official god

Chapter 1753 What's more intriguing is--

Chapter 1753 What's more intriguing is... (Continue to ask for votes!)

During his stay in the capital, although Xia wanted to meet Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji, he did not have a direct conversation, because it was not the right occasion at that time.

In fact, in Xiaxiang's eyes, the theme of today's meeting is also outsiders, which is not a suitable occasion, but the descendants Xi Min and Zhou Hongji think it is a suitable occasion at present.

Despite a major meeting in the capital, although the chairman was present at that time, and although the chairman was kind and gave Xia Xiang face, Xia Xiang did not think that he had a deep common language with Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji. Moreover, he always thought that what he did was only based on justice, not from Self-interest, and the contradiction between him and the chairman is greater than the gap between him and the prime minister.

Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji also don't know whether they are sick and rushed to the hospital, or they are too optimistic about Xiaxiang. After gathering in the capital, they feel that they are much closer to Xiaxiang. Today's meeting is a little more like a teaming and pulling in.

"The chairman praised Xia very much. When he went back, he told me that I would rely more on Xia to work in Qi Province in the future." Sun Ximin raised his glass and motioned to Xia Xiang. In front of Xi Sisi, he mentioned the meeting between the capital and the chairman, that is, he did not regard Si Si Si as an outsider at all.

Si Si didn't change her clothes. She just washed her face generously, simply rolled her hair, and sat down to accompany her. Her informal dress and casual posture made Xia really confused about the relationship between her and Sun Ximin.

Xia didn't say anything about Sun Ximin's trip to the capital and the meeting between the chairman. He just laughed and didn't answer. He also knew that Sun Ximin just used this to arouse the topic.

Zhou Hongji was very quiet. He only lowered his head to drink tea, as if he was putting on the sidelines, but judging from his listening posture, it is obvious that he also has high expectations for today's meeting, but he is not the protagonist.

Sun Ximin then said, "Qin Kan has just returned from the capital today. According to reliable information, he met the Prime Minister under the introduction of Ye Tiannan..."

In the middle of the words, Sun Ximin looked at Xia Xiang with an expectant face, waiting for Xia Xiang's statement.

Xia didn't want to express his position. He just smiled and nodded, as if he didn't care about the meeting between Qin Kan and the Prime Minister.

Sun Ximin shook his head and smiled, so he had to continue to point: "Last time I was questioned, thanks to Xia Jiewei, the chairman spoke highly of your work after hearing my work report."

Zhou Hongji couldn't pretend to be indifferent and echoed a few words: "That's right, whether it's Governor Sun's affairs or my troubles, it's all thanks to Xia's help a lot. Today, I will express my heartfelt thanks to Xia with Governor Sun."

Xia wanted to wave his hand: "Gun Governor Sun and Zhou are polite. They are all for the stability and unity of Qi Province. What I do is also my duty."

Zhou Hongji and Sun Ximin expressed their gratitude to Xiaxiang in their private capacity. Xia wanted to respond to the attitude of doing business. Zhou Hongji and Sun Ximin looked at each other and exchanged eyes.

"Please come here today. First, we have a chance to sit together. After all, the three of us haven't had a chance to sit together. Second, ask Xia to listen to a story." Sun Ximin saw that the atmosphere was not in place, so he stopped turning around and continued to get to the point.

Si Si became the protagonist, which was indeed beyond Xia's expectation, but Xia just nodded with a smile: "It's just right. Anyway, it's still a holiday today, and it's good to listen to the story."

Xi Sisi is neither afraid of the scene nor does she dominate the audience. Sun Ximin opened her mouth to let her speak, then she smiled gently and gently opened her lips and said, "I also heard a story. I can't get on the stage, but it's rare for Governor Sun and Xia You Yaxing today. I'll say it casually

It's a joke, but it's actually a very serious topic. Not only is it not funny at all, but it's also quite meaningful!

Because the protagonist of Si Si's story is a man and a woman, the man is Qin Kan, and the woman is... Yang Yinhua!

That's right. The story told by Shi Sisi is the story of the ambiguous relationship between Yang Yinhua and Qin Kan, and what office encounters once circulated between Zhou Hongji and Yang Yinhua. Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing-style adultery are roughly the same. The heroine in the story has not changed, and Yang Yinhua is still But the hero was replaced by Qin Kan from Zhou Hongji.

At first, when Xia Xiang heard Xi Sisi mention the improper relationship between Yang Yinhua and Qin Kan, he really listened to a story, but then as Xi Sisi talked in depth, the more vivid it became, and the more interesting it became, which made him immediately realize that Xi Sisi was just pretending to tell the story, in fact, it was He revealed an amazing inside story - there is really an improper relationship between Qin Kan and Yang Yinhua.

Thinking of what is the prerequisite for a woman who was obedient and determined to a man mentioned to him earlier by Yan Xiao, that is, there is a close relationship between this woman and that man. Xia wants to be calm on the surface, and his heart has been ups and downs, because he knows that Yan Xiao talked about Yang Yin. When it comes to the relationship between Hua and Qin Kan, he can only listen to it as a joke, even if he has heard it.

However, at the invitation of Sun Ximin and accompanied by Zhou Hongji, in the name of the party and the mouth of Xi Sisi, when he told him the improper relationship between Yang Yinhua and Qin Kan in person, it showed that Sun Ximin was hinting to him that the opposition was held in Qi Province after learning that Qin Kan met with the Prime Minister. Under the premise that the date is getting closer and closer, it is ready to launch a full-scale counterattack against Qin Kan!

also implicitly revealed to Xia Xiang that he hoped to get the support of Xia Xiang in the overall plan to counterattack Qin Kan.

In the process of telling, Xi Sisi only mentioned the name of Yang Yinhua, did not directly say Qin Kan's name, but only replaced it with a deputy governor, but not to mention Xia, no one in the provincial party committee compound can listen to who the hero is in the story of Sisi, and it has to admit that she does have the talent for It is not only vivid, but also vivid. I can't tell at all that it is deliberately insinuation to Qin Kan. On the contrary, it seems that he is really telling a love story.

After Si Si finished speaking, she simply smiled and said, "I also listened to the story told by a sister. I thought it was interesting, so I said it as a joke. It made Governor Sun and Xia Jian laugh. There are still many folk versions. I said one of the most implicit versions, and I won't mention other versions, so as to save the ears of leaders.

Naturally, the implication is that the matter has spread, and it is very unbearable, which also proves that the counterattack of Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji is more fierce than Xia thought.

With his own way, he also treated his own body. No wonder Zhou Hongji was present. The humiliation he suffered some time ago can now take revenge with one arrow.

Then again, he took the lead in firing at Qin Kan with the issue of women, which could only smear Qin Kan's image and could not cause a fatal blow to Qin Kan. Xia Xiang did not answer, but nodded slightly. He didn't know whether he agreed with Xi Sisi's statement or just nodded and agreed.

Because Xia thought clearly that there is only one introduction for Xi Sisi today, which plays the role of throwing bricks to attract jade. I believe that Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji have more important things to talk about.

Si Si stood up and laughed at herself: "There is such an advantage of opening a restaurant. Even if you can make friends with all directions, you can also hear a lot of true and false rumors. All right, I'll arrange a few special dishes to keep them to satisfy all the leaders.

Xi Sisi turned around and left. The graceful background and Yu Xiang did not make Xia Xiang have any reverie. On the contrary, it was not easy for him to laugh at Xi Sisi secretly. No matter what relationship she had with Sun Ximin, she was perfectly qualified for the role of Sun Ximin as a pawn, which was a good play. Whether it is Sun Ximin's identity or Zhou Hongji's identity, it is not suitable to talk about the relationship between Yang Yinhua and Qin Kan in person.

As soon as Xi Sisi left, the atmosphere at the banquet was silent and strange for a moment. Sun Ximin did not speak, and Zhou Hongji also bowed his head slightly, as if he was waiting for Xiaxiang's statement.

Xia Xiang also had something to say, but he did not mention the story of Xi Sisi just now, but about Cheng Zaishun and threw out another big problem: "Gun Governor Qin just came back from the capital, and I also heard about it. I also heard one thing. Cheng Zaishun also went to the capital, as if he had not returned to

Sun Ximin's calm expression suddenly became stunned, and Zhou Hongji was also puzzled. First, he looked at Sun Ximin, and then his eyes fell back to Xiaxiang.

From the performance of the two, Xiaxiang can conclude that Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji know nothing about Cheng's meeting in Shun and Ya!

The matter is interesting. Although Ya Nei can't represent the chairman himself, after all, he is the son of the chairman, and under the situation that Cheng Zaishun is obviously unfavorable to Sun Ximin and will continue to be unfavorable, the reason and intention of the meeting between Ya and Cheng Zaishun in private is very intri

What's more intriguing is that even Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji are in the dark. Xia wants to guess what kind of mystery is hidden behind Cheng's trip to Shunjing.

After being stunned for a moment, Sun Ximin finally said, "Cheng Zaishun went to the capital. He should have picked up his son Cheng Yiyang."

Zhou Hongji remembered something and added: "Cheng Yiyang and Ya Nei also know each other. They seem to be college classmates. I heard that the relationship is also good."

"So, I can understand why the government will meet Cheng Zaishun in the capital." Xia wanted to smile lightly and said about the meeting between the government and Cheng Zaishun. What he wanted was to lay the foreshadowing, because he knew very well that today's meeting was actually Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji working together to dig a hole for him. Although it was not necessary to bury him, it was definitely to pull him into the water.

It is also impolite to come and go. It is also necessary for Xia to let Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji know that at the same time, we should beware of Cheng Zaisun, and also pay attention to the rear not to drop the chain at the critical moment.

Sun Ximin was shocked. After thinking about it for a while, he said a word that shocked Xia Xiong. As a result, it also officially kicked off the last competition in Qi Province. RO