official god

Chapter 1745 Welcome to the New Year

After sending away the government, Xi Min and Zhou Hongji, Liu Yilin deliberately fell to the end. He quietly wanted to hook his little finger.

Xia Xiang also knew that Liu Yilin absolutely did not mean to seduce or tease him. It was just that on the intoxicated autumn night, on the night when the lights were shining, and because Liu Yilin was dressed like a tulip under the night moon, it was inevitable that people would be fantasize.

But for Xiaxiang, he has no indisparable thoughts, and he is more curious than he pays more attention to Liu Yilin's feminine charm.

When she came to Liu Yilin's side, Liu Yilin blinked her eyes and quietly looked at the back of the chairman: "Do you want to know what has to do with me and the chairman?"

Xia wanted to nod honestly: "I want to think about it." Liu Yilin thought that Xia wanted to pretend, but he was as honest as a child. He couldn't help but be happy and said with a smile, "I won't tell you."

If the people of the Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government of Lu see the current Liu Yilin, they will definitely lose their chin. Mayor Liu is as playful and cute as a child, and in front of him, he obviously has a coquettish tone. You know, Mayor Liu usually has a serious expression. In the Lu Municipal Party Committee, although However, it is not very rigid, and it is also rare to smile.

Perhaps because she drank a little red wine, Liu Yilin's smile in the night really smelled as delicate as huā. Xia wanted to shake her head and smile: "Forget say it, I won't force you." Liu Yilin didn't smile again. Chongxia wanted to stretch out a finger and shook it: "It's boring. You are not sincere at all. If you really want to know, say a few good words.

Xia wanted to be more happy: "Actually, between you and the chairman, I also guessed that it was related to relatives. When you appear today, you actually play the role of a bridge. Xia thought really guessed the chairman's intentions, and almost said the relationship between Liu Yilin and the chairman. Liu Yilin was stunned, but shook her head and smiled: "Just guess. Anyway, when you invite me to dinner, I won't tell you until you."

Looking at Liu Yilin's beautiful figure disappearing in the night, Xia wanted to lose his mind for a moment. Although it was not clear whether Liu Yilin's performance today was due to slight drunkenness or because she was in a good mood. Anyway, he didn't bother to guess anymore.

Song Yifan was not in the capital, so Xia wanted to go to Wei Xin's place.

In fact, compared with Xiao Jia's incorruptible tenderness, Xiaxiang is more willing to indulge in Wei Xin's incorruptible family affection. Another point is that compared with Xiao Jia's independence, Wei Xin is more eager to be accompanied.

Wei Xin was really waiting for Xiaxiang at home. It seemed that she had a good heart. She even cooked porridge.

Wei Xin least approves that Xia wants to eat out at night, because dinner is too greasy and not good for health, especially for dinner with big fish, big meat and drinking. It is not delicious food, but a hidden danger of illness.

But she also knows that Xia can't avoid socializing, and she won't nagging in front of Xiaxiang. She will only express her love for Xiaxiang with practical actions.

Drinking corn porridge is the best way to clean up the greasyness on the spleen and stomach, is most conducive to detoxification of the human body, and is also conducive to softening blood vessels. Therefore, as soon as Xia wants to enter the door, she first let Xia want to wash her hands and change her clothes, and then she brings a suitable cold

Xia wants to be helpless. If you don't want to drink, you have to drink. A woman's gentleness is the most irresistible. If a nagging woman forces him to drink porridge, he may frown and be difficult to swallow, but under the silent tenderness and care of Wei Xin, he also drank willingly.

After drinking corn porridge, Xia wanted to see that Wei Xin's pajamas were the same as Song Yifan's favorite cartoon pattern pajamas. He couldn't help laughing: "You and Yifan have been together for a long time, and even the pajamas are the same." Wei Xin smiled and said, "What? I don't like cartoon-patterned pajamas. I just like plain and simple styles." I bought several sets at once and insisted on giving me one. I can't wear them."

Xia thought for a visual inspection, "Wei Xin is indeed about the same height as Song Yifan, a little shorter than Song Yifan", but a little plump. It's not that she is fat, but that Song Yifan is a little too slim. In my impression, Song Yifan has not gained more than half the weight since he met Song Yifan.

But not to mention that the image of Wei Xin in cartoon pajamas is also interesting, which mainly reminds Xia of a long time ago. When he first met Wei Xin, Wei Xin was naive and liked cartoon patterns. But now, Wei Xin has experienced a lot and matured a lot. The girl's feelings have long disappeared. Under the impact of life, she has become a little woman and a little

My wife.

The only thing that remains unchanged is her love for his two generations.

Xia wanted to hold Wei Xin in his arms and said with infinite emotion, "It's really a pity for you, Wei Xin. Thank you for your constant care and constant love."

Wei Xin naturally didn't know how many years of vicissitudes and the helplessness of life were in Xia's sudden sigh. Instead, she smiled and pushed Xia away and thought, "Hey, did you drink too much? Why do you suddenly say these words? Why don't I make another cup of strong tea for you?

Xia wanted to take her over again: "I'm never drunk, you know, I just remembered a lot of things today, and I think it's really not easy for you to be alone."

"Who can explain things in the world clearly? Millions, it's hard to buy one willing. Wei Xin gently kissed Xia's face, "Good boy, go take a shower. Don't think about it. I'm willing to guard you for the rest of my life, and no one cares... Unless you change your mind, don't want me."

"I'd rather not want myself than you." Xia wanted to reach out and touch Wei Xin's head, as if he had returned to the distant past in an instant. It was just that the years were in a hurry, and he didn't know how much of life he had lost in his busyness. Fortunately, he had the opportunity to make up for it, otherwise he would always owe Wei Xin's deep love.

Xia's words are not a joke, but real words from the bottom of my heart. Maybe he can abandon Yan Xiao


, you can also stay away from Fu Xianxian, but he will never leave Wei Xin after all.

Life is finally difficult to give up the blue sky, and love is finally difficult to give up the endless lingering of Weixin.

Xia wanted to take a shower. Wei Xin sat on the sofa with a smile on his face, but tears in his eyes. It is easy to seek priceless treasures, and it is rare to have a lover. A woman has hundreds of millions of wealth. If her heart is empty, if no one loves her, she is also like duckweed, lonely. Therefore, countless luxurious women desperately fill their inner emptiness with jewelry, clothes and other things outside their bodies. Unfortunately, their inner feelings can never be replaced by external things.

Wei Xin is satisfied, and her face is full of the luster of happiness.

At dawn, Xia wanted to get up quietly, took off Wei Xin Guangjie's arm, and then quickly washed up and was ready to go. Today is Xu Guanhua and Cong Feng'er's happy day. He wants to see Cong Feng'er off as his mother's family.

Wei Xin is not a person who sleeps very much. As soon as Xia wanted to move, she woke up. After Xia wanted to dress neatly, she was about to go out when she suddenly heard a familiar voice behind her: "I'll go with you. Today I'm a member of the bridesmaid group..."

Ah... Xia wanted to be stunned. Are you kidding? What time is it? The members of the bridesmaid group haven't set out yet. Think about it again, no, if he and Wei Xin arrive in the same car, it's not a good thing. What should we do?

Wei Xin smiled again: "Hey, don't worry, I won't share a car with you. I'll drive my own car."

Xia thought that he was relieved. On the day of Cong Feng'er's great joy, he and Wei Xin should not make trouble and not become the object of other people's discussion.

When he arrived at Xiao Jia's residence, people came and went. It was already overcrowded. Cong Fenger dressed up and sat in the new house, waiting for Xu Guanhua to pick him up.

Although Xiaxiang and Wei Xin pretended to arrive one after the other, and drove two cars, she could not hide Xiao Jiaru's eyes. She pulled Xia to think when she was not paying attention and whispered, "You are really busy! Fortunately, I didn't miss the business, otherwise I would really have to talk about you.

Among women, only Xiao Jia wants to be a little older than Xia. She took out her sister's posture to criticize Xia. Xia wanted to listen and smiled: "When did I miss the business? Don't worry about it. Hurry up and let Cong Feng'er get married.

Oh, Chen went to the battle in person. I was a little boyish and went downstairs to fire. Yang Wei organized a convoy, Wei Xin, Li Qin and others organized the women's army of their mother's family, ready to make things difficult for Xu Guanhua, and could not let Xu Guanhua easily pick up the bride away.

In a short time, there was the sound of firecrackers downstairs, and the welcoming motorcade arrived.

Xu Guanhua did not wear military uniforms, but he brought a group of soldiers, all of whom wore military uniforms, and came to rob the bride aggressively. When the scholar met the soldier, the theory was unclear, but when the soldier met the beautiful woman, the soldier became a hero and sad. In front of Wei Xin, Li Qin and Xiao Jia, they all blushed and did not dare to take a step forward.

After a stalemate for a long time, Xia finally came out to solve the siege and proposed that Xu Guanhua must show full sincerity in order to pass the test and marry Cong Fenger to get on the car.

Xia wanted to attend the wedding and served as the woman's guest. He is estimated to be the highest-level female guest in China. As soon as he said, Xu Guanhua must do so.

Xu Guanhua thought for a moment: "How can you be sincere?" Xia wanted to smile: "This is your problem. I'm not responsible for solving it."

Xu Guanhua had no idea. He scratched his head and thought for a long time. In front of his soldiers, surrounded by a group of beautiful women, he was stunned for a minute. Suddenly, he made a bold move and knelt on one knee, holding fresh hu in his hand, and came to Cong Fenger's room.

In an instant, all the beautiful women showed envious eyes, and at the same time, the eyes of several people fell on Xiaxiang. Xia thought that in a blink of an eye, he became the target, so he had to pretend not to see it and quickly knocked on Cong Fenger's door for Xu Guanhua.

Xu Guanhua's eyes were suddenly illuminated by the delicate Cong Fenger. He was overjoyed. He came forward and picked up Cong Fenger and finally succeeded in marrying the beauty.

The send-off team is vast and has a length of one kilometer. After getting on the road, there are military vehicles driving in the front and escorting military vehicles in the back. The traffic police also take the initiative to command other vehicles to avoid. It should be said that it will definitely be a smooth journey...