official god

Chapter 1723 Possible Variables

In Lu City, which is close to the National Day, the autumn is dark, the weather is getting cooler, and the mood of summer is much calmer.

After Cao Shuxun arrived in the capital, he called to report that he was safe as soon as he landed. At the same time, Aunt Qi also called and repeatedly wanted to apologize to Xia, saying that he would use Cao Shuxun, hoping that Xia would not care.

Aunt Qi also said that she still wanted to recognize Cao Shuxun as her goddaughter. I don't know if Xia wanted to agree? If she agrees, she will not only give a big red envelope to Cao Shuxun, but also a bigger red envelope to her son-in-law.

Xia wants to be ironic. So, he also got the light of Cao Shuxun and became another son-in-law?

What's the matter!

Fortunately, Xia wants to pay attention to the family affection and friendship between people. Since Aunt Qi has this intention, it depends on whether Cao Shuxun has this intention. He does not support it or not. Another premise is to seek Cao Yongguo's opinion.

But it's not the problem he needs to worry about. The person he needs to worry about today is Gu Yu,

and strict hours.

That's right. Gu Yu and Yan Xiaojie came to Lu Feng. He had to invite the two girls to dinner in person today.

Gu Yu and Yan Xiao came to Lu City. They really had something to do. They didn't come here specifically for him. Before Gu Yu came, Lao Gu also called in person.

I haven't talked to Lao Gu for a while. Xia has been thinking about when to go to Beijing to visit Lao Gu. There is no time left and right, so he can only wait until the National Day.

On this year's National Day, he is not going to run around. It is estimated that he will return to Lu City after only a few days in the capital. If he does not return to Yan City, he will not return to Shancheng.

In fact, when Lao Gu called, Gu Yu had already landed at the airport, and Xia thought that he did not know anything at this time.

"Xiaxiang, Qi Province is showing signs of stopping. You are very good at it." Lao Gu praised Xiaxiang when he came up, "But there seemed to be a joke in his words, "But why do I always feel that your image is a little magnificent?"

Xia is also happy: "You always want to find a magnificent image. Don't think of me. I'm too far away." At least I only seek justice, facts, not false fame."

Lao Gu heard what Xia thought was referring to and sighed slightly: "Don't talk big first. Your reputation is not a part of political work. The reputation is used by the people, which is right. Fame for your own self-interest is evil."

"That being said, how can the person be clearly divided between public and private? Under the reputation, it is actually difficult to conform, and the wisdom of the ancients is very incisive." Xia wants to be provoked by Lao Gu. If he has the desire to tell, it is mainly a recent thing." He knows more, "I have also been mistaken for a false name."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's only wrong to be mistaken by a false name, not by a false name. In fact, the person who misunderstands you with a false name." You can't feel the tiredness in your heart." There are a lot of old sayings today, "It's autumn again. The year goes by so fast. When I was a child, I always looked forward to growing up. When I grow up, I don't want to grow old. When I get old, I always recall the past. In fact, people's life is not average. When they were young, they always felt that they lived slowly. When they grew up, they knew that they would walk through the roller coaster in life. After reaching the peak, they would fly straight down and get old in a blink of an eye." The ancient feeling is also rich in the philosophy of life, because there are very few people who have experienced the magnificent road of life like the ancient. The feelings of life that have not been experienced are all on paper. Many things in life depend on understanding, which is the same as driving. Looking at how others drive and how to turn, I haven't learned it, and I'm nervous as soon as I get started.

"Lao Gu, do you always say, will Qi Province be calm in the next step?" Xia wanted to throw out a difficult problem tentatively.

Lao Gu was not fooled: "I'm not in Qi Province. Don't ask me about Qi Province. I just care a little, as long as Gu Yu is safe and happy in Qi Province. In addition, Fei Zhidong just came to the capital to visit me yesterday, and he also mentioned you. I hope you can walk with him more. Xia Xiang's relationship with Fei Zhidong is also okay, but after learning from the lessons learned from the last time in Hunan Province, his dealings with the military generally try to be obscure and low-key, because military power has always been a taboo, and should not be caught too early, otherwise the future will be endless.

The relationship with Mu Feng is the same. Although Mu Feng showed very obvious signs of approaching him, Xia thought still carefully kept a certain distance, because he did not want to arouse the vigilance against the first series, nor did he want the civilian first series to catch his handle. Before the change of next year, it is good to oppose the first series. Civilians will not let go of any chance to bring him down in one fell swoop.

Cooperation is cooperation, and it is still time to take action. Politicians are always two-faced. Before it is finalized recently, not to mention the successors and reserve forces, even the successors of the next generation may also have variables.

Politics is the biggest arena of struggle. Before the last minute, as long as you see a glimmer of hope, everyone will strive for it 100%. In fact, just like competing for the crown prince in ancient times, it is a political gamble.

The more the reserve force, the more it will become the focus of the high-level. On the contrary, the more it will become the object of the opposition. It's okay that he doesn't make mistakes. Once he makes mistakes, he will be overturned mercilessly, and he will definitely make him as unlikely to turn over as much as possible.

Therefore, Xiaxiang is under a lot of pressure, which is also one of the important reasons for him to work step by step in Qi Province. Now he is facing a key role from the deputy department to the main department, and it is more important to do a good job and not fall into the population.

Just like Chen Haotian now, life in Lingnan is not easy. Lingnan can be said to be full of flames, but it also shows that Chen Haotian, a member of the Political Bureau, is expected to enter the permanent position next year, but some people don't want him to do what he wants, so the war continues.

The smoke of gunpowder in Qi Province is obviously much smaller than that in Lingnan, because Qiu Renli is not a regular, but a game. The strength is small, and the impact is much smaller. Another point, at least for now, all of Qin Kan's actions have not clearly targeted Qiu Renli's intention, but just want to pull down Sun Ximin.

But it is not ruled out that behind the opening fire on Ximin, there is also a cannon aimed at Qiu Renli, so everything should not be taken lightly.

"If there is a chance, go around more if you have a chance." Xia thought casually.

Of course, Lao Gu understood Xia Xiang's thoughts, that is, he mentioned it, and talked about another thing that shocked Xia Xiang: "Wu Caiyang wants you to go to Beijing for a year, but it's not a good idea. Before the change, there were wind and waves everywhere. It's impossible that the wind can't blow or get I think you are not the huāduo of the greenhouse, and there is really no need to hide in the capital. I just told Lao Wu that it's better to let you stay in Lingnan for a year and a half, which is good for your growth.


Xia thought was shocked: "Qi Province has a semi-land and semi-ocean climate, so it's not easy for me to adapt to it. Lingnan has a subtropical marine climate. I, a northerner, went there, and it's more difficult to adapt. It's better not to go." Haha..." Lao Gu laughed, "I've never seen you flinch. What's wrong today? You go to Lingnan with Chen Haotian. If it is done next year, you will be a great hero.

Chen Haotian is a general of the regimental department. He helped Chen Haotian. Not only will he always remember the [book] in his heart, but Gu Qiushi will also be gratified. Many regimental cadres will treat him differently, but the problem is that he may not be able to get along with Chen Haotian. Lessons from the car, besides, even if we get along well, it is very risky to work together.

Xia wants to be in Qi Province. He has also been secretly concerned about the wind and waves in Lingnan. Mu Feng went to Lingnan a few days ago and told him something to him after coming back, which made him fully realize that Lingnan is not full of gunpowder smoke, but a real war.

He really doesn't need to go to the webed minefield and charge forward again. The risk is not proportional to the benefits. Xia Xiang is also a normal person, not a hot-blooded young man, and with his current level and strength, there is no need to offend the other in order to please one party.

Lao Gu must know what he thinks now, but he still has this saying. Obviously, don't use "heart".

"I still hope to work honestly in Qi Province until the end of the term. The capital is too cold and Lingnan is too hot, which is not as mild as the climate in Qi Province." Xiaxiang also laughed.

"Gu Yu went to Lu City, and I guess it has landed now. It's good for you to see her. She has been in a good mood recently, and I'm relieved. By the way, Guan Huaqing is getting married. Remember to come here." Lao Gu is also interesting. Obviously, he provoked the topic of Lingnan, but he immediately put aside and talked about irrelevant things.

Xia thought it was clear. When Lao Gu mentioned his trip to Lingnan, it was definitely not groundless, and he may have entered the discussion stage. To be fair, he really didn't want to go back to Beijing, nor did he want to go to Lingnan. After all, the major events in Qi Province have not been contested.

I will talk to Wu Caiyang later. Now it's important to pick up the ancient jade first. Although Lao Gu didn't say what happened to Gu Yu, Xia wanted to have reason to believe that Gu Yu had something to do.

When Xiaxiang arrived at the airport, he found that it turned out that not only Gu Yu was alone, but also accompanied by Yan Xiao.

Gu Yu and Yan Xiao are not sisters, but also two beautiful women with different styles. At the airport in Lu City, which is full of autumn, at the moment when the two walked out of the airport side by side, Xiaxiang was stunned, because they were dressed in exactly the same windbreaker, and the hem of the windbreaker was equally elegant and flexible Gu Yu's long hair was tied casually, and Yan Xiao's long hair was rolled into a bun, and it was almost the same height, just as eye-catching as a pair of sisters.

Unlike the flashy and amazing feeling of gold and silver, the ancient jade and the beauty of the strict time are like sunflowers in the autumn sun, swaying in the wind, graceful and graceful, attracting passers-by to look up.

Gu Yu was not used to being the focus of attention. He frowned slightly, hurried to Xiaxiang, bent down and got into the car. Yan Xiao is still gentle, which is very useful for becoming the center, which shows the big differences between Yan Xiao and Gu Yu's character.

After getting on the bus, Xia wanted to be a driver, but somehow she worked hard to be a driver. Just take it, Xia wants to be easy to talk.

However, after Yan Xiao became a driver, he knew that he had been fooled. Because Yan Xiao directly pulled him to a hidden place, Xia Xi was very surprised and thought about it. Could it be that he was going to be used by the two women?