official god

Chapter 1679 Know the current affairs, everything is negotiable

Although Xie Xincai did not clearly say what secret mission he shouldered when he came to Qi Province, Xia Xiang did not ask. In fact, in his relationship with Wu Caiyang, and the relationship between Xie Xincai and Wu Caiyang, if he asked in private, he could also ask a general question.

Xia thought that he didn't do much, because he almost guessed the answer.

After the reception banquet, he did not go home, but was summoned to his side first.

Cao Shujun and Lian Ruohan are already together abroad, and everything is going very well. Cao Shujun told Xiaxiang that he would be wronged to live alone for a period of time. She estimated that she would stay abroad for a few days.

Xia wanted to know that in a few days... I'm afraid I'll go out in more than ten days.

Forget it, although he really wants Cao Shuyi to be with him, he thinks that even Ruohan is also very lonely. Cao Shuyi is actually guarding Lian Ruohan for him, so he is relieved.

After private contact with Wang Qiangwei, Fu Xian reached an agreement on the smooth handover of Zhao Mudan Industry and Fu's business. Normally, the matter is over. She should have returned to the capital, but she still refused to leave, as if she was infatuated with Xiaxiang.

Although Fu Xianxian has been around for many years and has never been far away from him, it seems that Fu Xianxian has never been infatuated with him. He is not as deep as Wei Xin's affection for him, nor as Gu Yu's love for him, and it is not as obsessed with him when Yan Xiao. She is like a marquis When it is not suitable to fly, it will fly away without hesitation.

rarely shows the attitude of children's love in front of him.

But after two days together, Fu Xianxian's little witch seemed to melt away and turned into a strong love coffee. In addition to busy things during the day, she couldn't wait to send a text message at night, hoping that he would accompany her.

Xiaxiang can only be speechless. It is the most difficult to get rid of the beauty, but he also has to get rid of it.

On the way to the hotel where Fu Xian first settled in, Xia thought unexpectedly received a phone call from Qin Kan.

said it was an accident, because Xia thought that he did not know that Sun Ximin had returned quietly, let alone that Qin Kan had taken over Sun Ximin at this time and was on his way to visit He Jianghai.

It has been the second time for Qin Kan to visit He Jianghai in the past few days.

Last time, Qin Kan and He Jianghai reached a preliminary consensus on some issues - of course, the consensus was reached on the one hand, whether the two sides have the basis of trust and implement it seriously on the other hand - but after the talks with Sun Ximin, Qin Kan realized that there were some things that he had to borrow the way from Xia and borrow troops from Therefore, if you want to see He Jianghai, you have to call Xiaxiang.

"Secretary Xia, I will report a situation to you." Although Qin Kan had just talked to Xiaxiang, he was still dissatisfied with Xiaxiang's interference in the creditor's dispute of the new energy bus, but he did not prevent his next action from getting Xiaxiang's willingness to support. "I just picked up Governor Sun at the airport."

Xia wanted to be slightly surprised. Sun Ximin came back quietly. Even he was concealed. It must be Sun Ximin's intention.

Xiaxiang also knew that Qin Kan deliberately revealed this matter, and there must be something else to say. The news of Sun Ximin's quiet return was obviously not enough to make a fusss about an executive vice governor.

Sure enough, Qin Kan then said, "I exchanged views with Governor Sun. We exchanged views on the road on many issues such as the prospects of new energy buses and the face project of five golden flowers. As a result, unfortunately, we still failed to reach an agreement. Therefore, it is necessary to tell Secretary Xia in advance that tomorrow, there will be national media to continue to report the proposition of Qi Province's policy mistakes at the economic level.

"Okay, don't disturb Secretary Xia. I'm going to Secretary He's hospital soon."

Qin Kan's phone was cut off, and the huge amount of information deliberately revealed made Xia want to be distracted for a moment.

Qin Kan's phone call clearly conveyed three messages to Xia Xiang. First, he and Sun Ximin tore their faces face to face, that is to say, there will never be a way to retreat. In Qi Province, there is Sun Ximin without him, and there will be no Sun Ximin.

The discord between the executive vice governor and the governor is very common, but it is rare to be as reckless as Qin Kan. Qin Kan decided that the opportunity had come and decided to sink the boat?

Secondly, Qin Kan is telling Xia that he also has a strong background in the central government, otherwise the national media will not repeatedly publish critical articles against the mistakes in decision-making in Qi Province. It is also implicitly to make Xia want to know. It is not that he alone with Sun Ximin, and there are also people in the central government who don't

Third, indirectly warned Xia to stop interfering in the feud between him and Sun Ximin, because he and He Jianghai joined hands!

He was stunned for half a minute until Fu Xianxian's little bracelet crossed his waist and felt the warm and soft jade sticking up behind him. Xia Xiang quietly woke up and smiled gently.

Fu Xianxian was a little sleepy. Xia Xiang took her to **, covered the quilt, and stretched out his arm to let her pillow. After a while, she fell asleep and slept very sweetly.

Where Xia wants to be eye-catching, Fu Xianxian lies on his side. He is not only curvy, graceful and attractive, but also because of wearing light gauze pajamas, ** is even more hazy.

Xia Xiang didn't have any good idea, because he now knows that he has a great responsibility, and the chaos in Qi Province has begun. He pressed the gourd of the dispute over the creditor's rights of new energy buses, and there are countless ladles. The mistakes in the decision-making of the new energy bus project, the bleak prospects, and the hasty start of the five golden flower projects, and the loopholes after getting on the horse are all used by Qin Kan to continue to publicize and do not give up. Obviously, the ultimate goal is to force Sun Ximin to step down!

Poor Sun Ximin, because of the past of resigning the blame, was bullied by the executive deputy governor. He believed that he had been bullied and did not dare to say anything, because he had a big black pot on him.

In addition, after Sun Ximin arrived in Qi Province, he was too low-key and gentle, and was inadvertently dug into a pit by He Jianghai. Unexpectedly, the speed of rebellion with He Jianghai was so fast that Sun Ximin could not adapt to the fast pace of Qi Province.

Sun Ximin is now under the enemy, and Zhou Hongji is more miserable than him. He is besieged on all sides.

There is reason to believe that He Jianghai's counterattack will not end here, and he will continue to add materials to increase pressure. His ultimate goal must be the same as Qin Kan. Qin Kan wanted Sun Ximin to step down and then replace him, while He Jianghai did not want to replace Zhou Hongji, but he was definitely trying to discredit Zhou Hongji, and then rolled out of Qi Province in confusion.

The more serious situation is that He Jianghai has the potential to join hands with Qin Kan.

It is true that Zhou Hongji's life and death, Sun Ximin's stay, He Jianghai and Qin Kan teamed up with Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji to fight in the arena, and the heads of the people's brains. In the end, if the central government can't end, it will not affect Xiaxiang's glorious and It affected Qiu Renli's entry into the game.

Further speaking, it will also affect the political situation of stability and unity in Qi Province.

The political situation of stability and unity may be a little big and empty, but when it comes to the national economy and people's livelihood, it will affect the economic development of Qi Province, which is not conducive to the steady progress of Qi Province. If the contradictions expands and leads to the stagnation of government affairs, it may strand many projects, thus Specifically, the most basic point is to make many people lose their jobs.

Xia wants to not allow chaos and out of control in Qi Province.

Political struggle, as long as it does not affect economic development, national economy and people's livelihood, he will coordinate and maintain balance. But if either side wants to completely break the balance, he must take action.

Qin Kan has now misjudged, thinking that he can take advantage of the situation and profit from chaos, and his personal ** infinite expansion. And based on the psychology of revenge, He Jianghai will also get along with Qin Kan, so as to launch a greater offensive.

In this way, his action in the new energy credit dispute still failed to alert some people. And Zhou Yuyuan's appointment did not let some people understand the intention of the central government? Even Xie Xincai, the deputy minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, came forward in person, and he couldn't stay, which could not make some people who were lost by ** sober up and calm down. Can it be said that the necessary tough measures must be taken?

Xia wanted to gently pull out the slightly sore arm that was pillowed by Fu Xian, thinking that she would not wake up Fu Xian. Unexpectedly, she opened her sleepy eyes. Because her eyes were too wide, Xia wanted to jump.

"In a daze, I suddenly remembered something." Fu Xian woke up first, turned over and sat up. "When I met Wang Qiangwei today, she couldn't help praising you, saying that you have few excellent things that are hard to find in the sky. Do you think she is not you?"

Xia wants to pretend to be serious: "Don't mess around, talk about business."

"It's really boring that I didn't tamp you." Fu Xian shook her head and sighed, and jumped to the ground. Because the movement was too large, her pajamas floated up, revealing the white underwear inside. She was unconscious and said rigidly, "I talked to Wang Qiangwei about the new energy bus today. I'm curious about what method you used to make you owe money. Are people obedient?? Now no one knows that those who owe money are all uncles.

When Fu Xianxian spoke, he sat on the table very idly. The table was a little high, and her two tables swayed in the air, swaying and dazzling.

Xia wants to talk and laugh and solve the dispute. Of course, it is not because the other party is afraid of the authority of his deputy secretary of the provincial party, nor is it because he can speak well to impress the other party, let alone that the other party is happy and sincerely submit to his king's spirit as soon as he sees him, but because he has

At any time, the power of restraint is the strongest. Resolving disputes through negotiation, shelving disputes, and joint development is just a wishful laugh. If you don't hold a knife, who will be afraid of you?

It was precisely because Xia wanted to have an invisible knife in his hand on the other party's neck that the other party was forced to submit in fear - and could not be forced, because Xia thought was never a person who could not forgive others, at least gave the other party a way out and hope.

Know the current affairs, everything is easy to discuss. Come on, I'm sorry, Xia wants to have a killer.