official god

Chapter 1720 In the middle of the arms

If it is not counted as the epidemic, and it is not counted as the National People's Congress deliberately making things difficult for Sun Ximin, Qi Rui is now basically a good time for autumn, everything is developing in the right direction, ready to welcome next year's government change.

After Sun Ximin was questioned, the National People's Congress did not take any further action, and it seemed to have temporarily entered a period of calm. The same is true of Pindu. After Xiao Wu repelled Qiangzi's intimidation, the so-called behind-the-scenes figure Lao Tie did not appear, and Qiangzi did not show his dress again, as if he had disappeared.

In fact, it was not that the other party retreated, but that he was brewing a greater impact. If Xia thought it was good, the National People's Congress would temporarily stop. It was Cheng Zaishun who was trampled on his foot and stopped for the time being. However, with his understanding of Cheng Zaishun, I believe that Cheng Zai

Cheng Zaishun is much more dangerous than He Jianghai's foundation in Qi Province, because He Jianghai has no political experience as the boss of a state-owned enterprise and has not had a wide range of contacts in the business world.

And after all, He Jianghai's years as an official are not as good as Cheng Zaishun. In addition, from the perspective of personality analysis, Cheng Zaishun is more than He Jianghai's softer and straightforward. That is to say, He Jianghai is easy to be seen through by Xia, and Cheng Zaishun is not easy to be

Therefore, you can sit down and talk with He Jianghai, but with Cheng Zaishun, you have to meet him. Cheng Zaishun's career has ups and downs, and he lost his wife in middle age. He has rich life experience, so there are many forbearance and uncertainties in his personality.

Xia wants to firmly believe that the second confrontation between him and Cheng Zaishun will be much more fierce than the first.

And Qin Kan is very similar to Cheng Zaishun in many places, as if he is very tolerant, very obscure, and extremely scheming and difficult to get along with. Therefore, after Qiangzi lost a blow, he immediately disappeared. Xia Xiang did not think that Qin Kan adjusted his strategy in time when he saw that the wind direction was wrong, but was brewing a major counterattack, ready to hit it with one blow." He wanted to completely encircle and suppress Xiao Wu and others.

Xiaxiang reminded Xiao Wu and asked Xiao Wu to continue to investigate secretly, but he should pay more attention to safety.

But perhaps Qin Kan also noticed a slight change in momentum. Suddenly, the epidemic in Pindu was effectively controlled and no longer showed a tendency to spread. This move further proves Xiaxiang's speculation that the epidemic is indeed a man-made behind the scenes. Thinking of what Qin Kan said at that time that foreign forces contributed to the situation, it is not ruled out that he deliberately did it to confuse the public and divert his attention.

Xia Shang was more determined to settle it with Qin Kan's new and old accounts, just for a series of actions against Xi Min or Zhou Hongji. He can also understand that it is not normal for people in the officialdom not to suppress others to come to power, but it is too despicable and shameless to take the lives of the people as a political chip The bottom line.

Don't let Qin Kan know the pain" Don't let Qin Kan learn a lesson" He will never stop!

It is true that behind some major accidents in China, there are more or less shadows of political contests. "But he is too far away from Xia's thinking. He ignores it and doesn't care." Qin Kan tossed under his eyes and made dust, which fascinated Xia's eyes.

If you don't see the Yellow River, don't give up. OK, let's go and see the Yellow River together. If you don't see the coffin and don't cry, it's okay. Just hit a good coffin and see who dares to jump into it to experience it.

But now that it has been suspended for the time being, what should be done has to be done, and the work that should be done has to be done." Seeing that the National Day is about to be, Xiaxiang should also relax.

Today is the day when Cao Shuxun comes back. Xia wants to drive to the airport to pick up his wife.

As soon as he came out of the door of the provincial party committee, he noticed that there was a tail behind him. Last time, Wu Tianxiao and the driver jointly beat people. Although he felt a little embarrassed after the event, he felt a little embarrassed. In fact, he was embarrassed for a second, because he knew very well what Cheng Zaishun's driver You can't take care of yourself.

However, you always have to follow the rules of beating the dog and the owner. If he is not Cheng Zaishun's driver, he dares to take the initiative to bump into Xiaxiang's hands. Xiaxiang does not directly abolish him. Xiaxiang is a bureaucrat who drifts with the tide.

Of course, Wu Tianxiao and the driver still took the proper posture to visit Cheng Zaishun's driver. As for whether there was anger or verbal conflict in the process of visiting, Xia thought he would not worry about it. I believe that Wu Tianxiao could calmly deal with some trivial matters. And Cheng Zaishun did not come forward to him again about this matter. I don't know whether he wanted to come to the provincial party committee to sue him or to blackmail him behind his back.

Judging from the fact that there is a tail behind him as soon as he goes out, He Jianghai has never dared to take intimidating measures against him. Cheng Zaishun is going to do it.

The car behind

out of the city is still following closely. The car is very broken, but the license plate is very good. Obviously, it is a license plate car. Xia Xiang can only see clearly from the rearview mirror that the driver is a bald man. His face is very round, a little like a singer, but his eyes are very fierce.

Do you really think he is scared? Xia wanted to test his opponent and thought that if he retreated to Langshi, he might be able to knock him to the ground with his bare hands, but now he is the deputy of the provincial party committee. It is estimated that his skills are a little worse than before. In terms of force, I'm afraid he can't solve the flies behind him.

Fortunately, people rely on wisdom to live on the world, rather than force and physical strength. Xia thought that he couldn't let the other party follow him all the way to the airport, so he quietly made a phone call.

At an intersection, there was a red light. Xia Xiang slowly stepped on the brake when she was more than ten meters away from the intersection. He happens to be in the first place. Under normal circumstances, he will definitely stop at the intersection and wait for the red light.

The tail followed closely behind the car and also stopped. Xia wanted to see the other party's fat face more clearly, full of fierceness. He thought, when you are not fierce, do you want to intimidate him? Although he is not around Xiao Wu, Yang Wei is not there, but it is still a problem for him to deal with a little man by himself.

Not to mention driving a car, there is a way to use it at any time.

Seeing that there were still ten seconds left in the countdown to the red light, Xia wanted to see the opportunity and stepped on the accelerator. In the roar of the car, "suddenly jumped forward and ran the red light" was like a run-free wild horse.

The rear car must not have expected the deputy of the provincial party committee [book] to drive. Not only was he fierce, but he also dared to risk his life to run a red light. When Xia wanted to fight the world, he was brave and skillful. The people behind him probably would not believe anything.

But the scene in front of him still stunned him. After a moment, he made a move that made him regret for the rest of his life. He also stepped on the accelerator and chased after him.

In fact, he was just ordered to follow Xiaxiang all the way, in order to warn Xiaxiang and ring the alarm bell. "Let Xia Da [book] remember to restrain a little, and there is no need to play with his life. But people often lose control of their emotions in an emergency, and no one can control the impulse. As soon as Xia wants to run, he obviously wants to get rid of him. He is so angry that he has to run the red light to catch up.

It's just that he ignored an important issue. Xiaxiang Xia Da [Book] remembered that before running the red light, he had accurately calculated the passing time and observed the vehicle on the side of the green light, which was enough time for him to pass safely.

can ensure that he can pass safely, but whether to let the latecomer pass safely, Secretary Xia, as a good person, obviously does not have enough time or good intentions to calculate for the rear car." So when Xia thought of passing through the intersection in less than a second, he heard a loud crash behind him!

A slag truck hit the vehicle behind him.

The side is the weakest link of the car. What's more, the other party deliberately used a low-end car to track it in order to hide people's eyes and ears. As a result, in the huge crash, the tracking vehicle was almost stopped in two.

Even if the people in the car don't die, they have to vomit blood for three liters and stay in bed for three years.

I'm sorry, the aftermath is not considered by Xia. Since the other party is a warning and an obvious follow-up, no matter how kind-hearted he is, it is equivalent to condoning the other party to commit a crime.

Of course, things have reached the stage of car damage, and no one expected the result. Xia didn't want to think about it, because he didn't expect that the other party would brazenly run a red light and follow him. The people behind the scenes did not expect it, because no one expected that the dignified Xia Da [book] also dared to take risks, and his driving skills were superb.

It's also that some people don't have a long memory. Xia said that he is a good driver and likes the feeling of the steering wheel in his own hands.

I hope that through this matter, some people can grow their wisdom and stop doing indifferent temptation.

However, after this incident, Xia wanted to realize that Lu City was no longer a good place to live and work in peace, so he decided to arrange Cao Shuxun to leave Lu City and stay in the capital for a period of time.

Ap>I arrived at the airport and picked up Cao Shu's temples.

After not seeing it for a while, Cao Shuxun has lost a little weight, but he looks more beautiful and touching. He wears a simple and elegant women's clothing, which is a dress that Xia wants to have never seen before." I guess he bought it abroad.

Xia wanted to reach out and Cao Shuxun thought he was going to pick up the luggage, so he handed him the box. Unexpectedly, he flashed through the box and held her directly in his arms. She couldn't help but be angry, but she said, "I'm an old man and wife. What else do you want to hold? It's At least you are also the deputy [book] of the provincial party committee. Why do you look like a child?

Xia Xiang sighed, "A man who occasionally looks like a child in front of his own woman is a real man."

"Speak in a crooked line!" Cao Shuxunming is rejoking, but in fact, she is still as sweet as honey. No matter how long a woman becomes a wife, she also hopes that her beloved man will always hold her in the palm of her hand.

On the way back, Xia wanted to smile all the time and listened to Cao Shuxun's endless words. Her trip to the United States was rich and colorful. It was not only a trip, but also deepened her friendship with Lian Ruohan, and at the same time opened her eyes.

Xia wants to be thinking about how to let Cao Shuxun leave Lu City. It can't make her feel disliked by him, nor can she say the real reason to worry her, which is also embarrassing.

After entering the house, Cao Shuxun put down her things and began to clean up the house. She couldn't stand the little chaos at home." But Xia thought that it was a big man. The house could not be clean and tidy, unless there was a second lady at home.

It took less than half an hour for Cao Shuxun to enter the door. He just cleaned up the house and received a phone call before he wanted to save it with Xia, and then Cao Shuxun was very embarrassed to ask Xia to leave Lu City...

I want to be pregnant in the middle of summer.