moreover, Xiaxiang is the real leader of the provincial party committee. Although she is a deputy provincial leader, she is not the leader of the provincial party committee.

Although relying on unknown political advantages, she finally tied Xia Xiang, but she stepped into the ranks of the deputy province more than Xia Xiang in the evening for more than two years." She was several levels worse than Xia Xiang in the sequence. Liu Yilin put on a lower-level posture in front of Xia Xiang. At the same time, she also sincerely admired Xia Xiang

Xia thought that she is the first person she deserves to be in sight. She has begun to have the potential of an excellent politician.

Therefore, she has high hopes for today's meeting.

... Xiaxiang also has high expectations for today's meeting. Liu Yilin's position as the mayor of Lu will be a great help to him. It is necessary for him to help her at the beginning, which is also his intention to deliberately arrange for Wen Zixuan and others to accompany him today.

Of course, with Liu Yilin present, Zhao Mudan's matter is just a subtle mention. The focus of today's meeting is to welcome Liu Yilin to take office, and let Liu Yilin take more care of Chen and Wang Qiangwei's business in the future.

Because a considerable part of the industry of Zhao Mudan, which Chen and Wang Qiangwei took over, is in Lu City, under the jurisdiction of Liu Yilin, the future mayor of Lu City.

Because Abandoned Xia wants to sit in town, coupled with Liu Yilin and Oh, Chen and Wang Qiangwei are old acquaintances, the meeting has received the expected effect" and the conversation is very happy. The atmosphere is very harmonious. After all, there are three beautiful women competing for beauty. It is also a rare event.

At the end of the meeting, in the middle of the moon, on the way back, Liu Yilin got on Xia's car: "Xia [Book]" gave me a ride. I have something to say."

Liu Yilin has not officially taken office, but has intervened in the war situation that Qi Province is about to ignite.