official god

Chapter 1713 Enmity

After the party, Xiao Wu and Yuan Mingliang drove away and quietly went to Pindu.

In addition to Yuan Mingliang, there are several brothers with Xiao Wu.

Although Yuan Mingliang usually acts low-key, he is at least a successful person, with drivers and assistants around him. At the same time, the driver is also a part-time bodyguard.

A total of six people in Xiao Wu's party quickly and decisively left Lu City in the night.

As the first action after a few years of silence, Xiao Wu was full of excitement and full of expectations. He thought that going to Pindu was a journey without too many twists and turns, because in his opinion, compared with the trick of Chen and the fight with Niu Linguang, the epidemic in Pindu was just a small matter.

But what Xiao Wu didn't expect was that the little thing he identified was almost overturned!

While Xiao Wu and his party left Lu City, Qin Kan was also busy nervously. First, I made a few phone calls, contacted the capital, contacted all parts of Qi Province, and even contacted... He Jianghai once.

However, compared with the previous phone calls, the call with He Jianghai was obviously unsatisfactory, because Qin Kan's good mood was swept away by He Jianghai, which made him a little regret the call with He Jianghai.

Although Lu Jiacheng is temporarily idle at home, just like the people of He Jianghai, he has been idle. He has been paying close attention to the development of the situation and has been remotely controlling the affairs of the municipal bureau. After all, the provincial party committee has not officially made a decision to remove him from office, and according to his circumstances, it is impossible to

Then again, the illegitimate daughter incident is not serious. The serious thing is to hide the age problem, but the provincial party committee seems to care about his problem, and the big problem traps Qiu Renli and Sun Ximin.

But Lu Jiacheng is not optimistic. In his opinion, I'm afraid he will eventually be transferred from the position of the mayor of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Security, and he will almost be really idle. But under idleness, you can still give full play to the residual heat. In case Qin Kan is done, it is not known that he can get back to power.

Based on the above ideas, Lu Jiacheng still spares no effort to support Qin Kan's next layout.

For Zhou Rui's life and death, Lu Jiacheng and Qin Kan's ideas are completely the same. Under the situation that Zhou Hongji is no longer the main goal, Zhou Rui has become an abandoned son, and he asks for more blessings.

Poor Zhou Rui finally became cannon fodder.

Basically, after arranging everything, Qin Kan saw that the night was dark, but he did not feel tired, let alone sleepy. After thinking about it, he still thought it was best to find a woman to relax his bones, so he took out the phone and called out again.

After a while, a slightly dissatisfied voice came from the phone: "Do you remember me? With people first, without people later, I have seen the scheming of Governor Qin.

"If it's near, it's not inferior, and if it's far away, it's resentful... Don't complain a few words, and your benefits will be indispensable in the future." Qin Kan's tone seemed to be serious. In fact, between his eyebrows, there was still a man's usual firm expression in the face of a stable woman.

"Come on, don't show off your ancient Chinese and curse. Isn't it just omitting the previous sentence - only women and villains are difficult to raise? I'm a woman, a woman with normal needs, not a rag that you throw away if you don't want to use it.

"I'm going there now, and I have a gift for you."

If Xia wants to see Qin Kan's current expression, he will definitely sigh that the insidious and cunning Governor Qin also has a gentle side. However, if he knew who the woman who talked to Qin Kan was, he would be even more emotional. The world is really colorful and unimaginable.

That's right, the woman is Yang Yinhuā!

Of course, Xia thought that Qin Kan and Yang Yinhuā still had an affair. After the party, on his way home, there was an accident. His car was hit on the roadbed by someone else.

In fact, it's all because of driving a gas car.

On Jingshi Road, when Xiaxiang's car was driving normally, a car in front of him was driving in the middle of the road. It was not only extremely slow, but also did not give way. It was slow in the middle of the road, as if walking in the middle of the road.

Because of the influence of Xiaxiang, Xiaxiang's driver drives more civilly. He never drives a gas car, nor does he show off his power and relies on the name of the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. It can be said that Xiaxiang's special car does not even have a record of violations, which is definitely a model for all the leaders of

If the other party doesn't allow it, the driver overtakes from the left side. As soon as the turn signal is turned on, the other party deliberately turns left.

Then it's better from the right.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned right, the other party quickly turned around and deliberately turned the car to the right. Obviously, he was bullying people and didn't let him overtake anything.

The driver is popular. I've seen a domineering one. I've never seen such a domineering one. Is it really driven by your home on the 10th Road? Xia Xiang didn't say anything, but Wu Tianxiao said, "Overtake him!"

Yes, in the whole province, there are only two special cars that dare to stand in front of Xia Xiang. Except for Qiu Renli and Sun Ximin, no one wants to be majestic in front of Secretary Xia. Although the car in front of them is quite high-grade, it is an ordinary license plate. If you dare to say goodbye to the car of the deputy

Wu Tianxiao said, and the driver waited for a moment. Seeing that Secretary Xia had no objection, he knew that he was acquiesced. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator under his feet, he would overtake.

Unexpectedly, before hitting the direction, the front car suddenly braked sharply, which almost made the driver unable to handle it. He was scared into a cold sweat. At the same time, he hurriedly braked sharply and hit the right direction. There was no rear-end, but it hit the roadbed.

Xia wanted to finally be angry. He was not a 50 or 60-year-old unblooded old man, so he directly ordered, "Chasing the car in front of him!"

The driver had been angry for a long time. With Secretary Xia's personal order, he exerted all his strength. After the roar of the accelerator, he hurriedly chased the car in front of him.

After the front car just broke down, he was not in a hurry to escape. He still swayed in the middle of the road without panic. Seeing that the rear car caught up again, he wanted to continue to leave the car. This time, the driver was ready to quickly turn around and overtake from the right side, forcing the other party's car

Wu Tianxiao asked Xia to think, "I'll go down and deal with it.

Xia wanted to nod: "It's enough."

Wu Tianxiao and the driver got out of the car at the same time. The two of them came to the back car. Before they reached the door, the door suddenly opened. One person got out of the car and scolded without saying a word: "Your mother is full again. What are you doing in my car? Believe it or not, I will destroy you!"

When Wu Tianxiao came out before, he was also a mouthful of old man. Later, when he changed his evil spirits and returned to righteousness, he hated others for calling himself Laozi the most. Although he was not a transferred soldier, what many people did not know was that he was good at fighting in high school and even college.

The other party scolded when he came up. Wu Tian laughed and became angry. Without saying a word, he punched the other party in the face: "Your mother, your mouth is not clean, wash your mouth before talking."

The other party was punched coldly, and suddenly had a nosebleed and was furious. He jumped and kicked Wu Tianxiao: "Dare to beat me, I have to kill you today!"

He is really an arrogant person.

The other party is well dressed. He is also in his 30s, but his face is full of flesh and a fierce face. Maybe it's because he drank wine. Under the light of the street lamp, it's really a little scary.

Generally speaking, in the eyes of the public, the secretary is a polite role. He wears glasses, takes a briefcase, and has no power to bind a chicken, but Wu Tianxiao is not ordinary. He is a secretary, but he is not a polite type. Although he is not a muscular man, he is a strong man.

Wu Tianxiao has a lot of strength, so the next thing not only surprised the driver who was about to take action, but also Xia Xiang, who was sitting in the car, was also surprised.

The other party raised his foot to kick, but his feet were frivolous, and he couldn't stand firmly. He still wanted to harm others. Wu Tianxiao would not give him a chance. He didn't dodge back. He approached the other party and took the opportunity to hug the thigh kicked out by the other party. Then he bent down and picked up I fell into the middle of the road.

At least, the other party weighed one hundred and sixty catties. He was picked up by Wu Tianxiao and threw it out a few meters away. He rolled and fell to the ground. He couldn't stop on the ground. He rolled a few more before he stopped. At that time, he fell black and his face turned into a pig's head.

Xia Xiang was surprised. He didn't expect Wu Tianxiao to be so strong, and he didn't expect Wu Tianxiao to have such a lot of strength.

After Wu Tianxiao fell, he did not plan to run, because he noticed that there were still people in the car.

Sure enough, another person got out of the car, but obviously he was a secretary-like character. With a small bag under his arm and glasses on his face, he came to Wu Tianxiao angrily and scolded, "You, you, where are you a gangster? How can you commit murder on the street?"

He spoke like a play. Before Wu Tianxiao could see the other party's face clearly, he had already recognized who he was. It was Xi Mi, the famous drama secretary in Qi Province.

Xi Mi loves drama. Over time, she also speaks with a dramatic tone, and is known as a fan. But because he was the secretary of the provincial leader, someone called him a drama secretary, and later he simply called him a drama secretary.

Before Wu Tianxiao could say hello to the drama secretary, the guy who fell to the ground got up again, carried something in his hand, and hit him in the face.

The driver who came with Wu Tianxiao finally took action and flew away. He was in the middle of the chest of the horizontal meat. He only heard a "k" sound. The horizontal meat came quickly and rolled quickly. He rolled down on the ground. Obviously, his ribs were broken.

Wu Tian smiled and looked helpless. Come on, Secretary Xia had a feud with Cheng Zaishun, deputy director of the National People's Congress, before he came forward to deal with the problem between Governor Sun and the National People's Congress.

The rear window of the car opened, revealing Cheng Zaishun's cold and angry face. He sneered at Wu Tian: "Secretary Wu, okay, you can make a martial arts movie." He looked at the car in the distance and said, "Secretary Xia, please come to my car and talk. When you hit someone, you have to show your attitude. My driver, no one can call if they want!"