official god

Chapter 1728 It's not over

It was night. At about 11 p.m., Xiao Wu and his party returned to Lu City.

In fact, at a normal speed, Xiao Wu should have come back long ago, but Yang Wei suddenly proposed to take a detour halfway. Xiao Wu thought seriously and thought that Yang Wei's suggestion was feasible, so he agreed.

After all, safety comes first. In case someone sets up a situation in Lu City. If you accidentally destroy the evidence of hard work, you will regret it. Xiao Wu has just suffered a loss, and now he is much more cautious.

got off the highway, bypassed the national highway, and deliberately detoured dozens of kilometers. Although he was too cautious, he thought of the huge and almost pervasive local forces in Qi Province. Because of the unexpected defeat in Pindu, Xiao Wu fully agreed with Yang Wei's extra move.

Under the cover of the night, he quietly returned to Lu City. After returning to the stronghold, Xiao Wu hid all the evidence before sleeping comfortably with Yang Wei. Because it was getting late, I didn't inform Xiaxiang again. I believe that no matter how long the night is on the ground of Lu City, there will be no more dreams.

Xiao Wu can finally have a good sleep, but Qin Kan can't sleep well. He can't sleep well, but he can't sleep at all!

After meeting Cheng Zaishun, we had an in-depth conversation for a full two hours, and finally concluded that winter is coming, and it's time to stop for a while and wait for the hope of spring.

Cheng Zaishun was still very optimistic about the problem that Qin Kan was involved in the evidence of the epidemic and was won by Xiao Wu. He also advised Qin Kan: "Lao Qin, don't pay too much attention to it. A little thing can't bring you down. At most, it is a two sentences of official criticism from above. If there is There was no criticism, so it was directly suppressed. Isn't it just an epidemic, and a few people have died? Do you need to make a fuss? Now, "Don't say who is black."

Qin Kan reluctantly smiled: "I just talked to Ye Tiannan on the phone. Ye Tiannan said that I'm afraid things will be more difficult."

"Ye Tiannan doesn't have the truth, and he hides three points in case of trouble" is too shrewd. People are too shrewd and often mislead themselves, so they are pulled down by Xia. I suggest you talk to [Mr.] directly.

Cheng Zaishun is much more direct than Qin Kan, "Don't be embarrassed, learn to make conditions. We are on the front" to share the worries of the leaders. Since something happens for the sake of the leader, the leader has to reach out for us to deal with it. Just like we receive the money below, we have to do something when we receive the money. If you can't do anything, you have to get a refund. This is the rule!"

Seeing that Qin Kan was still hesitating, Cheng was in a bad temper. He slapped the table: "Don't worry about it, Lao Qin." I'll call in person tomorrow to ask to see if there is a clear statement.",

"Isn't it good?" Qin Kan still looked embarrassed and waved his hand. "It's always inappropriate to propose conditions to the leader.

"All right, that's it." Cheng Zaishun patted Qin Kan on the shoulder. "Now there is only one last thing left. After your matter is over, we will keep a low profile for a period of time." Prepare for the next success."

"Aren't you afraid that Xia wants to take Yiyang's business as a bargaining chip?" Seeing that the fire was ripe, Qin Kan jumped to the topic in time, "Lao Cheng, or you can quit." After all, Yiyang's business is more important."

"Exit? Are you kidding? I was fooled twice by Xia, and then I didn't even dare to fart and rest? Do you really think I'm old? On the boundary of Qi Province, I haven't dared to bully my old Cheng!" Cheng Zaishun drank too much and got angry again.

After breaking up with Cheng Zaishun, Qin Kan returned home,

He is not a naked official. He is better than a naked official. His lover and children are not around, and he lives alone. After a short rest, he received a phone call from Yang Yinhu.

"When will you come to see me? I'm very bored alone in the Five Mountains." Yang Yinhu's voice is really lazy and seductive in the lonely night, which makes Qin Kan's mind itchy again.

Don't say, "Although Yang Yinhuā is not very beautiful and her figure is not particularly good, the beauty of women is not all about her face and figure. Just like a plate of dishes, it is good to have good color, fragrance and taste, but radish and cabbage have their own love. Some people have to be one of them, which is

Today, Qin Kan is not in the mood to fool around," he said, "Let's wait until the limelight, it's a little unpeaceful recently." The main reason is that Xiaxiang is too noisy.",

"You have calmed down the people and stinked Zhou Hongji. Why can't you even do it in the summer? You can't make him stinky on the street and let him ignore his head. How dare he bother you?

Qin Kan likes the spicy taste of Yang Yinhu. Maybe there are too many snacks such as green onions and garlic. Her straightforwardness and stubbornness in her personality sometimes make him feel that it is really delicious. But today, I'm a little bored.

Fortunately, Yang Yinhuā is also very knowledgeable. He knows that Qin Kan has a lot of troubles recently, that is, he will call him feel comfortable, so that he won't be too entangled." He said again: "By the way, it seems that Wen Ziji is investigating me behind my back. I feel that he is about to touch

Qin Kan was shocked: "How can it be? Be careful. "It's a critical time, and nothing can happen again."

Yang Yinhuā smiled and said, "Okay, don't be surprised. I just feel that the way he looks at me is wrong. It seems that he always doubts me. Maybe I'm too careful, or maybe he likes me..."

I like you so fart! Qin Kan cursed secretly and said a few more words before hanging up the phone. He despised Yang Yinhu's narcissism in his heart. In his opinion, only he can like Yang Yinhu's careless "in others" Who would like the smell of her mouth full of garlic?

Originally, Qin Kan successfully encouraged Cheng Zaishun today, taking advantage of the characteristics of Cheng Zaishun's eagerness and righteousness in his character. "Let Cheng Zaishun use it for him, and also made his mood relax a lot. He thought that the pass in front of him was expected to be small, but Yang Yinhu's words added a block Sleep, I thought, why have things been so bad lately?

Qin Kan can't sleep, and Xiaxiang is also completely sleepless, because he doesn't have much contact with Chen Haotian. He once had several times in the capital, and he said no more than a dozen words in total. Today, he accidentally received a personal call from Chen Haotian, which really surprised him.

It's not that I'm surprised at the level of Chen Haotian's Politburo member, but that I'm surprised Chen Haotian's straightforward personality and straightforward invitation.

"I hope I didn't disturb Xia's rest, but I heard Qiu Shi say that you seldom go to bed early. Lu City may have entered autumn." Yangcheng is now full of summer, which is the beginning of nightlife. Xia [Book] Remember that if you have the opportunity to come to Yangcheng, you must have a good experience of the enthusiasm of Yangcheng's sleepless city.

Unlike Gu Qiushi's straightforwardness, in Chen Haotian's straightforwardness, there is a faint taste that cannot be refused, as if it were a condescending command.

"Chen [book] Remember it well." In Xia Xiang's respect, there are three points of enthusiasm and three points of indifference, and not very eagerness. "Listen to Chen [book], I really yearn for Yangcheng."

"If you yearn for it, come. I'll raise my hands to welcome you." Chen Haotian did not hide the real intention of his call. "To tell you the truth, I really want to invite Xia [Shu] to work in Yangcheng. Lingnan is also a young and vibrant province, which needs young cadres like Xia [Shu]."

Xia wanted to mention Gu Qiu in real time when he heard Chen Haotian's first sentence, and his heart was as bright as a mirror. Chen Haotian used the name of Gu Qiu to test his mouth. He had a good relationship with Gu Qiushi, but he didn't expect that it was so good that even Chen Haotian borrowed it. He didn't know whether he should be lucky or smiled helplessly.

"Thank you for Chen [Shu]'s invitation, but it's been a lot of trouble recently, and I really can't get out of it. The National Day is coming soon. I hope to see Chen [Book] in the capital during the National Day. The last sentence was polite, so I said it casually.

Unexpectedly, Chen Haotian took it seriously: "That's right. It's always unclear on the phone. I will definitely make time to go back to Beijing on the National Day, and I will take the initiative to contact you at that time."

Of course, Xia thought it was clear that Chen Haotian said this on purpose, that is, to make his army have no way back.

It's interesting. Let him go to Lingnan. Does it really mean that he always [book]? But how can I not understand the general [book]? It's not a good time to leave now.

I hope to see the general [book] in the capital during the National Day. If it is really the meaning of the general [book], he should also make it clear to the general [book], hoping to continue to stay in Qi Province. At the same time, you should also communicate with Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang, and it is better not to go back to Beijing.

Lingnan is really not a good place to go. Xia wants to express his will to everyone clearly for the first time, and he can't go through fire and water anymore. The most important point is that he wants to stay in Qi Province and solve all the remaining problems!

Can't spare Qin Kan lightly.

The next morning, Xia Xiang met Xiao Wu before going to work. After carefully looking at Xiao Wu's bloody evidence, he was determined to know that Qin Kan would definitely fall!

When he came to the provincial party committee, as soon as he sat down, Zhou Hongji knocked on the door and came in. As soon as he entered the door, he said in a hurry, "Xia [Shu], someone on it greeted Qin Kan's question" first."

Xia wanted to be stunned. The other party's fast action was really hard. Why did he have to protect Qin Kan?

When he was about to speak, the phone also rang. "At first glance, it was a call from the capital. Xia couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, and his pressure also came.

Zhou Hongji nod his head slightly and turned out. Xia wanted to answer the phone, but he didn't expect that Gu Qiushi called directly.

"Xia Think, let go of Qin Kan's affairs first. When I come to the capital during the National Day, I have something to tell you. Let's say so first. Let's talk about it in detail when we meet. Gu Qiushi was also very straightforward. After saying a word, he hung up the phone.

Xia wanted to put down the phone and meditate for a long time. "He must listen to Gu Qiushi's words, because Gu Qiushi does not interfere in his work easily. Now that he said, it can be seen that the positive pressure on the matter is not small.

... In a blink of an eye, when it comes to the National Day, Qi Province seems to have completely regained its calm. The wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful, and the autumn is cool. It should be said that everything is developing in a benign direction. The weather is good, the work of the provincial party committee is stable,

As soon as the holiday, Xia Xiang left Lu City and flew to the capital. During the National Day, the trip to the capital should decide how many important things!